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The Jordan Harbinger Show

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May 3, 2019 • 1h 9min

194: How to Be the Best Podcast Guest in the West | Feedback Friday

Being a podcast host has its own set of dos and don'ts, but what does it take to be the best podcast guest in the west -- and east and all points in between? What will ensure that you're the podcast guest who gets invited back time and time again rather than thrown onto the booking agent's "do not call" pile? We've recruited our friend Bobbi Rebell of The Financial Grownup Podcast to give us the skinny. And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Jason DeFillippo (@jpdef) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! Full show notes and resources can be found here: On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: Is undergoing cosmetic surgery to correct a physical trait that makes you insecure 24/7 a worthwhile investment or submission to excessive vanity? As a manager, you love your company, salary, and benefits, but your passion isn't developing others to do their best. Without a college degree, what are your options? One parent died from being in a medicine-shunning cult, and the other has a history of being abusive toward you. Should the loss of one automatically mend your issues with the other? Is it reasonable to put your therapy visits on hold during a new job's six-month probationary period for better chance of retention? You're facing prison and losing your job for being pulled over with less than a fifth of a gram of weed in your car (even though you weren't under the influence). How can you find the motivation to move on? You left a part-time job you loved for a full-time job that pays more but doesn't enchant you in the same way. How do you know if you made the right decision? When you're a guest on someone's podcast, how do you ensure they love you and invite you back -- and maybe make you a regular? Our friend Bobbi Rebell of The Financial Grownup Podcast has answers! You're friendly and nice on the inside, but your face and body don't translate that message. How can you come across as less chilly when trying to network? You got a no-strings-attached monetary gift from a kind person in your wind ensemble to repair your instrument, and you have $50 left over. What's the protocol for gracefully returning it? Life Pro Tip: When your power goes out, pop your phone open and search for Wi-Fi in the area. If the list is empty or shorter than usual, then it's not just you that lost power. Another tip is to get a cheap UPS on Amazon to power your cable modem and Wi-Fi router. That way if the power does go out in your neighborhood, you can get online and figure out when the lights are going to come back on or just relax and watch some Netflix...
May 2, 2019 • 1h 15min

193: Mimi Ikonn | What the Life of an Influencer Is Really Like

Mimi Ikonn is a serial entrepreneur best known for Luxy Hair and Intelligent Change, a YouTube influencer with 2.8+ million subscribers, and the author of The Bingo Theory: A Revolutionary Guide to Love, Life, and Relationships. What We Discuss with Mimi Ikonn: How Mimi and her husband Alex keep themselves and their relationship real and grounded under the daily scrutiny of millions of people. Why authentic audience engagement will always count more than any number of likes. The process of building an online business brick by brick. Why dramatically scaling up income often leads to depression. Mimi's QVCA formula: Quality, Value, Consistency, and Attraction. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! One's a comedian, one's a radio/TV host. Together they bring you The SDR Show -- a no-apologies, not politically correct, not for the faint of heart show that somehow blends the classic energy of a morning radio show into the new era of digital entertainment. Listen to The SDR Show here or where your ears enjoy podcasts most! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Apr 30, 2019 • 1h 19min

192: Rick Hanson | The Science of Hardwiring Happiness and Resilience

Rick Hanson (@drrhanson) is a psychologist, Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, co-host of The Being Well Podcast, author of Hardwiring Happiness, and co-author of Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness. What We Discuss with Rick Hanson: While you can't count on others or the world, you can count on your own strengths (and why this is a good thing). Why your brain is like velcro for the bad and teflon for the good and what you can do to mitigate your own negativity bias. The two stages by which you develop mental resources: experience and conversion to lasting change. How you can build resilience by focusing on experiences rather than conditions. How to stay informed about current events without letting the news hijack your emotions. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! Stable, happy leaders are in a position to make better decisions and take smart risks. Entrepreneurs who aren't sure how to pay the rent...not so much. Hear all about it on The $100 MBA Episode 1229: How Paying Yourself First Puts Your Business First here! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Apr 26, 2019 • 1h 10min

191: How To Deal With a Friend Who Dominates Conversations | Feedback Friday

Outing a psycho ex who once violently assaulted you might seem like a mission of personal vindication that you'd like to feel is beneath you. But what if you've recently encountered them working in close proximity with people you care about? Is it your responsibility to out that psycho ex for the sake of public safety? If so, how do you do it safely? We'll discuss this and much more in this episode. And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Jason DeFillippo (@jpdef) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! Full show notes and resources can be found here: On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: Should you tell your uncle that one of his employees tried to strangle you seven years ago because the wife he was hiding found out about your fling? You want to be as open and honest as possible, but you often can't make sense of your own thoughts, let alone explain them to others. How can you better express yourself? Has Los Angeles turned your once-favorite sibling into a monster, or are there other factors at play dictating why you can't get along anymore during family visits? How can you learn to be more understanding and less stubborn? How do you deal with a friend who dominates conversations, lacks self-awareness, and is overly sensitive? Since you often have to travel for work, how do you negotiate with your boss on staying a few extra days for vacation? You make excellent money and live a lavish lifestyle, but your work is unfulfilling and most days are miserable. You can't take time off to “find” yourself, so what can you do? What's the right way to tell your religiously devout family that you are no longer a true believer and won't be getting married in a church? Life Pro Tip: Make a great impression at a brand new job by documenting the whole training process in detail — this is often invaluable to small companies and startups. Recommendation of the Week: Saudi Arabia Uncovered Quick shoutout to Mike Posner's Aide-de-camp, Cameron! Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at! Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger. Connect with Jason on Twitter at @jpdef and Instagram at @JPD, and check out his other show: Grumpy Old Geeks. Sign...
Apr 25, 2019 • 1h 6min

190: Guy Kawasaki | Life Lessons from a Wise Guy

Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) is the chief evangelist of Canva, was once the chief evangelist for Apple, and is the author of many paperbound books -- his latest is Wise Guy: Lessons from a Life. What We Discuss with Guy Kawasaki: How to focus on using the success of others as fuel for motivation rather than poison for envy. How we can embrace the unknown when we're looking at new ideas for our business or career. Why Guy believes it's better to be lucky than smart. What we can and should -- and should not -- emulate from visionary leaders like Steve Jobs. What Guy means when he says the key to career success is to get high and to the right -- even though we're in California, it's not what you might think! And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! Find out how 22-year-old Nick Santonastasso inspires Self-Made Man Mike Dillard by listening to his podcast here! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Apr 23, 2019 • 1h 10min

189: Humble The Poet | 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life

Humble The Poet (@humblethepoet) -- aka Kanwer Singh -- is a rapper, spoken-word artist, poet, and author of Unlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life. "You want to see light at the end of the tunnel? Start digging!" -Humble The Poet What We Discuss with Humble The Poet: How your upbringing can prepare you for success (or failure) later in life. Why being satisfied with less is different from simply giving up on achieving more. How real growth and struggle differ from tacky, self-help fluff. Why, if you don't have a secure self-concept, the media (even if it's just social media) will build it for you. How to build a moat around your psyche so you don't let in mismatched influences. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! The Art of Manliness Podcast is a show that aims to help men become better men; host Brett McKay explores how to live a life of both contemplation and action while having some fun along the way. Do yourself a favor and check out The Art of Manliness Podcast here! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Apr 19, 2019 • 1h 6min

188: How to Get out of Credit Card Debt | Feedback Friday

If you've gotten yourself into credit card debt, it's hard to see a way out. Minimum payments can be as much as rent and won't always whittle down the debt because your interest rates are probably too high. With thanks again to Ramit Sethi (@ramit) of I Will Teach You to Be Rich, we'll show you how get out of credit card debt more easily than you probably think possible. And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Jason DeFillippo (@jpdef) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! Full show notes and resources can be found here: On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: You're in more credit card debt than you'd like. Should you tell your family about it so you don't feel like you're hiding something from them? While we're on the topic of credit card debt, we share some tips from Ramit Sethi for getting that debt under control (Script found here). After surgery, monitoring, and an almost clean bill of health, how can you encourage your spouse that every pain experienced now isn't cancer? How do you deal with blame and taking responsibility after the breakup of a long-term relationship and the fallout of shared property? When visiting another country, we've advised hiring a local to hang out with and guide you around. But where can you find such a guide? How can you find a suitable, non-nuclear solution for you and your long-time partner to travel together, given different work circumstances? Going from employee to entrepreneur in an industry where name equals credibility, how do you keep your name safe if your business fails? So you want to get involved in politics or some other high-profile career? You might want to scrub those old social media posts; here's how. Your timing for knowing when to interject in a conversation could be better. How do you improve it? Life Pro Tip: Keep a $100 bill folded in a side compartment of your wallet in a doggie poop bag. The money is for emergencies. The bag is for protecting your valuables if you're caught out in the rain. Recommendation of the Week: You Vs. Wild Quick shoutout to Melissa! Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at! Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger. Connect with Jason...
Apr 18, 2019 • 1h 18min

187: Hal Elrod | Fulfill Your Goals with The Miracle Equation

Hal Elrod (@HalElrod) has overcome two near-death experiences, is the bestselling author of The Miracle Morning, and his latest book, The Miracle Equation: The Two Decisions That Move Your Biggest Goals from Possible, to Probable, to Inevitable, is out now. What We Discuss with Hal Elrod: How the concepts of unwavering faith and extraordinary effort combine to form The Miracle Equation. Why this equation is a quantifiable, non-woo way of achieving the incredible in spite of borrowing words like "miracle" and "faith." How to move from the emotional pain of resistance to the emotional invincibility of acceptance. Why pursuing one mission dauntlessly is worth more than setting a hundred fuzzy goals. How you can turn off your stress response and what you can do to grow from fleeting happiness to lasting inner peace. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! Listen to Mind Pump Episode 980 to discover the five most important steps you should take to achieve your best body by summer. Find it here! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Apr 16, 2019 • 1h 13min

186: David Smalley | Why You Should Challenge Your Beliefs

David Smalley (@davidcsmalley) is an actor, comedian, and host of the Dogma Debate podcast, in which he -- as an atheist -- regularly discusses religion and politics with preachers, pastors, comedians, and people who hold different world views. What We Discuss with David Smalley: How David Smalley went from spiritual believer to secular atheist. Why regularly challenging your own beliefs helps inoculate you against manipulation by others. The tactics car dealers and clergy use to corral people into compliance. What happens when atheists cling to faulty beliefs with the same fervor once reserved for their disavowed religions. How to debate in a way that might actually change someone's mind rather than angering them to the point of doubling down on their initial position. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! One's a comedian, one's a radio/TV host. Together they bring you The SDR Show -- a no-apologies, not politically correct, not for the faint of heart show that somehow blends the classic energy of a morning radio show into the new era of digital entertainment. Listen to The SDR Show here or where your ears enjoy podcasts most! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Apr 12, 2019 • 1h 17min

185: How to Get Hired Like a Boss | Feedback Friday

Ever wondered how to get hired like a boss? Ramit Sethi (@ramit) of I Will Teach You to Be Rich joins us for this Feedback Friday to illustrate something called The Briefcase Technique, which you can use to powerfully demonstrate value to connections in your network and potential employers. As Ramit says, "The way to stand out is to not just tell people what you would do, but show them." And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Jason DeFillippo (@jpdef) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! Full show notes and resources can be found here: On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: How do you keep your mother from bringing her awful date -- who also happens to be your father -- to your best friend's wedding? You could retire early and enjoy time off, but you don't want to get stuck finding a new job if you get bored in a couple of years. What to do? You have questions and concerns while building a new house. How do you avoid ticking off the contractors to the point of sabotage? How do successful people balance between work they're passionate about, families they adore, and outlets they need to function at an optimal level? The dream job you landed at Harvard would be even dreamier if it paid well enough now to make a dent in your student loans. Should you stay or go? When the real nature of your job doesn't reflect what you thought you signed on for, how do you approach a contract renegotiation gracefully? How do you distinguish yourself from the competition and get hired like a boss or make new network connections stick? Ramit Sethi joins us to illustrate an almost magical tactic called The Briefcase Technique. What are the pros and cons of starting a new relationship when you describe yourself as being in an "awkward" stage in life? Life Pro Tip: Save your money on clothes, but find a fantastic tailor. A well-fitting wardrobe of thrift store finds looks way better in person than most high-end clothing. Recommendation of the Week: The Kindness Diaries (Something to ponder: How long does Leon Logothetis get stuck at gas stations waiting for people he can ask for a few drops in the tank?) A quick shoutout to Mark Serratore, who got a prison pen pal for a college course 10 years ago and still keeps in touch! Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at! Connect...

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