Negotiation and Psychological Immune Systems (with Julie Kheyfets)
Oct 13, 2020
Julie Kheyfets, an executive at an AI company and winner of the 2019 USA Track & Field's Women's 100-Mile Trail Championship, discusses negotiation strategies, the importance of transparent communication, and the challenges and experiences of running a 100-mile race. They also explore differentiating types of pain during physical activity, handling difficult situations, and finding the silver lining in difficult experiences.
Negotiation can be a collaborative process that expands the pie through trade-offs and compromises.
Some individuals have a proactive mindset in facing challenges, finding opportunities for growth and relying on social support to persevere.
Running ultra-marathons involves managing emotional shifts, hallucinations, fatigue, and pain by understanding limits and adopting problem-solving strategies.
Deep dives
Negotiation strategies and misconceptions
Negotiation is often misunderstood as an adversarial, zero-sum game, but it can actually be a collaboration to expand the pie and benefit both parties. By identifying multiple dimensions across which negotiation is possible, trade-offs and compromises can be made, leading to mutually beneficial outcomes. It is important to consider negotiation as the start of a relationship rather than a one-time event, as negotiations often shape future interactions. Transparency about what each party values and finding ways to trade off those values can lead to successful negotiations.
Psychological immune systems in dealing with challenges
When faced with challenges, some individuals have a natural tendency to find optimistic reframing and problem-solving as ways to cope. They focus on the silver lining amidst difficult situations and quickly shift their mindset to find opportunities for growth and improvement. These individuals tend to have a proactive approach in addressing problems and see challenges as chances to develop character and strengthen resilience. They may also rely on social pressure and the support of others to maintain motivation and find ways to persevere despite the pain or discomfort they may experience.
The psychological journey of running 100 miles
Running ultra-marathons, such as 100-mile races, involves facing physical and psychological challenges. During the race, participants may experience emotional ups and downs, highs of elation followed by moments of despair. However, knowing that these emotional shifts are part of the process can help runners anticipate and manage them. In addition, hallucinations, fatigue, and physical pain are common experiences during these endurance races. Developing an understanding of one's own physical and mental limits, as well as adopting a problem-solving mindset and reframing the experience, can contribute to successfully completing such demanding races.
Different approaches to handling difficult situations
Individuals tend to employ different strategies to cope with challenging situations. Some focus on facing reality and accepting the situation, while others emphasize exploring and expressing their emotions. Some may find solace in taking action or engaging in meaningful activities, while others shift their attention to alternative perspectives and reframing the situation in a more positive light. Each person may have their unique approach that aligns with their natural tendencies and helps them navigate difficult circumstances.
Understanding individual differences in coping mechanisms
Recognizing the diversity of coping mechanisms among individuals is crucial. Different people may have distinct preferences in how they handle challenges, such as seeking empathy and emotional support, taking a problem-solving approach, or focusing on finding optimism and silver linings. It is essential to avoid assuming that others have the same coping style as oneself, and instead, learn and adapt to their preferences in order to provide effective support and understanding.
How can we move beyond zero-sum, adversarial negotiations? What are some tools we can use to overcome physical and psychological pain? How can we develop psychological resilience and stability?