I help ambitious professionals achieve success without sacrificing their wellbeing through expert-led education and training.
Podcast highlights created and posted by Martine Ellis on Snipd
7 Steps on How to Silence Your INNER CRITIC Especially When it Gets TOO LOUD and Becomes Overwhelming

The Importance of Journaling Wins and Good Moments

AI Key Takeaways
  • Asking oneself why a particular decision was made can lead to better choices in the future.
  • Checking in with oneself and understanding the reasons behind missed goals is more productive than self-criticism.
  • Journaling and sharing successes can help balance out negative thoughts and increase positivity.
7 Steps on How to Silence Your INNER CRITIC Especially When it Gets TOO LOUD and Becomes Overwhelming

You Can't Hate Yourself Into Change

AI Key Takeaways
  • Putting too much pressure on oneself can limit one's ability
  • Navigating the inner critic is essential to be ambitious, driven, and successful while being kind, compassionate, and mindful
  • Loving oneself is more effective in bringing about personal change than hating oneself
How To Make 2024 Your Most Productive Year Yet

The Three Different Types of Burnout

AI Key Takeaways
8 Strategies for Deeper Sleep & Boosting Your Energy All Day

The Relationship Between Location, Energy, and Memory

AI Key Takeaways
  • Location has energy, time has memory. Doing something in the same place and at the same time every day makes it easier because your body becomes conditioned to know what to expect.
  • Working, eating, and sleeping in the same space can cause confusion and muddle our daily routines.
This is a great idea, using an a blank text file as a place to offload things that pop into your head. Basically an external working memory.
Ep. 274: The Deep Life Stack v2.0

Using a working memory.txt file for offloading tasks

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Simple stress management breath.
Mental Health Toolkit: Tools to Bolster Your Mood & Mental Health

The Physiology of Calming Down: A Simple Technique

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Ep. 265: Big Ideas for Deeper Living

The Impact of Open Loops on Work Stress

AI Key Takeaways
Derek Thompson: From Acting to the Eminem of Macroeconomic Analysis

The Obsession With Naming Things

AI Key Takeaways
  • The speaker discusses their enjoyment of writing musically and using repetition and anti-metably in their writing.
  • The speaker explains their love for ideas that can turn into music.
  • The speaker emphasizes their desire for their writing to be memorable.
Derek Thompson: From Acting to the Eminem of Macroeconomic Analysis

Finite and Infinite Games

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225. The 1-2-3 Method

The Evolution of the Word 'Priority'

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89: I Figured Out Timeblocking -- FINALLY

The Benefits of Time Blocking and How to Make it Work For You

AI Key Takeaways
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