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The DocPreneur Leadership Podcast

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Aug 25, 2020 • 1h 12min

How to WOW Your Patients Through Interior Design

Today our special guest and guest presenter on the topic of "How to WOW Your Patients Through Interior Design" is Mitra Silva, CEO and Founder of Simour Design (   "As a leader in your field, healing is not only your passion, but your purpose," says Silva. "Not only should your medical office and space be beautiful, but it should be healing for you, your patients, and your staff. Our design goes beyond beauty to provide comfort, functionality, and flow while representing your brand story. This is how we create spaces that are truly healing space."   REQUEST THE BONUS, email ""   Prior to founding Simour Interior Design, I spent years working at HLW, an award-winning design company. As a member of their design team, I was involved in design development for Walt Disney®, ESPN®, HBO®, Intuit®, and Equinox®. Since then, I have worked independently on upscale hospitality, commercial and residential projects. But, at my core, I felt like something was not right. The projects were just no longer fulfilling to me. I wanted passion. I wanted to make a difference in the world. That’s when my own experience as a patient led me to focus on design for the healthcare industry. Time after time, I found myself in medical and dental offices that were dreary or poorly lit or in disrepair. Instead of a comforting space, I was often in rooms that made me anxious or uncomfortable. This was how my vision began, as a patient. I believe that the proper design can create a flow that positively influences productivity and heals each person who interacts in that space.   Simour Design is an interior design firm specializing in healthcare interior design. Our designs incorporate beauty and provide comfort, functionality, and flow while representing your brand story. This is how we design medical offices that are truly a healing space. A space that serves as a physical reminder of your life’s purpose, and helps you to create the most profitable, productive, and passionate business possible.   LEARN MORE AT:   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,
Aug 25, 2020 • 3min

Legacy Letter Reminders to Your Patients and What You Should Know

It's been said that 'September is the new January!' It's a time when families, individuals, co-workers and more than likely your Patients set new goals to accomplish before the holiday's and the New Year. We've said quite often over the years that 'Five words from a Doctor ... mean more than fifty words about you.'   And when it comes to our Doctor, we should always lean-in, listen and head their advice. So what if your Doctor sent you a friendly letter, a little reminder saying something like "Hey, if you want to sleep peacefully at night ... check this 'to-do item' off your list. Your loved ones will thank you for it!"   Whether you are single, married, have children or not, everyone should prepare for their future to ensure it remains with your family. Sadly, in our communities across the U.S. right now, more than 6/10 of the people [e.g. your Patients] probably have no clue where important documents are or have drafted updated healthcare POAs, living wills, or written a will at all. As their Doctor and trusted guide in all things healthcare, you can help your patients today, tomorrow and in the next year ... by reminding them to put this on their "to-do list."    I know that if I got a friendly reminder on my Doctor's letterhead wishing me well but also reminding me that I should have these documents updated or drafted and signed, I'd pay attention. We call it around here ... a "Legacy Letter."   And it's as simple as this. If something happened to you tomorrow, how prepared is your loved one or spouse to cope and deal with the financial, banking, estate, insurance policies, etc., in the event of your untimely departure. I know, no one wants to bring up these issues and talk about death. And, if you think that's what you're doing, you're missing the point. You're not doing this for them. You're job is to simply remind them that "Hey, if you want to sleep peacefully at night ... check this 'to-do item' off your list. Your loved ones will thank you for it!"   And research is proving this to be true. Reuters Health said recently that only 37 percent of Americans have advanced directives for end-of-life care if they become seriously ill or unable to make health care decisions, according to a new analysis of recent research. states that While less than 25% of people surveyed have a will, 60% say that they think having a will is important. And while more than half of people recognize the importance of wills, our data shows that fewer people are thinking about estate planning than in 2019. They also cited these stats: The number of older and middle-aged adults with estate planning documents dropped by 20% and 25% since 2019, respectively.   The number of adult Americans that have a will or another type of estate planning document decreased by nearly 25% since 2017.  The idea of a "Legacy Drawer" is not new. However, as a trusted guide, healthcare navigator and local community Physician expert on all things health and wellness related ... if you want to keep your Patients sleeping well at night and prepared for their future, simply reminding them each September or every January might be a good idea!   You might even find that when the Patient/person walks into your exam room at their next appointment ... they'll thank you for the helpful reminder. And that is priceless!   RESOURCES MENTIONED   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,
Aug 13, 2020 • 23min

Fairness in Healthcare -- Uncommon Kindness From Your Doctor and the 8-Hour Visit

Why does this example matter? Well, it matters a lot. It sets the bar for others in the delivery of healthcare REALLY, REALLY high.   In fact, Concierge Medicine's obsession with building close, positive relationships with patients is perhaps its greatest driver of its success over the past twenty five years. Every call, every patient interaction, each smile from a staff member, every text message ... represents an opportunity to “wow” someone.   It's an opportunity to turn a one-time Patient into a loyal, repeat Patient. Ensuring future patient retention and more thoughtful, caring interactions between Physician and Patient. That's the mythical creature every Doctor is looking for. It's the secret sauce that makes your practice unique and why people keep coming back.   You've married the Hippocratic Oath with the Golden Rule and guess what, Patients' responded and said "YES! I've been waiting for you to do this!" It's as we say a lot around here at CMT, "It's no longer about being the best Doctor in the world anymore, it's about being the best Doctor FOR the world, FOR your Patients and FOR your local community."   You've suddenly provided a unique amount of attention towards one Patient that you wish you could do for everyone.   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,
Aug 10, 2020 • 5min

As Schools Reopen, Here Are Ways Doctors Can Help Beyond The Exam Room

As Schools Reopen, Here Are Ways Doctors Can Help Beyond The Exam Room   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,
Aug 4, 2020 • 11min

New Surprise Medical Billing Laws By State Update

Several states have explored ways to protect consumers from these surprise bills. Gov. Kemp Signs Landmark Healthcare Legislation   July 17, 2020 Atlanta, GA –   Governor Brian P. Kemp today signed several pieces of legislation to ensure a safer and healthier Georgia. Among the bills signed at a ceremony at Wellstar Kennestone Hospital were bills to reduce surprise medical billing (HB 888) and address Georgia's maternal mortality rate by enhancing access to quality and timely care for mothers on Medicaid (HB 1114).   "This is a historic step forward for Georgia when it comes to healthcare, and frankly, it couldn't come at a better time - as our state and country face the greatest public health challenge we have seen in the 21st Century," said Governor Kemp.   "When we began 2020, none of us could have predicted that we would face a pandemic and grapple with unprecedented threats to the lives - and livelihoods - of all Georgians."   "We have faced sobering moments together, but today is a bright spot as we continue to streamline bureaucracy, increase access to care, insist on transparency and fairness, improve health outcomes, and put Georgia families first. I am grateful for the hard work of the General Assembly along with our partners in the medical field, frontline heroes, and local leaders to champion these much-needed reforms as we work to build a safer, stronger Georgia."   HB 888 - Reduction of Suprise Medical Billing: HB 888 is a bi-partisan reform that puts patients ahead of the status quo and provides a fair process for billing that medical providers and insurers can agree on.   HB 1114 - Postpartum Medicaid Extension: HB 1114 provides for an additional four months of Medicaid coverage for mothers on Medicaid, bringing total coverage to six months.   Coupled with other investments, HB 1114 will dramatically improve health outcomes for Georgia mothers. During the ceremony at Wellstar, Governor Kemp also signed the following legislation: HB 521, HB 578, HB 789, HB 932, SB 28, and SB 395.   Contact Director of Communications & Chief Deputy Executive Counsel   Candice Broce Contact Press Secretary Cody Hall   RESOURCES MENTIONED   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,
Jul 15, 2020 • 33min

Parenting In A Pandemic and Resources For Doctors and Patients

Today we wrestle with a complex, overwhelming subject and very personal material. Mental Health. More specifically, how can Physicians, Concierge Medicine Doctors and families access the right treatment and the best resources in a complex and emotionally charged field of healthcare?   Our guest and good friend today is Arden O'Connor, CEO of the O'Connor Professional Group ( Arden founded the O’Connor Professional Group to address the needs of families and individuals struggling with an array of behavioral health issues, including addiction, mental health disorders, eating disorders, learning, and other developmental challenges. With several relatives in recovery, Arden is passionate about helping families and individuals navigate the highly fragmented treatment system in a way that creates positive outcomes and allows families to heal.   Arden is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Business School. She remains heavily involved in community activities, as a board member of Winsor School Corporation, Collaboration for Family Flourishing, Massachusetts Association of Mental Health, and Attorneys for Family Held Enterprises. Previously, she served as a board member for the Justice Resource Institute (former chair), Harvard Club of Boston, Victory Programs, C4 Recovery Solutions and Harvard Business School Alumni Association of Boston.   She maintains professional affiliations with the following organizations:   Boston Estate Planning Council and Family Firm Institute. "O’Connor Professional Group is more than a business endeavor for me; it is a mission that I embarked on after my experience accessing resources for a family member in the treatment industry. My youngest brother struggled with addiction for many years, and finding the right treatment program or set of services for him was difficult, confusing, and often overwhelming. It created chaos within our family system and I knew there had to be a better way to manage the process. I founded the O’Connor Professional Group to help families like mine find high-quality resources and develop strong community-based supports, given that transitions often present challenges for individuals with behavioral health issues. With a strong team of experts, vast network of colleagues and continuum of services, we are able to tailor our approach to meet the holistic needs of clients and their support systems."   Resources Mentioned   Office Tel. 617-910-3940 Email: Web:   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,
Jul 10, 2020 • 10min

Doctors Start Mask Education For Parents and Teach Kids Good Habits Before Bad Ones Set In

Teaching good habits now starts with Doctors teaching parents and kids about masks so we don't teach kids to form bad habits when they're around their friends.   I'm a parent and I'm doing this right now with our kids. But, I think Doctors should take the lead and start having these conversations with parents in the exam rooms now, before we all start school. With school announcements coming our way in many counties around the U.S., the safety of our kids is a top priority.   And for parents ... "It's not IF they're going to be asked to wear a mask, it's a matter of when."So, lets teach our kids know the right way to put them on, keep them on, adjust them, and why they're important and part of our lives right now.    I know there are a lot of mixed opinions on this topic. Regardless of your opinion on the topic, that's not what this story or podcast today is about. This is actually about teaching our kids (of all ages) that if/when they are asked to wear a mask ... that they wear it correctly. This education should start with Parents and Doctors. These are important conversations and opportunities Doctors can and should be having right now in the summer months with Patients who are parents and might be bringing their kids with them to your office.   As schools move in various parts of our world towards in-person, classroom teaching ... the question isn't "If they are going to be asked [or in some places, required] to wear a mask ... but when." We should teach them now before they learn from their friends some bad habits. Kids, especially teenagers have not provided great examples of social distancing. As parents we can lovingly encourage them to do the right thing ... but oftentimes, peers set the example despite our best efforts.   We all know that teens and middle school age kids can develop bad habits very quick. So teaching them where to touch a mask, pull it down or up if it happens to slip is important. Doctors can start these conversations. Many already have. Doctors can talk and teach parents the right way to do mask hygiene, mask up and those little things parents can in turn teach their kids. You might also want to be unaware of the fact that for younger kids, elementary age and younger, they're scared of masks.   It's called "Maskophobia". Yes, it's a real thing. This is a normal fear for children according to Roberto Olivardia, from Harvard Medical School. "Children don’t always understand that a person is beneath the mask, so help introduce masks slowly in a comfortable setting."   Teaching our kids (I have 3 by the way) to do this right now during the summer months and before they return to school is important to keep our kids safe, our families healthy and our friends/community safe too. So, regardless of how you feel about the topic, I hope you understand that a Doctor can provide invaluable insight into this topic. They can help teach parents and our kids some great habits now about wearing masks, how to do it, answer and invite those seemingly silly questions and remember ...   "It's not if they're going to wear a mask someday, it's about when they will be asked to wear one ..." that we want to prepare our kids the right way before bad habits set in.   Here are some additional helpful/educational resources FOR DOCTORS and PARENTS to aid in the education and discussion about masks, fear and safety.   HELPFUL RESOURCES   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,
Jun 25, 2020 • 1h 5min

Addressing Mental Health Within Concierge Medicine with Arden O'Connor

Today we wrestle with a complex, overwhelming subject and very personal material. Mental Health. More specifically, how can Physicians, Concierge Medicine Doctors and families access the right treatment and the best resources in a complex and emotionally charged field of healthcare?   Our guest and good friend today is Arden O'Connor, CEO of the O'Connor Professional Group ( Arden founded the O’Connor Professional Group to address the needs of families and individuals struggling with an array of behavioral health issues, including addiction, mental health disorders, eating disorders, learning, and other developmental challenges. With several relatives in recovery, Arden is passionate about helping families and individuals navigate the highly fragmented treatment system in a way that creates positive outcomes and allows families to heal.   Arden is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Business School. She remains heavily involved in community activities, as a board member of Winsor School Corporation, Collaboration for Family Flourishing, Massachusetts Association of Mental Health, and Attorneys for Family Held Enterprises. Previously, she served as a board member for the Justice Resource Institute (former chair), Harvard Club of Boston, Victory Programs, C4 Recovery Solutions and Harvard Business School Alumni Association of Boston.   She maintains professional affiliations with the following organizations: Boston Estate Planning Council and Family Firm Institute.   "O’Connor Professional Group is more than a business endeavor for me; it is a mission that I embarked on after my experience accessing resources for a family member in the treatment industry. My youngest brother struggled with addiction for many years, and finding the right treatment program or set of services for him was difficult, confusing, and often overwhelming. It created chaos within our family system and I knew there had to be a better way to manage the process. I founded the O’Connor Professional Group to help families like mine find high-quality resources and develop strong community-based supports, given that transitions often present challenges for individuals with behavioral health issues. With a strong team of experts, vast network of colleagues and continuum of services, we are able to tailor our approach to meet the holistic needs of clients and their support systems."   Resources Mentioned   Office Tel. 617-910-3940 Email: Web:   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,
Jun 25, 2020 • 46min

A Doctors Mental Health and Managing Anxiety within Patients and Staff During the Pandemic

Today we wrestle with a complex, overwhelming subject and very personal material. Mental Health. More specifically, how can Physicians, Concierge Medicine Doctors and families access the right treatment and the best resources in a complex and emotionally charged field of healthcare?   Our guest and good friend today is Arden O'Connor, CEO of the O'Connor Professional Group ( Arden founded the O’Connor Professional Group to address the needs of families and individuals struggling with an array of behavioral health issues, including addiction, mental health disorders, eating disorders, learning, and other developmental challenges. With several relatives in recovery, Arden is passionate about helping families and individuals navigate the highly fragmented treatment system in a way that creates positive outcomes and allows families to heal.   Arden is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Business School. She remains heavily involved in community activities, as a board member of Winsor School Corporation, Collaboration for Family Flourishing, Massachusetts Association of Mental Health, and Attorneys for Family Held Enterprises. Previously, she served as a board member for the Justice Resource Institute (former chair), Harvard Club of Boston, Victory Programs, C4 Recovery Solutions and Harvard Business School Alumni Association of Boston.   She maintains professional affiliations with the following organizations: Boston Estate Planning Council and Family Firm Institute. "O’Connor Professional Group is more than a business endeavor for me; it is a mission that I embarked on after my experience accessing resources for a family member in the treatment industry. My youngest brother struggled with addiction for many years, and finding the right treatment program or set of services for him was difficult, confusing, and often overwhelming. It created chaos within our family system and I knew there had to be a better way to manage the process. I founded the O’Connor Professional Group to help families like mine find high-quality resources and develop strong community-based supports, given that transitions often present challenges for individuals with behavioral health issues. With a strong team of experts, vast network of colleagues and continuum of services, we are able to tailor our approach to meet the holistic needs of clients and their support systems."   Resources Mentioned   Office Tel. 617-910-3940 Email: Web:   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,
Jun 23, 2020 • 51min

Dr. Laura Gallaher on Make the Doctor Human

"I founded Gallaher Edge when I realized how important it was to me to grow from the inside out, and help others do the same.Gallaher Edge is founded on the values of the Power of Choice, Progress Over Perfection and Uninhibited Teamwork. This company, like me, is a work in progress, something that every day, I accept exactly as it is while never stopping work to progress it further." ~Dr. Laura Gallaher    Dr. Laura Gallaher has worked in the field of professional and personal development since 2005. Laura is an Organizational Psychologist, Speaker, Facilitator, and Executive Coach. She is the founder and CEO of Gallaher Edge, which she started in 2013 and rebranded in 2018.   In today's CMT DocPreneur Leadership Broadcast and Podcast we sit down for Part 1 of our discussion with Dr. Gallaher centered around Building a Great Culture inside a Medical Practice Environment.   In the moments ahead we discuss:   + What does it mean to make the Doctor Human? + How can a Doctor "Just Be"? What would that look like? + What could it look like for a Doctor to be more Self-Aware and Self-Accountable in their communication with Patients?   Her noteworthy career began after the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded upon re-entry in 2003, killing everybody aboard. Following the tragedy, NASA hired Laura and a team of organizational psychologists to change the cultural influences that were deemed to play a role in the accident.   She worked for 8 years to positively influence culture, develop leadership capacity, and improve organizational performance at Kennedy Space Center. Laura was also hired to help manage the change associated with radical changes in the performance management process and philosophy at Walt Disney Parks & Resorts. Laura is an expert teacher, trainer, speaker and consultant, particularly in the concepts of self-awareness, accountability, trust building and team cohesion.   She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and a Masters and PhD in Organizational Psychology. Laura is a Licensed Human Element® Practitioner, a Certified Radical Collaboration Trainer, and a Certified Coach.   RESOURCES MENTIONED   © Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. ("CMT") All rights reserved.   Disclaimers: All content presented here is for general information purposes only. It is NOT intended to provide medical, legal, professional, accounting or financial advice. No warranties or guarantees are assumed or implied and user(s) releases Concierge Medicine Today, LLC, its agents, representatives, affiliated brands/companies and/or guests from all damages, liability and/or claims. Be advised, some references, companies, individuals, products, services, resources and/or links may be out-of-date. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC does not update content past its release date. User(s) assume all risk and liability with any use of the content as well as third party links. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC., has no formal peer review and, therefore, cannot guarantee the validity of information and/or content contained on its web sites, podcasts, and/or all content it produces or releases. While some of our speakers may be licensed Physicians, they are not your Physician. Please consult your Physician related to anything you may have read or heard or have questions about or call 911. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and/or opinions of Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. The "Concierge Medicine Today, LLC" ("CMT") name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service. Additional disclaimers, releases, terms of use and conditions apply also to the production and/or use of this content,

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