Podcast highlights created and posted by Sam Arrowsmith on Snipd
108. Ninety-Eight Years of Economic Wisdom

The smartest people grow up to focus their talents on the biggest problem of their generation

AI Key Takeaways
  • The generation of economists who grew up during the Depression is considered the greatest generation of economists due to the most talented people choosing to be economists at that time.
  • Young people choose their occupations in response to what they see as important problems.
  • The generation of economists who grew up in the Depression of the 30s were not necessarily smarter, but their experience had focused them to think about the right things and worry about the right things.
108. Ninety-Eight Years of Economic Wisdom

The Importance of Efficiency in the Economy

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108. Ninety-Eight Years of Economic Wisdom

Is Economic Growth the Enemy?

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147. Is Nudging Enough?

Selected for energy consumption= lazy society?

AI Key Takeaways
  • Humans are lazy by nature
  • Energy conservation is a trait selected for in humans
  • Excuses to be lazy are welcomed by humans
No.1 Habit & Procrastination Expert: We've Got ADHD Wrong! Break Any Habit & Never Be Distracted!

Work hard and go home

AI Key Takeaways
  • Psychological safety is crucial in creating a healthy work environment
  • Using emojis can be a useful tactic for management to show employees that they are heard
  • Management should exemplify what it means to be indestractable in order to promote the importance of focus and work-life balance
No.1 Habit & Procrastination Expert: We've Got ADHD Wrong! Break Any Habit & Never Be Distracted!

The Need for an Undiagnosis Plan for ADHD and the Flaws in the Chemical Imbalance Theory

AI Key Takeaways
No.1 Habit & Procrastination Expert: We've Got ADHD Wrong! Break Any Habit & Never Be Distracted!

The Myths and Truths About Willpower Depletion

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No.1 Habit & Procrastination Expert: We've Got ADHD Wrong! Break Any Habit & Never Be Distracted!

The 10 Minute Rule for Mastering Internal Triggers

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146. How Do You Avoid Freezing Under Pressure?

Implementing If-Then Plans for Better Decision Making

AI Key Takeaways
  • Implementation intentions are pre-made if-then plans for any kind of scenario, not just emergencies.
  • Writing out if-then plans is a helpful exercise as it forces the planner to think it through thoroughly.
  • Visualization is crucial to making if-then plans effective, and visualizing potential obstacles is more effective than visualizing only positive outcomes.
107. Bringing Data to Life

Give people affirmation who don't expect you to do so

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144. What Should Be the Eighth Deadly Sin?

The three dimensions of parenting research: Warmth, Appropriate Demands, Respect

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106. Will A.I. Make Us Smarter?

Why Kindness Is Absent in Economic Models

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