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Apr 19, 2018 • 57min

139. The Art of Social Engineering with Jordan Harbinger

The key to ethically influencing people is to leave everything (and everyone) better than you found it. Make sure that you aren’t rationalizing the things that you want if they aren’t actually good for the other people involved. Today’s guest is an expert on influencing people. In fact, his ability to talk his way into (and out of) just about any situation saved his life after he traveled through war zones and was kidnapped twice. Jordan is fascinated by influence and he has interviewed world-famous people at the top of their fields to discover their untapped wisdom. Find Out More About Jordan Here: Jordan Harbinger Jordan Harbinger on Twitter Jordan Harbinger on LinkedIn Jordan Harbinger on Facebook The Jordan Harbinger Show In This Episode: [03:01] - Jordan starts things off by talking about his background in social engineering and social influence. [06:54] - We hear the story of what happened once Jordan decided, as a teenager, that he would find a real criminal for the police. [10:03] - What was the next step for Jordan after these exploits? [14:01] - Jordan talks about how social engineering came into play in the activities he has been talking about. [19:59] - Stephan and Jordan talk about Stuxnet, which infiltrated the Iran nuclear facilities with malware. [21:25] - Jordan discusses applying social influence and social engineering to marketing, specifically to online marketing. [25:45] - We hear an example of Jordan applying his skills at persuasion in a sales and marketing context that has a good result for him, but is also ethical because it’s good for the other people involved. [28:12] - We move onto The Jordan Harbinger Show, with Jordan discussing some of the challenges involved in starting over. [30:10] - What is Jordan doing to migrate fans of the Art of Charm podcast over to his new show? [34:28] - Jordan talks about some of the amazing things that someone has done on his behalf after starting his new show. He and Stephan then talk about why people at the bottom and top tend to be helpful, while those in the middle are often jaded and less interested in helping others out. [39:56] - In business, you often see a lot of cases where someone who seems popular among their audience is less popular among their peers for lots of little reasons. [42:59] - Stephan talks about Jay Abraham’s concept of preeminence. He then shares a story about the benefits of doing things without the expectation of getting anything in return. [45:19] - If you’re playing the game right, you will win both short-term and long-term, Jordan points out. [46:24] - Who has been Jordan’s biggest guest since starting the new show? [48:12] - We hear about some of the guests who Jordan is planning or hoping to have on his show in the future. [51:22] - Jordan shares a piece of advice that he wants to make sure listeners understand. [54:58] - How can people get in touch with Jordan to work with him or learn more about what he does? Links and Resources: Jordan Harbinger Jordan Harbinger on Twitter Jordan Harbinger on LinkedIn Jordan Harbinger on Facebook The Jordan Harbinger Show Art of Charm Stuxnet Zig Ziglar Dale Carnegie Jay Abraham on Marketing Speak Byron Katie on the Optimized Geek Simon Sinek on The Jordan Harbinger Show Gretchen Rubin on The Jordan Harbinger Show The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin Jocko Willink on The Jordan Harbinger Show Dan Heath on The Jordan Harbinger Show Bill Browder on The Jordan Harbinger Show Neil Strauss  
Apr 12, 2018 • 58min

138. Tapping into Creativity and Flow with Barnet Bain

Today, Barnet Bain is here to help you unleash your own inner creativity in every aspect of your life. Barnet is the author of The Book of Doing And Being: Rediscovering Creativity in Life, Love, and Work, and an award-winning filmmaker who has directed Milton’s Secret and worked as a producer of What Dreams May Come. You’ll learn all about focusing on desire, expectation, imagination, and much more in an episode that’s all about tapping into your creativity and achieving a flow state. Find Out More About Barnet Here: Barnet Bain Barnet Bain on Facebook @BarnetBain on Twitter In This Episode: [01:29] - How can you spark creativity in your work and in your life? In his answer, Barnet points out that creativity isn’t simply the domain of a privileged few who are born special. [05:27] - When someone believes that they aren’t creative, the amount of creative energy required to create that construct is enormous, Barnet explains. [09:44] - Stephan brings up a specific example of a project that he’s working on and wants to amp up desire for. Barnet then responds with a discussion of the tendency of creativity to build and expand upon itself. [12:06] - We hear a clarification about why Stephan isn’t as excited about the membership site and courses he’s discussing as the coaching and consulting that he generally does. [14:22] - Barnet and Stephan discuss the specifics of Stephan’s audience, and how he would tailor his delivery to his audience. [17:49] - If you’re teaching to dead air, you’re teaching to the past, Barnet points out. In other words, you’re talking to a version of yourself that you’re conjuring up from the past. [20:45] - Stephan is reminded of a conversation with Dan Sullivan. [21:57] - Barnet digs into what makes an entrepreneur creative, which involves having a certain level of accomplishment. [26:40] - Barnet points out the different relationship with the past and the present between what he has just been describing and where we started talking. [29:17] - Stephan takes a moment to recap what Barnet has been saying and making sure all the nuances are clear. Barnet then discusses how various parts of the brain work. [35:40] - Allowing yourself to have compassion for yourself allows you to have it for others too, Barnet explains. [36:37] - Barnet shares his thoughts on affirmations, and how to make them more than just placating words. [40:52] - What Barnet has been saying reminds Stephan of his conversation with Kristen Ulmer and her book The Art of Fear. [43:14] - Focusing on what we don’t want is like ordering the worst thing on the menu, Barnet explains. [48:42] - Stephan shares a powerful distinction that he learned recently about praying for your wishes and desires. [53:18] - Which comes first: desire or fulfillment? Barnet and Stephan discuss the fact that you can’t experience desire without having fulfillment first. [55:50] - Stephan recommends that listeners go to Barnet Bain’s website and take his Creativity Quotient quiz. Links and Resources: Barnet Bain Barnet Bain on Facebook @BarnetBain on Twitter The Book of Doing And Being: Rediscovering Creativity in Life, Love, and Work Milton’s Secret What Dreams May Come Dan Sullivan Kristen Ulmer on the Optimized Geek The Art of Fear by Kristen Ulmer  
Apr 5, 2018 • 53min

137. Kicking Your Sugar Habit with JJ Virgin

In this episode, you’ll learn more about our problematic addiction to sugar (as well as what you can do about it) with celebrity nutrition expert JJ Virgin. JJ is the person who people go to when they’re ready to finally lose weight and transform their health and lives. Tune in to learn how to drop sugar, change your life, and feel better than you ever imagined! I can personally attest to how much difference it makes when you (mostly) quit sugar, so I can’t recommend this episode highly enough. Find Out More About JJ Here: JJ VirginJJ Virgin StoreJJ Virgin on FacebookJJ Virgin on InstagramJJ Virgin on Twitter In This Episode: [02:39] - What, exactly, is wrong with sugar? [04:15] - JJ talks about the problem with all-natural sugars such as honey. [06:19] - We learn what happens when we eat a candy bar or drink a soda. As she answers, JJ shares her surprise that candy bars are still available for sale. [08:56] - JJ talks about why fructose is the worst of all. [12:07] - JJ takes a moment to rant about the WIC program for underprivileged children in schools, which provides apple juice. [13:17] - Do artificial sweeteners also increase your risk of diabetes and the other diseases that JJ has been talking about? [15:30] - Which are the worst, and the least-toxic, of the artificial sweeteners? JJ points out that they’re all bad, and recommends some natural options instead. [16:56] - Exposure equals preference, JJ points out. [18:16] - The first step in getting off the hamster wheel and getting off your addiction to sugar is wanting to do so, JJ explains, then offers more advice on getting off of sugar. [22:01] - JJ talks about eating cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruit, and other fruits typically considered healthy. [23:15] - Stephan mentions something that was helpful for him when he got off of sugar, which was going cold turkey. [25:46] - What’s the process for going from being a sugar burner to being a fat burner? [28:51] - Stephan points out how much of eating and snacking is based in habit rather than hunger. [30:34] - Is there such a thing as healthy snacking, and what kind of healthy snacks would JJ recommend? [32:52] - JJ talks about whether she recommends people take food sensitivity tests. [37:11] - Is there a particular gut microbiome test that JJ recommends? [39:39] - JJ shares her thoughts on kombucha, a supposedly healthy drink that has sugar in it. [41:00] - What sorts of genetics tests does JJ recommend? [43:19] - We learn about the problems with drinking water from plastic containers. [47:15] - JJ discusses what to do with the specific information on body composition that you can get from a smart scale. [49:05] - JJ offers some of her tips for taking care of yourself while traveling. [50:29] - Does JJ believe in water fasts, or detoxing by taking food completely out of the diet every so often? Links and Resources: JJ Virgin JJ Virgin Store JJ Virgin on Facebook JJ Virgin on Instagram JJ Virgin on Twitter The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin The Virgin Diet Cookbook by JJ Virgin JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet by JJ Virgin JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook by JJ Virgin WIC program Immuno Labs Jeffrey Zavik on the Optimized Geek Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory (DSL) 23andMe Simplified Genetics Kurt Johnson on the Optimized Geek PathwayFit Lissa Rankin’s TEDx talk  
Mar 29, 2018 • 57min

136. How to Speak Powerfully with Tamsen Webster

Tamsen Webster, an acclaimed keynote speaker, idea whisperer, and change strategist, is here today. Tamsen brings 20 years of marketing experience and 13 years as a Weight Watchers leader together to create a new public speaking concept. Her revolutionary “red thread” may be exactly what you need to take your speaking to the next level. So if you’re ready to become a better communicator and speaker, especially when presenting to groups, you’re in the right place! Find Out More About Tamsen Here: @tamadear on Twitter @TamsenWebster on Facebook Find the Red Thread on YouTube In This Episode: [02:38] - What would be a good initial story or case example that Tamsen wants to share about taking speaking (or your life) to another level? [06:00] - Tamsen came to a mantra: “check your dignity at the door.” She explains what this means to her. [07:31] - We learn how Tamsen starting her own business changed the role of speaking in her job. [11:24] - Tamsen would never suggest not rehearsing, she explains, but rehearsal takes many forms. [15:42] - Stephan thinks that personal stories are critically important because they humanize you for your audience, he explains. [16:52] - Does Tamsen show people a “before” picture from when she was 50 pounds overweight? [20:04] - There are two approaches to sharing your big signature story, Stephan points out. He then talks about a stem cell therapy procedure that he and his wife, Orion, did together. [24:07] - Some of us are wired in different ways, Tamsen explains, and ties this concept to the idea of serving a greater purpose. [29:12] - When Tamsen is working with her clients, she’s incorporating things that she has learned that works, without squashing their personal style. [30:07] - Let’s talk about Tamsen’s concept of the red thread! She explains what the red thread is, and how she came up with it. She then goes into depth about how it works, why it works, and why you would want to use it. [38:20] - Tamsen realized that if she could get people to answer her set of questions, she could accomplish several things simultaneously. [40:07] - Stephan recaps what Tamsen has said about the red thread, including the five parts that it includes. [42:23] - Tamsen responds to what Stephan has been saying, pointing out one of the reasons that we’re often unsuccessful in getting our ideas across. [46:25] - Stephan takes a moment to rave about Tamsen’s skill in unfolding a story and connecting the dots. [46:46] - Tamsen explains the origins of the name “the red thread” that she uses to describe her concept. [47:59] - For Stephan, the catalyst for all the changes he made in his life was when he completed a fire walk. [52:16] - We hear Stephan’s thoughts about what Tamsen has just been saying about the moment of shift. [53:16] - There are still other people out there fighting the monsters we’ve already figured out how to slay, Tamsen points out. [55:27] - How can listeners work with Tamsen, and where should they go to find her? Links and Resources: @tamadear on Twitter @TamsenWebster on Facebook Find the Red Thread on YouTube Tamsen Webster on Marketing Speak Blake Snyder Dr. Harry Adelson on the Optimized Geek Bulletproof Conference Dave Asprey on the Optimized Geek Orion Talmay Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within  
Mar 22, 2018 • 1h 5min

135. Tap into the Power of Reconnective Healing with Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer

This is such a special episode that I have two guests instead of just one! Dr. Eric Pearl is a pioneer in the field of energy healing, and the author of The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself. The book has become an international bestseller and is now available in 40 languages. Jillian Fleer is Dr. Pearl’s co-instructor for their various programs. Together, they’ll explain how reconnective healing works, why it doesn’t require training or rules, and how much it’s backed by science. Find Out More About Eric and Jillian Here: The Reconnection Dr. Eric Pearl - The Reconnection on Facebook The Reconnection on Instagram @TheReconnection on Twitter About Dr. Eric Pearl About Jillian Fleer Jillian Kalish Fleer on Facebook In This Episode: [02:00] - What is reconnective healing all about, and how does it work? [03:58] - Eric explains what it looks like when someone is getting healed through reconnective healing. [05:38] - Jillian steps in to explain reconnective healing from her perspective, and how the reconnective healing frequencies are distinguishable from what we call “energy” as we know it.” [07:58] - We hear in more depth about the differences between reconnective healing and energy that Jillian just mentioned. [11:41] - What would Eric tell someone who’s skeptical about this kind of healing and is closed off to the possibility? [13:21] - Stephan responds to Eric’s answer about how to reach someone who is skeptical, sharing his own perspective on the topic. [14:10] - Jillian explains why they don’t need to worry about “smiley faces or frowny faces,” as Stephan has just put it. [16:37] - The divine is not a belief, but an experience, Stephan explains. [18:33] - Jillian loves the way Stephan has just explained receiving reconnective healing. [20:12] - With reconnective healing, people get very involved in “how do I do it?”, Eric points out. But there are no how-tos, no steps, no procedures, and no techniques. [22:26] - Eric compares and contrasts other kinds of healing with reconnective healing, explaining where it fits in the spectrum. [25:16] - A lot of it has to do with not directing it, Jillian says, then clarifies what she means by this. [26:44] - If there’s no technique, how does one know they’re going to a good practitioner who can actually deliver results? [30:57] - Some of us may take on our health challenges for the learning and evolution of those close to us, Eric explains. Jillian then points out that there’s a system of oneness that “just is” in reconnective healing. [34:30] - Jillian mentions their course, Reconnective Healing Online Essentials. She and Stephan then take a moment to rave about Thinkific. [35:41] - Eric talks about the book Science Confirms Reconnective Healing by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov. He then talks about the scientific support for reconnective healing. [37:06] - Stephan interrupts for a moment to recommend listening to the episode with Jacob Liberman if you’re interested in light. [38:31] - We hear about how Stephan got a better experience of his own theta brain waves. [40:30] - Eric shares his take on different types of brain waves, and what they mean for healing. [44:29] - Eric lists some of the places and dates where he and Jillian will be teaching throughout this year. [45:17] - We hear more about some of the benefits of taking the online program that Eric and Jillian have previously mentioned. [47:44] - Stephan shares a story of blessing someone who he hadn’t thought about or been in contact with for years. [49:22] - Jillian takes a moment to talk about Eric’s book. [52:26] - We’re perfect the way we are, Jillian says. She then shares a story about the tie between reconnective healing and believing that you are enough. [55:05] - With reconnective healing, once you learn to facilitate it, you find that your most recent healings are always the most exciting ones. [56:57] - Jillian discusses the definition of “healing.” Eric then offers the example of a hypothetical child or adult with cerebral palsy. [62:23] - Where can listeners take the next step to learn more or work with Eric and Jillian? Links and Resources: The Reconnection Dr. Eric Pearl - The Reconnection on Facebook The Reconnection on Instagram @TheReconnection on Twitter About Dr. Eric Pearl About Jillian Fleer Jillian Kalish Fleer on Facebook Conscious Life Expo Donny Epstein’s Transformational Gate Robert Allen on the Optimized Geek Adam Siddiq on the Optimized Geek Dr. Harry Adelson on the Optimized Geek Reconnective Healing Online Essentials Thinkific Jacob Liberman on the Optimized Geek 40 Years of Zen Chris Keane on the Optimized Geek Dr. Joe Dispenza Oneness University Marianne Williamson  
Mar 15, 2018 • 46min

134. The Spiritual Underpinnings of Financial Success with Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Rabbi Daniel Lapin is here to talk about the fascinating connection between spirituality and financial abundance. These things may not immediately seem connected, but as you'll hear, they’re intimately related. If you want to have financial abundance, the trick isn’t to want money itself. You need to create an environment in which you enter into mutually beneficial situations. Rabbi Lapin will share his deep and powerful insight into how matters of the spirit relate to finances, and offer solid advice for how to achieve financial fulfillment. Find Out More About Daniel Here: Rabbi Daniel Lapin Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Facebook @DanielLapin on Twitter In This Episode: [01:55] - Daniel talks about the intersection of finance and spirituality, because people tend to treat them as completely separate. He also discusses the disproportionate success with money amongst Jewish people as opposed to other groups. [05:06] - Daniel clarifies what he means by “physical” and “spiritual” so we can all be on the same page regarding those terms. [07:18] - What is money? Daniel digs into this question and the importance of establishing the nature of money. [12:05] - Stephan is reminded of a previous episode with Yehuda Ashkenazi in which they talked about money as energy. [12:45] - Daniel likes being very specific and tangible when it comes to money, he explains. [14:33] - What would Daniel say to people who tell themselves unhelpful stories about money? In his answer, he talks about the necessity of trust in the relationship of transactions. [20:32] - We hear Daniel’s thoughts on people in the pursuit of money seeing money as win-lose instead of win-win. [22:57] - The Hebrew word for prayer is a reflexive verb, Daniel explains. [24:21] - How would Daniel define prosperity? In his answer, he points out that wealth and poverty are terms that make sense for animals, but not for human beings, because they’re relative terms. [29:05] - We hear Daniel’s thoughts on the differentiation between tithing and giving to the homeless. [30:56] - Daniel shares a question that someone asked him about the most beneficial way of distributing money. [33:14] - Where does the 10% number for tithing come from? [34:40] - We learn about Daniel’s ten commandments for making money in a sustainable way that benefits others. [40:33] - Stephan asks one last question: why does Daniel say that one should never retire? The answer involves forming a genuine relationship with the people you have financial transactions with. [43:42] - Daniel lists some of the places where listeners can learn more from (or about) him. Links and Resources: Rabbi Daniel Lapin Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Facebook @DanielLapin on Twitter American Alliance of Jews and Christians America’s Real War Thou Shall Prosper Business Secrets From the Bible Ancient Jewish Wisdom Yehuda Ashkenazi on the Optimized Geek Keith Cunningham Jay Abraham Prosperity Power: Connect for Succe$$  
Mar 8, 2018 • 1h 1min

133. Dancing With Your Fears with Kristen Ulmer

In this transformational conversation with Kristen Ulmer, you’ll learn how to dance with your fears. You’ll learn how to talk to your feelings of fear in a way that honors yourself instead of rejecting part of yourself. Kristen is a true expert on fear. She was recognized as the best female big mountain extreme skier in the world for twelve years and was voted the most fearless woman athlete in North America. As you’ll learn, though, she isn’t fearless. Instead, she knows how to appreciate fear in a healthy, productive way. Find Out More About Kristen Here: Kristenulmer.comKristen Ulmer on FacebookKristen Ulmer on Instagram In This Episode: [02:17] - What was Kristen’s impetus to write about fear? She answers, then addresses how she balances fear and flow. [06:18] - Kristen addresses the question of what unraveled for her after ten years of ignoring fear. [10:33] - “Whatever you won’t look at is the key to freedom,” Kristen explains as she discusses what she did after having her revelation about fear. [11:54] - What’s the process for repairing your relationship with fear? In her answer, she lists four distinctly different ways that people deal with fear. [16:14] - Kristen discusses what she would say to someone who argues that lots of what we fear will never come to pass, so fear is a waste of energy. [18:53] - We hear more about the significance of Kristen’s analogy of fear being locked away in the basement. [21:15] - Whatever fear feels, you feel, Kristen points out. Whatever you feel toward fear, you also feel toward yourself. [24:14] - Kristen gives an example of how she tries to talk to fear now, instead of telling it that she hates it and wants it gone. [25:58] - Stephan takes a moment to share his experience with tapping and how it allowed him to do things that he had previously felt too much fear about. [28:00] - Tapping is great and successful for getting you through a difficult moment, Kristen explains. She then offers a healthier alternative that doesn’t suppress fear or push it off to deal with later. [33:28] - Stephan shares his reactions to the tool or strategy that Kristen has just suggested, comparing it to the concept of letting the tiger devour you. [35:44] - Our language is important in how we look at fear, Kristen explains. [38:48] - Is Susan Jeffers’ message about “feel the fear and do it anyway” is in conflict with what Kristen is saying, or is it part of the same message? [39:50] - Kristen explains why it’s important to feel your fear instead of think about your fear, or even think about feeling your fear. [44:29] - Most people who come across as fearless, or who are doing big things in their lives, are blocking out their fear. Kristen reiterates that this only works for about ten years. [47:03] - Kristen points out that fear lies behind many different shadow voices, such as guilt, unworthiness, and shame. [49:19] - What are some exercises that Kristen would recommend to help people stay meta-aware when it comes to fear? [52:03] - Fear isn’t what holds you back; it’s your resistance to fear, or your unwillingness to feel it, that holds you back. Stephan then shares his own experience with the power of words. [55:09] - In response to Stephan’s story about his stem cell procedure, Kristen shares the only experience with doing the procedure without anesthesia. [58:53] - How can listeners learn more about Kristen or work with her directly? Links and Resources: Kristen Ulmer on Facebook Kristen Ulmer on Instagram The Art of Fear by Kristen Ulmer Ravé Mehta on the Optimized Geek Tony Robbins Tapping Oneness University The Tools by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers Dr. Harry Adelson on the Optimized Geek  
Mar 1, 2018 • 1h 9min

132. Hacking Your EMF Exposure for Improved Health and Longevity with Brian Hoyer

Today, Brian Hoyer joins me for an in-depth discussion on EMFs and their health effects. He uses EMF shielding as a primary tool in his wellness practice, and has toured the country doing workshops. In the last year alone, he did EMF inspections in over a hundred homes. In our conversation, he’ll explain what EMFs are, why they’re such a problem, and how you can take steps to reduce exposure and heal yourself. Find Out More About Brian Here: Shielded Healing Geovital In This Episode: [02:50] - There are a lot of people who have misunderstandings about EMFs, Brian explains. He takes a moment to explain what these misunderstandings are, and what the reality is. [04:52] - What happens with non-ionizing radiation from cell phones, wifi, and so on? What parts of our body are affected? [07:31] - Brian discusses whether there are certain frequencies that are more physically damaging than others. [11:03] - We hear more about the potential impact of EMFs on newborn babies, specifically as it relates to baby monitors. [14:06] - Brian opts out of getting scanned at the airport, choosing to be patted down instead. He explains why. [17:07] - Stephan points out that we can’t trust big companies to be looking out for our health when it comes to EMFs. Brian then talks about a frequently unnoticed disclaimer that phone companies include in their manuals. [19:53] - What does Brian do if he needs to take a cell phone call and doesn’t have his earbuds with him? [21:52] - Brian talks about where he got the shielded pouch that he uses for his phone. [23:00] - Would it be better to use a landline with a cord than a cell phone or a cordless phone, if you have that option? [25:04] - We learn about whether we can reduce our exposure to EMFs in the environment. [30:17] - Stephan and Brian discuss what to do to make the bedroom a “safe cave” for eight or more hours of nightly healing therapy. [34:36] - How much does the special paint that Brian has been describing cost? [37:32] - Brian shares some of the ways he handles day-to-day life, pointing out that the data on your phone doesn’t always need to be turned on. [40:09] - Brian recommends using an iPhone ethernet adapter. [40:52] - In terms of EMFs, how are hotel rooms in comparison to the average home? He then explains the solution he’s working on coming up with for traveling. [43:27] - We hear about the types of conferences that Brian goes to. [43:54] - Brian discusses magnetic field exposure, which he explains is linked to several serious diseases. He also talks about the home assessments he does. [47:21] - Last year alone, Brian did about a hundred EMF home assessments. [48:00] - What frequencies are the most problematic ones? It varies from person to person, Brian answers. [51:03] - Brian shares some of the incredible ways in which fixing your bedroom can improve your overall health. [56:33] - Stephan launches into a lightning round with quick questions for Brian. First: what do we do if we’re hooked up to smart meters for electricity? [57:54] - If you want to reduce your exposure, wouldn’t it be better to get the smart meter out of there and replace it with another meter? [58:56] - Should we stop using electric toothbrushes? How about hair dryers? What about a blender to make a healthy smoothie in the morning? [61:40] - In terms of EMF exposure, should people avoid using microwaves? [63:16] - Is using dimmer switches on your light a good thing or a bad thing? [64:04] - We reach the last lightning round question: what’s the impact of thermostats? [65:17] - Brian addresses the topic of Bluetooth, which he recommends avoiding. [67:13] - How can listeners get in touch with Brian to learn more or work with him for a home assessment? Links and Resources: Shielded Healing Geovital Luke Storey on the Optimized Geek Overpowered by Martin Blank OpenSignal Boingo iPhone ethernet adapter    
Feb 22, 2018 • 1h 1min

131. Unlock the Secrets of Your Soul with Eliyahu Jian

Eliyahu Jian was my very first Kabbalah teacher. He’s been teaching for nearly three decades, and has developed an uncanny ability to simplify esoteric wisdom. In addition to being a spiritual teacher, he’s a coach, speaker, and founder of the nonprofit Vital Transformation. The mind is split into two parts: the positive and the negative. Whatever you feed grows stronger, and it takes a lifetime of work to ensure that negative thoughts don’t take over. You need to act on positive thoughts  or they will eventually become rotten. This is just one of many gems of wisdom from Kabbalah that can transform your life. Find Out More About Eliyahu Here: Vital Transformation Eliyahu Jian Eliyahu Jian on Facebook @eliyahujian on Twitter Eliyahu Jian on LinkedIn In This Episode: [01:32] - We start things off with a very simple question: what’s the meaning of life? [02:57] - Eliyahu talks more about body consciousness as opposed to soul consciousness. [05:03] - We hear about the deeper implications of the fact that we don’t have free will about what thoughts come into our minds. [06:56] - Many people who struggle in life are actually struggling with their own minds, Yehuda explains. [08:28] - Eliyahu shares the parable of two wolves, illustrating the importance of feeding positive thoughts. [11:48] - With every new president that’s elected, Eliyahu points out, people have hope that their lives will get better. This takes away their free will. [15:51] - When we look at a historical great leader, such as Gandhi, they were a personification of the collective consciousness. Stephan and Eliyahu discuss this concept, as well as the concept of saviors. [21:25] - Stephan talks about an example he experienced of a time when he resolved a conflict with light instead of by locking horns. [23:25] - Eliyahu shares his thoughts and wisdom on the example that Stephan has just shared. [25:40] - If you’re experiencing a lack or a void, doesn’t that awaken or attract more lack and more voids in other areas? [28:36] - Stephan shares a story that Ephraim Olschewski told about what he asks his kids when they’re unhappy about something. [30:26] - Eliyahu elabores on the Kabbalistic concept of creating negative angels. [33:47] - Stephan brings up the role of numerology in Kabbalah. [34:52] - We hear about the concept of the evil eye, and how it’s related to jealousy. The question of “how many,” Eliyahu explains, creates the evil eye. [40:18] - Eliyahu moves on from the topic of the evil eye to the concept of evil speech. [44:47] - Stephan describes a point that has been one of the cornerstones of his spiritual development in recent years: restriction. [46:53] - Eliyahu discusses a lesson he learned while he was working in a rehab in Florida for two years. [49:12] - We hear a specific example to clarify what Eliyahu has been saying about restriction. Stephan then shares an example of his own to illuminate how this concept has improved his life. [53:59] - Eliyahu talks about what is beautiful about Stephan’s choice to restrict sugar along with his daughter. [57:19] - The reflection on others bears repeating, Eliyahu points out, explaining why working together is so important. [58:00] - Where should listeners go to find out more about Eliyahu? Links and Resources: Vital Transformation Eliyahu Jian Eliyahu Jian on Facebook @eliyahujian on Twitter Eliyahu Jian on LinkedIn Kabbalah Yehuda Ashkenazi on the Optimized Geek Gandhi Hitler Mother Teresa Mishnah Ethics of Our Fathers Ephraim Olschewski on the Optimized Geek The Finding God Workbook by Eliyahu Jian    
Feb 15, 2018 • 1h 9min

130. Shining the Light on Light Therapy with Jacob Liberman

Here to dig into all the nuances of light, color, vision, and consciousness is Dr. Jacob Liberman. He’s a groundbreaking expert in color and light therapy whose work is admired by such luminaries as Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle. Light is inseparable from life..Plants, animals and humans all need light to exist and survive. He and I talk about this and so much more in this illuminating discussion. Find Out More About Jacob Here: Jacob Liberman Jacob Liberman on Wikipedia @DrJacobLiberman on Facebook @DrJacobLiberman on Twitter In This Episode: [01:31] - Jacob talks about light therapy and color therapy so listeners can understand what the two things are and why they’re important. He also dives into the question of what light itself is. [03:54] - Jacob started working with light and light therapy in 1971, when he was an optometrist and vision scientist. [10:21] - We learn that Jacob’s main focus is to bring people into a state where they are more comfortable with more of life, leading to less stress and more contentment. [11:21] - Most of us are allergic to being uncomfortable and want everything our way, Jacob points out. [16:38] - We hear more about how our discomfort with certain colors can reveal blockages in our energy pathways. [20:56] - Stephan shares his experience with light and color as therapeutic healing modalities. [22:08] - Jacob explains the reason that we have two eyes, and how this relates to reading or doing work on the computer. [27:50] - Stephan had pretty severe myopia until he got LASIK several years ago to treat it. Now, he has noticed his myopia returning. Jacob then talks about a dramatic experience with his own vision. [34:20] - In a particular episode of the Optimized Geek, Stephan got the concept that fulfillment comes before desire. [35:08] - If desire is a prerequisite for fulfillment, then we will become habituated or addicted to desire, because we’ll need it in order to feel fulfilled. [37:50] - What’s the one-minute exercise that people can do a few times a day to help with vision? [43:50] - Jacob had panic attacks for six and a half years, but got rid of them using the techniques he has been describing. [46:07] - Stephan works to evolve meta-awareness, or awareness of his awareness. Jacob then digs deeper into this concept, elaborating on what Stephan has said. [53:02] - Jacob uses the example of a TV to explain his point in more detail, clarifying that just as we’re not the TV we’re watching, the observer is not the activity that is being noticed occurring in the mind. [60:46] - What Jacob has been saying about direct experiences rings true for Stephan, who offers an example. [64:13] - Jacob digs into something that Stephan said about “truth without mercy.” [67:30] - Jacob’s next-step advice for listeners is to always say yes to the opportunity to say “thank you” or “I love you.” Links and Resources: Jacob Liberman Jacob Liberman on Wikipedia @DrJacobLiberman on Facebook @DrJacobLiberman on Twitter Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living by Jacob Liberman David Bohm Dr. Helen Irlen on the Optimized Geek Irlen Syndrome LASIK Yehuda Ashkenazi on the Optimized Geek Sanjay Sabnani on the Optimized Geek ISSSEEM Donny Epstein  

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