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Red Beard Radio with Brian Keith

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Dec 5, 2023 • 15min

#211: IfixHearts and Hypefury - an X (Twitter) Case Study | Samy Dindane

Samy created Hypefury, an all-remote, boostrapped startup to help creators grow and monetize their social media presence Follow Samy on X (Twitter): @SamyDindane @hypefury 4:30 "I am really impressed." -Samy Dindane 6:00 The Right Way to Do It 7:07 Auto Plug Soft Launch Online Class 10:31 Automate the Gathering of Questions 11:39 Auto DMs
Nov 7, 2023 • 16min

#210: The Two Ancestral Fears You Need to Understand | Jean Oursler

With a Ph.D. in Business Psychology, Dr. Jean is a top-rated speaker, a world-class business performance coach, the creator of Caveman Brain® and an EOS Implementer®. Dr. Jean’s clients call her The Results Queen® because she is about getting unprecedented results that creates and maintains unprecedented levels of performance. Dr. Jean uses her mission, “To Leave You Better, Than I Found You”, to help everyone understand what your Caveman Brain is so you can prevent it from holding you back and use it to propel you forward to better results in business and in life. Fun Fact: Dr. Jean has visited 5 continents and is planning on visiting the other two in 2023. Website: LinkedIn: Facebook: 1:01 Ancestral Fears 2:09 "Caveman brain is aways going to be with us." -Jean Oursler 3:09 Do We Make up Threats? 4:45 "Lets talk about the way of being liked." -Jean Oursler 7:14 "Most people have not taken the time or energy to really like themselves." -Jean Oursler 8:39 "What you could do to put yourself first is take the day off." -Jean Oursler 9:46 Vacation Time: No Phone or Computer 10:49 "You start a business for freedom." -Jean Oursler
Oct 3, 2023 • 21min

#209: How to Find a Credible AI Expert | Jeff Hunter

Jeff J Hunter is a successful entrepreneur and former Fortune 500 IT Project Manager with a passion for helping businesses achieve success leveraging AI and building remote teams. As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS. Website: Twitter: @jhunter101 Facebook: Instagram: Find out more about what Jeff offers: 0:56 "How can anyone know you are anymore credible then anyone else?" -Brian Keith 1:59 "AI is just another tool." -Jeff Hunter 3:11 The AI Persona Method 4:46 "If I have one of these AI personas setup, what kind of stuff will I be able to hand it?" -Brian Keith 6:12 "I was immediately afraid that AI was going to replace my human team." -Jeff Hunter 7:28 "But to your question, what can you actually use the AI personas to do?" -Jeff Hunter 8:57 "Here is what the event planer AI persona did today..." -Jeff Hunter 10:49 Where Is the Money in This? 13:41 "What is the personality of this AI persona?" -Brian Keith 18:50 The Digital Rights Problem
Sep 5, 2023 • 21min

#208: Knowing When to Rest for Better Performance | Carla Fowler

Carla Fowler, MD PhD founded THAXA out of a passion for performance science, where the fields of strategy, productivity, and psychology intersect. Since its inception in 2013, THAXA’s scientific approach to individualized coaching has attracted a devoted client base of dozens of executives at firms ranging from Fortune 500 technology companies to venture-backed startups to innovative nonprofits. Carla’s coaching methods draw upon the multidisciplinary field of performance science to generate the best ideas surrounding strategy, execution, and mindset to assist leaders in their endeavors. Over the past 10 years, she has distilled the key principles of performance into understandable concepts and a method that helps leaders incorporate these ideas into their day-to-day performance, helping them go faster and improving their results. Outside of her coaching, Carla truly enjoys sharing her key performance principles with audiences while engaging in thought-provoking conversations surrounding her passion for performance science. Carla graduated from Brown University magna cum laude, earned her MD and PhD at the University of Washington, and completed her internship in general surgery at Stanford University. Website: Twitter: Linkedin: 3:10 "What should I do, how can I know?" -Brian Keith 4:29 "How balanced in the things that matter to you have you been?" -Carla Fowler 5:30 "What are the things that really matter to you?" -Carla Fowler 7:18 What You Need vs. What You Do 8:22 How We Live Real Lives 9:28 Have Some Good Now 11:43 Front Loading Your Week 16:23 Pen and Paper - No Distraction 17:54 The Dark Side of the Open Loop
Aug 1, 2023 • 19min

#207: Transformational Breathwork to Grow Your Business | Alessandra Caprice

Alessandra Caprice is an Energetic Business Mastery Coach who has founded a unique combination of business strategy and breathwork in her Money Breathwork method. She is a former private practice psychotherapist who after 3 years as an online Business Strategist for mentors, coaches, changemakers, and healers, realized there was something missing from the business growth and development sector. She believes that in order to advance in business and to actually sustain big money months, own their bigness, and make more money, women need to heal their limiting beliefs, money traumas, and take off their, what she calls, Armors of Smallness™ while simultaneously expanding into what was possible. She is paving the way for the use of breathwork as a business expansion tool, being one of the first to do so focusing on Money, Visibility + Marketing, and Sales. When using her methods, her clients experience exponential results. She grew her online coaching business to mulit-6-figures while having children (3 active kids under 6 + just welcomed baby #4) with her husband and prioritizing family life. They currently live in Arizona and they travel as often as they can. Website: Facebook Group: Facebook: Instagram: 1:47 Transformational Breathwork 3:04 "I felt like mindset work really just scratched the surface." -Alessandra Caprice 4:15 "Whatever is encoded in us is going to fight surface level change." -Alessandra Caprice 7:00 "Just because you are in pain does not mean that it is bad." -Brian Keith 8:09 "Why are entrepreneurs so bad at being embodied?" -Brian Keith 10:59 "I new I was meant for something bigger." -Alessandra Caprice 12:45 Locus of control 16:46 Money Breathwork for the Whole Family
Jul 25, 2023 • 20min

#206: Cyber Threats for Small Business | John Bellamy

John Bellamy is the Managing Director of DarkXposed - Cyber Risk Intelligence. DarkXposed is a Private Intelligence Agency (PIA) that specialises in Cyber Threat and Risk Intelligence originating from the Dark Web. Our Threat Intelligence Units (TIUs) monitor your business domain, email addresses and key suppliers – looking for exposed credentials that we can find about your business and suppliers – that are up for sale on the dark web. Website: Twitter: Linkedin: Instagram: Facebook: Youtube: 1:11 "Small businesses just need to be aware of the risks that are out there." -John Bellamy 2:20 Cyber Security and Cyber Risk Intelligence 3:27 Cyber Risk Intelligence: Three Simple Parts for Small Business 6:15 "There's various degrees of information cyber criminals can get access to." -John Bellamy 8:21 "What kind of damage are we trying to prevent?" -Brian Keith 9:24 Reputation Damage 10:31 "Most small businesses don't have fifty grand laying around to pay a ransom." -John Bellamy 11:41 Intermediate Security Step for Small Business 17:10 Cyber Security, AI, and Quantum Computing
Jul 18, 2023 • 22min

#205: Economy, Recessions, and Mindset | Charles Gaudet

Charles Gaudet is the author of "The Predictable Profits Playbook," host of The Beyond 7-Figures Podcast and CEO of Predictable Profits - a leading business coaching company for 7 & 8 figure entrepreneurs. He’s been an entrepreneur since the age of 4, created his first multi-million dollar business at 24, and has helped others generate millions with his strategies. He’s received numerous awards and recognition (including founding a company named as "One of the Best Seed Stage Companies" by Ernst & Young), received his Certificate of Leadership Development from The US Army War College and has his business advice featured around in the world – including Inc., Forbes, Salesforce, Success, Entrepreneur, and Fox Business – as well as on podcasts and radio. As well as being named one of American Geniuses’ Top 50 Industry Influencers. Website: Podcast: Book: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: 1:49 "What I'm seeing is both sides of the conversion." -Charles Gaudet 2:55 Pivot and Adapt 4:00 Mindset and Strategy 6:43 "Mindset sets the basis behind what you receive as information." -Charles Gaudet 8:16 "It just depends on where you want to take this." -Charles Gaudet 12:05 Control and Choice 13:23 "We think we can control things; that's the problem." -Brian Keith 16:44 Positives and Challenges Exist Together
Jul 11, 2023 • 23min

#204: How to Decide When to Do Things Yourself | Tyler Garns

Widely regarded as "the original Infusionsoft Ninja," Tyler Garns is an award-winning, world-renowned marketer who has played a major role in the development of automated internet marketing campaigns since the early 2000s.   From 2007 to 2012 he led the marketing team as a Vice President at Infusionsoft, taking the company from 300 leads per month to over 25,000 leads per month— helping to double its annual sales on three separate occasions.   In 2014 he founded Box Out Marketing (B.O.M.), a top Infusionsoft agency that provides training, coaching, strategy and digital marketing campaign implementation to entrepreneurs and small business owners.   Tyler has been sought after by some of the big names in the marketing industry including Frank Kern, Perry Marshall, and Brendon Burchard. He is a regular speaker at marketing events around the world including GKIC InfoSummit, GKIC SuperConference, Traffic & Conversion Summit, Perry Marshall’s Adwords Master Event in Maui, Frank Kern’s Operation Total Freedom Event, ICON, Ramon Ray’s Small Biz Technology Tour, Infusionsoft’s Small Business Success Tour (8 Cities), Inbound Summit, JJ Virgin’s Mindshare Summit, MarketingProfs and SuccessCon.   With a degree in human biology, Tyler takes a scientific approach to marketing and combines it with the "art" of messaging and persuasion. Bringing these disciplines together has created impressive results for his clients, earning him a 5-star reputation industry-wide. Having worked with thousands of entrepreneurs for over a decade, Tyler has become the go-to resource for those who are ready to take their business to a whole new level.   A Southern California native, Tyler is a dedicated husband and father of four, as well as an avid surfer and church leader. One of his greatest passions is to help fellow entrepreneurs succeed at levels they hadn’t thought possible.   Website:   Twitter:   Facebook:   Instagram:   LinkedIn:   Find out more about Tyler here:   Find out more about Tyler's offer here: 1:24 "You should always learn the fundamentals." -Tyler Garns 5:02 "Most business owners are perfectionist." -Tyler Garns 6:24 "How much time are you spending doing $10 an hour work?" -Tyler Garns 8:29 The Golden Question 9:31 What I Tell My Team 12:07 The Factory 13:45 "What should I outsource to the Factory?" -Brian Keith 14:55 Should the Business Owner Be Doing That Work? 16:25 Leadership 19:19 "I think a lot of businesses die because business owners won't make that shift." -Tyler Garns
Jul 4, 2023 • 18min

#203: Get Your Business Under Control Without Missing Opportunities | Jerry Adams

Jerry is the driving force behind Men of Grit. He is on a mission to equip men with the tools and knowledge to lead lives of strength. In his 30+ years in the steel industry, he went from starting on the mill floor to a top leadership position. His technical skills, leadership knowledge, outdoor experience, and biblical passion make him a seasoned authority in the field of men's growth. With over two decades of experience leading, instructing, and mentoring men, Jerry has honed his skills and is now sharing his knowledge through his writing and speaking. He is an avid outdoorsman and enjoys hunting, hiking, backpacking, and fly fishing. At the end of a long day, you can find him sitting by the fire, relaxing with a fine cigar. Jerry calls the rugged Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia his home, along with his wife Demie, his son Brennan, and his dog Mac 1:19 "How did you decide that what you were doing was not enough?" -Brian Keith 2:36 Comfort Leads to Complacency 5:05 The Mindset of Comfort Seeking 6:05 "What are the things that you value?" -Jerry Adams 10:57 The Habit of Doing Hard Things 12:18 "There are two questions that I ask myself." -Brian Keith 14:54 Dad's Lesson on the Farm
Jun 27, 2023 • 21min

#202: Humanness and Value Alignment in the age of AI | Lisa Catto

Lisa cut her teeth as an entrepreneur when she was 19 when she purchased London’s only roller rink and on Friday and Saturday nights held raves for sometimes up to 10,000 people. By the mid 90’s she had a company that was the first to ever place an advertiser in a computer game and was working with FMCG and Bluechip brands such as adidas, Kellog’s, McVitie’s Quaker, Ferrero Roche, Sony - working with their marketing boards on their brand placement as well as developing promotional on pack and in pack software for them and then making Xbox and PlayStation games for large US publishers. By her mid 30’s she was semi retired and raising her young family in her villa in the South of France. In the last few years she grew a domestic gas & plumbing business from under £20k a month to over £80k a month alongside her primary gig - The Business Catalyst.. Now known affectionately as The Queen of Automation, and awarded the title of Top International Service partner by Keap (formerly known as Infusionsoft) - the best in class CRM and automated sales and marketing software - Lisa’s focus is now on unleashing business owners. Taking her over 3 decades of business and marketing experience - she designs the Ideal Customer Journey and implements the systems, automations and procedures to unlock the potential in businesses of all shapes and sizes by • Saving them time • Growing their sales • And getting them organised. 2:17 "What are you doing with all these ways we can show up in the world?" -Brian Keith 3:44 "Automation clears the space to build human relationships."-Lisa Catto 5:54 "This is just the next step in evolution." -Lisa Catto 7:42 "How do you discern what to focus on?" -Brian Keith 11:47 "Why don't you work out the optimal path?" -Brian Keith 16:14 "It's not about credibility, it's about being congruent." -Lisa Catto 18:07 Values Alignment 19:13 "The ones that are not aligned with you are the ones that take up the most time." -Lisa Catto

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