#198: Better Breath, Better Health, Better Mind | Erwan Le Corre
May 30, 2023
Erwan Le Corre, founder of MovNat, discusses the importance of proper breathing techniques for health, the significance of efficient breathing in sword fighting, exploring motivation and self-validation in decision-making, the importance of breath work for respiratory function and overall well-being, and the benefits of breathwork in enhancing self-awareness and interactions with the external world.
Conscious breathing through the diaphragm and nose can improve overall well-being and mental clarity.
Breathwork exercises should aim for long-term changes in breathing patterns, rather than just temporary emotional release.
Deep dives
The Power of Breath: Transforming Your Experience
Breathwork expert Erwan Le Corre discusses the transformative power of breath and how it can change your experience of life. He shares personal stories of breath-related experiences, including a near-drowning incident, to highlight the importance of conscious breathing. Erwan emphasizes the significance of breathing through the diaphragm and nose, and he advocates for slowing down the respiratory rate to improve overall well-being. He discourages excessive breathwork exercises, explaining that once you have established healthy breathing patterns, breathwork becomes less necessary. Erwan also explores the connection between breath and mind, highlighting how conscious breathing can alter states of consciousness and improve mental clarity.
Breath and Emotional Release
Erwan discusses the emotional aspect of breathwork, particularly in relation to hyperventilation and breath-holding exercises. He explains that hyperventilation can lead to emotional release by triggering a state of stress and agitation. This release can involve crying, shaking, and other forms of emotional expression. Erwan cautions that while this can provide temporary relief, it does not address the underlying causes of emotional issues. He suggests that breathwork exercises should go beyond temporary emotional release and aim for long-term changes in breathing patterns and overall well-being.
Mindful Breathing and Mind Control
Erwan delves into the relationship between mindful breathing and mind control. He explains that mindfulness of breath allows individuals to alter their state of mind consciously. By paying attention to breath, one can regulate their nervous system, slow down racing thoughts, and experience a sense of calm and focus. Erwan suggests incorporating breath control into meditation and explores the idea that conscious breathing can impact cognitive processes and open up new avenues of self-awareness. He encourages individuals to practice presence and attention to self through breathwork.
The Role of Breath in Overall Wellness
Erwan emphasizes the importance of proper breathing for overall wellness. He highlights the role of breath in oxygenating the body and affecting various physiological processes. Erwan's approach focuses on maintaining healthy and efficient respiratory patterns through natural movement and exercise. He suggests that breathwork exercises are most beneficial for individuals with deficiencies in lung volume or respiratory muscle strength. Erwan also stresses the connection between breath and energy levels, explaining that slow nasal breathing can bring about a sense of energy and relaxation.
Erwan Le Corre is founder of MovNat, "Godfather of Natural Movement" and author of "The Practice of Natural Movement". Erwan holds the US National Record in STA (static apnea) under the CMAS rules and validated by the US Freediving Federation with a 7'08” breath hold. His personal best currently sits at 8'03".