MLOps Coffee Sessions #130 {Podcast BTS} with Andrew Yates, Adversarial MLOps on Other People's Money: Lessons Learned from Ad Tech co-hosted by Abi Aryan.
// Abstract
Design ML to be components in a larger system with stable interfaces is not tracible to monitor the entire stack as a black box. You need intermediate ground-truth signals. Ads are designed in this way.
You can go from profitable to non-profitable real quick with ads. This will determine whether your company is around a year or two. You play with money and sometimes you play a lot of it so make sure that it's correct.
// Bio
Andrew Yates formerly led ads ranking, auction, and marketplace engineering and research teams at Facebook and Pinterest. He specializes in designing billion-dollar content marketplaces that maximize long-term revenue while protecting both seller and user experiences. Andrew has published over a dozen patents in online advertising optimization.