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The 2% with Eric Partaker

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May 19, 2021 • 11min

PPI #138: This Is Why You’re Not Happy

This Is Why You’re Not Happy// We all want to be happy, right? Live inspired and successful lives. But there are many things that will try to stop us when trying to find happiness. In this video you will learn about things you may be doing everyday that can steal your time and happiness. These life changing habits will help you live a happy life, showing you how to design your day for balance and how successful people increase their productivity while finding balance between work and personal life. Also, if you are feeling burned out, this video will stop you from being overwhelmed by everything and show some everyday tips and strategies for managing stress.KEY POINTSTechnology Interruptions – Turn off your notifications when working. Avoid being constantly prompted by your applications to respond. This will help you feel more relaxed.Undervalued Time – Stop giving it away! Put value on your time by making sure you are leaving enough time for yourself on the things that matter to you, not just to others.Busyness is not a Status Symbol – Are you busy for the sake of being busy? Are you spending your time on what is going to generate results, or on what really matters to you?Stop Procrastinating! – Change the language in your head. Instead of saying “I have to” or “I should” say “I choose to start for just five minutes.” When you feel in control you are less likely to want to procrastinate.Manage your Meetings – Always have a common outcome in mind for the meeting. Don’t have a meeting for the sake of it. Having the common outcome will cause your meeting to be much more effective.Unclear Goals – Break down your goals. Do you know what you should be doing in the next quarter (13 weeks)? View each week as a sprint. You have 13 attempts to make progress to your goal.Personal Disorganization – Have a plan for every single day. The best way to create that plan is the end of the day before. What is going to make tomorrow a win for you? What needs to happen?FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
May 18, 2021 • 48min

How to SCALE Fast and Buy a Business with NO MONEY | Nick Bradley | The 2%

Ever wondered how to be a successful Entrepreneur without starting at the bottom? Join Nick Bradley (Host of the UK’s #1 business podcast, entrepreneur, investor, and 24 Successful Exits) and Eric Partaker in discovering a sneak peek into the world of acquisition entrepreneurs. Apply these tips and reach your full potential! KEY POINTSFollow Your Own Path – Don’t let the people around you influence you into what they perceive as the safe option. If your goal is to get a job, get a job! If you strive to start your own company and work for yourself, do it! Do your own thing and let them watch you succeed.Why Build Your Empire When You Can Buy It? – Consider becoming an acquisitions entrepreneur. Buy an existing profitable business instead of starting your own.The Secret to Life is Flowing Not Forcing - Just because other high performers adopt certain habits does not mean you need to! Work out what is important to you, only then should you start to think about which habits and routines are going to enrich your life. Ask yourself, what puts you in your flow state? What gives you the energy and focus to be able to perform at your best?Is Your Business Failing? – Three common reasons for business failure include leadership teams running out of ideas, bad cash management and lack of adaptability.80/20 Principle – In business 20% of our efforts produce 80% of the result. Equally 20% of your life choices account for 80% of where you are in life.Take a stand – Decide that you’re not going to fade into the crowd anymore. That you’re going to change your life and achieve your goals.How Adaptable Is Your Identity? – The mindset of a successful person scaling up their business is vastly different to the start-up mindset. Learning how to evolve quickly to make that transition will determine how successful the business will be.Optimize Your Health – View eating as intake of energy. Higher energy levels mean you can do more and be more. Ditch the nightly red wine and steak dinners and opt for something that will make you feel and perform at your best.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
May 17, 2021 • 48min

FINDING and LIVING your PASSION in Work and Life | Randy Garn | The 2%

`The master in the art of living pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he is always doing both.’ – James Michener. Are you a master of your life? Does what you do bring joy to your heart? Join Randy Garn (New York Times best selling author, entrepreneur, and high-performance coach) and Eric Partaker as they share tips on how you achieve your full potential and discuss the secrets that led Randy being the successful Entrepreneur he is today. KEY POINTSProsperity is a Balance – Prosperity is multidimensional, you need money, happiness, and sustainability to really live up to the full measure or your creation.How Self Reliant Are You? – Do you feel confident that you can always generate an income on your own? Find that avenue that you love, that means you never have to worry about money again, because you know you can create it.What’s your Polaris Point? – Create a clear vision of where you want to go. Find out, and take time working on what you were born to do, and what you want to accomplish. When you die, what will you be remembered for?Create your Own Goals – If you do not have your own goals, somebody else will use you for theirs. Take some time to yourself and write down what you want to accomplish in life and go do it!You are Unique, Own It! – We all have a unique ability, discover what yours is, and develop it to be the very best!Fall in Love with What You Do – If you want to become the best version of yourself, you need to love what you do. If you are grumpy at work, your energy will be low, and you will not achieve excellence.Prioritize your Family – Ensure that you are putting your family and loved ones into your world, and into your joy. Schedule time to be fully present in their lives. The greatest joy and the greatest sorrow will come from the walls of your own home.Change your mindset! – A huge limiting belief is that you must accumulate a lot of wealth to be successful and live in prosperity. However, knowledge and peace of mind are vital to maintain. Start with what you already have, be happy with that and grow it. Maintain the joy in your heart.  FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
May 14, 2021 • 10min

PPI #137: How to Avoid Burnout

How to Avoid Burnout// Are you feeling burned out? Are you constantly overwhelmed? Is your mental and physical health starting to suffer? In this video you will learn how to recognise the signs of burnout, combat against them and improve your health by living a balanced lifestyle. You will also find out how you can still increase your happiness and get your productivity and fulfilment on track without sacrificing your personal life. Enjoy simple tactics to design your life and how many successful people have stopped feeling overwhelmed by life and achieved balance.KEY POINTSFocus on What You Can Control – Don’t stress and feel anxious about what is outside of your control. Focus on what you can do.Disconnect – Take a break. Remove yourself physically and electronically from your work. Don’t spend all of your time in your office.Prioritize Your Sleep – Make sure you’re getting at least eight hours of sleep. Turn off electronics one hours before bedtime, as this will increase your melatonin and help you sleep better.Exercise- Spike your energy at the beginning of the day with some exercise. This will also spike your mood. Exercise is proven to create a 12-hour mood boost, equivalent to taking antidepressants.Nutrition – Eat well. Choose the foods you know will be healthy for your mind and body. This will help you feel healthier and stronger.Clear Your Mind – Could you benefit from re-engaging in a spiritual practice that you have, or a religious practice, or simply meditation to calm the mind and give you clarity.Ask for Help – Let people know you are feeling down and express that need for help.Steer Clear of Bad Habits– Alcohol, medications, drugs can make burnout worse. Steer clear of anything that can add fuel to the fire.Be Social – Put yourself in social situations. We are social beings; we are meant to celebrate and enjoy life with other people. Make Time for Yourself Everyday – What is the number one thing you enjoy? Make time for it, schedule it into your day. FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
May 13, 2021 • 52min

Do this to ACHIEVE your Full Potential FASTER | James Altucher | The 2%

What if I told you, you could skip the line? Experience is no longer the key to success! Would you believe me? Join James Altucher (Hedge Fund Manager, Author, Podcaster and Entrepreneur) and Eric Partaker as they share tips on how to reach your full potential and discover how James became the successful Entrepreneur he is today.KEY POINTSSkip the line! – There will always be people who want to tell you ‘You can’t do it. You cannot skip the line. Stay in line, pay your dues. It’s not going to happen.’ When someone tells you this, they are imprinting their own goals on you, their truths, not yours.Efficiency is the Answer – 1% of your focus could generate 50% of the benefits you seek in life. So be aware of yourself when you are doing something mindlessly, or you’re not optimizing your training and your study. Inefficiency is a waste of time.The Power of 10 - Spend 20-30 minutes a day writing 10 ideas down. Exercise your idea muscle. Use this list to focus on businesses you could start or industries that could be disrupted and changed, or things in life that could be better.Stress Creates Strength – Stress the muscle to cause it to grow. Put in the effort and work hard in order to level up.Broadcast Your Ideas – Sharing ideas builds a network, people learn to trust you, people try your ideas. Don’t stress about people stealing your ideas. If you are exercising the power of 10, by tomorrow you will have 10 more ideas. Be abundant with ideas, as opposed to scarce.Create the Room that Nobody Else is in – If you’re the only one, you are going to get known. Not only will you be noticed but with the skills that you are combining you might be the best in the world.The Only Failure is Not Trying – Experiment with your ideas using these three rules. It should cost almost nothing, it should be very fast to do, and there should be little downside. In the worst case scenario, even if you do not succeed, you will still learn something. The upside is you could gain a huge business out of it.Love What You Do – If part of your energy is used convincing yourself to try the idea, that’s energy inefficiency. If you love something, you can use that energy that would have been required to convince yourself to work harder on your idea and do it better.Plus, Minus, Equals – PLUS: find yourself a mentor to learn about the top echelons of the industry. EQUALS: Find people who are like you, who are interested in your industry, and with whom you are roughly at the same level. Challenge each other and compare ideas. MINUS: Less is more. Learn how to teach and explain your ideas simply. If you cannot explain something simply, then you do not truly understand it.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
May 12, 2021 • 11min

PPI #136: How to Manage Your Time Better

How to Manage Your Time Better// Do you want to know how to achieve work life balance? Or show up at your best at work and at home? In this video you will learn how to be productive, set up a daily routine for success and the key strategies to living a balanced life. You will also learn how to stop being overwhelmed by everything, avoid burnout, strategies to change your life and how successful people install better habits for work life balance and improve their happiness. Better happiness and fulfilment can also be paired with methods to increase your productivity, as you learn how to manage your time better between work and personal life.KEY POINTSPrioritize Your Day – End your day prioritizing what you’re going to do the next day. Make it an appointment with yourself daily. Reflect on what happened today, update your to-do-list, and decide on the top three things that need to be achieved tomorrow. Set Clear Goals – Having clear goals and achieving them makes us feel more fulfilled. Check in with your goals on a daily basis. What are they? Why am I doing them? Why are they important to me? What could I work on today that would help with my goal achievement?  Schedule Time to Rejuvenate And Recover – You cannot rev your engine at the highest level throughout the day every day. Eventually you’re going to burn out, be overwhelmed and create greater levels of anxiety for yourself. Schedule breaks throughout you day for downtime and set an end time to your workday.Have Gratitude for What You Have – Too often we think about the things we don’t have. Take a moment each day to think about what you do have. What are your big wins? What is going well?Learn to Say No! – Your time is a precious commodity; you can’t do everything. If somebody is making a request on your time, have the confidence to say, ‘I need to prioritize these other things in my work or in my life right now.’Have Fun! – What is it that you enjoy doing? Schedule downtime into your week. Do some hobbies, watch your favourite movie. Just make sure you have fun!Spend More Time with Loved Ones – If you’re not spending enough time with the people that matter most to you, it’s going to feel like your life has an imbalance. Schedule it into your week. FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
May 11, 2021 • 52min

ACHIEVE anything you want in Life | Jeff Lerner | The 2%

Do you often feel that there aren’t enough hours in the day? Are your goals being delayed because there simply isn’t enough time? Join Jeff Lerner (Founder and CEO of Entre Institute) and Eric Partaker in sharing useful tips to reach your full potential, change your life forever and lead you on the path to achieving your goals.KEY POINTS10 Minutes to Success – Maximise your time, make a game out of it. If you have 15 minutes before a meeting, 60 minute lunch break or a 20 minute drive, get as much meaningful stuff done as reasonably possible.Make Work Matter – A lot of people have a false dichotomy in their mind that they are going to work in order to support the things that matter. For those people work will always be a constant sacrifice to fulfil what matters. Create a life where the work you do can be a part of what matters.Accomplish the Unaccomplishable – If you push the drill long enough against the wall, eventually it will burst out the other side. Work like a maniac, and don’t give up. The only real failure is a mistake that you don’t learn from. Gun to the Head – If you are half a million dollars in debt, and you have two years to pay it off or the federal government will seize everything you own, you will find a way. Create a target. If you have an uncomfortable consequence for not achieving your goals, motivation will no longer be an issue.The Three P’s to Success – Professional excellence is only possible through first accomplishing physical and personal excellence. Take care of yourself, your battery and machinery that allows you to go out into the world and do anything. Then nurture your relationships. Work on your relationship with people who have direct impact on your life. Structure is my Best Friend – Plan your life, have a solid structure. Keep momentum, increase your energy by being scripted and methodical. You can remove decision fatigue by reducing every decision you make on a daily basis.Choose your hard – Nothing comes for free, it requires payment of some form. You can either pay now with the pain of discipline, or pay later with the pain of regret. The pain of discipline is always cheaper than the pain of regret.Own it! – Lean into your weirdness, Lean into your differences. Whatever makes you less palatable and less conforming to the rest of the world. These are your strengths; they create a paradigm for your life. FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
May 10, 2021 • 20min

PPI #135: How to Design your Life

How to Design your Life// How to stop being overwhelmed by everything. Watch this video to discover habits for a better work life balance, as well as simple habits for a happy life, and strategies to change your life. We’ll discuss healthy work life balance importance, how to design your life for balance, how to find happiness in work and life, while also sharing the everyday habits for successful people. Stop the “feeling burned out what to do” thinking and learn methods to increase your productivity, tactics and tips for work life balance, and how to be happy in life.KEY POINTSPrioritize Health – If you are not healthy you cannot go to work, you cannot go and have fun. If you are not healthy you have no life. Health is an absolute priority.Wealth – Work sustains us. It provides our income which allows us to accomplish so many other goals in life. It is also a deep source of fulfilment. We are able to set goals and achieve.Nurture Relationships – If you had 5 more minutes to live what would you want to do? Spend time with somebody that is important to you, that you love. Relationships are critical, nobody wants to end up alone.80/20 – It’s the 20% of things that you focus on that will create 80% of the life improvement that you seek. Your health, wealth, and relationships. If you focus on maximising your balance and potential in those area, that will lead to a more fulfilling life. Create a Health Identity – Set an alarm to go off daily before you work out and label it with what represents you in this field at your best. It will inspire you to show up and work hard, even when you don’t feel like it.Create a Work Identity– Set a second alarm to go off daily before you sit down to work with an identity that inspires you to operate at your best. Create a Relationship Identity – Set the last alarm for just before family time, or time spent with loved ones. Label it with an identity that represents you as your best when it comes to your relationships. Ask yourself how would this person act when spending quality time with the ones they love?Score Yourself – Give yourself a daily W for win or an L for Learn. Simply ask yourself, ‘Did I show up as my best self today within the Health, Wealth and Relationships fronts?’FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
May 7, 2021 • 51min

How to SHIFT to your Best Self | Anthony Trucks | The 2%

Do you often feel that you’re not reaching your full potential? Do you want the secrets to achieving your goals? Join Anthony Trucks (Former NFL star, and creator of ‘The Shift Method’) and Eric Partaker to discover some useful tips to change your life forever and lead you on the path to achieving your goals.KEY POINTSUpgrade your Mindset – How often do you avoid chasing a dream because of the limiting belief that ‘it can’t be done now because...’ The mind will do what you push it to do. If you tell it to find excuses, what is it going to find? Excuses. Take Action today, and stop making excuses.Give Yourself a Doomsday Event – ‘If you knew you would die in a year if you did not have $100,000, you would find a way!’ Set yourself an uncomfortable consequence for not achieving your goals. Motivation will no longer be an issue.Fall in Love with the Day, Not the Destination- Too often we are focused on our goals and forget to enjoy the process. Get up everyday and enjoy the effort, enjoy the struggle and understand that goals worth reaching take time and effort to achieve.Plan your Next Move – Reduce your stress and anxiety, and increase your motivation. Create a 30-day plan in what you want to achieve over the next month towards your ultimate goal. Soon you’ll start ticking boxes and making little wins.Make Commitment Part of your Identity – Choose the goal you want to commit to, and stick with it, stay in line. Allow it to be a part of your identity and the motivation to achieve that goal will become effortless.Action Ends Suffering – Professionals know that action creates feeling. Amateurs believe feeling creates action. Be the professional of your life and take action today, don’t wait around for the next day you feel like it, or it will never get done.Be in This Moment! - Plan and balance your life so 100% of your energy is put into the task at hand in the present moment. Schedule time for work, time for family and make yourself completely available during these blocks.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Apr 19, 2021 • 6min

PPI #134: Why You're So Stressed (And What You Can Do About It)

There are so many simple things that you can do to lessen those feelings of stress. And today, you're going to learn not only why you're so stressed, but what you can do about it.KEY POINTSAre You Respecting The Fundamentals? - Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating properly? Are you getting enough exercise? In high stress moments that is when we most need our fundamentals.Are Your Goals Clear Enough? - Make sure you have clear goals set for the quarter, month, week. Ensure you are clear on what you are doing on a daily basis.Plan Each Day - Choose the top three things you would like to achieve in the day ahead, and schedule them into your working day. Know exactly what you are doing, when. Do What's Meaningful To You - Make sure what you're doing is important to you. Are you being challenged appropriately to allow you to grow and develop into the best version of yourself?You’re Too Busy! - Are you doing too many things and not enough of the right things? Eliminate some of the unessential work and schedule in what you should be doing? What gets scheduled gets done.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:

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