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A Productive Conversation

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Jun 4, 2020 • 26min

Talking Slack with Phil Simon

Phil Simon joins me on this episode to talk about his book, Slack for Dummies. If you’ve ever wanted to get more out of Slack then you’ll get a lot out of this conversation. Phil is a sought-after speaker and recognized authority on technology, trends, communication, and management. He advises companies on how to optimize their use of technology has written nine books, most recently Slack For Dummies. His contributions have appeared in Harvard Business Review, CNN,& Inc., The New York Times, Wired, NBC, CNBC, Wired, The Huffington Post, FoxNews, abcnews.com, forbes.com, BusinessWeek, and many other high-profile media outlets. Whenever Phil and I have the opportunity to connect, we have a great discussion. This episode is no exception. We spend plenty of time “talking Slack,” including why Phil decided to write an entire book about it, the most creative use cases he discovered while writing the book, and more. If you’ve been dipping your toe into Slack, then this episode will help you warm up to the idea of not only using Slack… but really making it sing for you. Talking Points What was Phil’s reasoning for diving into Slack? These are some of the good things to know when first Getting into Slack Phil talks about how he makes sure Slack doesn’t go off the rails and become something it wasn’t made for What was it like when Phil realized how useful Slack is? Phil explains one of the most creative ways he has seen Slack used If you’re familiar with Slack and you want to take things to the next level, this is one action you can take Quote “Once you go Slack, you don’t go back.“ Helpful Links PhilSimon.com Asana Gary Gulman How I Built This with Guy Raz | Slack & Flickr: Stewart Butterfield Slack for Dummies The Productivityist Podcast Pick of The Week: How I Built This with Guy Raz Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Jun 3, 2020 • 28min

This is The Most Productive Thing I've Done Today

On this episode of the podcast, I’ve decided to share with you the most productive thing I’ve done today. And it’s been a long time coming. I’m taking imperfect action with this episode. I know that I’ve got plenty to learn and a lot of listening to do. But I wanted to start somewhere. This episode is that. There are no show notes for this episode. I’d like for you to give all 22 minutes a listen and then if you’d like to email me to talk about this episode, I’m at askmike@productivityist.com. Feel free to reach out. Thanks. Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 28, 2020 • 39min

Leading Without Authority with Keith Ferrazzi

I’m beyond thrilled to bring you this episode of the podcast featuring guest Keith Ferrazzi. Keith is the author of the best-selling book Never Eat Alone and our conversation centers around his latest book – a book I had the pleasure of devouring in advance – Leading Without Authority: How the New Power of Co-Elevation Can Break Down Silos, Transform Teams, and Reinvent Collaboration. Keith’s mission is simple: transform teams to help them transform the world. (I said simple.. not easy.) Beyond his work as an author of #1 New York Times bestselling author of Who’s Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone, Keith is the founder and CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight, a management consulting and team coaching company that works with many of the world’s biggest corporations. A graduate of Harvard Business School, Keith rose to become the youngest CMO of a Fortune 500 company during his career at Deloitte, and later became CMO of Starwood Hotels. He is a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Fortune and I am delighted he decided to join me in conversation on The Productivityist Podcast. Keith and I talk about what he means by “co-elevation” and why it’s so vital in today’s world – even beyond the workplace environment. We also spend time discussing the role of ego. in leading without authority, why believing that you work better on your own is not at all true, and much more. I had a great time having Keith as my guest on the program and I know you’ll get plenty out of our conversation. Talking Points Keith explains what he means by leading without authority What is an example of how co-elevation can help you operate beyond your work life? Why can a shift in mindset be such a struggle for people? Keith touches on what it is like to have to change how you work to adapt for someone else How important was it for Keith to include the proof that this can work for people – and lead people in the right direction? How can ego affect the process and the co-elevation way of thinking and living? This is what Keith has to say to people who think they work best on their own Keith shares his thoughts on patience and if patience is required for adopting the elements of co-elevation If someone picked up Leading Without Authority today, what is ONE action that they should start with? Quote “The ability to truly transform, not just you, not just your companies but the people around you.“ Helpful Links Leading Without Authority: How the New Power of Co-Elevation Can Break Down Silos, Transform Teams, and Reinvent Collaboration Ferrazzi Learning Virtual Teams Win Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 25, 2020 • 25min

3 More Things with Matt Bodnar

Matt Bodnar returns to the podcast to share three more things. Check out his original appearance on Episode 207 of the podcast. Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 21, 2020 • 50min

How to 10X Your Content with Amy Woods

On this episode of the program, I’m joined by Amy Woods. Amy has become known as a leading expert and true visionary when it comes to content repurposing, and is the author of Content 10x: More Content, Less Time, Maximum Results. I had the pleasure of meeting Amy a few years ago at a conference and I’ve always wanted to bring her on this program to talk about what she does and how she does it. I’m pleased that I was able to do that with this episode. Amy and I spent time talking about why repurposing your content is one of the most productive things you can do, the importance of planning, Amy’s own productive practices, and more. So sit back, relax, and learn how to 10X your content with Amy Woods – a true expert in the field! Talking Points Amy reveals whether she’s a night owl or an early riser Amy shares her thoughts on people who constantly want to be creating more rather than repurposing Amy shares some of the simply practical things in her book that people can do now She shares the process of deciding to take her expertise on content repurposing and distilling it into a book You’ll find out what Amy believes is the best platform to use as a jumping off point (or primary place) for repurposing content How important is planning in this process for Amy? We discuss the importance of patience in this process as well Quote “You have to plan in advance and you have to know that quality is going to win overall.“ Helpful Links Content 10X (The Website) Content 10x: More Content, Less Time, Maximum Results Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income Amy Porterfield Seth Godin 10 Great Gifts for the Productive Person in Your Life Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 18, 2020 • 15min

3 More Things with Erin Acton

Erin Acton returns to the podcast to share three more things. Check out her original appearance on Episode 209 of the podcast. Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 14, 2020 • 46min

Think Do Say with Ron Tite

My guest for this episode of the program is Ron Tite, the author of Think Do Say: How to Seize Attention and Build Trust in a Busy Busy World. A best-selling author, speaker, producer, and entrepreneur, Ron Tite has always blurred the lines between art and commerce. He has been an award-winning advertising writer and creative director for some of the world’s most respected brands including Air France, Evian, Fidelity, Hershey, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Intel, Microsoft, Volvo and many others. Ron and I both have a background in comedy, so there’s a natural connection there. We talk about how that background has helped him in his work, how companies can enact his “think, do, say” philosophy, and much more. Talking Points This is how Ron got to Dexter Guff to “blurb” his book. Why does Ron encourage the order as “think, do, say” and not “think, say, do”? Ron talks about how his book will help organizations think beyond the bottom line Why does Ron think organizations get caught up in making money while the iron is hot? This is the first step Ron thinks you should take when following through with the message in his book Quote “What are you currently doing and how can you do that way more efficiently to carve out time at the end of the day where you have dedicated to personal development.“ Helpful Links Episode 169: Behind the Scenes with Dexter Guff and Peter Oldring Episode 289: The Vision Driven Leader with Michael Hyatt Episode 290: Creative Menopause with Chase Reeves [Recorded LIVE at The BIG Ready] Ron’s Website Think Do Say Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 11, 2020 • 29min

Happy Days

Garry Marshall created many television programs and directed plenty of movies, but one of his most popular contributions to the creative world was the show Happy Days. I used to watch his shows – particularly that one – growing up and have enjoyed the movies he made after he moved on from television. Garry passed away in 2016 but the lessons and laughs he shared in his work live on. Many of them are timeless. I hope that the main lesson I share in this episode is timely… and perhaps a little bit timeless, too. Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 7, 2020 • 45min

Get Your Head Out of Your Apps with Matt Ragland

This week I’m joined by fellow productivity enthusiast/specialist/strategist, Matt Ragland. This is a conversation I’ve wanted to have for some time and I’m glad I’m able to deliver it as my 300th episode of The Productivityist Podcast. Matt is a YouTuber and productivity coach who shows you how to get your head out of your apps and focus on what matters. His ACE method has helped thousands of people create awareness, clarity, and execution on their goals and habits. He lives in Nashville, TN with his wife and two sons. We spend time talking about habits, the tools he uses, journaling, and much more. If you’re really into productivity practices or simply want to hear two people really “nerd out” about that sort of stuff, then this episode of the podcast is for you. Talking Points What led Matt to that moment of realization that he needed to “get his head out of his apps?” This is how Matt got past the feeling of the idea that you must use online tools and apps Matt talks about his views on New Year’s resolutions and annual events How does Matt keep the flow of his day moving in a paper planner? This is what journaling looks like for Matt Matt shares whether or not he uses a paper wall calendar Quote “If I see something that matters to me and I know it improves my life, my only goal is really just to be as consistent as I can with it.“ Helpful Links “Get Your Head Out of Your Apps” – Why the Bullet Journal Method means so much to me Episode 213: The Bullet Journal Method with Ryder Carroll Baronfig (Affiliate Link) ConvertKit (Affiliate Link) Sleep Cycle (Affiliate Link) Philips SmartSleep HF3500/60 Wake-Up Light Therapy Alarm Clock (Amazon Affiliate Link) 5 DAY TIME TRACKING CHALLENGE Episode 238: How to Keep Going with Austin Kleon START JOURNALING Episode 227: Why You Need Atomic Habits with James Clear Podia (Affiliate Link) Matt Ragland’s Website Matt’s YouTube Channel Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 4, 2020 • 24min

The Social Media-Productivity Balancing Act

Social media and productivity seem to be strange bedfellows. But in the right hands, they can coexist better than you might think. On this episode of the program, I talk about how social media use CAN be productive, how to make that happen, and share the story of my current social media platform experiment with one I never thought I’d use: TikTok. Helpful Links Want to follow me on social? Here’s where I hang out (most of the time productively): Me on TikTok Me on Instagram Me on Twitter | @mikevardy Productivityist on Twitter | @productivityist Me on Facebook Productivityist on Facebook Me on LinkedIn (Sorry, no Snapchat. Yet.) Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you're using. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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