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The Whole View with Stacy Toth

Latest episodes

Jul 2, 2021 • 1h 21min

Episode 463:  Is There Science Behind Candida Cleanses?

This week, Sarah and Stacy examine the science behind Candida cleanses and shed light on some of the misinformation and claims we see online.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Listener question:I got diagnosed of candida, and my integrative doctor said to cut out honey or maple syrup for two months, knowing those are what I typically would use as a sweetener. When I look up the candida cleanse diet online, apparently fruits high in sugar and caffeinated drinks would be off the table also-not that my doctor recommended me to though.I know Dr. Sarah would say that our body needs the nutrients in fruits too for various reasons, and blackstrap molasses are a superfood.I am aware that even for healthy individuals, sweetener should only be consumed in moderation. However, for a Sjögren’s syndrome warrior now also diagnosed with candida, should I cut out maple, honey, molasses and fruits high in sugar even in moderation? Is AIP okay with candida? Are there any drawbacks of starving the candida with a cleanse to reset my microbiome before resuming on the recommended AIP lifestyle? Alas, life of an autoimmune disease warrior!  - OliviaDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 25, 2021 • 2h 13min

Episode 462: ADHD Update: Natural Approaches and Medication

This week, Sarah and Stacy revisit previous episodes on ADHD and update the science behind natural approaches and medication.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here: listener question this week, rather an important update to episodes #145 and #185Science is an evolutionary process, and things change as we learn and grow. Stacy and Sarah have years of content they want to bring to the forefront as relevant and update any information that might have since changed. Stacy’s son Cole has inactive ADHD (previously called ADD), an attention deficit without the hyperactive traits associated with ADHD. Because of the differences, Stacy’s family manages Cole’s ADHD is very different from how they manage her youngest’s, Westley’s, who has hyperactive traits.Medication is not a failure. However, at the beginning of Stacy’s journey, she operated under the mindset that not medicating is better.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 18, 2021 • 1h 20min

Episode 461: Oats-M-G, Are These Actually Healthy?

This week, Sarah and Stacy revisit the topic of oats and why it’s important to look at foods individually to see how they can fit into a better overall diet. They dive into the science of why oats are often grouped in with wheat and grains as foods to avoid. Lastly, they encourage listeners to gain the confidence needed to experiment with different foods to find what works best for them as individuals.  You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Listener Question:First off, I ADORE you both. I feel like you are my best friends and just don't know it yet :) I want to eat raw heads of lettuce (I've done this for years!) and get angry about poorly conducted research with Sarah, and go lift heavy weights while discussing clean beauty with Stacy. I can't get enough of you guys!So, my question is related to oats. Because my diet has been restrictive for so long while I've tried to heal my digestive system after being diagnosed with celiac three years ago, I have now developed anaphylactic responses to a lot of paleo foods. I was really happy this month when I was successfully able to reintroduce rice and oats, finding them to actually feel calming on my stomach. Because my list of paleo foods that I am reacting to keeps growing longer the more I rely on them, I am finding myself turning to these other foods like legumes, rice, and oats, on a daily basis in order to simply get enough food in. While I seem to tolerate it, it makes me nervous that I may be doing long term damage. I know you have discussed briefly how rice and some beans are actually not bad for the gut, but that was still always with the caveat of them being eaten "occasionally." And I don't think I've heard you discuss oats much at all. Could you perhaps address the effect of GF oats on the microbiome, as well as the overarching effects of a diet that includes a lot of these "non paleo" foods, but in the context of an otherwise veggie and fruit rich diet with only healthy fats, high quality meat and organ meats, and no refined sugars? Thank you! I love you both and am so thankful for all you do! - AnnaDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 11, 2021 • 1h 9min

Episode 460: How to Break the Stress-Flare-Antibiotic Cycle

This week, Sarah and Stacy look at the science behind antibiotics’ impact on the gut microbiome and what we can do to break the Stress-Flare-Antibiotic Cycle as much as possible. Stacy gives insight into actions you can take outside the body, while Sarah dives deep into foods and lifestyle habits that can help from within.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Listener question:First off, my mother and I love your show and have been listening to the show for years. I love how you can tackle complicated topics and boil them down to easy to understand and enjoyable shows. Stacy, your journey with your son through ADHD was such a help for me when my oldest son was diagnosed. It gave me a place to go when I wasn't sure where to go next. Now to the reason I'm writing to you. I have been battling rosacea flares ever since 2010 when I had my first son. Pregnancy seemed to set everything off and I now deal with flares off and on. I know stress is a trigger. My dermatologist's answer is always to put me on antibiotics for months at a time and it's killing my gut health. I had finally gotten my gut health to a pretty good place and hadn't needed to be treated for quite some time and then Covid hit, my mother-in-law moved in, and I started remote schooling 3 extra kids in my home along with my own children. No stress here! My question is, how do I maintain my gut health when I have Rosacea and have to use antibiotics to control the flare? Thank you for all the hard work you ladies put into your shows! -SaraDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 4, 2021 • 1h 32min

Episode 459: Gluten-Free Baking, Our Best Tips and Tricks.

Today, Sarah and Stacy will discuss baking and sharing their tips and recommendations for gluten-free baking.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Rapid fire listener Q&A this week all about gluten-free baking! Heritage Wheat for Gluten-Free Baking? Benefits of Almond Flour? Cassava Flour for Gluten-Free Baking? Gluten-Free Baking on AIP? Sugar on Paleo and AIP? Natural Sugars? Other Sweeteners? Stacy and Sarah are not here to demonize the choices you make and why you make them. They want to empower you to make those decisions for yourself and not be influenced by this idea of being afraid. You can never give up everything in life. It's about making things sustainable for you and giving you the knowledge to make informed health decisions to help you live your life to the fullest.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 27, 2021 • 1h 20min

Episode 458: Collective Trauma and Re-Entry Anxiety

This week, Sarah and Stacy look at the collective trauma and how it relates to re-entry anxiety after the Covid-19 pandemic. They look at trauma, PTSD, and mental health as a whole and discuss what you can do to reduce symptoms and re-adjust to a more “normal” daily life.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Instead of a listener question this week, Dr. Sarah and Stacy tackle a trending topic in health-conscious communities.With the decline of covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, many places around the United States are starting to open again. Stacy has realized this last year was trauma, as much as that might sound like an exaggeration. Trauma is very individual, but we’ve all experienced a collective trauma as a group, and now we’re recovering it as we’re re-entering into the new world. This resonates especially with Stacy due to her experience with the effects of trauma with her foster kids.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 20, 2021 • 1h 7min

Episode 457: The Problem with a Low-FODMAP Diet

This week, Sarah and Stacy revisit the science and examine the problem with a Low-FODMAP Diet. Sarah breaks down the science on what a FODMAP is, how they impact the gut microbiome, and it can cause the problem with a low-FODMAP diet.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Instead of a listener question this week, Dr. Sarah and Stacy tackle a trending topic in health-conscious communities.Sarah and Stacy last covered FODMAPs in detail in  Episode 238. The science on them has definitely evolved, so it's time to revisit what FODMAPs are and why there can be a problem with a low-FODMAP diet!Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 14, 2021 • 1h 39min

Episode 456: Foster Care and Mental Health Awareness

This week, Sarah and Stacy tackle the topic of foster care and mental health awareness and dive deep into myths and misconceptions of families in the system. Stacy discusses her experience as a foster family, sheds like on what it’s like to work with the system, and what you can do to help these kids and their families.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here. It's foster care awareness month, and this topic is something very important to Stacy.She hopes that in talking about foster care, she can dispel some of the system's myths and miseducation. And let listeners know how they might be able to get involved even without becoming an official foster parent. Stacy wants listeners to understand that neither foster nor biological parents with children in foster care don't need to be demonized or stereotyped negatively. The goal of foster care is always reunification first, meaning the idea of having the child return to their biological family. Stacy adds that this doesn't always mean parent, but sometimes caregiver or guardian. Sometimes this is by the parent's choice for what is better for the child.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 7, 2021 • 1h 37min

Episode 455: Covid-19 Vaccines - Real World Data and Updated Vaccine Studies

This week, Stacy and Sarah discuss the data from updated vaccine studies in terms of what we knew in previous episodes. You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.This is the next part in a series of shows where Sarah and Stacy discuss the science behind the Covid-19 vaccines. Sarah and Stacy will be discussing updated vaccine studies from previous episodes. So be sure to check those out before jumping right in:In episode #440, we examined the history of vaccines, the very real statistics on vaccine-induced injury, and the advances that led to mRNA vaccine technology, along with the inherent advantages of this platform.In episode #441 looked at the safety and efficacy data from the phase 2/3 clinical trials for both the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Moderna covid-19 vaccines, including subgroup analysis.In episodes #443 & #444, we answered listener FAQ, including concerns about adverse events including autoimmune disease, fertility, antibody-enhanced infection, the current state of evidence regarding safety concerns for pregnancy and children. We addressed common myths circulating on the internet.And last week, on episode 454, we looked at how adenovirus vaccines work and the safety and efficacy data from the phase 2/3 clinical trials for both the Johnson & Johnson & Janssen and the AstraZeneca/Oxford University vaccines, including a deep dive into immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (what the news is reporting as a rare type of blood clot).All five episodes took a data-driven approach, presenting the science and facts with context, detail, nuance, integrity, compassion, and as objectively as possible. Stacy reminds listeners that she and Sarah are not medical professionals or here to tell anyone what to do. Their only goal is to pass along the science to allow you to make an informed decision that works best for you. This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy covered... Personal Experiences with Covid & Vaccination Updated Vaccine Studies on mRNA Vaccines Pregnancy & Lactation Updated Vaccine Studies for the Second Dose Variants of Concern Coverage by Vaccines Monoclonal Antibodies for COVID-19 Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 30, 2021 • 1h 29min

Episode 454: J&J and AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccines

This week, Stacy and Sarah look at the science behind the most recent J&J and AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines and compare them to the two previous vaccines. They also present as much science-backed information as possible to help listeners make informed decisions for what is right for them.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.This is the next part in a series of shows where Sarah and Stacy discuss the science behind the Covid-19 vaccines.They strive to present you with all the information available to make an informed decision about whether receiving the vaccine is right for you. Sarah plans to go through the show with the assumption that listeners have background/base knowledge about vaccines and how they work. So if you have not yet listened to the previous shows in this series, Sarah highly recommends you do before listening to this episode.Previous Covid-19 ShowsIn episode #440, Sarah and Stacy examined the history of vaccines and the very real statistics on vaccine-induced injury. They also looked at the advances that led to mRNA vaccine technology and the inherent advantages of this platform.In episode #441 explored the safety and efficacy data from the phase 2/3 clinical trials for both the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Moderna covid-19 vaccines.In episodes #443 & #444, Sarah and Stacy answered listener FAQ. This included concerns about adverse events, including autoimmune disease, fertility, and antibody-enhanced infection. They also examined safety concerns for pregnancy and children and addressed common myths circulating on the internet.Stacy and Sarah took a data-driven approach for all four episodes, presenting the science and facts with context, detail, nuance, integrity, compassion, and as objectively as possible.This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy discuss... Fact vs. Opinion on The Whole View Adenovirus Vector Vaccines Different Adenovirus Serotypes Adjuvants in J&J and AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccines What About Adverse Side Effects? Why The Pauses Were Important What About the Blood Clots? Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (ITT) Importance of J&J and AstraZeneca Covid- 19 Vaccines Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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