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Rosenfeld Review Podcast

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Jul 22, 2024 • 35min

Making a Classic Even Better with Leah Buley and Joe Natoli

Leah Buley and Joe Natoli have teamed up to make something great (check out the reviews on Amazon!) even greater. How? Well, considering that The User Experience Team of One: A Research and Design Survival Guide was written more than a decade ago, it was time to revisit the content and make it even more relevant for today’s UX teams. After all, times have changed. But the fundamental principles of the original book haven’t changed. They are as solid today as they were 11 years ago. What has changed is that the methods have been adapted for the speed of change in today’s businesses. Joe says it best: “These methods are shorter. They're simpler. They’re more direct in a lot of ways, and they cut to the chase in a way that longer processes don’t. I've met plenty of senior people who are throwing up their hands and going, ‘We're doing all the things. Why isn't this working?’ And the truth is, they're kind of overworking and overthinking. Everything in this book is practical and direct and gets you from point A to B. I just don't think there's any better way to get there.” What You'll Learn from this Episode: - About Leah’s experience as a solo UX practitioner and the inspiration behind the first edition of UX Team of One - How the UX field has changed over the past decade - How the second edition aims to provide comprehensive yet practical UX methods that can be applied in various organizational settings - About the shortcomings of UX boot camps and educational programs - A perspective that balances UX advocacy with business objectives and the reality of corporate politics - How to navigate and thrive in a UX career despite industry challenges, focusing on practical, adaptable methods and tools. Quick Reference Guide: 0:46 - Introduction of Leah and Joe 1:33 - The User Experience Team of One, second edition 6:46 - Large or small team, Leah and Joe’s book is comprehensive without being overwhelming 8:58 - Righting wrongs 12:14 - What’s new in the second edition – striving to do more with less 15:58 - Break - plug for the Rosenverse 18:20 - The current shitstorm 21:39 - On speed 24:40 - On toolkits. Tools and methods are two different things. 28:16 - Who needs The User Experience Team of One? 30:45 - Leah and Joe’s gifts for the audience Resources and Links from Today's Episode: Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act Jakob Bro, jazz guitarist Confessions of a Pricing Man by Hermann Simon Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe The User Experience Team of One: A Research and Design Survival Guide by Leah Buley and Joe Natoli
Jul 8, 2024 • 31min

Make Things Better, Not Just Different with Erin Weigel

Have you ever thought about the similarities between art and science? Or about how math is the language of the universe? No? Welcome to a perspective shift. Ultimately this episode is about making things better, not just different. But how we get there is through a thoughtful and entertaining discussion with the witty and philosophical Erin Weigel. Erin Weigel wants us to make things better, not just different. But how do we get there? Lou had a thoughtful and entertaining discussion with Erin, always witty and philosophical—and often funny as hell. Join them on a perspective-shifting conversation that bridges disciplines and challenges conventional thinking, all in the pursuit of genuine improvement. Erin is the author of the recently published Design for Impact: Your Guide to Designing Effective Product Experiments. She brings a fresh, accessible, and humor-filled take on what may seem like a dry topic: experimentation. Erin digs into the role of experimentation in design, advocating for always defaulting to experiments even if they’re the quick and dirty kind. Erin and Lou also cover the following: - Wonky stuff like normal distributions, the central limit theorem, and what can be learned from outliers - The power of experiments to unite multidisciplinary teams by getting away from opinions and finding the truth - How professionals can use the principles of experimentation to navigate uncertainties and drive meaningful improvements - Discerning the impact of changes made What You'll Learn from this Episode: - How Erin, with a fine arts background, became the principal designer at and the Senior Group Product Design Manager at Deliveroo - The fundamental similarities between art and science - Why you should never skip the experimental phase - How experimentation unites people across disciplines - The difference between making things different and making them better Quick Reference Guide: 0:32 - Introduction of Erin; similarities between art and science 4:05 - Barriers between art and science 5:58 - Statistics is fun! 12:37 - Defaulting to experimentation 18:06 - Break - 5 reasons to use the Rosenverse 20:36 - Experimentation as a uniting force 25:49 - Make things better, not just different 28:32 - Erin’s gift for listeners Resources and Links from Today's Episode: Design for Impact: Your Guide to Designing Effective Product Experiments by Erin Weigel: Ologies Podcast with Allie Ward: Rosenverse: Factfulness: 10 Reasons We’re Wrong About the World and 10 Reasons Why Things are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling:
Jun 17, 2024 • 42min

Transforming Language with AI with Peter van Dijck

In the latest episode of the Rosenfeld Review, Lou sits down with old friend Peter van Dijck, author of Information Architecture for Designers: Structuring Websites for Business Success, one of the first books ever written on Information Architecture. Peter is now a partner of Simply Put, a Colombian company that builds and designs useful AI Agents—including the soon-to-launch Rosenbot! Peter offers insight into the world of AI. Having been one of the first to speak about IA, it is fascinating to hear what he now has to say about AI. Join Lou and Peter as they take you through the journey where language itself is transforming from design to technology. What You'll Learn from this Episode: - An introduction to the Rosenbot, an AI bot that Peter’s company is developing for Rosenfeld Media - Some basic vocabulary for speaking about AI and ML so you “don’t feel like an idiot” - Mind-blowing truths about the potential of Generative AI’s language capabilities - How writing has transformed from a design to a technology and learn what that means for how we interact with the data - About the importance of highly curated information when training bots and the tricky balance that comes when you want to present less polished sources like unedited conversations - The importance of the human side of things - The biggest surprise that has come from working in the industry Quick Reference Guide [0:15] - Lou’s introduction of Peter Van Dijck [3:00] - AI on a basic level [4:59] - Generative AI’s language capabilities [18:08] - How we interact with metadata and writing as a technology [20:00] - How real-use cases make technology more exciting and instantaneous [22:19] - Information about the new Designing With AI Conference [23:33] - Some of the jargon around AI and IA [24:16] - Introduction to Lou’s Chat Bot, the Rosen Bot [24:39] - The importance of training bots on highly curated information [28:34] - The tricky balance of curated and less polished content [30:26] - The human side of things [31:55] - Different interaction models [37:58] - The biggest surprise working in the industry [38:30] - A Gift For You Resources and Links from Today's Episode: Peter Van Dijck Linkedin: Peter’s Company, Simply Put: Information Architecture for Designers: Structuring Websites for Business Success The My Climate Journey Podcast:
May 29, 2024 • 38min

Ethan Marcotte on the Tech Industry, Unions, and AI

In a time of massive layoffs across the tech industry, and with the inevitable advancement of AI, is it time for tech workers to organize — as in, unionize? I know, I know. You thought unions were for 1950’s factory workers. Not so. Ethan Marcotte, author of You Deserve a Tech Union (and coiner of the term “responsive web design”) thinks it’s high time for tech workers to protect themselves by coming together and deciding what’s most important to them as a collective. Certainly, tech workers don’t face the same kind of potential life-threatening working conditions of industrial America, but they still deserve a seat at the table when important decisions about their work are being discussed. With issues related to equality, transparency, workplace harassment, and how AI is shifting roles and affecting how work gets done, there’s a lot to talk about. Ethan will bring his perspective on tech workers and how they’re being impacted by AI to the upcoming Designing with AI virtual conference in June. What You'll Learn from this Episode: - What’s attractive about unionizing for tech workers of the 2020s - What tech workers would change if they could - About tech walkouts and unions that have already happened - Helpful resources for starting conversations with coworkers - The potential relationship among AI, reskilling, and worker unions Quick Reference Guide: 0:20 - Introduction of Ethan 3:35 - How Ethan became interested in the idea of tech unions 6:04 - “Weren’t unions for the manufacturing industry in the 1950s?” 9:32 - The things tech workers would change if they could 11:14 - Conversations among employees – are they safe? Are they protected? 13:28 - On organizing for the greater good of humanity 17:11 - Plug for Managing Priorities: How to Create Better Plans and Make Smarter Decisions by Harry Max 19:06 - How we should feel about AI 22:36 - AI, reskilling, and when workers don’t want to leave mundane tasks behind 31:08 - Employees “voting with their feet” is costly for organizations 33:24 - How future workers may organize as it relates to AI 36:30 - Ethan’s gift for listeners Resources and Links from Today's Episode: Designing with AI virtual conference, June 4-5, 2024 You Deserve a Tech Union by Ethan Markcotte Tech Workers Coalition
May 20, 2024 • 35min

AI as Infrastructure with Dan Hill

Dan Hill is the director of the Melbourne School of Design at the University of Melbourne, and author of Dark Matter and Trojan Horses: A Strategic Design Vocabulary and Designing Missions. And he’s the opening speaker at the inaugural Designing with AI conference, where he’ll be presenting “Designing for the Infrastructures of Everyday Life”. Like it or not, AI is a growing part of our infrastructure—not just the infrastructure of our phones, our computers, and the internet—but that of our physical world. It’s increasingly used to support the very fundamental systems that maintain our cities, hospitals, utilities, and educational systems. On some levels, this is cause for concern. After all, we’ve seen other implementations of AI (think riding-sharing services) that have not lived up to their promise but have instead aggravated some of the problems they sought to address. Dan is a big-picture guy with an ability to draw principles from history and other sectors. He understands that utilizing AI is inevitable. The challenge is recognizing the interconnectedness of our various systems and working together to build infrastructures that truly create better life experiences for all. What You'll Learn from this Episode: - The many facets of infrastructures - How AI is currently being used and how it might be used in the future to support our infrastructures - Why ride-sharing is not exactly an AI model worth repeating - Why the Japanese and Finnish models work well in those environments but aren’t necessarily transferable to more diverse cultures - Why quality of life will only improve with a more holistic, integrated design approach Quick Reference Guide 0:37 - Introduction of Dan 3:49 - AI as infrastructure 8:30 - How AI might be used to further support infrastructure systems 12:09 - Will the impact of AI actually make life better? 18:59 - Plug for Managing Priorities by Harry Max. Get 15% off! 20:15 - The metaphor of designing looking through a lens and technology’s impact on the material world 26:16 - Helpful models – the Japanese and Finnish cultures 31:52 - Dan’s gift to the audience Resources and Links from Today's Episode: Dark Matter and Trojan Horses: A Strategic Design Vocabulary by Dan Hill Managing Priorities: How to Create Better Plans and Make Smarter Decisions by Harry Max Designing with AI Conference, June 4-5 Smoke and Ashes: Opium’s Hidden Histories by Amitav Ghosh
May 4, 2024 • 28min

Reflection in Action with Jodi Forlizzi

Jodi Forlizzi has taken an unusual path to get where she is today. With an art degree from the University of Arts in Philadelphia, she began working as a technical illustrator at the University of Pennsylvania. Transitioning into UX design as the internet expanded, she pursued a Master's in Interaction Design at Carnegie Mellon University where she is now a professor. Jodi's work focuses on responsible AI and diversity in computer science. Her talk at the upcoming Designing with AI 2024 conference will explore the evolving role of AI in design processes and products. Jodi distinguishes between "designing with AI" and "designing AI," arguing the importance of designers' involvement in the entire product development lifecycle. She highlights the challenges of AI innovation, such as data availability, value generation, customer adoption, and ethical considerations and emphasizes that designers have a place in all realms of AI development. Jodi's interview offers a glimpse into the evolving landscape of AI-driven design and the pivotal role of designers in shaping its future. With a blend of historical context, personal anecdotes, and insights, she inspires designers of all stripes to embrace the challenges and opportunities presented by AI innovation. What You'll Learn from this Episode: - How Jodi went from a Master of Fine Arts degree to working on responsible AI at Carnegie Mellon - Why designers are needed in all phases of AI development - How careers morph as technologies develop and become obsolete - Lessons from history and the “friendly vending machine” - Why solving for “Drunk Island” problems is usually more helpful than chasing a loftier issue Quick Reference Guide 0:25 - Introducing Jodi 2:59 - On boundaries around innovating with AI 6:40 – 4 reasons AI models fail 8:07 – The role of designers and the challenge of starting the design process from the middle of the double diamond 11:49 - The role of bridge builders 14:48 - The morphing of careers due to the emergence and prevalence of AI 17:19 - Commercial break - Managing Priorities: How to Create Better Plans and Make Smarter Decisions by Harry Max 18:26 - AI as a design material 21:08 - Constraints and structure on AI as a design material 24:39 - Jodi’s gift for the audience Resources and Links from Today's Episode: Managing Priorities: How to Create Better Plans and Make Smarter Decisions by Harry Max Designing with AI 2024, June 4-5 Friendly vending machines
Mar 11, 2024 • 40min

Angry and Passionate about what AI means to Researchers with Tricia Wang

In the latest episode of the Rosenfeld Review, Lou sits down with social scientist Tricia Wang, coiner of the term “thick data,” and formerly a partner at Sudden Compass. Tricia is passionate about research and AI. She envisions massively improved research outcomes and opportunities for researchers, but only if researchers take the lead in incorporating AI into their work. Rather than seeing themselves as “users” of AI tools, researchers must work as AI’s “shapers,” serving as its senior partner. Tricia’s vision is to cease the fear-mongering surrounding the subject of AI and instead embrace the amazing opportunities for growth and better work by becoming active in the control of AI’s future. What You'll Learn from this Episode: - The truth about the potential for AI use in research and the gift that it actually is - The difference between a “user” and a “shaper” in the digital age - The importance of taking an active role in the development of AI in the future - How being an asset class dehumanizes us as people Quick Reference Guide: [0:16] - Lou’s introduction of Tricia Wang [2:52] - Tricia discusses our future and how we talk about AI [3:49] - Thoughts on the narrative of fear-mongering we have in the West about AI [5:47] - The relationship between humans and AI [5:59] - A new framework: users vs shapers [9:07] - The problem with taking on a passive role with a technology unlike anything we have ever seen [11:06] - People who use AI successfully are active shapers [15:33] - Info on Advancing Research 2024 [17:23] - How users, shapers, and AI affect the field of research [20:42] - The existential question of what it really means to be a researcher [31:28] - Tricia’s advice concerning using AI in research [35:07] - Tricia’s gift for the audience [38:34] - Tricia wants to hear from you Resources and Links from Today's Episode: Tricia Wang Sudden Compass James Bridle, Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search For A Planetary Intelligence Brett Christopher, Rentier Capitalism: Who Owns the Economy, And Who Pays For It? Advancing Research 2024
Feb 12, 2024 • 29min

Decoding Culture: A Lens for Research Breakthroughs with Neil Barrie

In the latest episode of the Rosenfeld Review, Lou sits down with Neil Barrie, the co-founder and CEO of TwentyFirstCenturyBrand, to delve into the intriguing intersection of brand building, culture, and user experience research. Neil, an outsider in the realm of user research, brings a fresh perspective from the world of brand research; you can hear more from him at the Advancing Research 2024 conference in New York City, March 25-26. Neil emphasizes the need for researchers to adopt a cultural lens when designing product experiences. Drawing from his extensive experience working with influential brands like Airbnb, Bumble, Headspace, and others, Neil suggests that by understanding and leveraging wider cultural factors, researchers can break free from the incremental nature of product development and create more memorable, distinctive, and influential brands. The conversation touches upon the "wind tunnel effect," where products and services, much like cars in the 90s, risk becoming efficient but less distinctive. Neil argues that by paying attention to cultural factors and experiences, researchers can uncover breakthroughs that go beyond the interchangeable norms of the industry. Neil’s insights highlight the transformative potential of cultural understanding in user research, offering researchers a valuable lens to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of product experiences. What You'll Learn from this Episode: - The importance of adopting a cultural lens in user research to achieve breakthroughs - The concept of the "wind tunnel effect" and its impact on product development - Examples from brands like Pinterest, showcasing the power of cultural understanding in shaping user experiences - The dialogue mapping technique for evaluating how brands communicate certain themes and how people perceive them Quick Reference Guide: [0:11] - Lou’s introduction of Neil Barrie [3:03] - A discussion on the wind tunnel effect in research [4:24] - Frameworks for understanding culture [5:41] - Examples from Pinterest [11:29] - Plug for Advancing Research 2024 [13:23] - The tools of a brand strategy expert [17:18] - One challenge, multiple perspectives [19:29] - Reconciling disconnects in research [22:00] - The qualities needed for this type of research [24:13] - Neil’s gift for the audience Resources and Links from Today's Episode: Advancing Research 2024, New York City, March 25-27, 2024 A Colorful View From the Top – a book featuring candid interviews with luminaries of color who made it to the top in various fields. The Deluge by Stephen Markley
Jan 29, 2024 • 39min

The Evolution of User Research with Steve Portigal

Author, researcher, speaker, and frequent Rosenfeld Review guest Steve Portigal joins Lou for a chat on the state of the user research industry – where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re headed. If the field of research was once a lonely desert, today it’s a jungle. It was once a field where researchers could get lost and forgotten. Today, the field is teaming with life—so much so that you could get eaten alive. Gleaning lessons from the past, Steve doesn’t want us to forget the desert. But he has no desire to return there. In his chat with Lou, they look back, and they look ahead. They discuss shifts in community and networking, and how research agencies are being replaced by in-house research teams. Finally, the two discuss Steve’s role in the upcoming, in-person Advancing Research conference in Queens, New York. What you’ll learn from this episode: How the world of user research has evolved over the last 25 years from a widely-respected industry expert How the research industry has shifted from agency-based work to in-sourcing About Steve’s work, career, and books About the upcoming, in-person Advancing Research Conference About Steve’s role in past Advancing Research Conferences Quick Reference Guide: [0:00:29] Introduction of Steve [0:02:50] “Dog fooding”, preparation, and collaboration that happens before conferences [0:09:30] Comparing the user research field and community now to how it was 25 years ago. [0:16:22] The evolution of networking, connections, and community [0:23:09] Shifts and pivots Steve has seen over the last 25 years in the user research field [0:30:32] Writing it down and moving on [0:35:13] Plug for Advancing Research Conference, including Steve’s role [0:36:27] Steve’s gift for listeners Resources and links from today’s episode: Steve Portigal’s Rosenfeld Media books: Advancing Research Conference (March 25-27): Steve’s website: The Wok: Recipes and Techniques by J. Kenji Lopez-Alt:
Jan 24, 2024 • 35min

The Roots of Inclusion with Victor Udoewa

The podcast discusses the importance of recognizing diverse viewpoints, establishing cross-world connections, and bridging knowledge gaps. It also explores the concept of inversion and its relation to conference advice, highlights the importance of starting UX research from a perspective of being rather than methodology, and discusses the significance of being courageous and taking risks in the field.

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