00:00 - 01:07 Welcome and introductions
01:08 - 4:47 Importance of feed testing - 3 main reasons
4:48 - 06:28 How to collect samples from bales
0:6:29 - 11:04 How to collect sileage samples
11:05 - 12:43 Collecting grain samples
12:44 - 14:26 Collecting samples from extended grazing forages
14:27 - 17:03 Pooling feed samples - Disadvantages
17:04 - 21:30 Wet Chemistry vs NIR analysis
21:31 - 25:55 Key lab tests that need to be evaluated on feeds
25:56 - 28:59 Specialty analysis such as nitrates, ergot, mycotoxin, sulphur analysis
29:00 - 33:34 Where to go for help with feed analysis