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Reason with Science

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Oct 1, 2022 • 1h 45min

Can language describe reality? with Nick Enfield

This episode is with Nick Enfield. He is a Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney. Nick's research on language, culture, cognition and social life is based on long term field work in mainland Southeast Asia, especially Laos. His books include Natural Causes of Language, Distributed Agency, and How We Talk. His latest book is 'Language vs Reality: Why language is good for lawyers and bad for scientists' In this conversation we talk about evolution of language and How well it can describe reality?, Can language nudge our thoughts?, Maths as a language, evolution of human reason and rationality.  Guest info: Website: Google scholar: Twitter: Episode links:   Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:  Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science:   Website:   Youtube:   Spotify:   Apple podcast:   Google podcast: Timestamps:  00:00:00 Introduction  00:01:07 What is language?   00:04:01 When does a communication system becomes a language?  00:08:02 How language got started?   00:13:31 Do sapiens have an advantage which helped us to start a language?  00:17:30 Language is too blunt for scientists and good for lawyers   00:23:40 We simplify the complexity of the world  00:28:23 Why language was evolved?  00:30:52 On Donald Hoffman's work  00:35:36 Brute reality and social reality  00:36:59 Yuval Harrari's imagined reality   00:40:38 Power of all the languages  00:44:29 Language in an AI society  00:47:25 Complexity of a language  00:56:18 Can complexity of a language affect psychology?    01:00:08 Sapira-Whorf hypothesis  01:04:07 Co-evolution and evolution of languages   01:08:05 Desmond Morris' work on neoteny  01:10:54 Purpose of a language  01:16:04 Rationality, reasoning and language   01:22:35 Truth and rationality  01:27:45 Fighting misinformation 01:30:19 Confirmation bias  01:31:55 Should we care if a language is dying?  01:38:06 Is mathematics a language?  01:44:26 Thank you!   #reasonwithscience #languages #evolution
Sep 28, 2022 • 48min

The Noble journey part II with Randy Schekman

This is second part of the conversation with Randy Schekman. He is an  investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a Professor of  Cell and Developmental Biology in the Department of Molecular and Cell  Biology at the University of California at Berkeley. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2013 for his  role in revealing the machinery that regulates the transport and  secretion of proteins in our cells. He shares the prize with James E.  Rothman of Yale University and Thomas C. Südhof of Stanford University.  In this conversation we talk about his work on scientific publishing,  his suggestions for  early-career researchers and his experience on Parkinson's project.   Listen to part I here:  Find more about Randy's work:  Randy's biography:  Episode links:  Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:   Apple podcast:    Google podcast:     Follow Reason with Science:    Website:    Youtube:    Spotify:    Apple podcast:    Google podcast: Timestamps:  00:00:00 Introduction  00:00:49 How to select a scientific question?  00:05:13 Bold ideas survive in science!    00:06:50 Importance of collaboration in science  00:12:24 ASAP project model for early career researchers   00:13:03 Change in the evaluation process  00:19:25 How to understand quality of science?  00:24:31 Parkinson's project (ASAP)   00:28:02 Why scientific publishing can change?   00:29:43 Understanding of scientific method to improve scientific publishing!  00:31:37 Any shift in pressure of publishing?   00:32:58 More about Parkinson's project (ASAP)  00:38:38 Role of unstructured proteins in neurodegenerative diseases   00:41:41 Unstructured proteins are the next problem!  00:42:38 No markers for Parkinson's so far!  00:43:50 Causes of Parkinson's  00:45:06 What can be a potential cure of Parkinson's?   00:47:12 Thank you!   More Talks from Randy:  TEDx on scientific publishing:  iBiology:  Nobel prize inspiration initiative lecture:   #reasonwithscience #nobelprize #science
Sep 28, 2022 • 47min

The Noble journey part I with Randy Schekman

This is first part of the conversation with Randy Schekman. He is an  investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a Professor of  Cell and Developmental Biology in the Department of Molecular and Cell  Biology at the University of California at Berkeley. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2013 for his  role in revealing the machinery that regulates the transport and  secretion of proteins in our cells. He shares the prize with James E.  Rothman of Yale University and Thomas C. Südhof of Stanford University.  In this conversation we talk about his early career, membranes,  exosomes, scientific publishing and Elife journal.  Listen to part II:  Find more about Randy's work:  Randy's biography:  Episode links: Website: Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:   Google podcast:   Follow Reason with Science:   Website:   Youtube:   Spotify:   Apple podcast:   Google podcast: Timestamps:  00:00:00 Introduction  00:01:08 Interest in microbes  00:05:27 Yeasts have feelings too!  00:06:24 What was already known about vesicular trafficking?  00:08:42 How do you envision a cell?   00:09:51 Your work to understand 'what is life'?  00:12:48 Formation of membranes for the origin of life  00:14:39 Why membranes are ideal for life!  00:15:48 Differences of membranes   00:17:07 The evolution of membranes  00:19:02 Starting the work on vesicular trafficking  00:23:09 Discovery of COPII complex  00:25:24 The specialty of COPII complex   00:26:30 Importance of vesicular trafficking for animal physiology  00:27:39 Understanding of gut feeling!  00:28:56 What has changed after Nobel prize?  00:30:30 Different cellular trafficking system  00:32:11 Exosomes and miR223   00:34:29 Problems with exosomes as therapeutics  00:35:08 Peer-review and scientific publishing  00:39:44 Genesis of Elife   00:44:05 Impact factor of Elife  00:46:35 Thank you!   More Talks from Randy:  TEDx on scientific publishing:  iBiology:  Nobel prize inspiration initiative lecture:   #reasonwithscience #nobelprize #cellbiology
Sep 24, 2022 • 2h 19min

Chemistry of life and death with Nick Lane

This episode is with Nick Lane. Nick is a professor of Evolutionary Biochemistry at University College London. He is an author of several books like Power, Sex, Suicide; Life ascending and the Vital question. His latest book is Transformer: The Deep Chemistry of Life and Death. Here we talk about What is life?, Life as an information, importance of Krebs cycle, How did the life start?, consciousness, chronic diseases like cancer and process of ageing. Guest info: Website: Amazon: Google scholar: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast: Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:50 Is 'What is life?' a right question? 00:05:10 Information view of life 00:08:02 Importance of metabolism for origin of life 00:14:27 Gases giving rise to life stuff 00:24:06 Why life doesn't form in a cola bottle? 00:25:20 Oxygen based life 00:31:06 Eukaryogenesis 00:41:07 Respiration in bacteria and mitochondria 00:44:29 Electrical potential on membranes 00:52:24 Membrane inheritance 00:58:04 Krebs cycle and reverse Krebs cycle 01:06:54 Recycling of mitochondria for health 01:15:24 Answering important questions in science 01:18:19 Biology of fields 01:32:11 Reductionism in science 01:35:33 How anesthetics affect bacterial or mitochondrial membranes? 01:45:43 Quantum biology 01:59:05 Lee Cronin's idea of synthetic life 02:01:35 Lee Cronin and Sara Walker's assembly theory 02:05:39 Can we simplify present biochemistry? 02:17:53 Thank you! #reasonwithscience #biology #biochemistry
Sep 17, 2022 • 1h 51min

Science, evolution and athiesm with PZ Myers

This episode is with Paul Zachary (PZ) Myers. He is an associate professor of biology at the University of Minnesota where he works in the field of developmental biology. He is also a founder and author of Pharyngula science blog.  Here we talk about science based atheism, evolution of religion, god of gaps argument, origin and evolution of life, human values in the society, free speech and future of humanity. Guest info:  Blog website:   Twitter: Youtube: Episode links:   Website: Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast: Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science:   Website:   Youtube:   Spotify:   Apple podcast:   Google podcast: Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction   00:01:08 How did your scientific career started?  00:03:24 PZ's view on atheism 00:05:53 Science based atheism   00:08:29 Why we need to leave religion or God to become a scientist?   0:10:36 Preconceived biases because of faith   00:11:26 There's no clear definition of God   00:13:00 God of gaps argument   00:16:38 Can we bridge the gaps with science?   00:19:12 Transition of chemistry to biology (origin of life)  00:24:46 Evolution of life on the planet   00:29:06 Multicellularity and Sexual reproduction   00:34:59 Variation for natural selection   00:40:53 Role of chance in biology   00:44:45 Evolution-Development (Evo-Devo) biology   00:52:42 Hox genes   00:56:18 Evolutionary theory is most opposed theory!   00:59:07 Evolution of religion   01:01:58 Nature-nurture   01:04:38 Free will   01:07:28 Consciousness   01:12:58 Teleology (Purpose) in science   01:19:24 Religion in artificial intelligence   01:26:48 Morality and atheism   01:38:38 Meaning and purpose of life   01:41:31 Spirituality   01:46:07 Education and a dialogue   01:49:30 Thank you!
Sep 10, 2022 • 2h 5min

Reality is an illusion with Donald Hoffman

This is second episode with Donald Hoffman.  Donald is a Professor Emeritus of Cognitive Sciences at the University  of California, Irvine. He is an author of three books, including The  Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes. Here we talk about what is mathematics?, Interface theory of perception,  fundamental nature of consciousness, origin of life, spiritual  experiences and meaning of death.  Link for the first episode:    Guest info:  Website:   Twitter:  Amazon:    Episode links:   Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast:   Google podcast:   Follow Reason with Science:   Website:   Youtube:  Spotify:   Apple podcast:   Google podcast:    Timestamps:  00:00:00 Introduction   00:00:51 Interface theory of perception   00:09:12 Reductionist approach in science  00:13:52 What is mathematics?  00:22:12 Emergence of mathematics   00:25:28 Conscious agents and complexity  00:32:52 Modern science on consciousness   00:39:07 Experiments to study structures beyond space-time   00:57:19 Complexity from conscious agents  01:03:03 Is there an objective reality?  01:09:19 Limited semantics to explain reality beyond space-time   01:15:34 Intelligence and consciousness   01:17:39 Perception of a self    01:24:30 Is consciousness a gradient or discrete?   01:27:14 Understanding universal consciousness   01:38:38 Meditation, psychedelics and spiritual experiences   01:40:40 Bernardo Kastrup's analytical idealism   01:43:37 Fundamental consciousness is scientific or philosophical problem   01:47:26 Can we go beyond our interface to see reality?   01:49:44 Importance of silence in life   01:55:16 Worldview of consciousness as fundamental   02:03:50 Thank you!    Other conversations and talks:  1) Do we see reality as it is? @TED    2) Donald Hoffman on Ultimate Reality  @Closer To Truth    3) The Case Against Reality  @Skeptic    4) The Death of SpaceTime & Birth of Conscious Agents  @Science and  Nonduality    5) Donald Hoffman Λ Joscha Bach on Consciousness, Free Will, and Gödel  [Theolocution]  @Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal    6) The Case Against Reality  @The Institute of Art and Ideas    7) Lex Fridman  @Lex Fridman   (   #reasonwithscience #consciousness #donaldhoffman
Sep 6, 2022 • 1h 1min

The edge of our solar system with Konstantin Batygin

This is a conversation with Konstantin Batygin. He is a planetary science professor at Caltech known for his work on  planet 9. He is also a part of a rock band "The seventh season". In this  conversation we talk about how do new solar systems form?, what is a  planet?, Planet 9,  Kuiper belt, and the Edge of our solar system.   More about Konstantin's work:  Follow him in Twitter:  His music and band:   Time stamps:  00:00:00 Introduction  00:01:51 Science and music  00:04:37 How our solar system formed?   00:10:33 How different planets form?   00:13:13 Solar system as a disc   00:14:34 Rocky and gas planets   00:18:39 What sort of planets form first?  00:21:36 Orbits of the planets during the formation of a solar system  00:25:45 What is a planet?  00:28:41 Major contribution of planets in the stability of a solar system  00:30:52 Gravitational Pull 00:33:47 Why there's Planet 9?   00:36:27 History of Planet 9!  00:42:11 Why don't we have the evidence for planet 9 yet?  00:45:01 Tools to study unexplored part of solar system  00:47:44 Kuiper belt   00:48:08 What kind of planet is planet 9?  00:49:19 Orbit of Planet 9  00:51:07 Can planet 9 be a black hole?  00:53:40 What is the edge of our solar system?    00:55:36 Oumuamua  01:00:00 Concluding and thanks!  
Sep 3, 2022 • 2h 25min

Nature of reality with Bernardo Kastrup

This episode is with Bernardo Kastrup.Bernardo is an author, philosopher, and director of the Essentia Foundation. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy and another Ph.D. in computer engineering specializing in artificial intelligence. As a scientist, Bernardo has worked for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Philips Research Laboratories (where the 'Casimir Effect' of Quantum Field Theory was discovered).In this conversation we talk about drawbacks of materialism, what is consciousness?, nature of reality, panpsychism, analytical idealism, free will, what is time?, meaning of life and death. Guest info: Website: Twitter: Facebook: Youtube: Amazon: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast: Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:02 Most difficult questions about the cosmos 00:02:54 Science and materialism 00:05:27 Limitations of minds 00:07:36 How well science describes the nature of reality? 00:11:43 Is consciousness an illusion? 00:16:39 Issues with materialism 00:25:24 Origin of life 00:27:56 Science of complexity 00:33:54 How to refute emergence of consciousness? 00:42:19 Psychedelic experiences 00:48:19 Consciousness under analytical idealism 00:50:33 Idealism and trans-personal experiences 00:57:16 Origin of consciousness 01:00:38 What is wetness of the water? 01:05:36 Panpsychism and Solipsism 01:17:58 Consciousness in other species 01:24:31 Will artificial life be conscious? 01:29:10 What is death? 01:33:02 Idealism for meaning of life 01:39:46 What is time? 01:48:11 Western mind 01:53:44 Science of consciousness under idealism 02:24:14 Thank you!
Sep 2, 2022 • 1h 15min

Alien intelligent life with Avi Loeb

This is a conversation with a theoretical physicist Avi Loeb. He is a  Professor of Science at Harvard University and a bestselling author of  the book "Extraterrestrial: the first sign of an intelligent life beyond  earth" In this conversation we talk about are we alone in the  universe?, first interstellar object named Oumuamua, how we can detect  alien intelligent life and the Galileo project.   More about Avi's work:  Buy Avi's book:   Timeline of the session:  00:00:00 Introduction  00:01:22 Journey to become a professor at Harvard university  00:07:15 Drake's equation and number of intelligent civilizations in the Universe  00:13:36 Oumuamua 00:17:55 Oumuamua like objects  00:18:55 Oumuamua product of another intelligent civilization  00:24:40 Nature of Oumuamua  00:31:26 The Galileo project   00:37:38 Size of the extraterrestrial objects and our telescopes  00:42:02 Are we ready to meet an alien intelligent civilization?  00:50:56 Scientific method   00:58:29 Are there any good/bad questions in science?  01:02:20 Wars and progress of humanity!  01:04:45 Impact of realizing that we are not alone!  01:05:45 Probability of humanity getting extinct!  01:07:49 Space exploration  01:10:11 Purpose of humanity  01:12:36 Future of astrophysics and humanity  01:14:23 Thank you!   Other conversations and talks:  1) Intelligent Life Beyond Earth  @Commonwealth Club of California    2) Was Earth visited by intelligent life?  @KTLA 5    3) Aliens, Black Holes, and the Mystery of the Oumuamua  @Lex Fridman    4) How the Scientific Community Isn't Open Minded  @PowerfulJRE    5) Avi Loeb on evidence of close extraterrestrial encounters  @CBS Mornings    6) Extraterrestrial Life (  @Museum of Science, Boston      #reasonwithscience #aliens #aviloeb
Aug 30, 2022 • 1h 22min

Science of Testosterone with Carole Hooven

This is a conversation with Carole Hooven. She teaches in and co-directs the undergraduate program in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. She is also an author of a great book "T: The story of testosterone". Here we talk about what is testosterone?, Evolution of testosterone, how it affects the behavior and shapes the society?        More about Carole's work: Follow Carole on twitter:  Episode links: 1) Website: 2) Youtube: Timeline of the session:  00:00:00 Introduction  00:01:18 Carole's work area  00:03:36 Motivation to write a book on Testosterone  00:07:46 What is testosterone?   00:19:08 Testosterone levels  00:20:30 How do we define a male or a female?  00:27:56 Effects of Testosterone   00:36:04 Red deer and Testosterone levels  00:42:21 Effects of testosterone in other apes  00:47:15 Correlation between hierarchies and T-levels  00:48:29 Testosterone levels during lifetime  00:49:39 CAH (Congenital Androgen Hyperplasia) and CAIS (Congenital Androgen Insensitive Syndrome)   00:58:56 T-levels during the process of sex-change  01:03:29 Testosterone and homosexuality  01:07:08 Deterministic view of Testosterone  01:09:49 Meditation and testosterone   01:14:21 Testosterone and the society  01:21:06 Thank you! Follow for more!

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