Learn how to make your info product stand out in a crowded market through packaging, proprietary language, and advertising techniques. Discover the importance of studying successful individuals in the industry and understanding customer desires. Uncover the secrets to filling seats and selling info products by creating a dedicated student community.
Using proprietary language enhances the uniqueness of info products and fosters lasting interest and relationships with customers.
To make info products stand out, they need to be addictive and create a desire for more by providing visible results, simplicity, clarity, and shortcuts.
Deep dives
Creating a Unique Info Product
In this episode, Dan Kennedy discusses strategies for making sure your info product stands out in a world saturated with similar products. One key aspect he emphasizes is the use of proprietary language to make your product unique. By creating your own terminology and language, you give customers a sense of belonging and superiority. This not only sets your product apart but also fosters lasting interest and relationships with your customers.
Making Your Info Product Addictive
Dan Kennedy emphasizes the importance of making your info product addictive to drive sales and create ongoing demand. He draws a comparison to how McDonald's adds sugar to everything, making their products addictive. Similarly, you need to create a product that people crave more of by providing visible and measurable results, simplicity, clarity, and shortcuts. The goal is to create a desire for more and make the product easy to use and implement.
Key Factors for Saleability
Kennedy highlights three key factors that enhance the saleability of an info product. First, having a high concept that is fascinating to people and creates interest. Second, making the product new and fresh, as people are always interested in what's new. Third, ensuring the product caters to the specific market by matching their needs and offering exclusivity. These factors increase the product's appeal and make it more likely to sell.
Creating Lasting Value with Info Products
To create lasting value with info products, Kennedy explains the importance of cultivating serious students and helping them develop skills. While customers initially seek simplicity and quick results, it is crucial to shift their mindset towards mastery of skills and a commitment to implementation. Additionally, products should foster personal responsibility and accountability in customers so they can take ownership of their progress and results.
In a market thoroughly saturated with information products (that often offer much of the same information), how do you make yours stand out from the rest?
In part two of this extremely beneficial two-part episode, Dan Kennedy continues to share his valuable insights on how to package (and repackage) your info products so that customers not only purchase the product, but become lifetime customers because of it. Be sure to listen to part one first if you haven't yet!