Find out our thoughts on this paper and our key takeaways for the ever-changing world of workplace safety.
Introduction to the paper & the Author
“Adding more rules is not going to make your system safer.”
The principles of safety in the paper
Types of safety systems as broken down by the paper
Problems in these “Ultrasafe systems”
The Summary of developments of human error
The psychology of making mistakes
The Efficiency trade-off element in safety
Suggestions in Amalberti’s conclusion
Takeaway messages
Answering the question: Why does safety get harder as systems get safer?
“Systems are good - but they are bad because humans make mistakes” - Dr. Drew Rae
“He doesn’t believe that zero is the optimal number of human errors” - Dr. Drew Rae
“You can’t look at mistakes in isolation of the context” - Dr. Drew Rae
“The context and the system drive the behavior. - Dr. David Provan
“It’s part of the human condition to accept mistakes. It is actually an important part of the way we learn and develop our understanding of things. - Dr. David Provan