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Feb 8, 2018 • 57min

129. Success Secrets of a True Legend in Real Estate with Robert G. Allen

Take the next step to becoming an unreasonable and successful person by tuning into this extraordinary episode with Robert G. Allen, one of the great real estate investors of our time. He’s also a #1 New York Times bestselling author who teaches people all over the world. He’ll share his knowledge on wealth building through real estate, describe what traits it takes to be successful, and inspire you to create a fantastic life. Find Out More About Robert Here: on Facebook@BestSellerBob on Twitterbestseller_bob on Instagram In This Episode: [01:46] - We hear about how many books Robert has written so far -- and how many he has left in him! He also talks about which book he’s most proud of, and the lengths he went to in order to get his first book published. [06:38] - Stephan got started in his first business while in grad school for biochemistry, which wasn’t at all related to the business. We hear how he got his initial funding. [09:36] - Whenever you see a great success story, you’ll usually see some form of a challenge or someone doing something out of the ordinary behind the scenes. This is part of what Robert calls the success cycle. [13:14] - Declaring a “done” rather than setting a goal is one of the traits of happy, successful people, Robert explains. [14:31] - We learn about Robert’s book The Challenge and its powerful premise. [17:59] - Robert describes one of his favorite students (and now business partner) who lives in Japan and was homeless when he discovered Robert’s books. [20:08] - One thing that Stephan tells attendees at his presentations is that they should learn the material he’s teaching with the intention of teaching others. [22:09] - Robert talks about how he chose the three people featured in his book The Challenge, from the 60 who showed up and wanted to get involved. The key, he explains, lies in refusing to accept rejection. [24:59] - Robert’s book One Minute Millionaire tells the story of a woman who loses her husband, her two small children, and her job. [27:14] - In two weeks, Robert will be holding challenges in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and in Japan. He describes how these challenges will be run. [30:51] - Something else that’s essential for an entrepreneur is the willingness to put everything on the line, Stephan points out, using the example of Elon Musk. [34:59] - The problem, Robert points out, is that you’re living life forward but revealing it backward. [36:46] - Gary Vaynerchuk always talks about hustling, and Stephan talks about what the term means to him. He then shares an example of what he means, which is how he got into his second Tony Robbins event. [39:29] - Robert’s favorite Tony Robbins story took place in 1986, when Robert was republishing one of his books. He describes his encounter with Tony and mentions the impact it had on his life. [45:00] - Robert had the idea for a book about how to make money, but didn’t feel like the best candidate after going through a bankruptcy. He uses a personal example to point out that successful people encourage you, while failures tell you that you’re an idiot. [45:12] - Stephan returns to the concept of a rejection test and describes the honesty test, which is something that he uses in his own hiring process. [48:03] - What was the secret to buying seven properties in 57 hours without having down payments, as Robert describes in his book Nothing Down? [52:41] - Robert explains how someone can become a millionaire in a minute, as he describes in his book One Minute Millionaire. [55:57] - Where can listeners go to find out more about Robert and learn more of what he has to teach? Links and Resources: @OfficialRobertGAllen on Facebook @BestSellerBob on Twitter bestseller_bob on Instagram Creating Wealth Nothing Down Multiple Streams of Income One Minute Millionaire Multiple Streams of Internet Income Cash in a Flash The Four Maps of Happy Successful People Elon Musk Aaron Ross on Marketing Speak StrengthsFinder The Challenge by Robert Allen Gary Vaynerchuk Tony Robbins  
Feb 1, 2018 • 1h 16min

128. Finding a Higher Level Consciousness Through Extreme Biohacking and Spirituality, Part 2 of 2 with Luke Storey

Today, Luke Storey generously joins me for a third time to talk about lots of great new topics that we didn’t get to cover in his first two episodes. We’ll spend quite a bit of time digging into the fascinating strengths of personality assessments, and why you (and just about everyone in your life) should take them. We also cover imposter syndrome, disempowering beliefs, sleep hacks, kinds of light, health gadgets, and so much more! This Week’s Guest: If you’re a faithful Optimized Geek listener, you’ve probably already heard my recent conversation with Luke Storey. Luke, who hosts the Life Stylist Podcast, was already a recurring guest on the show. He originally joined me to talk about fashion in one of my very  first episodes. In our more recent conversation, we discussed extreme biohacking, spirituality, and how this combination can lead to a higher level of consciousness. Today, Luke generously joins me for a third time to talk about lots of great new topics that we didn’t cover in his first two episodes. We’ll spend quite a bit of time digging into the fascinating strengths of personality assessments, and why you (and just about everyone in your life) should take them. We also cover imposter syndrome, disempowering beliefs, sleep hacks, kinds of light, health gadgets, and so much more! Find Out More About Luke Here: Luke Storey @MrLukeStorey on Twitter Luke Storey on Instagram Luke Storey on YouTube @MrLukeStorey on Facebook Luke Storey on LinkedIn In This Episode: [02:44] - Stephan asks about something that Luke touched on in the previous episode: that he had a sordid past. Luke and Stephan then discuss disempowering beliefs, and Luke explains some of how his mind works. [07:07] - Luke jokes about needing friends like Stephan, who is willing to call him out and challenge him. He and Stephan talk about different kinds of memory. [11:39] - We learn about StrengthsFinder, which Luke and Stephan have both mentioned already in this conversation. [14:47] - Luke tells us what his top five strengths are according to StrengthsFinder, and goes into more detail about what some of them mean. [18:50] - Luke’s fifth top strength is being a relater, which is in alignment with what he does professionally. He also talks about the potential benefits of understanding other people’s top five strengths. [22:38] - Stephan suggests that listeners buy the StrengthsFinder 2.0 book to get the StrengthsFinder code and then go take the test. [27:02] - For Stephan, Luke’s mention of getting people in the right seat on the bus reminds him of the book Good to Great by Jim Collins. He and Luke then talk about another kind of assessment. [32:18] - Luke was recently in New York City; he shares a story about something that happened to him there. [34:28] - How did Stephan learn to catch people’s unproductive words about themselves? [38:32] - Luke flips the interview around by asking Stephan what have been the most meaningful tactical things he has applied when learning to observe one’s speech and thoughts? [41:00] - We learn that Luke has an affirmation on the mirror that he reads to himself every morning. [44:13] - Stephan returns to the topic of the DiSC Profile to wrap up that part of the conversation. [46:44] - Luke found the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks to be very useful in his journey. [49:04] - What are some of Luke’s favorite sleep hacks? In his answer, he discusses temperature, light, and noise. [53:31] - Luke discusses how he tracks whether he’s sleeping well. [57:14] - We learn that Luke doesn’t take sleep supplements now, but used to make what he called “knockout punch.” He also talks in depth about different kinds of light. [65:52] - Stephan recommends a couple other episodes that listeners should check out. [66:54] - Luke talks about f.lux as opposed to Iris. The consensus, he says, is that f.lux doesn’t do enough and Iris is superior. [71:11] - Stephan offers a couple closing resources to listeners, with suggestions for earlier Optimized Geek episodes to listen to. Links and Resources: Luke Storey @MrLukeStorey on Twitter Luke Storey on Instagram Luke Storey on YouTube @MrLukeStorey on Facebook Luke Storey on LinkedIn Luke Storey on the Optimized Geek (Part 1 of 2) Luke Storey on the Optimized Geek (fashion episode) Life Stylist Podcast Byron Katie Tony Robbins StrengthsFinder Neil Strauss Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath Good to Great by Jim Collins DiSC Profile Kolbe Assessment 10x Talk podcast Kathy Kolbe on 10x Talk Unleash the Power Within Date with Destiny Zig Ziglar Un-Limit Yourself: A Powerful Process for Shedding Those Pesky Limiting Beliefs by Stephan Spencer (article about the Dickens Process) Elissa Fisher Harris on the Optimized Geek The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks BedJet Oura ring Sleep Cycle app NeuroOn AmpCoil Clearlight sauna Iris Ra Optics glasses Chris Keane on the Optimized Geek Dave Asprey on the Optimized Geek f.lux Dr. Michael Breus on the Optimized Geek
Jan 25, 2018 • 1h 2min

127. Your Ticket to TV Appearances, Speaking, and Making a 7-Figure Income with Clint Arthur

Would you like to be on TV? If you’re ready to become a celebrity, the next step is to start booking those all-important TV appearances. This is something I learned a few years ago and that I’ve found to have powerful results. Today’s guest, Clint Arthur, is here to talk about how to get on TV and how to make a sizeable income from speaking. He’s the #1 bestselling author of books including What They Teach You at the Wharton Business School and Speaking Game: 7-Figure Speaker Secrets Revealed. Find Out More About Clint Here: Clint Arthur @clintarthur on Twitter Clint Arthur on LinkedIn Celebrity LaunchPad Clint Arthur on YouTube Clint Arthur on Facebook In This Episode: [02:18] - Between Clint’s appearance on Marketing Speak and today, Stephan has done 13 different TV appearances. [03:15] - Clint talks about celebrity status, what it means, and why someone (specifically a geek) would want that. He also discusses his own celebrity status and what this means to him. [07:11] - We learn the difference between a celebrity and everyone else who’s out there marketing themselves on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and so on. [08:04] - Stephan clarifies that it’s not good enough to just be an authority in your space. Clint then points out that television has the perception of being the highest-status media. [11:12] - How does Stephan feel that appearing on TV has impacted him on a personal level and changed him? [12:44] - Clint discusses how all of this applies to listeners who may think that this doesn’t apply to them because they’ll never be on TV. [15:09] - We hear about a powerful and transformation experience that Chris had with a shaman telling him that he’s already dead. [16:43] - Clint talks about the importance of mentors, and explains the path that led him from his first mentor to booking TV appearances. [19:49] - Stephan digs deeper into Clint’s guarantee of money back plus $1,000 for people who don’t get at least three TV appearances after his Celebrity LaunchPad. So far, he hasn’t needed to pay that out to anybody. [21:55] - Clint points out that his program is Celebrity LaunchPad, meaning it’s the beginning of your journey as a celebrity. [23:01] - No matter how big an introvert you are, you still have to talk about people. Clint makes this point while talking about speaking and how to become a better speaker. [26:12] - Clint has put together a list of five things you should never say if you want to make more money, and one of five things you should always say if you want to make more money. He launches into these tricks. [29:06] - What Clint has been saying reminds Stephan of how many times J.K. Rowling got rejected before the Harry Potter series found a publisher. [29:20] - The third thing you should never say is “I would’ve/should’ve/could’ve.” Clint then describes why it’s so important not to offer discounts. [34:24] - Bartering is terrible and Clint has only had horrible results from it. [35:18] - Clint discusses talking about these five things you should never say on TV shows. He then launches into the five things you should always say if you want to make more money. [38:47] - Stephan recommends an earlier episode of the Optimized Geek with Ross Jeffries. [39:30] - Another second thing you should always say is “give me the money!” Clint digs into this and other tips, and talks about his butter company. [44:44] - Clint talks about the fourth thing you should always say if you want to make money, which involves how to deal with people who want discounts. Stephan then expands on the larger idea of not compromising your values. [47:16] - The fifth thing you should always say if you want to make more money is that you’re very grateful to have the career that you have. [48:55] - Stephan brings up a roleplay scenario in which Clint is pitching to a TV producer to see how the conversation might go. [52:40] - Clint describes what a proposal should be, and mentions his library of over 300 successful proposals. He and Stephan then discuss some tips for how to propose successfully and keep the attention of producers. [54:40] - Stephan shares a personal experience that he had with cold calling. [57:44] - Every TV appearance that you do is a marketing video that you can use on your website to give your customers and prospects an opportunity to see you stand out from your competition. [59:41] - Clint shares a parting word of wisdom, recommending his book Speaking Game. Links and Resources: Clint Arthur @clintarthur on Twitter Clint Arthur on LinkedIn Celebrity LaunchPad Clint Arthur on YouTube Clint Arthur on Facebook Clint Arthur on Marketing Speak What They Teach You at the Wharton Business School Speaking Game: 7-Figure Speaker Secrets Revealed Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki CreateSpace Jack Canfield How J.K. Rowling Turned Rejection Into Success Ross Jeffries on the Optimized Geek Caitlyn Jenner George Ross Five Star Butter Robert Allen on Marketing Speak 3 New Years Resolutions You Should Never Make  
Jan 18, 2018 • 1h

126. Finding a Higher Level Consciousness Through Extreme Biohacking and Spirituality, Part 1 of 2 with Luke Storey

Luke Storey joins me in an episode that is a fascinating combination of biohacking and spirituality. We’ll talk about both extreme higher-level consciousness topics as well as extreme self-experimentation. Because we are fundamentally unable to access ultimate truth, we shouldn’t think of our beliefs as true or false. Rather, we should view our beliefs as either empowering or disempowering. Choosing empowering beliefs leads to an empowered life! This is one of my favorite episodes, and I think it’ll be one of your favorites too! Find Out More About Luke Here: Luke Storey @MrLukeStorey on Twitter Luke Storey on Instagram Luke Storey on YouTube @MrLukeStorey on Facebook Luke Storey on LinkedIn In This Episode: [02:23] - Luke talks about how he and Stephan met, which was by being part of Neil Strauss’ mastermind The Society. Stephan then talks about how he got involved in the group. [07:14] - The weekend at the intensive Luke has been talking about was the catalyst to Luke living what he believes is his true purpose. [11:09] - We hear about Luke’s shift away from fashion, which he did for 17 years. In hindsight, he can’t believe he didn’t quit much sooner. [15:08] - Stephan talks about the importance of getting the right wardrobe and understanding basic fashion principles, using himself as an example of a transformation. [16:33] - Luke isn’t quite sure how to categorize himself or what to call himself, since he works in the health, wellness, and biohacking space but is more deeply invested in the inner work of spiritual growth and learning spiritual principles. [20:16] - Luke still does some consulting in terms of personal style. [22:32] - We learn that Stephan had a moment of realization at a Tony Robbins event when he participated in the fire walk. [25:52] - Luke responds to the way Stephan has been framing a particular concept. He likes the idea of keeping most of one’s attention in the stillness and present moment, while staying a little bit grounded. [27:59] - Stephan recommends setting aside the desire to seek the Truth, and instead focusing on what is empowering (rather than disempowering). He and Luke then talk about the benefit of going for what yields results. [31:04] - Luke discusses the polarization of the world and our culture. He also points out the importance of being able to admit it and adjust when you’ve been wrong about something. [34:41] - Stephan responds to Luke’s points with a quote from Dan Sullivan. [36:00] - Recently, Luke listened to Jack Canfield on Oprah’s podcast. He shares his thoughts on Jack Canfield, including his brief thought of wondering why Jack still works so hard when he must be very financially well-off. [39:36] - After having talked about recycling, Luke points out that he feels guilty about not having a good system for recycling used electronics and batteries. [40:44] - Stephan shares a story that Tony Robbins tells about deciding who was going to pay for a meal. [43:08] - Luke doesn’t know a lot about Kabbalah, but was very struck by the book Becoming Like God by Michael Berg. [46:29] - For the last part of the episode, we move onto the topic of biohacking. Luke digs into the topic of EMFs and offers advice on how to minimize your exposure. [51:48] - Stephan started taking EMFs seriously at the recent Bulletproof Conference after he saw how dedicated Dr. Mercola is to avoiding them. [52:48] - Luke shares more of his thoughts on EMFs, including that in this age you’ll inevitably be exposed to some of them. He also describes more habits he’s changed to minimize his exposure. [58:54] - Where can people find Luke if they want to work with him? Links and Resources: Luke Storey @MrLukeStorey on Twitter Luke Storey on Instagram Luke Storey on YouTube @MrLukeStorey on Facebook Luke Storey on LinkedIn Life Stylist Podcast Luke Storey on the Optimized Geek Neil Strauss The Society Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins Urban Escape and Evasion Intensive Bulletproof Coffee Daniel Vitalis Jack Kruse Kabbalah Twelve-step programs Dan Sullivan Jack Canfield on Oprah’s podcast Becoming Like God by Michael Berg The Kabbalah Centre Los Angeles EMFs Bulletproof Conference Dr. Mercola  
Jan 11, 2018 • 55min

125. Reinvent Your Life with Adam Markel

Adam Markel is a bestselling author, international speaker, entrepreneur, and transformational trainer who understands the value of changing your life. Being a workaholic used to be a badge of honor. Now, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that working 80, 90, or even more hours a week is a problem, not a point of pride. If you’re going through that, or still feel like the path to success is being the first one into the office and the last one out, it’s time that you make a pivot in your life. Find Out More About Adam Here: Adam Markel Adam Markel on Facebook @adammarkel on Twitter Adam Markel on LinkedIn   In This Episode: [01:37] - Adam starts things off by talking about his recent book Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life and explaining what inspired him to write it. [05:41] - Even before the book, Adam had a calling to reach a larger audience. How did he end up speaking to thousands of people on stages? [09:07] - We hear the story of a low point of Adam’s life, when he asked his wife to drive him to the hospital. He then explains how this was his starting point on his current road. [13:03] - Adam talks about what he did after getting out of the hospital. [15:22] - Before going into the hospital, had Adam taken personal development courses or read personal development books? [16:01] - What did Adam start doing differently after he left the hospital and felt he had a new lease on life? [19:11] - Adam discusses whether he got a handle on his workaholism as he started his new venture and got it up and running. [20:51] - How much of Adam’s time does he spend on the road? [24:22] - Stephan mentions telepresence robots and how they can function, then points out that Tony Robbins is doing some holographic speaking these days. [26:15] - Adam goes into more detail about his PIVOT Incubator program. [30:57] - If you’ve had a wakeup call and gone through a catalyst for change, and want to go through a system for managing that change, what are the steps in the process? In his response, Adam relates the process to a line of dominos. [37:26] - In the second half of the process, Adam starts with baby steps and small things that you can take action on. [40:44] - Stephan tells the story of Airbnb’s humble beginnings, relating it to the process Adam has been talking about. Adam then explains that Airbnb’s first night was the birth of what he calls a pivot. [42:54] - Adam talks more about unbelieving and what it means to him. He and Stephan then discuss empowering and disempowering beliefs. [46:13] - Adam reveals that there’s a particular process that he uses in the “letting go” section of his system. [50:10] - Can listeners be involved in the community Adam has been talking about even if they aren’t part of the PIVOT Incubator? [52:33] - Does Adam ever take on private clients?   Links and Resources: Adam Markel Adam Markel on Facebook @adammarkel on Twitter Adam Markel on LinkedIn Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck Zoom Telepresence robotsTony Robbins PIVOT Incubator Airbnb Byron Katie on the Optimized Geek
Jan 4, 2018 • 55min

124. Getting Clear About Your Calling with Jeffrey Van Dyk

Today's guest, Jeffrey Van Dyk, is both an insightful expert in personal development and a powerful, inspiring speaker. We discuss wounding childhood experiences, which are fundamentally confusing and lead to us blame ourselves. As a result, we feel unworthy, unlovable, inferior, and unwanted. If you’re ready to overcome that battle and step into your life’s legacy, this is the episode for you! Find Out More About Jeffrey Here: Jeffrey Van Dyk on LinkedIn @jeffreyvandyk on Twitter In This Episode: [01:29] - Jeffrey mentions the series of breakthroughs that it has taken for him to reach where he is today. [04:06] - We hear more about what Jeffrey means about working from the inside out. He also reveals that he was at battle with himself when he began in the personal development field. [06:57] - How, exactly, does the active imagination journaling that Jeffrey has been talking about work? [12:17] - Jeffrey digs into the topic of feeling unworthy, which can lead people to self-sabotage or fall into a sense of worthlessness. He also discusses wounding experiences and why they lead to us blaming ourselves. [17:43] - Stephan steps in to clarify: your whole life is driven by and patterned around childhood wounds, such as the specific example that Jeffrey mentioned. Jeffrey then points out why siblings with similar experiences may have different responses. [20:34] - In the first half of life, we seek to get confirmation of our own value externally. The spiritual journey, though, reveals that you’ll never get that externally and need to find it within yourself. [21:27] - What’s the opposite of a wound-driven operating system? [23:28] - Stephan relates what Jeffrey has been saying to his own study of Kabbalah. [26:28] - Jeffrey responds to Stephan’s description of Kabbalistic steps. He then offers an image involving finding treasure on a beach to describe his viewpoint. [29:32] - Jeffrey uses a tool called somatic presencing with his clients. He describes how this works and walks us through its steps. [34:17] - Step Four of Jeffrey’s process reminds Stephan of something he learned from monks in India, as he describes here. [34:53] - Jeffrey shares a story of his own related to the concept Stephan mentioned of letting the tiger devour you. [40:14] - Stephan points out that the things you’re pushing away and avoiding can reveal the path forward. [41:52] - We learn about Jeffrey’s event Called to Lead. Stephan then describes what about being on TV feels so different from being on stage. [45:42] - Jeffrey asks Stephan a question about what, specifically, his fear about being on live TV involves. [48:17] - The part of what Jeffrey has been saying that resonates most with Stephan is the part about failure. He explains why this is the case. [52:15] - Where can people find out more about Jeffrey or get in touch with him? Links and Resources: Jeffrey Van Dyk on LinkedIn @jeffreyvandyk on Twitter Carl Jung Active imagination Kabbalah Taki Moore Called to Lead Elissa Fisher Harris on the Optimized Geek  
Dec 28, 2017 • 59min

123. Optimize Cellular Nutrition for Vitality and Longevity with Wade Lightheart

Wade Lightheart joins me today to talk about vibrant, powerful, tremendous health. After all, health is wealth, right? You’re probably aware that exercise and diet are two important components of health. You might not realize, however, just how important diet is (and not just in terms of how many calories you eat). If you’re ready to truly learn what it means to feel AWESOME, tune in now! Find Out More About Wade Here: Wade Lightheart BiOptimizers @wadelightheart on Twitter Wade Lightheart on LinkedIn Wade Lightheart on Facebook In This Episode: [02:00] - Wade shares the backstory to the life-changing event that happened to him in 2003. When he was 15, he explains, three very distinct things occurred in his life. [04:10] - Wade moves on to talking about the 2003 incident itself. In the 11 weeks after a bodybuilding contest, he gained 42 pounds of fat and water. His doctor explained to him that he had been building his body from the outside in, not the inside out. [07:33] - Stephan steps in to clarify what Wade means about being healthy from the outside in. Wade then points out that it’s not just about what you eat, but also what you digest. [10:13] - Wade talks about two challenges that people are facing in today’s world in terms of diet and nutrition. [11:45] - What would be the first step in making sure that your digestive process is working properly? As he answers, Wade walks listeners through how the digestive system works. [19:52] - Would the process for correcting what you’re doing wrong involve testing your microbiome to see how off it is, and then testing it periodically? [21:26] - Wade has never met anyone who is experiencing truly tremendous, vital health who isn’t taking probiotics. [22:38] - We hear more about how to select a good probiotic among the wide variety now available on the market. Wade talks about the two basic styles of probiotics and explains their differences. [27:41] - Wade returns to the topic of how to find a good probiotic, revealing that he isn’t a fan of refrigerated probiotics. [28:48] - If you’re taking a probiotic on a regular basis, should you also eat fermented foods? [31:08] - Wade talks about which kind of kombucha is his favorite out of the many varieties that he’s tried. [32:58] - Does Wade recommend getting regular colonics? He shares the story of a woman he heard of who had a Barbie slipper sitting in her intestines for over 40 years. [36:14] - Wade usually does a long water fast twice a year, and a one-day water fast once or so a week. He then offers some advice to people who may be interested in beginning to try fasting. [40:24] - Stephan mentions the film Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, which involved a 30-day green juice fast. Wade shares his experience with trying a similar fast. [42:10] - Where does Wade stand on colonoscopies? [44:39] - For listeners who may not be familiar with them, Wade explains the differences between alkaline and acidic diets. [47:06] - Besides what we’ve been talking about, what goes into Wade’s regimen for awesome health? He explains that AWESOME is an acronym for Air, Water, Exercise, Sunlight, Optimizers, Mental beliefs and attitudes, and Education, testing, and coaching. [51:56] - Wade talks about the importance of coaching and offers a free program to Optimized Geek listeners. You can get that course at this link! [53:31] - Stephan asks Wade for a lesser-known example within the Optimizers category, and lists a couple of his own. Wade then mentions several recommendations. [55:59] - What kind of magnesium would Wade recommend? [57:30] - Wade offers information on how interested listeners can reach out to him directly. Links and Resources: Wade Lightheart BiOptimizers @wadelightheart on Twitter Wade Lightheart on LinkedIn Wade Lightheart on Facebook Staying Alive in a Toxic World by Wade T. Lightheart Slow Food movement Intermittent fasting Microbiome What is a colonic? Tony Robbins Life Mastery Udo Erasmus on the Optimized Geek Fat Sick and Nearly Dead Flora Sambu 5 Day Cleansing Kit The Enzyme Factor by Hiromi Shinya The Microbe Factor by Hiromi Shinya Alkaline diets AWESOME Health Course Charles Poliquin Jaiya on the Optimized Geek The Braverman Personality Type Assessment  
Dec 21, 2017 • 1h 2min

122. How to Hack Your Brain with Chris Keane

My guest today, Chris Keane, talks about 40 Years of Zen, which helps people reach an advanced Zen state in just five days. You can gain enlightenment and clarity, and train your brain to function in remarkable ways through this program. Chris is also an expert in issues surrounding blue light, and was instrumental in creating TrueDark technology as part of Biohacked’s mission to stop junk light. Tune in to learn how to get better sleep and hack your brain for increased performance! Find Out More About Chris Here: Chris Keane on LinkedIn 40 Years of Zen Biohacked In This Episode: [02:37] - Chris talks about 40 Years of Zen, which helps people accomplish in five days what a monk could do in 40 years. [05:40] - What is different about the brain of a monk who has meditated on a mountaintop for 40 years, or someone with a super high-performing brain, compared to the rest of us? [08:30] - Chris describes the experience of going into one of their neurofeedback pods for the first time. [09:44] - On a practical level, what’s the result for someone who has gone through the five-day 40 Years of Zen process? [12:52] - Chris talks about flow states, then explores his background in motorcycle racing and how that led to the work he does now. [14:47] - Did Chris ever get hurt during his time doing motorcycle racing? [16:12] - We hear more about what happens across the five days of Chris’ 40 Days of Zen program. [18:38] - Chris has just mentioned having one moment that was the most magnificent moment of Chris’ life by far; what was that moment? He shares this powerful experience, and talks about the impact it has had on his life. [25:15] - We hear more about how Chris’ magnificent moment changed his life, specifically his work relationships. [26:11] - Stephan shares his own history with macro flow states and experiencing different realms of consciousness. [28:53] - Does the 40 Years of Zen program carry over into the rest of your life, even months or years after going through the program? [30:06] - Chris talks about sensory deprivation experiences and whether he thinks people tend to get value out of them. [33:16] - Stephan talks about his powerful experience in a float tank at Just Float in Pasadena, CA. [36:10] - One of the things that Chris has been looking at is using sensory deprivation tanks coupled with neurofeedback to boost ability to do neural programming. [37:19] - Chris has already talked about alpha-wave flow states; are there also flow states in other kinds of brain waves? [40:56] - Chris describes the difference between training for a delta state and lucid dreaming. [41:35] - What is a specific example of a powerful breakthrough that came out of theta brainwave training for Chris? [43:13] - Chris uses two types of EEG monitoring during the 40 Years of Zen program. [45:12] - We hear about Chris’ experience with a SPECT scan. [46:39] - Does Chris have any resources he wants to recommend to listeners in the area of neurofeedback, brain training, etc.? [48:57] - We dive into the TrueDark side of things, with Chris going over the science behind the product. [53:13] - Screens aren’t the only things that emit blue light, Chris explains. The light that comes out of a bright white LED light is all blue, for example. [54:16] - Chris offers listeners a generous gift: 10% off the TrueDark glasses. To take advantage of this offer, go to! [55:02] - How did Chris and Dave Asprey decide to form a business together? [56:57] - Chris explains how the TrueDark glasses work in terms of treating and reducing jet lag. [59:18] - Using a smartphone in bed without taking steps to minimize the blue light is basically causing brain damage, Chris says. [60:22] - Where can interested listeners go through the 40 Years of Zen process, or find the TrueDark glasses? Links and Resources: Chris Keane on LinkedIn 40 Years of Zen Biohacked TrueDark technology Bulletproof Conference Dave Asprey on the Optimized Geek Steven Kotler The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler Dr. Harry Adelson on the Optimized Geek Oneness University Float tank Fred Gallo on the Optimized Geek Tapping Just Float in Pasadena, CA Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership Dr. Daniel Amen on the Optimized Geek SPECT scan Blue light Prestige TrueDark Daywalker f.lux (for 10% off TrueDark products) HumanCharger  
Dec 14, 2017 • 56min

121. From Stuck to Successful with Kate Beeders

Every single one of us has at least one story that we tell ourselves about money. These stories can have a significant influence on how we handle money throughout our lives and can even hold us back from achieving financial success. Kate Beeders is here to talk about fixing negative money stories by writing new ones instead. She’ll talk about how to break through financial glass ceilings in this conversation. Find Out More About Kate Here: Kate Beeders Kate Beeders on Facebook Kate Beeders on LinkedIn @KateBeeders on Twitter In This Episode: [02:07] - Kate explains her concept of breaking through your own financial glass ceiling. She then discusses how she sets herself up for success and creates powerful intentions. [05:48] - Stephan, like Kate, is a big fan of tapping. [06:43] - Kate elaborates what she meant about power statements and positive focus. She ties this into the work that she does with her clients. [10:27] -In terms of teaching sales conversations, what does Kate teach people? Does she provide insights into how to negotiate and how to show up powerfully, for example? [12:36] - Kate provides an example of an internal objection that she personally had to overcome. [15:51] - How does Kate fix the struggle within her clients that she has just been describing? [18:20] - Kate talks about the factor that made the biggest difference for a client of hers who had been struggling. Stephan then talks about the quality of energy within money. [21:20] - Another thing that comes into play is the money stories that people have picked up as kids. Kate gives a specific example of what she means by this and explains how she helped her client cross the six-figure barrier. [24:56] - How does Kate unearth these buried money stories? After answering, Kate talks about techniques she uses to help clients make the shift away from these limiting stories. [27:49] - Kate herself works with several coaches at a time to help her work through her own money issues. [30:15] - How much does Kate charge for her mentoring services? [31:52] - Kate explains what she believes is the difference between a retreat and a mastermind. [33:48] - We move on to talking about Kate’s speaking. She discusses how she got started and whether she was immediately great at it or had to practice over time. [38:31] - Stephan digs deeper into the concept of being an ambivert, which is someone who falls somewhere in between being introverted and extroverted. [39:51] - How does the ambivert concept serve Kate? She answers, then Stephan talks about how considering himself an ambivert may be helpful for him as he goes forward. [42:46] - How often does Kate speak, and how many of the events she speaks at are hers versus someone else’s? [45:21] - Stephan and Kate talk about the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. [48:42] - Speaking at a big event is a huge amount of work, Kate explains. She then talks about what feels most right for her, which is working with people intimately. [50:35] - Kate talks about the VIP days that she offers, and reveals the price: $12,000. [52:18] - What was the highest amount that Kate has ever paid for a VIP day? [53:31] - Kate offers her recommended resources for listeners who don’t have the budget available for a VIP day but might be able to afford a book or program. [55:03] - How can listeners work with Kate or attend one of her events? She recommends emailing her team at Links and Resources: Kate Beeders Kate Beeders on Facebook Kate Beeders on LinkedIn @KateBeeders on Twitter Money Acceleration System Brilliance Builders JVX Rich German on the Optimized Geek Traffic & Conversion Summit Tapping Fred Gallo on the Optimized Geek Marcus Sheridan on the Optimized Geek Daniel Pink Ambivert The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Endurance: A Year in Space by Scott Kelly  
Dec 7, 2017 • 45min

120. Get Inspired to Solve Impossible Problems with Mick Ebeling

My guest today, Mick Ebeling is the founder of the aptly named Not Impossible, an award-winning social innovation lab and production company that believes that nothing is impossible. His passion lies in technology for the sake of humanity and changing the world for the better. Tune into this episode and I promise that you, too, will be inspired and feel empowered to do the seemingly impossible. Find Out More About Mick Here: Mick EbelingNot Mick Ebeling on LinkedIn@MickEbeling on Twitternotimpossible on Instagram@notimpossiblelabs on Facebook In This Episode: [01:49] - Mick talks about how his motto of “help one to help many” unfolds for him, and describes the purpose of Not Impossible. [03:18] - We learn how Mick got started helping Tempt One by creating the EyeWriter. [07:21] - Stephan responds to what Mick has been saying by talking about the importance of making a commitment, even if you haven’t yet figured out exactly how you’re going to reach that goal. [08:59] - What inspired Mick to open-source the technology for the EyeWriter? [10:27] - Mick shares another success story from Not Impossible, this time involving a young boy who had lost both of his arms in a bombing in Sudan. [14:04] - We hear about Mick’s concept of “beautiful, limitless naivete.” Stephan then talks about his experience on a board of a nonprofit that builds schools in Zambia. [15:50] - How many people is Project Daniel outfitting with prosthetic arms? [17:25] - Mick talks about another recent project, which is helping deaf people hear through skin sensations. He also discusses how he got started working on this particular topic. [20:28] - Mick explains what the maker movement is. [23:26] - Does Mick have any plans to take Build Not Impossible and its curriculum to other schools and areas? [25:01] - If your kid shows an interest in maker-related topics, there are lots of ways to support her or him, Mick explains. [26:21] - Another project that Mick is currently working on is Hunger: Not Impossible. He discusses how the program is designed to help people find local solutions to hunger. [29:03] - Mick funds these projects by working with brands, which come on board to sponsor the projects. [29:59] - Don’s Voice, another of Mick’s projects, allowed a paralyzed man to move his eyes to communicate with his family. [31:52] - The technology for Don’s Voice is also open-source despite being a little more complicated than the EyeWriter. [33:30] - Mick doesn’t have any degrees or diplomas, he explains, pointing out that being driven to do something is more important than degrees. Stephan then talks about the importance of desire, and the ability each of us has to make a big impact in the world. [37:39] - Mick sees Not Impossible as a movement, and is passionate about reminding people that they can do amazing things. [39:51] - We hear more about technology for the sake of humanity, which underpins a lot of what Mick does. [42:23] - How could someone reach out if they want to learn more, help his organization, or get in touch? Links and Resources: Mick Ebeling Not Impossible Mick Ebeling on LinkedIn @MickEbeling on Twitter notimpossible on Instagram @notimpossiblelabs on Facebook Interactive Q&A With Mick Ebeling Look Inside: Mick Ebeling Not Impossible: The Art and Joy of Doing What Couldn’t Be Done by Mick Ebeling Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award Tempt One EyeWriter TED Talk: EyeWriter Getting Up: The Tempt One Story Trailer Aaron Ross on Marketing Speak From Impossible to Inevitable by Aaron Ross Christine Peterson on the Optimized Geek TED Talk: Project Daniel Mandy Harvey on America’s Got Talent Deaf singer ‘hears’ music with help from ‘Not Impossible’ tech-hackers Erik Weihenmayer Maker Faire Leap Foundation Makerspaces Not Impossible Labs Presents: Don’s Voice Abraham Hicks Kabbalah  

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