Kate Leto calls on us to improve the EQ of our product orgs, so that we can improve their performance, our team's happiness, and our own self-awareness.
Highlights include:
⭐ Why do we focus overly on technical product management skills?
⭐ How do you make the business case for investing in Product EQ?
⭐ What mistakes do we often make when interviewing product people?
⭐ How can people come to terms with imposter syndrome?
⭐ How can product leaders avoid their own EQ blindspots?
Who is Kate Leto?
Kate is the Principal and Founder of Kate Leto Consulting, the vehicle through which she shares her 25 years of expertise in product management, organisational design, culture transformation and personal development with the world.
Before founding her consulting practice, Kate was the Head of Product at Moo.com in London, where she built and led the product management and UX teams responsible for the business’ e-Commerce platform, and premium physical product range.
A regular speaker, blogger, and the author of a book worth its weight in gold, “Hiring for Product EQ: Using Product EQ to go beyond culture and skills”, Kate has a huge heart (and mind) for increasing the effectiveness of product organisations.
Find Kate here:
Website: https://www.kateleto.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kateleto/
Meidum: https://kleto.medium.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kleto/
What the heck is self-awareness and why should you care?
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Hosted by Brendan Jarvis:
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Website: https://thespaceinbetween.co.nz/
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