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Reason with Science

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Feb 26, 2023 • 1h 11min

The evolutionary origins of a good society | Nicholas Christakis | Reason with Science | Psychology

This episode is with Nicholas Christakis. He is the Sterling Professor  of Social and Natural Science at Yale University, where he directs the  Human Nature Lab. He is also the Co-Director of the Yale Institute for  Network Science. His research focuses on social networks and the  socioeconomic, biosocial, and evolutionary determinants of behavior,  health, and longevity. Here we talk about nature nurture, The social  suite which includes seven core properties of any good society, The  forbidden experiment in sociology, and morality.   Guest info:  Website:  Twitter:  Amazon:   Episode links:   Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:|-nicholas-christakis-|-reason-with-science-|-psychology/904d4179-7dc4-4a6f-b8c2-a5c13e520d7c  Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science:   Website:   Youtube:   Spotify:   Apple podcast:   Google podcast:    Timestamps:  00:00:00 Introduction   00:01:03 Major questions about human societies   00:07:16 Importance of human social networks   00:09:58 Nature- nurture debate    00:14:15 The social suite   00:16:06 Importance of the social society in creating a human society   00:22:17 Going beyond the social suite in a society   00:24:25 Extended phenotype and Exo-phenotype   00:29:36 Exo-phenotype and Darwinian evolution  00:30:30 Importance of an individual in a society   00:34:48 In-group bias   00:44:56 How much we can change 'In-group bias'?   00:47:03 Robert Sapolsky's 'Categorical thinking'   00:53:05 Life on Mars   00:54:11 Importance of Mild hierarchies    00:55:49 Mentorship  over Narcissism   01:01:39 Love in human societies    01:06:15 Morality    01:09:11 Thank you!
Feb 19, 2023 • 1h 2min

Physics of Black Holes with Chris Impey

This episode is with Chris Impey. He is a university Distinguished Professor of Astronomy at the  University of Arizona. For 17 years he was Deputy Head of the Astronomy  Department at the University of Arizona, and he is currently Associate  Dean of the College of Science. His research focuses on observational  cosmology—using telescopes and other instruments to study the  large-scale structure and evolution of the universe. Here we talk about Einstein's monsters, How do black holes form?, Types  of black holes?, Information paradox, Supernova, Dark matter and Dark  energy. Guest info: Website: Twitter: Amazon:  Episode links:   Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:  Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science:  Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:  Google podcast:
Jan 28, 2023 • 1h 51min

Big Bang, Black holes and Gravitational waves | Abhay Ashtekar | Reason with Science | Physics

This episode is with Abhay Ashtekar. He is Evan Pugh Professor of Physics at Penn State, where he also holds the Eberly Chair. In 1993, he founded the Institute of Gravitation and the Cosmos. Ashtekar’s scientific work focuses on theoretical aspects of general relativity, cosmology and quantum gravity. Here we talk about what is gravity?, loop quantum gravity, The big bang, The big bounce, Singularities, Black holes and gravitational waves. Guest info:  Website:  Biography: Episode links:   Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:  Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science:   Website:   Youtube:   Spotify:   Apple podcast:   Google podcast: Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:52 What is gravity? 00:10:50 Einstein's equivalence principle 00:15:34 Importance of geometry in physics 00:19:04 Introduction to quantum field theory 00:23:50 Einstein's work on quantum mechanics 00:25:04 Quantum field theory to explain reality 00:33:10 Scale of theory of relativity and quantum field theory 00:37:50 Introduction to loop quantum gravity 00:52:44 Gravity is a weak force 00:54:45 'Loops' in loop quantum gravity 01:05:20 Difference between strings and quantum threads 01:07:04 Status of Gravitons 01:10:58 Importance of gravitons 01:15:12 Gravitational waves 01:17:34 What is a black hole? 01:21:16 Black holes and loop quantum gravity 01:27:12 The Big Bounce 01:38:00 Loop quantum cosmology 01:39:07 Big bounce and the universe 01:41:31 Validating loop quantum gravity 01:45:25 Recommended reading 01:49:51 Thank you! Recommended reading: The Story of Loop Quantum Gravity- From the Big Bounce to Black Holes Before the Big Bang 1 - Loop Quantum Cosmology Explained A  Short Review of Loop Quantum Gravity, by A. Ashtekar and E. Bianchi,  Quantum Space-time: Beyond the continuum of Minkowski and Einstein, by A. Ashtekar,  Clip: New Meaning of the Big Bang. 
Jan 21, 2023 • 1h 6min

Viruses: The enigma of life with Pavel Plevka

This episode is with Pavel Plevka. He is a research group leader at Central European institute of technology (CEITEC).  His research is focused on solving the structures of viruses in order to understand their mechanism of action. For this conversation, My co-host is Anna Papageorgiou ( Here we talk about general aspects of viruses, their genomes, evolution of viruses, their infection strategies, impact of viruses on human health, environment and agriculture. Guest info: Website: Twitter: Episode links:   Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:  Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science:  Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:  Google podcast:  Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:01 What is a virus and why do we study them? 00:02:02 Size of a viruses 00:03:57 Viroids and Gene Transfer Agents (GTA) 00:05:17 How to visualize viruses? 00:07:03 Different structures of viruses 00:08:34 Classification of viruses 00:10:01 How do viruses recognize their hosts and infect them? 00:16:58 Viral mechanism of action 00:19:42 How viruses can infect multiple hosts? 00:21:52 Essential features of viral genomes 00:23:30 Membranes and envelopes of viruses 00:26:05 Evolutionary origins of viruses 00:29:22 Why viruses are not part of the tree of life? 00:30:17 Co-evolution of viruses and hosts 00:37:24 How widespread viruses are? 00:39:47 Therapeutic strategies against viruses 00:42:26 Prevention against viruses 00:44:55 Phage therapy 00:47:27 Use of viruses in cancer therapies 00:49:00 Gene therapy 00:51:02 Importance of viruses for ecology 00:54:44 How viruses survive the extreme conditions? 00:58:40 Honeybee viruses 01:00:12 Do viruses carry known functions? 01:01:35 Are viruses alive? 01:02:29 What the technology lacks? 01:03:34 Pavel's favorite virus 01:04:21 Recommended article 01:05:10 Thank you! Music by: Ahmed Hassan (
Dec 25, 2022 • 1h 37min

Emergence of the universe | Peter Atkins | Reason with Science | Multiverse | Physics

This episode is with Peter Atkins. He is a chemist and a Fellow of Lincoln College at the University of Oxford. Peter is a prolific writer of popular chemistry textbooks, including Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Molecular Quantum Mechanics. Here we talk about what are the laws of nature?, fundamental constants, emergence in the universe, strong and weak emergence, multiverse and a theory of everything. Guest info: Amazon: Wikipedia: Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast:|-peter-atkins-|-reason-with-science-|-multiverse-|-physics/3ef09511-b6fd-4d44-84ae-59fbb5c974bb Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: d1641776894 Google podcast: Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:56 What is emergence? 00:02:30 what is the relation between emergence, Complexity and self-organisation? 00:12:42 How the universe originated? 00:31:00 understanding nothing and multiverse 00:32:07 How time emerges? 00:34:09 is nothing still evolving? 00:41:32 Evolution of humanity through time 00:51:05 what does it mean to be human? 00:52:48 how do we discover laws of nature? 00:58:32 outlaws and inlaws. 01:01:55 A grand unified theory in science 01:06:08 are fundamental constants fundamental? 01:17:11 predicting chemistry from physics 01:22:05 Increasing importance of predictions 01:26:05 what are the major questions for science of emergence? 01:29:15 can we create 'absolutely nothing' in the lab? 01:30:14 how much can we account for abstract properties? 01:34:30 future work 01:36:42 Thank you More talks by Peter: 1) origin of the laws of nature ( 2) where do the laws of nature come from ( 3) why emergence is significant ( Music by: Ahmed Hassan ( ) #reasonwithscience #physics #multiverse
Nov 13, 2022 • 1h 28min

Understanding metabolism and aging | Charles Brenner | Reason with Science | NAD system | Anti-aging

This episode is with Charles Brenner. He is the Alfred E Mann Family  Foundation Chair in the department of Diabetes and Cancer Metabolism.  His research focuses on disturbances in nicotinamide adenine  dinucleotide (NAD), the central catalyst of metabolism, in diseases and  conditions of metabolic stress.   Here we talk about what is metabolism?, NAD system, factors affecting  NAD system, ageing, anti-ageing research and how NAD system can be used  in health?   Guest info:  Website:  Twitter:  Google scholar:   Episode links:   Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:|-charles-brenner-|-reason-with-science-|-nad-system-|-anti-aging/8ca959ec-8bbe-466b-a4e5-d2399d40a452  Google podcast:   Follow Reason with Science:   Website:   Youtube:   Spotify:   Apple podcast:   Google podcast:    Timestamps:  00:00:00 Introduction  00:00:51 What is metabolism?  00:01:40 Metabolism at cellular level  00:02:44 Different metabolic processes   00:04:50 NAD (Nicotinamide adenine diamide) system   00:08:20 Food to NAD system    00:13:09 Evolutionary history of NAD system    00:15:44 Molecular description of NAD system   00:20:51 Synthesis of NAD   00:23:21 What is metabolic stress?   00:28:23 Consequences of metabolic stress on NAD system   00:29:45 Conditions caused by NAD deficiency   00:34:23 Impact of food on metabolic stress   00:35:51 Different types of foods and NAD levels   00:40:01 NAD levels and circadian rythem   00:40:50 Genetic predisposition to NAD levels  00:42:40 Are there population wide changes in NAD systems?   00:47:25 Importance of NAD levels in the blood and how much of these can enter in the cell?   00:50:08 Are there modified NMN compounds which can enter in the cell?   00:52:01 NAD system and aging   01:02:25 Objection against 'Sirtuins as drivers of aging'  01:04:29 How do we understand aging?  01:08:25 Biochemical explanation of aging   01:12:20 What kind of biomarkers can help is in studying aging?   01:15:33 Charles' work on NAD system   01:17:05 What sort of system can help us study aging?   01:23:37 Lifestyle and NAD system    01:26:07 NR (Nicotinamide Ribose) as supplements   01:27:19 Thank you!     #reasonwithscience #health #aging
Oct 30, 2022 • 2h 19min

How multicellularity evolves? with William Ratcliff

This episode is with William Ratcliff. He is an Associate Professor at the School of Biological Science at Georgia Tech. Will studies the physics that constrains multicellular structures and examines the minute changes in certain yeast cells that allows them to become multicellular. Here we talk about origin of life, emergence of complexity, eukaryogenesis, how cells become multicellular? and major questions regarding how multicellularity evolves. Guest info: Website: Twitter: Google scholar: Episode links:  Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science:  Website:  Youtube:  Spotify:  Apple podcast:  Google podcast:  Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:50 Origin of life 00:09:02 Protocells and Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) 00:11:58 Origin of LUCA 00:14:47 Evolution of life from LUCA 00:20:35 Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 00:27:44 Semantics of colonies, communities and multicellularity 00:38:25 Kin selection and Group selection debate 00:43:12 Reductionism in science   00:49:32 Strong emergence 00:55:49 Snowflake yeasts 01:11:20 Multicellularity in bacteria 01:14:10 Reproduction in yeasts 01:21:11 Growth regulation in snowflake yeasts 01:27:47 Reproduction of snowflake yeasts 01:34:44 Evolutionary game theory 01:38:34 Michael Levin's work on Xenobots  01:41:56 Darwinian evolution is crucial for multicellular systems to evolve 01:47:01 How cellular functions are regulated in multicellular systems? 01:54:52 Nicole King's work on Choanoflagellates  01:57:19 Polarity in multicellular systems 01:59:32 Syncytia (Multinuclear) cells 02:04:22 Snowflake system and major questions about multicellularity  02:15:09 Reverting multicellularity 02:18:09 Thank you!
Oct 22, 2022 • 1h 22min

Quantum physics for babies with Chris Ferrie

This episode is with Chris Ferrie. He is an associate Professor at the  University of Technology Sydney and Centre for Quantum Software and  Information. His research focuses on quantum information science. Chris  also writes children's books and some selected titles include Quantum  Physics for Babies, 8 Little Planets and Pandemics for Babies. In  this conversation we talk about beginning of quantum physics, Double  slit experiment, matter, understanding reality, quantum entanglement and  quantum computing.   Guest info: Website: Twitter: Amazon: Youtube:   Episode links:   Website:  Youtube: Spotify:  Apple podcast:  Google podcast:    Follow Reason with Science: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast:    Timestamps:  00:00:00 Introduction  00:00:55 Do we understand quantum physics?   00:03:50 Double slit experiment     00:08:43 Max Planck and Einstein's work   00:09:58 Early development of quantum theory  00:12:05 'Quantum' in quantum physics   00:12:41 Heisenberg's principle  00:18:56 Schrodinger's equation   00:20:10 Quantum superposition and quantum entanglement   00:22:53 How to understand quantum entanglement?   00:27:26 Measurement   00:30:13 What is matter and nature of reality? 00:34:22 Reductionism  00:36:07 Emergence and theory of everything  00:39:49 Science of chaos/luck/chance  00:42:11 Understanding chaos  00:43:54 Quantum information  00:50:07 Quantum information and consciousness  00:51:31 Work of Bernardo Kastrup and Donald Hoffman  00:54:54 (Eugene) Wigner's friend    00:59:44 Decoherence in quantum physics   01:02:31 Quantum computers  01:07:09 How big are quantum computers?  01:10:10 Problem with quantum computers  01:11:20 2022 Nobel prize in physics   01:15:04 Quantum systems in action   01:18:06 Writing science books for babies  01:21:08 Thank you!
Oct 15, 2022 • 1h 60min

The mind of a Bee with Lars Chittka

This episode is with Lars Chittka. He is a professor at Queen Mary,  University of London. Lars is an expert on the behaviour, cognition and  ecology of Bees, and their interactions with flowers. His latest book is  'The mind of a Bee' where he explores the vast amount of work done on  the Bee behavior. In this conversation we talk about structure of Bee colonies, Nature-nurture, cognition, intelligence and consciousness.   Guest info: Website: Twitter: Amazon: Music band: Lars is also a part of a band 'Killer Bee Queens', check out  their music here  (   Episode links: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast:   Follow Reason with Science: Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast:    Timestamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:51 Most alien thing about Bees 00:02:12 Words of Maurice Maeterlinck 00:03:32 How do Bees perceive the world? 00:05:11 Seeing UV light 00:05:43 How a new born Bee would learn about its world? 00:08:25 Evolution of sensitivity to UV 00:11:00 Bee and flower evolution 00:13:41 How a Bee manages task of foraging? 00:18:31 Can Bees see in the Dark? 00:23:15 Cognitive maps in Bees 00:26:44 Landmarks recognition by Bees 00:28:06 Are Bees social animals? 00:36:28 Bees as carnivores 00:38:46 Social structure of Bees 00:45:01 Understanding nature-nurture from social insects 00:50:33 When the fate (to be a worker or not) of a Bee is decided? 00:52:18 Arms race between queen and works 00:54:02 Making of a Queen 00:58:21 Bee nest 01:01:17 Plasticity in Bee communication 01:07:21 Intelligence and cognition in Bees 01:14:29 Memory and Metacognition   01:23:50 Are Bees conscious?   01:37:52 Hard problem of consciousness 01:43:38 Importance of Bees   01:47:08 Bee conservation   01:54:29 Sensory, perception system of Bees and AI   01:58:58 Thank you!  #reasonwithscience #consciousness  #intelligence
Oct 8, 2022 • 1h 42min

Where did the universe come from? with Geraint Lewis

This episode is with Geraint Lewis.  He is a Professor of Professor of Astrophysics at the Sydney Institute  for Astronomy, part of the University of Sydney's School of Physics. His  research focuses on the 'dark side of the universe', the matter and  energy that shapes our cosmos. His books include 'A fortunate universe'  and 'The cosmic revolutionary's handbook'. His latest book is 'Where did  the universe come from' co-authored by Prof. Chris Ferrie.  In this conversation we talk about theory of gravity, quantum physics,  Big Bang, Expansion of the universe?, Matter, how do the elements form?,  Antimatter, Dark matter and Dark energy.    Guest info:  Website:  Twitter:  Amazon:   Episode links:   Website: Youtube: Spotify: Apple podcast: Google podcast: Follow Reason with Science:   Website:   Youtube:   Spotify:   Apple podcast:   Google podcast:    Timestamps:  00:00:00 Introduction  00:01:16 Do we have to presuppose the existence of the universe?  00:05:49 Something from nothing    00:07:14 'What is nothing?'    00:08:26 Theory of gravity and Quantum physics   00:14:30 Standard model in physics   00:16:17 Understanding matter   00:19:00 Why we can't include gravity at quantum level?   00:20:58 Scale matters for gravity   00:21:52 Scales for Quantum effects   00:26:46 Evidence for Big Bang   00:32:53 What is fundamental?   00:37:47 Space-time is doomed   00:43:09 Universe emerging from another universe   00:45:54 How to envision Big Bang?   00:49:16 Forces at work at the Big Bang   00:58:46 Idea of the multiverse   00:59:41 Fine tuning to produce elements in the universe   01:04:10 Are all electrons same?  01:11:00 Formation of the elements   01:14:12 How do various elements reach on the planets?     01:21:20 Antimatter and why matter exist?   01:31:29 Dark matter and Dark energy   01:34:16 Question of emergence   01:35:46 How does angular momentum get included in Dark matter models of galactic rotation?   01:39:24 Can we create a universe?   01:41:02 Thank you!  

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