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Paul Saladino MD podcast

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Jun 29, 2020 • 1h 53min

55. You have been lied to about cows and the environment, with Robb Wolf and Diana Rogers.

You can pre-order Robb and Diana’s new book, Sacred Cow at    The second edition of The Carnivore Code (new cover and index!) is available for pre-order now! release date is August 4th 2020 in ebook, print, and audiobook formats.    Robb Wolf, a former research biochemist, is the New York Times Best Selling author of The Paleo Solution – The Original Human Diet and Wired to Eat. Robb has functioned as a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, is co-founder of the nutrition and athletic training journal, The Performance Menu, co-owner of NorCal Strength & Conditioning, one of the Men’s Health “top 30 gyms in America”. He has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast, book and seminars. Robb is also co-author of the film’s companion book, Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat, along with Diana Rodgers, releasing in July, 2020. Diana Rodgers, RD, is a “real food” nutritionist and writer living on a working organic farm. She runs a clinical nutrition practice, hosts the Sustainable Dish Podcast, and speaks internationally about human nutrition, sustainability, animal welfare and social justice. She’s written two books and helped to produce the short film, Soft Slaughter, which won a real food media award. Her work has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, Edible Boston and To Market.   Time: 9:55 Start of the Podcast  11:30 What grazing ruminants do for our planet.  25:20 How long have ruminants been walking the earth? 27:38 Is most of our agricultural land suitable to grow plants?  29:25 Graphics from ‘’Sacred Cow’’  31:05 Carbon Sequestration/cattle carbon cycle. 32:25 Are cow burps killing the environment?  43:55 Water evaporation/runoff/water sequestration. 47:10 EPA data on cattle methane emissions/a better agriculture system for the environment.  57:50 Why don’t we hear about the real data of cattle methane emissions? 1:03:55 Life cycle analysis of an animal raised using regenerative agriculture.
Jun 23, 2020 • 1h 58min

54. Why Chicken Could be Harming You and Saturated Fat is a Health Food, with Nina Teicholz

The second edition of The Carnivore Code (new cover and index!) is available for pre-order now! release date is August 4th 2020 in ebook, print, and audiobook formats.  Nina Teicholz is the  Executive Director of The Nutrition Coalition (a group devoted to evidence-based nutrition policy), an investigative science journalist and author. Her international bestseller, The Big Fat Surprise has upended the conventional wisdom on dietary fat–especially saturated fat–and challenged the very core of our nutrition policy   Nina’s contact info: twitter : @bigfatsurprise     Time stamps:    References:,16641,19610113,00.html
Jun 15, 2020 • 2h 30min

53. A carnivore diet for cancer? With Dr. Al Danenberg

The second edition of The Carnivore Code (new cover and index!) is available for pre-order now! release date is August 4th 2020 in ebook, print, and audiobook formats.    “Dr. Al” Danenberg is a periodontist and was in private practice for 44 years. He incorporated ancestral nutrition & lifestyle with his leading-edge laser protocol to treat periodontal disease. In September 2018, he retired from the practice of treating individual patients. However, he still consults with patients by phone, Skype, or Zoom regarding nutrition, lifestyle, oral and overall health, and the importance of a healthy gut. Dr. Al received advanced training in evolutionary nutrition from the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health as well as The Center for Mind-Body Medicine.    In June 2014, he receivedhis Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP) designation as well as hiscertification as a Certified Primal Health Coach. In 2015, Dr. Danenberg was appointed tothe faculty of the College of Integrative Medicine and created the college’s integrativeperiodontal teaching module. Then, in April 2017, he earned the designation of “ADAPTTrained Health Professional” from Kresser Institute. In July 2017, Elektra Press released Dr.Danenberg’s book, “Crazy-Good Living”, which is based on ancestral nutrition and lifestyle.   On April 14, 2020, Dr. Danenberg was appointed the Chair of the Periodontal Committee for the IABDM. He also created the Certification Program for Biological Nutritional Dental Professionals offered by the IABDM. Dr. Danenberg can be contacted from his website –   Time Stamps: 8:04 Start of Podcast 8:29 Al’s Story 25:49 Al’s current diet  32:39 Processed carbohydrates. 33:34 Pitfalls of Western medicine ideology. 39:24 Periodontal health and diet.  48:13 Does everything start in the mouth?  53:46 Plaque and dental health. 56:40 Over Sanitization. 57:54 Is mouthwash good for you?  1:01:04 Oral probiotics.  1:02:54 Ancestral microbiome. 1:05:04 What other than food can damage our microbiome? 1:06:57 Happiness of indigenous people.
Jun 9, 2020 • 2h 14min

52. Cholesterol: Friend or Foe? With the Paleo Cardiologist, Dr. Jack Wolfson

The second edition of The Carnivore Code (new cover and index!) is available for pre-order now! release date is August 4th 2020 in ebook, print, and audiobook formats.    Jack Wolfson is a cardiologist who grew tired and frustrated with the dangerous pills and useless surgeries in mainstream medicine. His interviews on CNN, Fox, and NBC have taught millions about a healthier way to life and his book, The Paleo Cardiologist, is an Amazon best-seller. Dr. Wolfson is focused on finding and eliminating the cause of disease and sickness, without prescription medications or invasive procedures and he enjoys sharing the path to true health.   Dr. Wolfson graduated from the University of Illinois and then spent four years at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, where he earned my Doctor of Osteopathic degree. He then did a three-year internal medicine residency, followed by a three-year cardiology fellowship at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois, where he served as Chief Fellow in his final year. When he moved to Arizona, he became a partner in the largest cardiology practice. Time stamps:   7:35 Start of Podcast 9:00 Jack’s Story. 11:55 Paul relates. 13:25 Problems of classical medical training. 15:05 How much nutrition training did Jack get while training to be a doctor? 18:30 Jack’s perspective on Coronavirus.( 21:54 Studies on Coronavirus 25:15 Vitamin D pill VS real sunlight. 32:05 Holistic Vs. Western medicine. 38:24 COVID-19 and nursing homes. 41:35 Low Cholesterol and COVID. 58:20 Testing for cardiovascular risk.  54:55 Difference between vitamin k1 and k2. 1:06:45 Cholesterol resources. 1:08:52 pharmaceuticals. 1:16:55 Are all pharmaceuticals bsd?  1:27:03 Do pharmaceuticals fix the root cause of illness 1:31:09 Toxicity in our environment. 1:37:29 Tribalism 1:38:09 Negative consequences of pharmaceuticals/statins. 1:45:19 Soil quality
Jun 2, 2020 • 2h 19min

51. Will carbohydrates give me Diabetes? The CGM episode!

The second edition of The Carnivore Code (new cover and index!) is available for pre-order now! release date is August 4th 2020 in ebook, print, and audiobook formats.  In this episode of the podcast I review my recent CGM (continuous glucose monitor data) from 3 weeks of recording with Kara, a dietician from These guys were kind enough to provide me with CGMs for this experiment but this is not a sponsored episode. I strongly believe that getting a CGM from any company will provide you with tons of data you can leverage in the future toward better health. If you want to check out Nutrisense, the company I used, you can find them at and use CarnivoreMD as a promo code for some $ off your CGM direct to consumer (no prescription needed).  Time Stamps:    11:46 Start of the podcast 13:16 What is a CGM? 16:36 Glycemic variability and Coronavirus outcomes.  23:51 You can't out exercise a bad diet  28:19 "Secret killers" 30:06 Risks for metabolic dysfunction  31:30 interpreting glucose monitor readings.  35:36 Hemaglobin A1C  42:09 Glycemic response/post-prandial reactions. 49:46 Insulin requirements. 52:36 Do carbohydrates cause diabetes?  59:01 Glucose level fluctuations. 1:03:06 Demonization of carbohydrates.  1:07:51 Mainstream carbohydrate recommendations.  1:10:06 Paul’s CGM data. 1:19:36 High glucose levels and sleep quality.  1:20:46 Pauls CGM data (continued)  1:34:46 Downside of long term ketogenic diets. 1:43:31 CGM data from other people.  1:53:36 Benefits of honey. 1:57:11 Is Fiber good for you?  2:07:12 Data over dogma. 2:08:56 What Kara's diet is like. 2:10:26 Differences by ethnicity. 2:12:16 Paul's real time CGM data. 2:14:04 The most radical thi
May 26, 2020 • 2h

50. Why a vitamin D pill is not enough to protect you from COVID, with Mark Bell

Check out my bestselling book, The Carnivore Code:   Mark Bell’s feats of strength extend beyond the gym, in pursuit of the American Dream.   Mark is the meathead millionaire who has leveraged a successful powerlifting career into a multi-million dollar business empire. He owns and operates the Super Training Gym, dubbed “The Strongest Gym In The West” and largest free gym in the world, publishes a national fitness magazine, and is host of a Top 50 health and fitness podcast, along with an impressive YouTube following.   Much of Mark’s business success has comes from his patented invention called the Sling Shot, a widely popular weight lifting device, billed as the greatest invention since the weight lifting belt. It is used by athletes and coaches and can be found in gyms and Crossfit boxes throughout the country.     His motto in life is simple: “If you’re not getting better, then you’re getting worse, so never be caught standing still.” Time stamps: 8:41 Start of the Podcast  10:41 Mark on Coronavirus.  15:41 Tribalism  21:06 The evolution of the Carnivore diet. 24:16 Division/deceit in the mainstream media. 30:52 Are we aware of what is being advertised to us? 34:26 Conflicting information on Coronavirus. 36:51 Sweden's Coronavirus data compared to other countries. 48:01 Did we react to the pandemic properly? 51:09 Addressing conspiracy theories. 57:09 Environmental consciousness. 59:41 Questioning the status quo. 1:04:06 Vitamin D and Coronavirus. 1:12:47 Quarantine and lack of sun exposure. 1:21:06 The Possible role of vitamin D in suppressing cytokine storm. 1:24:21 Visible light spectrum.  1:29:51 Does too much sun exposure lead to skin cancer. 1:40:18 Continuous Glucose Monitor and carbohydrates. 1:47:41 The Carnivore Code Cookbook. 1:50:41 Where to find Mark online. 1:51:05 The most radical thing Mark has done recently.   Resources: 
May 19, 2020 • 2h 7min

49. Is a vaccine truly the answer to the coronavirus pandemic? With Dr. Ben Lynch.

Check out my bestselling book, The Carnivore Code:   Benjamin Lynch, ND received his Cell and Molecular Biology, BS from the University of Washington and his ND from Bastyr University. His passion for identifying the cause of disease directed him towards nutrigenomics and methylation dysfunction. Currently, he researches, writes and presents worldwide on the topic of MTHFR and methylation defects. You may learn more about Dr Lynch and his work at Dr Lynch is also the President & CEO of, a company oriented towards disease prevention and health promotion. He lives in Seattle, WA with his wife, Nadia, and three boys, Tasman, Mathew and Theodor.   Time Stamps 9:51 Start of Podcast11:41 Coronavirus vaccine.  16:21 How this became a political issue over a health issue.  19:56 Why conspiracy theories have grown in popularity during this crisis. 21:11 Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures. (government document). 24:26 Evil by Design (book). 26:06 Fear mongering by the media  27:56 Do vaccines work as well on people over the age of 50? 30:16 Microbiome in nose and protection from influenza.  30:56 Are we over sanitizing? Hand sanitizers/soaps and microbial diversity.  38:16 Are lockdowns effective? (Data from Czech Republic, Sweden, Slovenia,Belarus, etc.). 48:17 Are healthy people dying from Coronavirus? How do we define health? 51:07 Woodstock/huge gatherings during a pandemic/obesity levels in 1968.  59:11 oxidative stress, glutathione, and diabetes  1:07:31 Dirty Genes and diabetes. 1:13:51 Arginine steel. 1:16:51 Nutrients in animal foods. 1:18:51 Difficulties of vegan/vegetarian diet. 1:24:27 Glutathione deficiency and Coronavirus. 1:32:41 High homocysteine on carnivore diet. 1:38:01 Glutathione and preventing severe COVID outcomes. 1:45:16 Vitamin D.
May 12, 2020 • 1h 40min

48. How the coronavirus pandemic ends, with Ivor Cummins.

Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI PMP completed a Biochemical Engineering degree in 1990. He has since spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions. His career specialty has been leading large worldwide teams in complex problem-solving activity.  Since 2012 Ivor has been intensively researching the root causes of modern chronic disease. A particular focus has been on cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. He shares his research insights at public speaking engagements around the world, revealing the key nutritional and lifestyle interventions which will deliver excellent health and personal productivity. He has recently presented on heart disease primary root causes at the British Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR). He has also debated Irish Professors of Medicine on stage, at the annual conference of the Irish National Institute of Preventative Cardiology (NIPC).   Ivor’s 2018 book “Eat Rich, Live Long” (co-authored with preventative medicine expert Jeffry Gerber MD, FAAFP), details the conclusions of their shared research:   His public lectures and interviews are available on YouTube, where he has 60,000 subscribers and 5 million views have been recorded to date:      Most of Ivor’s material is readily accessible via his rapidly growing website:   Ivor is currently the Chief Program Officer and for Irish Heart Disease Awareness:   Ivor lives in Dublin, Ireland, with his wife and five children. Time Stamps:    8:08 Start of podcast 9:00 Ivor’s background. 11:36 Mainstream media/pushback for challenging the status quo. 13:23 Ivor’s perspective on Coronavirus. 16:13 Italian data. 19:15 Hospital overwhelm  21:27 Do lockdowns stop the spread of the virus? 25:19 Seasonality of coronaviruses. 26:22 ‘’Theres no empirical evidence for these lockdowns.’’ 27:15 Is the lockdown worth it? (model) 32:18 lockdown measures in Ireland. 36:40 Do lockdowns save lives?
May 5, 2020 • 1h 27min

47. The strongest weapon against COVID-19 is not drugs or a vaccine, it’s diet. With cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, MD

Check out my bestselling book, The Carnivore Code:   Dr Aseem Malhotra is an NHS Consultant Cardiologist, and visiting Professor of Evidence Based Medicine, Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health, Salvador, Brazil. He is a world renowned expert in the prevention, diagnosis and management of heart disease. He is honorary council member to the Metabolic Psychiatry Clinic at Stanford University school of medicine California, and is Cardiology MSc examiner at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. He is a founding member of Action on Sugar and was the lead campaigner highlighting the harm caused by excess sugar consumption in the United Kingdom, particularly its role in type 2 diabetes and obesity.    Time stamps:  10:12 Start of Podcast 10:53 Aseems’s background. 19:27 Demonization of saturated fat. 21:12 Trouble with ‘’burger and fries’’ 23:02 Aseem’s perspective on Coronavirus. 26:52 Metabolic syndrome in minority groups. 28:12 Is diet the most important factor in good metabolic health? 31:19 Big tobacco lied and killed millions of people, how different is big food? 32:42 Is it okay to eat junk food? 34:50 You cannot out exercise a bad diet. 35:32 Covid 19 and the elephant in the room. (25:34- 37:19 Only 1 in 8 americans are metabolically healthy. 41:22 Different ethnicities and metabolic flexibility. 43:32 Junk Food sales. 46:02 How fast can we reverse metabolic syndrome? 50:27 Is agra business driving misleading health information? 52:50 Can we get immunity to Coronavirus? 56:12 False positive test results and not reinfection in Korean Coronavirus patients. 57:17 Poor glucose control and diabetes. 1:00:21 How do we get insulin resistant and how do we correct it? 1:04:12 Vitamin D deficiency and Coronavirus. 1:08:17 How to improve insulin resistance. 1:11:39 Benefits of mediterranean diet. 1:16:47 What Aseem eats for dinner. 1:18:02 Where to find Aseem online. 1:19:52 What is the most radical thing Aseem has done recently.   BluBlox: use the code CarnivoreMD for 15% off your order   Ancestral Supplements
Apr 28, 2020 • 1h 41min

46. Is metabolic dysfunction behind the COVID-19 pandemic? With Dr. Tro Kalayjian

Check out my bestselling book, The Carnivore Code: Dr. Tro is a board-certified Internal Medicine & Obesity Medicine Physician. Dr. Tro received his medical degree from Touro Medical College and completed his Internal Medicine Residency in the Yale New Haven Health System at Greenwich Hospital, serving as Chief Medical Resident during his time there. Dr. Tro's therapeutic focus includes diabetes, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome and PCOS. Dr. Tro's approach begins with intensive lifestyle changes including diet, exercise, improved sleep hygiene, as well as stress management and mental health.   Time stamps: 10:25 Start of podcast 11:05 Tro’s story. 26:10 How Coronavirus shows people will change their behaviors for their health.  27:45 The problem with mainstream health advice. 33:45 Metabolic dysfunction of americans. 34:35 Importance of Satiety. 39:10 Does the type of carbohydrate you eat matter? 40:45 Do some people have a carbohydrate threshold? 47:45 Clearing your liver glycogen and ketosis. 48:59 Tro’s perspective on Coronavirus.  53:45 Paul’s perspective on downsides of social distancing. 56:48 Metabolic dysfunction and Coronavirus.  1:01:20 How Coronavirus exposes how metabolically unhealthy we are. 1:07:30 Should we begin reopening society?  1:11:08 Daily prevalence of mortality (Portugal) 1:13:25 How do we protect the old from Coronavirus?  1:17:35 What type of testing does Tro do with his patients? 1:18:50 Coronavirus antibodies/can you get reinfected after recovering? 1:22:00 estimates of the uninfected rate (Iceland) 1:24:40 Why isn't diabetes not called a pandemic? 1:26:00 Universal Screening for SARS-CoV-2 in Women Admitted for Delivery. (study) 1:30:00 Diabetes and influenza. 1:31:20 Diet apathy. 1:35:45 Where to find Tro online.

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