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The Good Life with Michele Lamoureux

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Dec 28, 2022 • 39min

Debbie Millman: On Branding and Creating A Vision for Your Life That Matters (rerun)

“If you want a remarkable life, you have to commit to doing it.” – Debbie Millman The iconic Debbie Millman is on the show. I have been an admirer of her work for years. For 20 years, Debbie was the President of Sterling Brands, one of the world’s leading branding consultancies. Under her leadership, Sterling grew to 150 employees in five offices. While there, she worked on the logo and brand identity for Burger King, Hershey’s, Haagen Dazs, Tropicana, Star Wars, Gillette, and the No More movement. Debbie is currently working with Law & Order SVUactor and activist Mariska Hargitay’s Joyful Heart Foundation to eradicate sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, and the rape-kit backlog. In 2009 Debbie co-founded the world’s first graduate program in branding at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Today we discuss branding as well as how to design our lives intentionally. All of the show notes can be found at WE DISCUSS: The difference between design vs. branding “Branding is about manufacturing meaning through symbols and objects, and design is the expression of that meaning.” What it takes to create a new brand or rebrand. You have to ask one crucial question when working on a brand: “Why does the world need this?” Her work for the Joyful Heart Foundation and how she got involved as the Chairman of the Board. Why she believes a person shouldn’t aspire to be a brand. What drives her to impact others. Her 5 Year Life Plan that she took with Milton Glaser that transformed her life. Big dreams all manifested within 13 years, within ten years, 80%-90% of it was achieved. The importance of declaring your wants. Declaration of intention. Debbie teaches her students the 10 Year Life Plan at the School of Visuals Arts. How at the age of eight she created a picture that turned into her adult reality – like a vision board. Her advice on how to live a creative life. Her thoughts on advertising during COVID, and much more! DEBBIE’S 3 BEST TIPS FOR DESIGNING A GOOD LIFE: “Continually think if not now, when?” “If you want a remarkable life, you have to commit to doing it.” Don’t edit your dreams before you try. We often determine what’s impossible before you determine if it’s possible. “Try before you decide you can’t. You get over failure and rejection, but you don’t ever really get over regret.” “Don’t give up on love.” RESOURCES MENTIONED – website Debbie on IG @debbiemillman on Twitter Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits by Debbie Millman Brand Bible: The Complete Guide to Building, Designing, and Sustaining Brands by Debbie Millman Debbie talked about writing out an ideal day 10 years from now. Dream big and write down everything you want to have happen and review the entry once a year. This is the website she referenced with detailed notes. Michele on Instagram Thank you for listening to the show!
Dec 21, 2022 • 48min

Brian Moran: NYTimes Best-Selling Author on How to Use the 12 Week Year to be More Productive and Live in Alignment with Your Life’s Vision (rerun)

“If the average person just more consistently did what they already know they’d be healthier, happier, and be making more money.” – Brian Moran Brian Moran the New York Times bestselling author of “The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months” is going to share how to get more done in less time. He will take us into this execution system he developed while also sharing easy to implement time management strategies. He also connects the dots back to why it is important to create our life vision so we can structure our time and goals around that vision. You will learn tactical steps that you can use today to move closer to the life you desire. Loved this conversation so much! Tune in now and you can access the show notes at Are you enjoying the podcast? If so, I would love your review on Apple Podcasts. It only takes a minute. 1. Click on this link 2. Click “View in iTunes” button 3. Click “Subscribe” button 4. Click “Ratings and Reviews” text 5. Click to rate and leave short review and you’re done! Thank you for listening to the show! WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: 1. Why the 12 week year is an execution system and how that helps you get more done in less time. 2. It’s not enough to know. You have to execute. Knowledge is only powerful if you act on it. 3. Get out of the annual environment. With this program, you are going to stop after 12 weeks and that is your year. Measure your success or failure and measure the progress and then go again. It’s a fluid process. You can use this professionally or personally. You can do anything for 12 weeks and then decide is that somethingI want to do again. 4. Your vision is you’re why. Your goals NEED to align with the vision. 5. At the goal level, know the difference between goals and tactics and outcomes and actions. The actions we have control over. Goals are outcomes. 6. Make sure at the goal level that is measurable – it’s an outcome. 7. Determine what are the most important actions. Most plans are conceptual not tactical. You need to spell out the specific actions and focus on “less is more”. 8. Stay connected to your vision by putting the longer term vision in front of you – laminate a card you can look at every day. Create visual reminders. 9. The difference between a habit and routine is key. Ex, going to the gym is a routine not a habit and routines are what drive success. How you begin and end your day needs a routine. The key is to start off positive. End your day with gratitude. 10. How to manage time. Time blocking – 3 core blocks: A. Strategic Block -3 hours blocked during the week. No interruptions – working on the business not in the business. THIS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE. B. Buffer Blocks – these are designed to deal with the emails/low level stuff. Ex, I return calls between 4-5pm. Don’t check your emails when they come in. Block time in to address it. C. Break out blocks – schedule time away from work to do something just for you to recharge. The Four Disciplines of the 12 Week Year Vision – You have to know what you want. Planning – You have to ask – “What matters most?” Execution – Then ask, “Am I doing it?” Measurement – “Is it producing?” RESOURCES MENTIONED Brian’s Book: The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months Brian’s website – – Michele on Instagram ABOUT TODAY’S GUEST: Brian Moran, President and Founder of The 12 Week Year, has thirty plus years of expertise as a corporate executive, entrepreneur, consultant and coach. Brian is a recognized expert in the field of leadership and execution. His realization that most people don’t lack ideas, but struggle with effective implementation led him to the development of ‘The 12 Week Year’. His client list includes industry leaders like Allstate, Aon, Becton Dickinson, Dunkin’ Brands, Keller Williams, Mass Mutual, Medtronic, Merrill Lynch, Meritage Homes, Nationwide, New York Life, Papa Johns Pizza, Prudential State Farm and Taylor Made just to name a few. Brian resides in Michigan with his wife Judy and two daughters. Thank you for listening to the show!
Dec 14, 2022 • 59min

Dr. Robynne Chutkan: Best-Selling Author of "The Anti-Viral Gut" - Teaches Us About The Importance of Gut Health

Dr. Robynne Chutkan, best-selling author of numerous books which help people up-level their health is here to help us understand the importance of taking care of our gut health. We discuss her most recent book, The Anti-Viral Gut, which takes a complex topic and makes it easy to understand while providing great tips you can implement today. You’ll understand how to make simple, foundational changes in how you eat and live that will have a huge impact on your health and quality of life. If you want to learn how your gut health impacts your overall health and your ability to handle viruses, including Covid — you are going to love this conversation! All of the show notes can be found at While on the show notes page, I’d love for you to join our community. You’ll receive more inspiration and tips to love yourself and your life. You’ll get a FREE copy of Michele’s Book, Design a Life You Love. *This interview is for entertainment purposes only. For medical advice, seek out your trusted healthcare provider. WHAT WE DISCUSS: How Dr. Chutkan evolved her practice to empower others around their health and understanding the role of the microbiome. How her daughter received more than 20 courses of antibiotics by the time she was 2 and how Dr. Chutkan slowly learned the importance of our microbiome and began educating others. She explains what our microbiome is. She also explains dysbiosis. How to make simple, foundational changes in how you eat and live that have a huge impact on your health and quality of life. Specific things we can begin doing today to improve our health, and much more. RESOURCES MENTIONED Website: – register for her free Masterclass Book: The Anti-Viral Gut Dr. Chutkan on Instagram Michele on Instagram MORE ABOUT DR ROBYNNE CHUTKAN Dr. Chutkan is a board-certified gastroenterologist and the bestselling author of Gutbliss, The Microbiome Solution, The Bloat Cure, and The Anti-Viral Gut. Educated at Yale and Columbia, she’s a faculty member at Georgetown Hospital and the founder of the Digestive Center for Wellness in Washington DC. A former Governing Board member and Training Committee chair of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), she’s authored dozens of scientific articles and lectured globally on autoimmune diseases and the role of the microbiome in health and disease. Dr Chutkan has her own PBS Special entitled “Gutbliss” and has been a frequent medical expert on the Dr. Oz Show, The Today Show, CBS This Morning, and other media outlets. She’s an avid (and slow) runner, squash player and yogi and is passionate about introducing more dirt, sweat and vegetables into her patients’ lives. Thank you for listening to the show!
Dec 7, 2022 • 43min

Jacqueline Whitmore: Etiquette Tips For Business + Life

Jacqueline Whitmore, International Etiquette expert is on to help us with etiquette tips for business and life. We discuss how to have navigate zoom meeting, how to engage in a meaningful way at the office to build rapport, and then she answers the audience questions relating to thank you notes, gifts, and what to say when someone you care about is diagnosed with a serious medical issue, or loses someone they love, including a pet.  I think in mid-life there are more of these scenarios and it is hard to know what to say or do to best support the person. Tune in now to hear Jacqueline’s advice. The show notes and the freebie she mentioned are at We Discuss: Office protocol including what to wear How to navigate zoom meetings Audience questions – including what to say/do when someone you care about is diagnosed with cancer or other illness or loses someone they love, including a pet. Resources Mentioned Website: – and access to Jacqueline’s freebie. Books: Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work Poised for Success: Mastering the Four Qualities That Distinguish Outstanding Professionals  Michele’s Freebie – join the newsletter GUEST BIO: Jacqueline Whitmore, is an international etiquette expert, a certified speaking professional and the founder of The Protocol School of Palm Beach She is the author of “Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work” and “Poised for Success: Mastering the Four Qualities That Distinguish Outstanding Professionals.” Ranked as one of the most widely quoted etiquette experts in the world, Jacqueline’s advice is sought by countless media outlets. Thank you so much for listening!
Nov 30, 2022 • 1h 15min

Rob + Ryan DeLena: Authors of "Without Restraint: How Skiing Saved My Son's Life" Discuss Their Memoir

Rob and Ryan DeLena are the co-authors of the Memoir Without Restraint: How Skiing Saved My Son’s Life to be released in March of 2023. “As a child Ryan DeLena had difficulty controlling his emotional outbursts. This led to placement in therapeutic schools that relied on detrimental methods of behavior modification such as physical restraints. Nothing helped from a team of doctors to heavy medication. Then in 2010, Ryan was voluntarily committed to a mental hospital for further evaluation. His parents Rob and Mary Beth were counseled to place him in a group home. They refused… Written in two voices, Without Restraint is a joint father-son memoir told with both pain and levity, struggle and strength, adventure and heart. It is the story of a misunderstood boy, a father’s growth, and a shared love of the outdoors that formed their unbreakable bond.” You’ll hear both Ryan and Rob share their experiences with Therapeutic Schools in Massachusetts – getting both perspectives is powerful. This is not intended to be mental or general health advice. This show is for entertainment purposes only. For advice, consult your trusted healthcare provider. Show notes can be found at RESOURCES MENTIONED: Rob + Ryan’s Book: Without Restraint: How Skiing Saved My Son’s Life Hardcover Michele on IG Michele’s Freebie – join the newsletter GUEST BIOS: Robert C. DeLena was raised in Revere, MA, and is a graduate of The Governor’s Academy, Trinity College, and Northeastern University School of Law. After practicing law unhappily, he founded a small recruiting company called Legal Staffing Solutions, and for over twenty years has advised law firms, lawyers, and law students on legal hiring. Rob lives in Sudbury, MA with his wife, Mary Beth, and their daughter, Abigail, who currently attends Hamilton College. He spends time skiing with his son Ryan and the great friends he’s made during his journey from beginner to reluctant adventurer. Rob has skied all over the United States, internationally in Canada, Chile and Argentina, and even survived a backcountry expedition in Antarctica. He is planning to return to Antarctica with Ryan in late 2022. Ryan C. DeLena is currently a junior at Northern Vermont University studying Outdoor Education. He is widely known in the outdoor community through his social media presence as “Extreme Ryan.” He was pictured on the cover of Backcountry Ski Maps (2020) and has conquered many of the world’s signature ski runs including Super-C Couloir in Chile, Little Couloir in Montana, and Tuckerman Ravine in New Hampshire. Ryan has climbed and skied additional peaks in Oregon, Washington, Utah, California, Nevada, Wyoming, and Antarctica. He is an enthusiastic rock climber, ice climber, and avid hiker, summiting the Grand Teton twice and has recently completed the “Hundred Highest” hiking peaks in New England. Ryan has earned advanced certifications from the American Mountain Guides Association and the Professional Ski Instructors of America. He spends every available moment in the White Mountains and plans on adventuring in Svalbard, Peru, and Antarctica in 2022. Thank you so much for listening!
Nov 23, 2022 • 37min

Paula Rizzo: Overcoming Procrastination

Do you have goals that are important to you but you keep putting them off? If you would like to learn easy to implement tips on how to overcome procrastination, then this conversation is for you. You’ll learn the main reasons why we procrastinate and ways to work around those barriers to get closer to achieving your goals and living the life you desire. We use getting in shape and writing a book as specific examples to make it really tactical. Our guest is Paula Rizzo, an Emmy Award-winning television producer, a media trainer, speaker, and best-selling author of Listful Thinking and Listful Living. The show notes for today can be found at KEY TAKEAWAYS: Fear is one of the major reasons someone will procrastinate. Break down goals into manageable tasks. Don’t put on your calendar “write book” – narrow it down to micro-goals. For example, write 200 words from 1pm-2pm on Tuesdays. Set yourself up for success by managing your day based on when you are more productive. Find an accountability partner. Ex, If you want to get into shape, find a friend or someone with the same goal and set up a regular day/time you’ll meet at the gym. Discipline is a key.  Establish habits and repetition.  Focus on one priority for the day.  Don’t over schedule yourself. Remove as many obstacles as you can. For example, sleep in your workout clothes so you are dressed and ready to go in the morning. Resources + Books Mentioned: Website:  Paula’s Books: Listful Thinking: by Paula Rizzo Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You by Paula Rizzo – comes out September 15, 2019, you can pre-order now Michele’s Freebie Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast player — and be sure to follow us on Instagram! Thank you so much for listening! Please share today’s show with a friend. I’d love to hear from you, if you have questions or comments, visit me here. If you’d like to advertise or sponsor the show, you can reach out here. This episode was sponsored by Design a Life You Love, A Woman’s Guide to Living a Happier and More Fulfilled Life. My book includes 52 inspirations, one for every week of the year, each with practical tips to guide you to self-love and success on your terms. It makes a great gift for yourself or a friend!
Nov 21, 2022 • 11min

Monday Musings with Michele: Miracles

Have you ever experienced a miracle? Do you believe in miracles? Do you think that in order to recognize one when it happens to you or someone else you have to be open to it? These are some of the questions I address. I also share a personal story of the miraculous.   I’d love to read your experience of a miracle, which you can email to Show notes for today are at
Nov 16, 2022 • 50min

Traci Mitchell: Emmy Award Winning Journalist on How to Find Your Life's Purpose

Do you sense that you are here for more but aren’t sure how to unlock your purpose and potential? Our guest, Traci Mitchell, is an author, speaker, and Emmy Award-Winning journalist who inspires us to find our life’s purpose. Her book, Stirring the Pot, “is about understanding how today’s most successful women recognize the meaning and value of their lives and the future right in front of them” and how you can apply that knowledge to live a more fulfilled life. Visit the detailed show notes with the links mentioned at WE DISCUSS: What it means to stir the pot and why it’s important to shake things up to move towards what lights you up. How purpose is something we all have planted within us and that we can uncover our own and it can even change during the course of our lifetimes. The advice Oprah gave Traci and how we can learn from this wisdom. Especially how knowing our gifts is the magic that allows us to get aligned with our path. The importance of focus and not allowing other people’s opinions to guide our life. How being courageous and taking risks can open up new opportunities and growth. Why it’s important to listen to your inner voice and why taking care of mind, body, and spirit helps you hear your own, and much more! Resources Mentioned Website: Traci’s Website Book: Traci Mitchell – Stirring the Pot Traci on IG Michele on IG Michele’s Freebie – join the newsletter GUEST BIO: Emmy award-winning journalist, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, host and author, Traci Mitchell is an inspirational powerhouse who uses her voice and storytelling to engage audiences for major global corporations. She is passionate, authentic and energetic. Traci excels at getting to the root of situations utilizing creative ways to tackle seemingly impossible tasks. Traci worked at television stations from coast to coast reporting on international, national and local news for more than two decades. She covered Presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and many world leaders. She conducted one on one interviews with presidential hopefuls, lawmakers and corporate executives. Traci conducted celebrity and lifestyle interviews with nationally known experts for the Emmy nominated daytime show, My Generation. She also appeared as a principal actor on House of Cards. Traci loves hearing a good story, especially stories portraying the power and strength of other successful women. She believes women are capable of making what may seem impossible possible. Her book, Stirring the Pot, takes a closer look at successful accomplished women who are living their lives on purpose and what it takes to uncover your own purpose, fall in love with your life and live bigger. Thank you so much for listening! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast player — and be sure to follow us Instagram! If you’d like to advertise or sponsor the show, you can reach out here. This episode was sponsored by Design a Life You Love, A Woman’s Guide to Living a Happier and More Fulfilled Life. My book includes 52 inspirations, one for every week of the year, each with practical tips to guide you to self-love and success on your own terms. It makes a great gift for yourself or a friend!
Nov 9, 2022 • 1h 11min

Lisa Genova: Celebrating 4 Years of the Show w/ NYTimes Best-Selling Author of "Still Alice" (re-run)

Lisa Genova, the New York Times Bestselling Author of Still Alice, is today’s guest.  When I learned of Lisa’s work and life mission I knew I had to have her on the show.  She epitomizes what is possible when you listen to your internal voice and have the courage to pursue what’s in your heart.  Lisa will tell you that she is doing her “soul’s work” and living a life of purpose by bringing empathy and understanding to neurological disorders people don’t like to think about.  Her book “Still Alice” became a New York Times best-seller and was turned into a major motion picture.  However, before finding her purpose, Lisa was on a very different path.  A Harvard trained Ph.D. in neuroscience, Lisa found herself at a crossroads when her first marriage ended in divorce.  It was in this moment of uncertainty that she found the courage to leave the familiar for a life as a writer.  If you are a writer or want to be one, would like to find your purpose, and/or enjoy stories of how dreams become reality, then you will love today’s episode. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Why Lisa left her life as a Harvard trained PhD in Neuroscience to become a fiction writer, with no prior writing experience Why her grandmother having alzheimer’s triggered her desire to write How & why she became an “empathy warrior” for people with neurological disorders How acting classes helped her become a better writer We dig into her creative process – how she crafts her books Why all of her books cover a neurological disorder and how they connect to life themes How she kept up her motivation when her future was uncertain.  Her book was originally rejected by 100 agents yet she was determined to get her book out in the world and it paid off. How her self-published book eventually secured her an agent and ended up on the New York Times Best-sellers list for 59 weeks! How she trusted that fiction was the way to tell her stories to create empathy with the reader. Why she loves the concept of duality and how our decisions create the reality we are living today vs the path not taken. How her book “Still Alice” became a major motion picture starring Julianne Moore and Alec Baldwin.   We go into how it felt to be at the Oscar’s and seeing her work on the big screen. Why her latest book, “Every Note Played” deals with ALS. Lisa shares the questions we need to ask ourselves to discover our own life purpose Why you should never make decisions out of fear The books she used to learn the craft of writing 3 key tips for all women out there who want to pursue their dreams….and so much more… Show Notes & Resources: Free Giveaway when you Join our Newsletter & Community Michele’s New Book, Design A Life You Love: A Woman’s Guide to Living a Happier and More Fulfilled Life Find Michele on Instagram for More Inspiration Lisa Genova’s Bestselling Books: Still Alice  Inside the O’Briens: A Novel Left Neglected Love Anthony Every Note Played Other books referenced: On Pluto by Greg O’Brien  Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott On Writing by Stephen King The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron Ted Talks: What You Can Do To Prevent Alzheimer’s Inbound Talk: “If You Could Do Anything You Wanted” Thank you for listening to the show. I hope you enjoyed it and would love to hear what your key takeaway was from this episode.  Please be sure to share it with your friends who would benefit from this information.  Also be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Rate + Review: If you enjoyed this episode, would you take a minute to review it on iTunes?  Your review helps me better understand what topics you most enjoyed.  It also helps others find this podcast so that they too can learn this helpful information.  This community is all about women supporting women! 1. Click on this link 2. Click “Listen on Apple Podcasts” button 3. Click “Follow” button 4. Select “Ratings and Reviews” 5. Click to rate and leave short review and you’re done!
Nov 2, 2022 • 42min

Dr. Renée Alsarraf: Author of "Sit, Stay, Heal: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Living Well"

For more than two decades, esteemed veterinary oncologist Dr. Renée Alsarraf treated cancer in canine patients. Then at age fifty-one, she was diagnosed with cancer herself. The disease Dr. Renée had dedicated her professional life to fighting, suddenly left her scared and unsure. But it was only in receiving her own cancer diagnosis that Dr. Renée realized the empathy she had for animals went both ways. It was her patients—those furry, four-legged, slobbering animals— who seemed to uniquely understand the jumbled language of her own difficult journey and who showed her the true power of positivity and unconditional love. Dr. Renée shares what we can learn from dogs in her beautiful memoir Sit, Stay, Heal: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Living Well” All of the show notes can be found at WE DISCUSS Why Dr. Renee wrote this book and what she hopes people will walk away with after reading it. How dogs can be an incredible guide when we suffer from any issue.  They are so present and the human-animal bond is so profound. She speaks to the power of women and to the moms out their navigating everything. Facing our own mortality. How her book helps people navigate end of life decisions with their dogs. The insights into vet and human medicine and some of the specific differences between how humans and animals are treated when they have cancer, and more. RESOURCES MENTIONED Dr. Alsarraf’s book: “Sit, Stay, Heal: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Living Well” Website: Renee on Instagram Michele on Instagram MORE ABOUT DR. RENEE: DR. RENEE ALSARRAF has created four different veterinary oncology practices and led three veterinary radiation facilities. She has performed numerous veterinary clinical trials, co-authored peer-reviewed journal articles, and has lectured both locally and on the national level. She completed a medical oncology residency in New York City at The Animal Medical Center. She lives in Montclair, New Jersey, and is married to a veterinary ophthalmologist. They have one son, whom she cherishes, as well as Dusty, her beloved, bossy, six-year-old female boxer. Thank you for listening to the show!

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