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Ben Greenfield Life

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Sep 29, 2018 • 1h 38min

A Deep Dive Into How To Interpret The Results Of Your Blood Testing - Ben Greenfield Reveals & Walks You Through His Laboratory Results From WellnessFX.

“How can I optimize my health and longevity?” “How can I live a long time and feel good doing it?” “What supplements should I take for peak performance?” “What should my ideal diet look like?” Honestly, without any data about your blood and biomarkers, you have no idea. This is because unless you know what your blood looks like under a microscope, there is no way for you to identify with 100% confidence what steps you should take to eat the right diet, to take the right supplements, to protect your health, to enhance your well-being, to perform at peak capacity, and perhaps most importantly, to live as long as possible with as high a quality of life as possible. Enter blood testing. Blood testing is the most important step you can take to identify and prevent life-threatening diseases before they happen to you. With your blood test results in hand, you can catch critical issues in your body before they manifest as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or worse. Knowledge of exactly what is going on inside your body empowers you to implement a science-based disease-prevention program that can literally add decades of healthy years to your life. And if your goal is to not only stop disease, but to also perform at your peak physical and cognitive capacity, blood testing is absolutely crucial for identifying which diet, which supplements and which lifestyle steps you should take to optimize your specific and unique health parameters. But sadly, most annual medical check-ups that the average physician orders are simply routine, old-school blood tests that don't even test for the most important markers of disease risk, and that are simply designed to make sure you're “not dying”. They aren't designed to optimize longevity or to ensure your body is completely primed to perform at peak capacity. What most people don't realize is that you can skip your physician and simply manage the entire process for getting your blood work done yourself. And if you want to test absolutely every little thing that affects your organs, your energy, your hormones, your health and your longevity, then you've found the ultimate answer. I worked closely with WellnessFX, America's top laboratory for concierge blood testing and online access to all your blood testing results, to develop the Longevity Blood Testing Panel For Men and Longevity Blood Testing Panel For Women, which is the most complete blood testing package for men that money can buy.  This is by far the most comprehensive blood testing package I recommend and is designed for the high performer, biohacker or anti-aging enthusiast who wants access to the same type of executive health panel and screening that would normally cost tens of thousands of dollars at a longevity institute. The panel I discuss in today's podcast dives deep into overall metabolic functioning for optimal long-term health and longevity, and includes thyroid function, stress response, blood glucose regulation, sex hormone balance, heavy metals, inflammation, organs of detoxification (liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and lungs), proteins, electrolytes, blood oxygen and nutrient delivery, immune system status, vitamin D status and much, much more, including: 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D Apolipoprotein A-1 Apolipoprotein B Blood Lead Blood Mercury Cardio IQ Lipoprotein Fractionation Ion Mobility Complete Blood Count w/ differential Complete Metabolic Panel Copper Cortisol Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Ferritin, serum Fibrinogen Folate Free Fatty Acids Hemoglobin A1c Homocysteine High-sensitivity C-reactive protein IGF-1 (Growth hormone surrogate) Insulin Iron, TIBC Lipid Panel Lipoprotein (a) Luteinizing Hormone Omega 3 Fatty Acids RBC Magnesium Reverse T-3 Selenium SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) T-3 Total T-3 Uptake T-4 (Thyroxine) T-3 Free T-4 Free Testosterone + Free Testosterone Thiamine Thyroglobulin Antibodies Thyroid Peroxidase AB TSH Uric Acid Vitamin A Vitamin B12 Zinc Estradiol As you can see, I've held nothing back and covered all bases with this customized blood panel. You will not find a test this comprehensive anywhere else, guaranteed. From identifying disease to optimizing longevity and anti-aging to maximizing performance, this test gives you absolutely everything you need. During this podcast, in which I cover my own results from my recent longevity panel, you'll discover: My own process of testing my blood. I had 19 tubes of blood drawn; you typically have 3-5 tubes drawn in a blood test. My motivation: What if you want the same type of blood test that would be tens of thousands of dollars at a longevity center? I wanted to advise myself with more precision than typical blood tests such as TSH. I designed a package with Wellness FX, for men and women. I do this on a quarterly basis; although once a year (or once per life) is sufficient for most people. First thing you see on the report: cardiovascular health. Basic lipid panel. Risk factors: Red (high caution); orange (pay attention); green (good to go). A lot of red doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing; all green doesn't necessarily mean all good either. My total cholesterol is red: 267. High cholesterol isn't a risk factor; it's when it becomes oxidized. My HDL levels are through the roof: 151. High level of HDL could mean your body is carrying a lot of metabolites to the liver due to constant inflammation. I tested all my inflammations, all very low. Question to ask: are you a lean mass hyper responder? Could have a higher LDLP particle count. High HDL, inflammation is low, not of concern. High cholesterol and high inflammation, be concerned. Below lipid panel you'll see LDL particles. I use the Thorne multivitamin. The chlorogenic acid you find in artichoke extract is efficacious in lowering APOB My peak LDL size has been climbing; ideally I want it above 222 1/2. My LDL particle count is actually low. Small low density lipoprotein low compared to peak LDL size. Overall I'm happy with my results. Look for increase in the size of my LDL particles. “How can I live a long time and feel good doing it?” Free fatty acids associated with diabetes and heart disease. Omega Index: two different fatty acids in your red blood cells. Arachidonic acid levels are normal; I feel like I could step up my Omega 6 fatty acid intake. (Sprinkle hemp seeds on your salad.) Metabolic health: Risk factors for diabetes and insulin resistance. You want your insulin levels relatively low. Wellness FX will give suggestions on how to lower insulin levels. My blood glucose level wasn't concerning, but a bit higher than normal. Homa IR score: Takes both glucose and insulin levels into account. A ratio of glucose vs. insulin. Thyroid health: You typically see only TSH. Mine has much more... My antibodies to thyroid are very low. Reverse T3 is very low; not concerned about stress. Free thyroxin index is normal. Thyroid peroxidase is a target of antibodies. I have low T3, T4, both total and free. My natural weight is 190-195; my actual weight is 175. I rarely eat until I'm full. Metabolic hormones: IGF is a bit low; I'll take colostrum for this. Cortisol: It's at 24; I want it between 2-20. If it's elevated on one snapshot, consider testing again. Cortisol metabolites. Dutch test for hormones. (link needed) Liver and Kidneys: High levels of creatinine; if you exercise prior to a lab test, the creatinine will be elevated. Blood urea nitrogen elevated. Forms when proteins break down. Elevates when people are a) dehydrated or b) exercised the day prior to the test. My liver values are of concern. ALT when elevated mildly not of concern; mine have raised each of the last 3 tests. Foods that are good for the liver. “What supplements should I take for peak performance?” Milk thistle Holy basil Dandelion root Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. I may fall into this category. Metabolism Reset Diet by Dr. Allen Christianson (link needed) Something I do to sleep on int'l flights: an edible of marijuana. Metabolized by the liver; could have contributed to my high levels. Electrolytes Looking at Co2 and chloride levels. My Co2 has dropped. Bone health: More Vitamin D is not better; Above 80 you have increased risk of mortality. If calcium is abnormal, can be caused by abnormal albumin. The blood: You have two components of your blood: cellular (red, white, platelets) and liquid (plasma). My mean platelet volume is okay. My white blood cell count looks great. Either too little or too much can lead to mortality. Red blood cells: Look great. I spend time in the sauna which is great for blood production. My iron levels are fine. An extra steak or two per week wouldn't kill me. Floradix (link) Vitamins and minerals: Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis. When folate is high, it could mean using a lousy multivitamin. Vitamin B12 is required for proper nerve function; mine is through the roof. Vitamin A is in perfect amount. Red blood cell magnesium the most precise way to measure magnesium in cells. Copper needed in trace amounts. Zinc important for nails, DNA synthesis, chronic disease management; too much causes bad breath, excessive sweating. Black ant extract is great for zinc. Resources from this episode: [pdf-embedder url="" title="Ben Greenfield Lab Results – WellnessFX"] -Longevity Blood Testing Panel For Men -Longevity Blood Testing Panel For Women -Click here for a 20 to 60-minute consulting session with Ben to review your own results -The Ultimate Guide To Self-Quantification – How To Test, Track & Interpret Blood, Saliva, Urine, Hair & Poop. -RebelDesk standing desk -Focal Upright Mogo Stool -Are You A Lean Mass Hyperresponder? -Thorne Multi -Almsbio Glutathione with Q10 -Kion Flex -Kion Colostrum -DUTCH Test for Hormones -JOOVV -Top testosterone hacks article -LiveO2 exercise advice -Iron Bisyglycinate -Floradix -Qualia Mind -Black Ant Extract -Swiss Healing Retreat - Detox with Ben Greenfield -Radical Metabolism by Anne Louise Gittleman -The Metabolism Reset Diet by Alan Christianson Episode sponsors: -Onnit Supplements are the foundation of total human optimization. I highly recommend their toothpaste! Use my link and get 10% off your order. -Kion Serum Give the middle finger to aging. Use Kion Serum anywhere you’d like more vibrant, youthful skin and hair.   -Aaptiv It’s like having a personal trainer in your pocket. Inspiring music, inspiring trainers guiding your through your workout. Use my link and get 30% off a new membership. -Jet Pack Reclaim your inner-warrior. Have more energy. Boost your libido. Jet Pack is like a cup of coffee for your crotch. Enter code “ben” and get yourself 15% off your order at checkout. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for me about these lab results? Leave your comments below and I'll reply ASAP!See for privacy information.
Sep 27, 2018 • 2h 25min

The Official Edgy, Explicit & Epic Podcast With Me & The MindPump Crew: Longevity, Religion, Parenting, Biohacking, The Joe Rogan Debates, Snake Oil, Pseudoscience & Beyond.

Warning: today's podcast episode gets a bit...well edgy - even explicit. See, every so often, I get together with my fellow fitness-freak podcasting friends - the good fellas from the MindPump studios - and we take a rather rough around the edges, occasionally drug or alcohol infused, definitely entertaining and edgy foray into longevity to life to religion to parenting to biohacking and beyond. These always turn out to be incredibly popular podcast episodes, and this one promises to be just that. The hosts of Mindpump claim to “pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health.” T ake a gander at these fellas…as they seem to have the body composition and transformation equation pretty well figured out. They include… Sal DiStefano. Sal was 14 years old when he touched his first weight and from that moment he was hooked. Growing up asthmatic, frequently sick and painfully skinny, Sal saw weightlifting as a way to change his body and his self-image. In the beginning, Sal’s body responded quickly to his training but then his gains slowed and then stopped altogether. Not one to give up easily, he began reading every muscle building publication he could get his hands on to find ways to bust through his plateau. He read Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, Mentzer’s Heavy Duty, Kubrick’s Dinosaur Training, and every muscle magazine he could find; Weider’s Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Iron Man and even Muscle Media 2000. Each time he read about a new technique or methodology he would test it out in the gym. At age 18 his passion for the art and science of resistance training was so consuming that he decided to make it his profession and become a personal trainer. By 19 he was managing health clubs and by 22 he owned his own gym. After 17 years as a personal trainer he has dedicated himself to bringing science and TRUTH to the fitness industry.   Adam Schafer is a IFBB men’s physique Pro and fitness expert. Adam made his entrance into the fitness world 14 years ago and has continued to send shock waves throughout the community ever since. He is a man of many talents who wears many hats. He is first and foremost a certified fitness expert who has an insatiable desire to help people in need of major lifestyle changes and daily accountable motivation. He is also incredibly driven entrepreneur and business minded individual with a vision that continually challenges his colleagues and peers to think bigger and achieve more.        Justin Andrews has an incredible passion to disrupt the personal training industry and create ground breaking programs and tools that fitness professionals and clients alike can benefit from. The fitness industry in general needs a massive face lift to speak more to the generation growing up with a more advanced technology tool kit. Justin’s approach is to create programs that utilize technology as it advances and cut through the millions of options people face everyday when seeking specific information relating to their fitness needs. The great thing about where we are today is how easy it is to access information, the bad part about accessing all this information is how much misinformation is out there to weed through. As a health and fitness professional with a proven track record here in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Justin Andrews will keep working tirelessly to keep people educated and connected to quality personal trainers long into the future.    Doug Egge received his first gym membership as a gift from his dad when he was 16 years old. Rocky III had just come out and he was determined to build a body like Stallone. It never happened. Despite following the advice of muscle magazines and busting his butt in the gym, Doug saw minimal gains over the next 30 years. Then he was introduced to Sal Di Stefano by his chiropractor who recommended he work with Sal to eliminate muscle imbalances that were causing lower back issues. Sal’s unique approach, often 180 degrees different from what Doug had read in books and magazines, produced more results in a matter of months than he had experienced in the 30 years prior. Doug with an extensive marketing and media production background, recognized Sal’s unique gift and perspective was missing from the fitness world and suggested that they should join forces. Doug and Sal have since produced life-altering programs such as the No BS 6-Pack Formula and MAPS Anabolic. Doug is very pleased to have the opportunity to work with Adam and Justin as Producer of MindPump. In this epic 2+ hour conversation with the MindPump guys, you'll discover: -Health hazards of the new nicotine vapor pens...7:40 Hyper-concentrated amounts of THC. Nearly 100% There's such thing as too much of a good thing (essential oils) St. John's wort an anti-depressant; put it in vodka for 4 weeks, then strain it. -Observation: as humans have manipulated nature, all of a sudden we have a bunch of diseases to worry about...10:45 Two beliefs: creationism vs. evolutionism. Means of concentrating elements have changed. -Synthetic THC, gravity bombs, etc...13:45 A kid took two hits and lost his mind; scary thing to watch. Deaths associated with synthetic cannabinoids It's impossible to kill yourself with real cannabis You want a total plant extract; CBD provides benefits but works better with other cannabinoids present. Actually grows new brain cells. -Oversaturation of cannabis-related products in the marketplace...17:00 If you use a lot of it, you could be getting your body to produce less natural cannabinoids. CBD protein, pre-workout, products. Ben has a high tolerance for stimulants like coffee and caffeine due to his upbringing. Varying reactions to caffeine/CBD combinations. Don't take grapefruit with medication. -How I and my kids are increasing our levels of BDNF, which are naturally low...22:05 Drinking lion's mane tea; using the sauna 3x/week. Side effects of low levels of BDNF. Not enough Vitamin D Not optimal cognitive ability The ins and outs of "smart drugs." I'm not as into them as I once was. -What it was like to start a supplement company, and a progress report 1 year into it...27:30 Began with just a few supplements: Serum, Flex, etc. I don't want to be "the face" of the company. I want the products to stand for themselves. I'm behind the scenes, formulating the supplements. We partner with some companies, like Thorne. Their labels contain the Kion logo.  The process from idea to opening the company...  Took around 2 1/2 years. We follow books like Traction, and Rocket Fuel, EO Systems.  I formulate supplements because I want it, and figure there are others that need it too. Kion headquarters are in Boulder, CO; we use Slack and Voxer to operate remotely. Best selling product is the Clean Energy Bar. Rather than focus on "long tail" concepts, I focus on specific pain points: sleep, longevity, joints, etc. We want people to have just a few supplements in their cupboard. You have to create a high number of SKU's, OR have a huge following in one specific area. -The financial investments and human labor that went into founding Kion...41:30 Initial investment: $100k from a friend, who is an investment partner. I invest in a lot of nutrition, fitness, bone broth, etc. companies. Kion has a board of 5 business-savvy members. Everything else I've financed personally. We're in the green less than a year into it. Same growth curve as companies that have been around for 3+ years. Due to existing traction from the podcast, email list, etc. Relationship capital is HUGE. It's not about cold calling... I have a spreadsheet that's a virtual rolodex of influencers Address to send free product Ask them to share on social media Relationships make it easy to decide who to listen to, what products to promote, etc. Having assistants who make our schedule is actually far less stressful than feeling like we're in control of everything. I've successfully built my business hiring experts who can focus on just one particular element of the business. i.e. scheduling, podcasts, etc. (H/T to Gary Keller's The One Thing.) It's futile to build a huge following on social media and promoting products. Although it's a temporary success, what do you really have to be proud of? It's an unsustainable business model. I'm more concerned with creating a legacy with Kion, my books, podcast, etc. -The risk in terms of your own sanity in being consumed with your appearance...55:00 Look at celebrities using botox, plastic surgery. The body changes, ages. You realize money isn't that important. Focus on building YOU, rather than your image. No one on their death bed wishes they made more money. They wish they had more family time, practicing spirituality: meditation, gratitude, connecting with a higher power. There's a lot to be gained by abstaining from certain comforts of life. Delayed gratification. How do you want to be remembered? What legacy do you want to build? -Balancing scientific truth and spiritual truth...1:04:00 Light is the first thing created. Research has shown that the primary way in which cells communicate is via biophotonic signaling. There's a reason I'm not paleo... The first people were gardeners; EVERYTHING was good. Science itself eliminates the idea that you can have only science and no moral code. We have a built-in morality that some scientists claim to disprove. -What kinds of things do people hire me for? How to exercise and stay in shape for leisure activities and meet business demands. Blood and biomarker interpretation. Create meal plans based on their own lifestyle. I'm the CEO of their health. Consult with pro sports teams: Miami Heat. Optimize light HEPA air filters Micro adjustments that take a team from good to great. Mostly for personal health reasons, rather than outperforming competitors. -Things I do to mitigate jet lag...1:25:45 Circadian cues: light, movement, food. Get into natural light ASAP; block LED lights. Avoid eating on the airplane as much as possible. Recommend macadamia nuts, gum, stevia, electrolyte tablets. Wait until the first regular time to eat a meal. Ex. You land at 2 am, wait until normal breakfast time to eat. DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST! Mimic your movements in the new location, i.e. exercise time. Look for a park; walk in your bare feet. Find a sauna and pool. The Last Resource You'll Ever Need on Sleep. -The newest science in anti-aging and longevity research...1:36:30 Calorie restriction memetics Resveratrol, Astragalus Using fasting to build muscle mass. Interval training. When you drop your calories, your metabolism adjusts. Staggered fasting helps mitigate that adjustment. NAD precursors: Tru Niagen, NiaCel, nicotinamide riboside (NR) My podcast with Dr. Charles Brenner Primary signaling molecules in our body are free radicals. Fecal transplants. -What are some things I've eliminated from my protocol?...1:58:52 Theacrine CBD for energy Probiotics -Whether I've ever experimented with my cholesterol levels for strength increases...2:04:34 Is any increase in strength because of fat-soluble vitamins, or because it's an increase in cholesterol? I try to keep my total cholesterol above 200. -The significance of consuming the RIGHT minerals into your diet...2:08:30 Your body needs to be rich in minerals in order to respond to light signals. Drink salt water vs. tap water. Celtic salt is higher than other types of salt. Why a couple of dill kosher pickles relieves a headache. On a quarterly basis, I test for hydroxy vitamin D, calcium, red blood cell magnesium, CO2, chloride levels. I pay the most attention to chloride levels and magnesium. Cramping during exercise is rarely due to mineral depletion or dehydration. Due to an alpha motor neuron reflex. To reverse this cramp, taste something incredibly salty or incredibly spicy. The taste causes a motor neuron reflex and relieves the cramp. -My reaction to being labeled the “pseudoscience guy”...2:20:30 Religion and spirituality are very difficult to prove. Some things such as cells communicating via biophotonics light signaling have been proven since the 1700's; it's just not common knowledge. People are afraid of it, or it disrupts the status quo. There's a certain amount of "industry manipulation" on the information we receive. -My opinion on the upcoming debates between Layne Norton/Dominic D'Agostino and Chris Kresser/Joel Kahn on the Joe Rogan Podcast...2:27:30 Resources mentioned in this episode: -The MAPS training plans designed by the MindPump crew for fat loss, muscle gain, mobility, sports performance and more. -My previous 3 podcasts with the MindPump guys: The Mysterious Kuwait Muscle-Building Phenomenon, The Too-Much-Protein Myth, Anabolic Triggering Sessions & More With The MindPump Podcast Crew. The Mysterious Micro-Workouts, Turning On Your Butt, Overdosing With Melatonin & More With The MindPump Guys Six-Egg Breakfasts, Ketosis For Bodybuilders, Resetting Weed Tolerance, Kratom Experimentation & Much More With The Mindpump Guys! -Kion Flex -Kion Colostrum -Book: Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday -Book: The Art of Manliness -Own the Day by Aubrey Marcus -Pau D' Arco Bark Tea -Hello Ned -15% off first purchase -Four Sigmatic -Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) -Thorne Supplements -WellnessFX Lab Testing -Article: The Big Problem With Gyms & Why You Need to Exercise Outdoors -Book: Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi -Website: The Art of Manliness | Men's Interests and Lifestyle -Book: Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships by Cacilda Jethá and Christopher Ryan -Joovv -State of the Art Led Circadian Lighting Systems -Molecular Hydrogen Institute -Book: Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health & Life by Ben Greenfield -The Last Resource On Sleep You’ll Ever Need: Ben Greenfield’s Ultimate Guide To Napping, Jet Lag, Sleep Cycles, Insomnia, Sleep Food, Sleep Supplements, Exercise Before Bed & Much, Much More! -Vuori Clothing -Mind Pump Ep. 865: Stan Efferding -Video:  How to Convert NR into NAD for Mitochondrial Health and Longevity -Helminthic therapy Episode Sponsors: -Kion Tian Chi Brighten your mind. Extra nourishment to help you navigate the storm of stress, work, and life. -Organifi Gold.  Pain-soothing herbs, antioxidants, & phyto-nutrients all in one delicious, soothing “Golden Milk”. Use code “greenfield” at checkout for a cool 20% discount. -Clear Light Saunas. Advanced technology...for your good health. See why Clear Light Jacuzzi Saunas are unsurpassed. Use my link and get $500 off the regular price of a Clear Light Sauna. -New Man Revolution Never worry about your shower and bathroom products ever again! New Man Revolution delivers the best quality men’s products, like men’s shampoo, body wash and shave butter, right to your door. Use code “ben” to get 15% off your first order; or get 25% off a new subscription to the NMR club.See for privacy information.
Sep 22, 2018 • 1h 15min

Shining Laser Lights On Your Balls & Beyond: Photobiomodulation 101 - How To Use Near Infrared & Red Light For Collagen, Thyroid, Muscle, Skin & More.

For some reason, I've gotten a reputation as a guy who "shines light on his balls". Perhaps it was this Men's Health magazine article, in which I discuss a form of light therapy called "photobiomodulation" as a way for guys to increase sexual performance, sperm count and testosterone. Or perhaps it's because I've described on multiple podcasts how I pull down my pants for 20-30 minutes a day while I'm at my desk, and "bathe my balls" in red and near-infrared light, using a device called a "Joovv". Turns out the benefits of photobiomodulation go far beyond your nether regions. Heck, this recent study even hinted at the fact that perhaps it should actually be banned as an illegal performance-enhancing drug! On today's podcast, I discuss photobiomodulation ins and outs with two experts in the field: Justin Strahan and Scott Nelson. Not just any man can take his wife's dream and make it a reality. This is just one of the reasons why Justin is so special. Justin's affinity for process and extreme attention to detail is why we are lucky to have him as head of R&D. The two words we would to describe Justin are intuitive and thorough. Prior to inventing and developing the Joovv, he spent his career as an engineer managing design and development teams. He also has six children, and can apparently play drums and trumpet like it's nobody's business.   Scott is the impetus, power, and energy that set Joovv in motion. As head of commercialization, his ability to metabolize information quickly makes him an irreplaceable asset. The two words we would use to describe Scott are efficient and personable. Prior to cofounding Joovv, he spent his entire professional career in leadership positions with some of the largest medical device companies in the world, including Medtronic, Covidien, Boston Scientific, and C.R. Bard.   During our discussion, you'll discover: -The intriguing history of photobiomodulation (PBM) and the JOOVV light...11:11 All types of health benefits from a wide range of wavelengths. Sunlight is optimal Red (600-670 nanometers); near infrared (800-880 nanometers) Visible Red light is considered near infrared. Far infrared is useful for heating tissue (over 3000 nanometers); you can't see it. Comparing research between red and near-infrared light.  Original PBM devices were lasers. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) Difference between LED and lasers: light source itself. Laser is a specific wavelength. LED is tight range, but not a coherent beam. Photo medicine is still a niche field. Most older academics say that it's based on laser therapy, younger professionals say with newer LED light, you can deliver the same level of intensity over a much broader treatment area. How is LED light different from sunlight? Americans spend around 93% of their lifetime indoors due to their work and lifestyle. PBM harnesses specific wavelengths; restores healthy function to offset stressors such as wifi, bluetooth, etc. It's similar to supplementing our diets with a smoothie or multivitamin. It doesn't contain the UVA or UVB, blue light, etc. -The compelling research behind phototherapy for everything from testosterone to collagen to thyroid to muscular recovery and beyond...21:00  Wide-ranging benefits: skin health, muscle recovery, thyroid function. Supported by over 3,000 peer-reviewed manuscripts. Over 200 placebo-controlled trials. Restores natural skin health. Red light is studied for skin health; near infrared often used for joint pain studies. Are JOOVV lights effective for controlling acne? The effect of red lights on the eyes. Will it damage your eyes to stare at a JOOVV, or will it even help them? Proven to help degenerative eyes. Near-infrared a bit more comfortable to the eye. Begin treatment with eyes closed; then open eyes if you feel comfortable. JOOVV elite allows you to use only near-infrared light. JOOVV devices are registered with the FDA, Class 2. How red and infrared light affects collagen production. It increases collagen production, helps restore joint health. Copper and green light have been shown to enhance benefits of light therapy. Can PBM mitigate circadian rhythm or exposure to artificial light? Sun gets a "bad rap"; unfairly associated with skin cancer. Studies prove that red/infrared light increase levels of melatonin. -Is PBM effective in attaining weight loss?...41:30 Not necessarily weight loss, but there is a "slimming effect". Some studies have shown that red light helps in increasing metabolism. Red light has been shown to mitigate the effects of sleep deprivation.  -Why PBM is now under consideration for classification as a "performance enhancing drug"...41:30 Meta-analysis claimed that red light builds up muscle tissue. Near-infrared waves have had a profound impact. -How PBM affects stem cells...49:30 -The effect of using PBM on your neck for thyroid issues...51:30 -The optimal amount of PBM to which you should expose yourself per day...54:23 It's difficult to test the power output of a device. There are many variables that affect the amount of PBM a device is able to put out. Ensure you purchase your device from a reliable, trusted company. JOOVV is ~100 milowatts per sq. cm. Recommended 10-minute treatment about 6" away from the device. -The differences and benefits of continuous wave vs pulsed frequencies...1:01:20 Pulsed means the light turns on and off very rapidly. A bit of ambiguity on the results of pulsed; continuous wave is tried and true. Sunlight is considered to be a continuous wave light. -Whether the JOOVV produces much EMF or flicker, and if you can actually look at the light without eye damage...1:03:07 Household LED lighting is different from PBM. JOOVV lights have AC/DC built in. JOOVV lights mitigate "dirty electricity."  Newer devices are even more effective. -What kind of things you can combine with photobiomodulation to enhance the effects...1:10:30 Be well hydrated, preferably structured with minerals. Green tea extract on the skin. -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Biomat mini -Vielight -Alitura Clay Mask -PulseCenters PEMF -Swannies clear lens blue light blocking glasses -The structured water filter Ben uses -4th Phase Of Water Book by Gerald Pollack Episode Sponsors -Kion Colostrum Nature’s “first food” that supports immunity, GI function, athletic recovery, and more. -Kettle and Fire Support skin, joint, and gut health with bone broth & Soups. Use my link and get a 15% discount off your order! -Vuori is built to move and sweat in, yet designed with a West Coast aesthetic that transitions effortlessly into everyday life. Get 25% off any of their clothing using discount code "ben25". -Organifi Try their Red Juice: A “Tart-Sweet” Custom Brew With The HOTTEST Fat Melting And “Skin-Firming” Superfoods In The World. Use discount code "greenfield" and get 20% off your order! Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Scott, Justin or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 20, 2018 • 1h 32min

Biohacking Alzheimers, Age Reversal, Young Blood, Stem Cells, Exosomes & More!

You've no doubt heard of it by now... In an attempt to live longer, some anti-aging enthusiasts are getting themselves injected with the blood of young humans, via a process deemed: plasmaphoresis. This podcast is about several age reversal therapies. It's also about biohacking Alzheimers. It's about all these therapies (senolytics, exosomes, gdf-11, etc) that scientists have been talking about for age reversal. The podcast is about biological aging clocks and biomarkers to measure them. You'll learn about ways that you can biohack Alzheimer's disease, how to measure your biological age, how to reverse aging, what the biggest obstacle to age reversal is, how to get more involved in the anti-aging community and more. About the Guests Mark Urdahl, is a technology entrepreneur from the Silicon Valley.  He has numerous patents and has worked in big data.  He began his career at IBM's medical instruments subsidiary that pioneered plasmaphoresis.  Mark founded the Youngblood Institute to advance new uses for well established therapeutic plasma exchange therapies which have recently evidenced a previously undocumented potential to rejuvenate the body's own stem cells, restore aging immune systems, and prevent the onset of many age-related disease condition, so that we might live healthy as we age and ultimately live longer lives.     Tom Ingloglia first appeared on this podcast in the episode "The Next Big Anti-Aging Drug: Everything You Need To Know About “NAD”."  As you learn in that episode, Tom is a private investor with a master’s degree in finance. In the midst of trading, investing in technology and developing real estate in Costa Rica, Tom became very sick. He was initially prescribed antibiotics, suffered from an adverse reaction and was told that he’d have stomach problems for the rest of his life. In the years that followed, Tom also developed severe food allergies. His symptoms worsened, and he next began dealing with insomnia, anxiety, muscle pain, tendinopathies, joint pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, altered and clouded cognition and headaches. He finally had a mental breakdown in 2008. After a prolonged period of taking antibiotics, Tom began experiencing tendonitis throughout his fingers, hands, wrists and ankles and feet, so he started taking pain medications to relieve this pain. He had to give up his career in trading because his sole focus for the next eight years would be on finding a cure to his growing symptoms. His life consisted of working with physical therapists, going to the gym, going to new doctors, and trying new foods to see if it would help. Throughout Tom’s eight-year battle, he was prescribed consistently and persistently more medication. For six years, he was taking excessive amounts of Hydrocodone and Tramadol every day. Tom became obsessed with researching symptoms and treatments, and learned about the NAD+ treatment. He visited a clinic, and on Day 7 of his treatment, “It hit me. I started feeling better. I felt amazing. There was a calm that came over me. I felt safe. I just had no cravings for drugs or pain meds. There was no need for them. I just didn’t have the excruciating pain that I had before. I felt eight years of pain melting away.” Tom has nearly fully recovered, using related treatments to NAD+, and has engaged two cofounders to assist him in building out a facility to help bring this treatment to others in similar situations. In my conversation with Mark and Tom, you'll discover: -The history of The Young Blood Institute and how "heterochronic plasma exchange" works...16:00 Heterochronic plasma means simply removing old plasma and replacing it with "young" plasma. Others are experimenting with this concept. What Mark does is different from a plasma "infusion." Plasma is approximately half of our blood volume.  Mark began with IBM Biomedical Systems, who had invented what we now call the "blood cell processor." -The intricate means of testing used on mice...22:15 Basically creating "siamese twins" with mice by stitching them together. Similar procedures have been conducted on humans for over 50 years. Mark wanted to recruit the best medical professionals to the Young Blood Institute. Many of them have been doing it for 30-40 years. -What, if any, are the risks of these plasma exchanges...29:10 Roughly a 4% risk of a transfusion reaction, which is akin to what you might experience donating blood. One of the safer procedures in the medical field today. You go through 6 exchanges as part of a protocol. -The network of doctors that Mark and Tom have built to do a plasma exchange...32:42 There are medical professionals all over the U.S. that can do the procedure. Submit an inquiry on the Young Blood Institute website to find a doctor that is near you. -What anti-aging biomarkers Mark is tracking at the Young Blood Institute...34:51 They have more technology testing capability than Stanford, Johns Hopkins and Harvard combined. Key technology: time of flight mass cytometry. Single cell proteionomics. They are trying to develop early detection biomarkers that enables them to prevent the onset of diseases before they become significant. -The lowest hanging fruit for people to track...46:15 The YBI's concern is the function of the body, rather than the age. Your cells are not aware of your "age". -What a biological aging clock is...50:20 Zymo is a lab that has worked with Steven Horvath. Zymo DNA Methylation Aging Clock Looked at DNA, and seen a pattern from methyl groups attached to certain parts of the genome. -How can we track biological aging, or slow down our biological aging clock?...52:30 Inflammatory markers, heart age, brain age, lung age, skin elasticity. -The anti-aging booth that Mark and Tom will be operating at a conference called RAAD Fest...54:45 Revolution Against Aging and Death Want to have a contest where people calculate their age, and track their progress. Mark and Tom have one of the largest booths at the conference. -Whether NAD actually gets absorbed into a cell via injections or IV...1:00:30 How does Ben feel with an injection? Answer: Incredible. Tom doesn't recommend the injection due to the level of discomfort. -Why compounded formulas such as glutathione and Vitamin B could be taken off the market soon...1:07:30 There's a review similar to a court hearing, where people argue for and against glutathione. Taken off the market for compounding pharmacies. Tom "has his own reasons" for why this could be deemed unsafe. Core problem: the vitamins don't have any intellectual property. Could affect the costs of healthcare. -How to use technologies such as Vielight and exosomes to address Alzheimer's...1:14:30 Alzheimers is a $500 billion industry; the 6th leading cause of death. A Vielight is basically a laser light for your nose and head; photobiomodulation on your skull. -What GDF11 mRNA is and how it works to improve hearing, smell and sight...1:25:30 GDF11 is a DNA repair molecule; makes stem cells active again. Patients see improvements in sex drive, vision, smell, hearing, etc. Legal hurdles to being able to administer it. "Unofficial" results are very positive. -How senolytics works as a therapy for aging and Alzheimer's, and the importance of quercetin and tocotrienols...1:33:45 Describes small molecules that lead to the death of "zombie" cells that don't help the rest of your body. Life Extension article "Natural Compounds that Remove Aging Cells" -And much more... Resources from this episode:  -The NAD Treatment Center -NAD conference -Brain Research Center -The Revolutionary RX Podcast -Beyond NAD Conference - Use discount code "BenlovesNAD" at check out -Connexin 43 hemi channels mediate Ca2+-regulated transmembrane NAD+ fluxes in intact cells -3T3 L1 Cell Line from mouse -PRESERVING PATIENT ACCESS TO COMPOUNDED MEDICATIONS H.R. 2871 -Bulk Drug Substances Nominated for Use in Compounding Under Section 503B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act -Forecasting the global burden of Alzheimer’s disease -Nicotinamide riboside restores cognition through an upregulation of proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α regulated β-secretase 1 degradation and mitochondrial gene expression in Alzheimer’s mouse models -Activation of SIRT3 by the NAD⁺ precursor nicotinamide riboside protects from noise-induced hearing loss. -Nicotinamide restores cognition in AD transgenic mice via a mechanism involving sirtuin inhibition and selective reduction of Thr231-phosphotau -Dr Nady Braidy -Alzheimer’s Disease Statistics -The Bredesen Protocol -Book:  The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline by Dr. Dale Bredesen -The Vielight -Exosomes Podcast: The Single, Most Comprehensive Stem Cell Procedure Known To Humankind: How A "Full Body Stem Cell & Exosome Makeover" Works. -Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells derived extracellular vesicles can safely ameliorate the progression of chronic kidney diseases -Restoring systemic GDF11 levels reverses age-related dysfunction in mouse skeletal muscle. -Steve Perry's GDF11 Presentation at RAADFest 2017 -Stressed, toxic, zombie cells seen for 1st time in Alzheimer's -Tau protein aggregation is associated with cellular senescence in the brain -Quercetin and Tocotrienols - 500-800mg Quercetin and 150mg tocotrienols per day for 3 months -New study on whether NAD is absorbed into cell via IV Episode Sponsors: -Kion Aminos Whether you’re looking to stimulate faster muscle growth, recover more rapidly from exercise, become more resistant to fatigue during a grueling workout, or just benefit from additional amino acids in their most absorbable form to support aging or a vegan, vegetarian, or ketosis diet, Kion Aminos essential amino acids has you covered. -Gluten Guardian "How to eat gluten and get away with it..." Get 10% off the already discounted price when you use my link! -Thrive Market Makes healthy living easy and affordable at 25-50% off traditional retail prices. Use my link and get an additional $60 off your order. -Gainswave The revolutionary bedroom biohack for guys who want optimal sexual performance. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Tom, Mark or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!  See for privacy information.
Sep 15, 2018 • 1h 11min

Poop, Bacteria & You: The Latest Cutting-Edge Science Of The Human Microbiome (& How To Affordably Test Your Own Gut).

Naveen Jain is an entrepreneur and philanthropist driven to solve the world’s biggest challenges through innovation. He is the founder of several successful companies including Moon Express, Viome (you can click here to get moved to the front of the waitlist right away with code “FITNESS”), Bluedot, TalentWise, Intelius and InfoSpace. Moon Express is the only company in the world to have the permission to leave earth orbit and land on the moon with the goal to harvest planetary resources and to develop infrastructure to make humanity a multi-planetary society. Viome is focused on disrupting healthcare with the goal of “making illness elective” by identifying microbial biomarkers that are predictive of chronic diseases and to adjust the microbial imbalance through personalized nutrition. Naveen Jain a trustee of the board at the X PRIZE Foundation where he is focused on using incentive prizes to find a solution to many of the societal challenges. He recently launched a million-dollar Women Safety XPRIZE to empower the women around the world. Naveen is also on the board of Singularity University where he is focused on educating and inspiring leaders to address humanity’s grand challenges through innovative technologies. He has been awarded many honors for his entrepreneurial successes including “Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year”, “Albert Einstein Technology Medal” for pioneers in technology, Recipient of “Ellis Island Medal of Honor”, Most creative person” by Fast Company, “Top 50 philanthropists of 2018” by Town & Country magazine, “Humanitarian Innovation Award” at the United Nations, “Distinguished Global Thinker Award” by IILM, “Most admired Serial Entrepreneur” by Silicon India, “Top 20 Entrepreneurs” and “Lifetime Achievement Award” for the leadership by Red Herring. Naveen’s latest project is called “Viome”, a cutting-edge gut and microbiome analysis company I first revealed in the must-see video “What Is Viome? How Gut Metatranscriptome & Microbiome Analysis Can Change Your Health“, then took a deep dive into in a follow-up podcast with Naveen "Age Reversing Via The Gut, The Ultimate Anti-Anxiety Pill, Customized Probiotics & More With Billionaire Entrepreneur & Viome Founder Naveen Jain".  Viome is focused on disrupting healthcare with the goal of “making illness elective”. They have developed technologies to analyze the biochemistry and ecosystem of our body that consists of millions of metabolites and trillions of micro-organisms. Their plan is to identify biomarkers that are predictive of chronic diseases and prevent them through personalized diet and nutrition. Since that initial interview with Naveen, I've gotten plenty of questions about Viome - including criticisms of the genetic analyzing technology used and the applicability of the test in general. Today, Naveen takes the hot seat, answers all the tough questions and reveals even more secrets to his own success. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Naveen's process of mastering topics and creating businesses around that mastery...9:00 -Whether or not human micro biomes "evolve" with changing technology and civilization trends such as the industrial revolution...17:30 -How Naveen uses Twitter feeds to educate himself and stay updated on the latest research on micro biomes...29:00 -Why Naveen exposes his children to the complex concepts he is studying...45:25 -How Naveen's company, Viome, can use a single stool sample to determine the overall health of your gut...52:14  -How do you know whether the disease is causing the micro biome to be deleteriously affected, or whether a poor micro biome is causing the disease?...1:01:00 And much, much more! Resources from this episode: -Click here for Viome testing and use code "GREENFIELD" to get a $50 discount on your first test. -My original podcast with Naveen: Age Reversing Via The Gut, The Ultimate Anti-Anxiety Pill, Customized Probiotics & More With Billionaire Entrepreneur & Viome Founder Naveen Jain -My original Viome results walkthrough: What Is Viome? How Gut Metatranscriptome & Microbiome Analysis Can Change Your Health. -My latest Viome snapshot: [pdf-embedder url=""] Episode Sponsors: -Kion Lean Support for normal blood sugar levels and healthy energy metabolism, even after large, carb-rich meals. -Organifi Use code "greenfield" and receive 20% off your entire order. -The East West Clinic Mention Ben Greenfield and get a free consultation, some free goodies, plus a discount on your treatment. -Goshas Use code "ben10%" for a, you guessed it, a 10% discount off your order! Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Naveen or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 13, 2018 • 1h 30min

The Single, Most Comprehensive Stem Cell Procedure Known To Humankind: How A "Full Body Stem Cell & Exosome Makeover" Works.

What you are about to discover in this podcast is one of the most advanced, fringe, cutting-edge biohacks and forays into self-experimentation I've ever done... ...a full body stem-cell makeover at the Docere Clinic in Salt Lake City, Utah...including a little-known type of compound called an "exosome". Dr. Harry Adelson, my first guest on today's podcast, began his training in regenerative injection therapy (prolotherapy) in 1998 while in his final year at The National College of Naturopathic Medicine, in Portland, Oregon after having been cured of a rock-climbing injury with prolotherapy. During his residency program in Integrative Medicine at the Yale/Griffin Hospital in Derby, Connecticut, he volunteered after hours in a large homeless shelter in Bridgeport, Connecticut, providing regenerative injection therapies to the medically underserved while gaining valuable experience. He opened Docere Clinics in Salt Lake City in 2002 and from day one, his practice has been 100% regenerative injection therapies for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain conditions. In 2006 he incorporated platelet-rich plasma and ultrasound-guided injection into his armamentarium, in 2010, bone marrow aspirate concentrate and adipose-derived stem cells, and in 2013, fluoroscopic-guided injection (motion X-ray). Since February of 2010, Dr. Adelson has performed over 4,000 bone marrow and adipose-derived adult stem cell procedures, placing him among those most experienced in the world with the use of autologous stem cells for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain conditions. Dr. Amy Killen is also a guest on today's show. She joined Docere Medical after moving to Utah from Portland, Oregon, where she was the Medical Director of an anti-aging and regenerative medicine specialty practice. Dr. Killen’s medical training began in Dallas, where she attended medical school at UT Southwestern and received her M.D. degree, graduating in the top 10% of her class. She completed a residency in Emergency Medicine at the University of Arizona and served as Chief Resident during her final year. After working as a board-certified emergency physician for more than 7 years, Dr. Killen began studying and training in anti-aging, regenerative, and aesthetic medicine in hopes of approaching patients’ wellness and beauty from a different perspective and with a new toolbox of innovative and effective treatment options. Advanced training has included completion of the fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine through the American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine and certification training in Age Management Medicine. Dr. Killen is certified by the National Institute of Medical Aesthetics in both basic and advanced cosmetic injections and trained with Dr. Lisbeth Roy to learn the O-Shot and P-Shot PRP procedures. Further PRP injection training was provided by PRP Life Lift and she completed the Hair Coach certification program with Dr. Alan Bauman in Florida, which taught a comprehensive approach to non-surgical hair loss. Dr. Killen learned how to extract and process stem cells as part of the U.S. Stem Cell Training Course taught by leading stem cell scientist Dr. Kristin Comella. Dr. Amy Killen has also spent many hours in the operating suite learning directly from Harry Adelson N.D. at Docere Clinics. Dr. Killen has spoken nationally about PRP and stem cell therapies and teaches a physician training course for ApexBiologix outlining current best practices for using regenerative therapies in aesthetics and sexual optimization. During my discussion with Harry and Amy, you'll discover: -How Harry got started with prolotherapy and PRP for pain management in farmers and construction workers... -The “Stem Cell Theory of Aging", which states that biologic aging is a result of loss function and population of stem cells in musculoskeletal tissues... -How Harry is harvesting stem cells from bone marrow, supplementing them with exosomes (the “currency” of stem cells, the inter-cellular communication blocks), and then injecting them into all major moving parts as well as skin of face, scalp, and penis... -Why exosomes may be the future of stem cell therapy... -Why umbilical and amniotic stem cells could potentially be dangerous due to exposing the body to foreign DNA... -What "MSC's" are, why are they different and better than other stem cell therapies, and how they differentiate into musculoskeletal tissues and have been called “medical signaling cells” because they trigger the healing of damaged tissues... -Why somebody would undergo a full body stem cell treatment, and whether is it going to "rejuvenate all of the cells in my body"... -What to expect after a full body stem cell makeover... Interview with Dr. Amy Killen: -What PRP therapy is, and how it differs from stem cells... -What happens when you inject stem cells into a man’s "unit", and why Amy injected Ben... -Why Amy injects stem cells and PRP into vaginas, and how the O-Shot improves the power and duration of female orgasms... -The secrets of the vampire breast lift and other cosmetic procedures she has done... -What causes hair loss, and how to fix it with stem cells... -How to use stem cells and PRP to get a non-surgical facelift, and why Amy injected my face and scalp... -What V-cells are and how they work... -Post-treatment care and biohacks to enhance recovery and efficacy of the treatment... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Docere Clinics in Salt Lake City, Utah -Video: What Are Exosomes? Ben Greenfield Interviews Dr. Harry Adelson On Full Body Stem Cell Makeover -Video: Ben Greenfield Interviews Dr. Amy Killen About Stem Cells, PRP, Exosomes & P-Shot -Video: Ben Greenfield Full Body Stem Cell Makeover With Exosomes: Part 1 -Video: Ben Greenfield Full Body Stem Cell Makeover With Exosomes: Part 2 -All the recovery biohacks I implemented to recover from the stem cell procedures and enhance stem cell production: -Flexpulse PEMF -Pulsecenters PEMF -Biomat Infrared -Trusii Hydrogen Rich Water -Joovv Infrared Light -NanoVi DNA Repair -Exogenous HVMN Ketones -Omega-3 DHA Superessential Fish Oil -Vielight Photobiomodulation -Kion Flex -Clearlight Sauna Episode Sponsors -Runga Join me for an amazing week at Runga. It's one of the most amazing weeks of my year. Use discount code "ben" to secure the one last minute reservation that just became available. -Kion Lean Support for normal blood sugar levels and healthy energy metabolism, even after large, carb-rich meals. -Baruka Nuts Get 15% off your order when you use my link and get a couple of travel packs on the house if you sign up for a subscription. -Joovv Next-Level Light Therapy. See how Joovv can help you reach—and surpass—your health and fitness goals. -Onnit Engineered for peak performance, Onnit is the easiest way to get optimized. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Harry, Amy or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 8, 2018 • 1h 14min

The Most Powerful Cellular Exercise Machine That Exists, How It Works & Exactly How To Use It.

On my bedside is a tiny handheld unit called a “Flexpulse”, which I consider to be a small, portable “DJ for my brain”. By adjusting the frequency emitted by the device, I can use a 3Hz frequency to lull my brain into relaxed Delta brain waves, a 10Hz frequency to generate focused Alpha brain waves or a 23Hz frequency to produce high alert Beta brain waves. The Flexpulse generates a special kind of frequency called “PEMF”, and I’ve personally found that placing the square pad of unit on the back of my head (directly on my occipital bone) for a night of sleep or a quick nap (often combined with the Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation you’ll discover later in this article), I can knock myself out in no time flat for a perfect portion of slumber. Lately, I've been experimenting with an even more affordable alternative to the Flexpulse that seems to elicit very similar results: the ICES M1, which, in particular has been shown to increase blood flow in joints for up to three years after a single use! While small, portable devices like this are a perfect introduction to the wide variety of potential therapeutic applications of PEMF, the true “Cadillac” of PEMF therapy is a very large unit – about the size of a massage table – called the PulseCenter XL Pro. Both myself and Tony Robbins, Gerard Butler, Brandon Routh, Stevie Wonder and Rick Rubin are huge fans of this massive, whole-body-treatment setup, which can be used for everything from muscle sprains to headaches to sleep induction. Lots of American Ninja Warriors, countless Nike Master Trainers, lots of professional athletes who wish to remain anonymous for fear of having their secret weapon yanked, high profile biohackers, MLB, NBA, NFL players, high profile sports team owners, motivational speakers, entrepreneurial leaders and even professional bull riders. A few months ago, a guy named Emilio Palafox came to my house to train me on this table. The guy is a wealth of knowledge on PEMF therapy so I figured I should get him on the show! Emilio is the Channel Development Manager at Pulse Centers, spreading awareness of the game-changing, disruptive Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) technology. Emilio looks to identify individuals, organizations and corporations that are looking for healing, faster recovery, peak performance or all of the above. Emilio speaks about being the rising tide that lifts all boats and has been collaborating with people and organizations across the world that want to help impact humanity for the better. He is extremely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of Pulse Centers team, helping to lead and shift the collective consciousness of health, wellness, fitness and longevity. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How PEMF works...10:30 -How the cells respond to magnetic signals...14:45 -Why the earth has actually changed in terms of the grounding and earthing effect it's able to produce...19:00 -Why the PulseCenters table feel so much more powerful than the other PEMF devices...23:30 -The difference between PEMF frequencies, intensities, etc...28:30 -How to use PEMF to "charge" the brain or get nootropics delivered more efficiently to the brain...35:30 -How to use PEMF to treat areas like the testes, colon, heart, liver, etc...38:30 -The difference between the paddles vs. the rings vs. the chair vs. the bed...51:00 -How to use PEMF to increase stem cell production...57:00 -Whether you can overuse PEMF...1:05:15 -How the PulseCenters portable system works...1:08:00 -And much more... Resources from this episode: -The Pulsecenters website -Book: Healing Is Voltage -Article:  A Tiny, 1/2 Ounce Piece Of Game-Changing Sleep Technology (And How To Use PEMF For Sleep) -Podcast: The Myth About "Grounding", Acupuncture Without Needles, 400% Increase In Stem Cell Production & Much More. -Podcast: The Potent Ergogenic Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy to Enhance Athletic Performance -Article: How Something Called Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Can Make You Sleep Like A Baby (And Do Much More Than That). -ICES® DigiCeutical® M1 Model System - use code BEN for $100 off -ICES® DigiCeutical® A9a Model System - use code BEN for $100 off Episode Sponsors: -Omax The purest concentration of omega 3 fatty acids on the market. Try it for free when you use my link. -Gainswave Get 6 treatments and get the 7th one FREE when you use my link. -Thrive Market Get $60 worth of free groceries and free shipping on your first order. -Organifi Get 20% off your order at Organifi when you use promo code "greenfield" at checkout! Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Emilio or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 6, 2018 • 1h 27min

Why A High-Fat, Ketogenic Diet Chock Full Of Saturated Fat, Coconut Oil & Butter Could Be Destroying Your Brain (& What To Do About It).

Several months ago, in this weekly roundup, I commented about the book "Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life", and said:  "I’ve just finished reading an advance copy of this book, written by my friend and former podcast guest, Max Lugavere. At first, I figured it would be another “eggs, walnut and fish make you smarter” type of book, but instead, this manuscript took a deep, deep dive into specific genes that affect intelligence and how to pair them with food, mouthwatering recipes for everything from liver to avocado-salmon bowls, and some very good, step-by-step tips for optimizing your personal environment to enhance your cognition. It is a must read, with many pages folded over in my own copy." Max, a former podcast guest in the episode "The Surprising Facts About What Bread Does To Your Brain (And What You Can Do About It)" also created the documentary "Bread Head". In the film, he explores the impact of our diets and lifestyles on brain health. Max is a also filmmaker, health and science journalist and author. He is the host of the podcast, The Genius Life. Lugavere has contributed to Medscape, Vice, Fast Company, CNN, and the Daily Beast, and appears regularly as a health and nutrition expert on the Dr. Oz Show, the Rachael Ray Show, and The Doctors. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why a decrease in walking speed and pattern, and forgetfulness of kitchen recipes in Max's mother inspired his latest book... -Why Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease drugs are so damaging... -The little-known but serious risks of MDMA and ecstasy... -Max's interesting perspective on dopamine and abstinence from hedonism... -Why Ben eats all the bones and cartilage and skin when he has chicken... -Why a specific population of Nigerians carry the genetic risk for Alzheimers but don't get Alzheimers... -The profound effect of ketones, fish oil and extra virgin olive oil on the brain... -How you can naturally increase blood glucose and ketones simultaneously... -The potential damage of using to much fish oil while excessively limiting omega 6 fatty acids consumption... -The actual percentage of saturated fats that you should eat... -When high HDL could be a bad thing... -Many people track blood glucose - but Max is a bigger fan of tracking Homa IR, and why that is... -A blood test that can predict Alzheimer's... -And much more... Resources from this episode: -Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life -23andMe genetic test -The Ketogenic Diet by Lyle McDonald -Mary Newport's books on coconut oil and the brain -Deep Nutrition by Cate Shanahan -Radical Metabolism by Anne Louise Gittleman -Are You A "Lean Mass Hyperresponder" Episode Sponsors: -Kion Clean Energy Bar Stable energy, real food, no sugar crashes! Just a tasty punch of mouth-watering, chocolatey-salty-coconut goodness. -Blue Apron A better way to cook. Get your first 3 meals free using my link! -Harry's Razors Get the Harry's trial set, a $13 value, for FREE when you use my link. -Trusii Use my link and get 30% off your order of the H2 tablets. And when you use code "ben" at checkout, you'll save an additional 10% off your entire order. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Max or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 1, 2018 • 1h 8min

The Best Sexual Biohacks, Can Vasectomies Decrease Testosterone, Foods & Supplements For Boosting Nitric Oxide & Much More.

Dr. Judson Brandeis, a top Urologist, discusses sexual biohacks. He explains how GAINSWave and FEMIWave work. He shares his discovery of 'triple therapy' to boost nitric oxide. The importance of fermented beets and L-citrulline for enhancing nitric oxide is discussed. The podcast also covers sauna benefits, nitric oxide-boosting ingredients, and medical treatments for sexual performance enhancement.
Aug 30, 2018 • 1h 17min

389: Is A Low Carb Diet Bad For You?, Coconut Oil Controversy, Inulin In Energy Bars, Reversing The Damage of EMF & Much More! Aug 30, 2018, Q&A Episode 389: How To Biohack A Float Tank Experience, Reversing The Damage of EMF, Training With The Maffetone Method, and C-60 For Anti-Aging. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, or call 1-877-209-9439. News Flashes [00:04:18] Coconut oil is pure poison? Does a low carb diet shorten lifespan? Inulin vs. IMO in energy bars You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,,,, and Google+. Special Announcements [00:23:49] This podcast is brought to you by: -Kion Bar - The Kion Bar is a satisfying, real-food energy bar. Stable energy, no sugar crashes! Just a tasty punch of mouth-watering, chocolatey-salty-coconut goodness. Get it now at -Organifi - Organifi is an organic, superfood supplement line that makes quality trusted nutrition convenient and accessible. Go to and use code GREENFIELD for 20% off. -Thrive Market - Thrive Market is a revolutionary online marketplace on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. Get $60 of FREE Organic Groceries + Free Shipping and 30 day trial at -Primal Cold - The JetPack by Primal Cold is the world’s most advanced cold pack for your nut sac. Make the Cold your Secret Weapon and get 15% off your order when you enter code Ben at checkout. Visit to get your 15% off. -Click here to follow Ben on Snapchat, and get ready for some epic stories about his morning, day and evening routine!  Ben's Adventures: – October 14 – 16, 2018: SPARK BioHacking Conference, Toronto, Ontario. The 2018 SPARK Bio-Hack Conference features a series of talks by leaders across a range of fields with an eye on optimizing human performance, recovery, and longevity. Researchers, medical specialists and other biohacking experts will share provocative, informative, and inspiring presentations meant to amplify your life. Registration is now open, secure your spot here. – October 11 – 14, 2018: 2018 RUNGA California Immersion Retreat, Napa, California. Runga is going to Napa! Join me, my wife, Jessa, Joe DiStefano and a small, intimate group of like-minded individuals for a weekend-long getaway. We’ve rented a beautiful mansion located in one of the most iconic countrysides in America– Napa Valley. We’ve thought of everything that you could possibly need to gently “press the reboot button” on your body and completely tune in to your heart, mind, body, strength, and spirit. Join the waitlist! – November 1 – 4, 2018: Live It To Lead It Health Centers of the Future Seminar, Las Vegas, Nevada. Create the life you want, the marriage you want, the family you want—all fueled by a practice that radically changes the lives of your patients. this three-day event, you’ll learn the latest medical discoveries in cellular health, get a marketing plan for scaling your practice and find ways to build residual passive income. Join me! – December 2-8, 2018: RUNGA Retreat, Dominican Republic. You’re invited to join me at RUNGA in December 2018. Join me in the Dominican Republic, one of the most beautiful places in the Caribbean, for this retreat. In all RUNGA activities, RUNGA invites you to come home to yourself. To see everything you’ll be getting into, just click here. Use code BEN when you register so you get your gift when you arrive! I’ll be there, too. Join the waitlist here. – December 13-15, 2018: World Congress 2018 Hosted by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. If you attend any conference this year, make it the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine’s 26th Annual World Congress. The fact is, in an era of andropause, low drive and deteriorating men’s health, it’s shocking that both practitioners and the public aren’t aware of ancestral wisdom and modern scientific and medical tactics that can be used to optimize male physiology. It’s time that changed, and I’ll be teaching exactly how to make men, men again. Join me! - June 23 to July 7, 2019: Swiss Retreat and Liver Detox, Swiss Alps, Switzerland.  Join me for an immersive health retreat on the Swiss Alps in 2019.  Just click here to know more or reserve your spot now. -View the Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Calendar Here Giveaways & Goodies [01:20:39] -Grab your Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. -And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some!   ------------------------------------------ Listener Q&A [00:29:48] As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick. How To Biohack A Float Tank Experience [00:32:25] Shane says: Wondering if you know of anything that you can take when you go into a float tank? I have had great experiences so far but I would LOVE to go deeper! In my response, I recommend: -Qualia -CBD -Ketamine and LSD -Box breathing/meditation app -Wholetones by Michael Tyrrell -Underwater audio player Reversing The Damage of EMF [00:49:30] Sheridan (and Chris) says: I am curious of your thoughts around biohacking tools if you have worked in a high EMF exposure area? Is there something you can do, after the fact? For example, I work in a shopping centre and the whole centre's meters are right outside our window. -- Chris also asked a similar question about how to undo the damage of working at places like AT&T and Apple for his entire career. In my response, I recommend: -My interview with Dr. Mercola on how to reverse damage from EMF -Ben’s “How To Biohack The Ultimate Healthy Home” book -The "EMF/Tinfoil hat" book Ben mentions -Ketone esters (Ben mentions HVMN and Ketoblitz brands) -Trusii Hydrogen Rich Water tablets and Rich Water generator -Lugol's iodine (no more than 1,100 mcg of iodine per day - the tolerable upper limit) -Thorne Resveracel -Time release melatonin -Thorne 5-Hydroxytryptophan -Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy -Red blood cell support (I recommend this stack from Biotropic Labs) -TianChi for full spectrum antioxidant support along with large intake of wild plants/herbs/spices -Thorne curcumin -Aquatru Trace Liquid Mineral drops or Natural Vitality Trace Mineral shots -Colima Salt Training With The Maffetone Method [01:06:25] Callan says: I am a fit 27-year-old female doing HIIT training 4-5 times per week. I can run a sub-7-minute mile but I am trying to build my endurance and aerobic base. I have gotten into Triathlons and want to get good at them. I have heard about the MAF method where you spend 3-6 months building your aerobic base and never touching the anaerobic zone. Should I take 3 months off and train aerobically? Is that still a thing? Should I add strength and HIIT into that or do I need to take the time off to train aerobically? In my response, I recommend: -Beyond Training C-60 For Anti-Aging [01:13:52] Kim says: I am interested in your opinion in the atom cluster called Carbon 60. In my response, I recommend: -C60 (buckminsterfullerene) -Sexy hair -JOOVV photobiomodulation  See for privacy information.

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