
Danny Lennon

Knowledgeable in cholesterol and cardiovascular disease

Top 5 podcasts with Danny Lennon

Ranked by the Snipd community
260 snips
May 27, 2024 • 2h 53min

The single most important blood test to know your risk of cardiovascular disease | ApoB Masterclass

Top experts Dr Thomas Dayspring, Dr William Cromwell, Danny Lennon, Dr Alan Flanagan, and Dr Gil Carvalho discuss ApoB, a crucial marker for heart disease risk. They cover its impact on LDL particles, atherosclerosis, and longevity. The episode explores measuring ApoB, normal levels, causes of elevation, saturated fats, and reliability over LDL cholesterol.
30 snips
Jul 19, 2024 • 1h 48min

Episode #300: Q/A With The Best Health and Fitness Pros

Experts like Adam Meakins and Alan Aragon discuss back pain, lifestyle changes for chronic diseases, training techniques for strength development, muscle growth, effective reps model for hypertrophy, and the importance of a well-rounded knowledge base in health and fitness industry.
26 snips
Oct 27, 2022 • 2h 28min

Cholesterol, metabolic health and heart disease | Dr Alan Flanagan and Danny Lennon

In Episode #231, I sit down with Dr Alan Flanagan and Danny Lennon to examine cholesterol, statins, the ketogenic diet, and longevity. Dr Alan Flanagan and Danny Lennon address whether cholesterol matters if you’re metabolically healthy, why our veins don’t get atherosclerosis, and why our body makes cholesterol if it’s “bad for us”. They also offer advice on dietary adjustments you can make regardless of your dietary pattern, claims by social media “health gurus”, and much more.LDL cholesterol has been making waves on social media in recent years. With some diet camps making bold claims about its relevance and the apparently open-ended nature of the evidence, many folks are no doubt left unsure of how important cholesterol levels really are. In this episode, I’m joined by Danny Lennon and Dr Alan Flanagan to consider the role and importance of LDL cholesterol as we recap what the literature says.Specifically, we discuss: Intro (0:00) Basics of Cardiovascular Health (4:29) ApoB for Predicting Disease (12:18) Heart Disease: Where things go wrong (23:23) What Causes Artery Damage? (38:47) Paul Saladino Claims (50:36) Is low cholesterol a problem? (1:04:07) Future of Gene Editing (1:27:12) Veins vs Arteries (1:32:28) Diet Claims (1:41:08) Healthy Keto Diet (1:54:08) MCT Oil (2:00:02) Healthy Fats (2:03:28) Final Thoughts (2:09:54) Outro (2:19:05) You can find Dr Alan Flanagan on Instagram, and learn more about Alinea Nutrition at https://www.alineanutrition.com/. Listen to his previous appearances on the show in Episode #159, Episode #225, and Episode #227.To connect with Danny Lennon, head to his on Instagram and Twitter. Make sure to check out the Sigma Nutrition website and podcast. Danny previously appeared on The Proof in Episode #173.Discover additional resources, supporting studies, and more insights in the full show notes.Enjoy, friends.SimonWant to support the show?The best way to support the show is to use the products and services offered by our sponsors. To check them out, and enjoy great savings, visit theproof.com/friends.Simon Hill, Msc, Bsc (Hons)Creator of TheProof.com and host of The Proof with Simon HillAuthor of The Proof is in the PlantsWatch the episodes on YouTube, or Listen on Apple/SpotifyConnect with me on Instagram, Twitter and FacebookDownload my complimentary two week meal plan and high protein plant performance recipe book
5 snips
Jan 3, 2023 • 2h 28min

Part 1: Health and longevity | The Proof 2022 year in review

To bring in the new year I thought it would be good to take a moment and consolidate some of the memorable moments, and key takeaways, from 2022. In Episode #241, part 1 of a 2 part year in review, we traverse how to think about nutrition, so we can better make sense of claims online, diet, and cardiometabolic health, how you can flip the switch on your microbiome so the trillions of gut bugs in your large intestine reward you with better health, and the benefits up for grabs through consuming our food over less hours - otherwise known as time restricted eating or fasting.Guests featured include Dr Gil Carvhalo, Dr Richard Johnson, Dr Alan Flanagan, Danny Lennon, Dr David Jenkins, Dr Justin Sonnenburg, Dr Erica Sonnenburg, Dr Christopher Gardner, Dr Tim Spector, Dr Don Layman, Dr Valter Longo, Dr Stuart Phillips, Dr Satchin Panda and Dr Courtney Peterson.Specifically, we cover: Intro (00:00) Circadian Disruption is a Problem with Dr. Satchin Panda (01:59) Fasting & weight loss with Dr. Courtney Peterson (08:26) Optimal fasting window with Dr. Satchin Panda (15:49) Nutrition science claims with Dr Gil Carvalho (36:49) Diet & metabolic health with Dr. Richard Johnson (51:32) Cholesterol & CVD with Dr Alan Flanagan and Danny Lennon (57:22) Lowering cholesterol with Dr. David Jenkins (1:14:06) Gut microbiome with Drs. Erica and Justin Sonnenburg (1:24:44) Fibre & inflammation with Dr. Sonnenburg and Dr. Gardner (1:32:43) Fermented foods (1:49:35) Building microbiome diversity with Drs. Erica and Justin Sonnenburg (1:50:26) Simple dietary advice with Dr Tim Spector (1:55:57) Muscle & metabolic health with Dr. Donald Layman (1:58:34) Aging pathways with Dr. Valter Longo (2:07:24) Muscle & aging with Drs. Stuart Phillips and Christopher Gardner (2:14:48) Outro (2:20:11) Episodes featured: Episode #221 with Dr Satchin Panda Episode #232 with Dr Courtney Peterson Episode #207 with Dr Gil Carvhalo Episode #233 with Dr Richard Johhson Episode #231 with Dr Alan Flanagan & Danny Lennon Episode #216 with Dr David Jenkins Episode #202 with Dr Erica Sonnenburg & Dr Justin Sonnenburg Episode #191 with Dr Justin Sonnenburg & Dr Christopher Gardner Episode #224 with Dr Tim Spector Episode #236 with Dr Don Layman Episode #237 with Dr Valter Longo Episode #228 with Dr Stuart Phillips & Dr Christopher Gardner I hope you find this episode helpful for consolidating some of the key learnings from 2022.Part 2 of the year in review will be released next week with a focus on exercise, planetary health and more.Happy new year.Enjoy, friends.SimonWant to support the show?The best way to support the show is to use the products and services offered by our sponsors. To check them out, and enjoy great savings, visit theproof.com/friends. You can also show your support by leaving a review on the Apple Podcast app and/or sharing your favourite episodes with your friends and family.Simon Hill, MSc, BSc (Hons)Creator of theproof.com and host of The Proof with Simon HillAuthor of The Proof is in the PlantsWatch the episodes on YouTube or listen on Apple/SpotifyConnect with me on Instagram, Twitter, and FacebookNourish your gut with my Plant-Based Ferments GuideDownload my complimentary two-week meal plan and high protein Plant Performance recipe book
Jan 6, 2019 • 43min

Danny Lennon on Sigma Nutrition, Cutting Weight, Disordered Eating - Charity Podcast

Danny Lennon, founder of Sigma Nutrition, discusses cutting weight in martial arts vs powerlifting, biggest mistakes in weight cutting, favorite podcast interviews, and navigating disordered eating habits. The podcast highlights outdated nutrition practices in fighting sports and explores effective strategies for weight gain through calorie-dense foods.