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The 2% with Eric Partaker

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Jun 17, 2021 • 49min

He BUILT a FITNESS EMPIRE from SCRATCH | Peter Taunton | The 2%

The secret to success is simple! Join Peter Taunton (Founder of Snap Fitness) and Eric Partaker as they share their secrets on how hard work and persistence can help you reach your full potential and succeed in life!KEY POINTSLife Is Unpredictable - Life is uncertain. In moments of uncertainty, when you face adversity, you can not view it as a failure. Learn from it, grow and move forward better than you were before. Fail Fast And Learn - Don't get hung up on being a failure. You're not a failure. In fact, if you haven't failed, you're not trying hard enough. Anyone can be an all-star if you set the bar at your ankles. Get your head in the game, don't be afraid to fail, and believe in yourself.Your Deserve Success! - Believe that you are as deserving of success as the person next to you. You deserve it, but it's going to be hard work. Adopt the right mindset to know that there's going to be not only hard work but sacrifice.Push Yourself To Your Limits - As soon as the work towards your goals gets uncomfortable, as soon as you feel yourself struggling, that's when you have to push yourself beyond your pain or discomfort.  If you want to grow in business, you must push yourself.Anyone Can Run A Business With The Wind On Their Back - It's just smooth sailing. It's easy. Your character is defined in moments of strife. Push yourself, don't give up!Opportunity Is Usually Disguised As Hard Work -  Opportunity, it doesn't knock, it whispers. You have to recognize when opportunities come your way. See it, feel it, embrace it. The biggest failure in life is a missed opportunity. Surround Yourself With Winners - Winning in business is a team sport. Surround yourself with great people that share in the same passion, the same vision, and they're willing to walk on fire for you. Those are the people who will lean forward and take the shots with you.Success is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.Hard Work Works - There are no shortcuts, in life or in business. Get your head down, work hard, and celebrate your successes along the way!Believe In Yourself! - Every day, look in the mirror and believe in the person looking back at you. In moments of difficulty, you've got to believe that you're capable of powering through it. FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: Please rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 16, 2021 • 7min

PPI #150: Struggling with Self Discipline?

Struggling with Self Discipline? // Your success depends on a number of elements, but one that stands head and shoulders above the rest is discipline.  In this video, I will share how you can build unshakeable discipline and sustain habits that will help you achieve your goals and ultimately become the best version of yourself. KEY POINTSWhat's Your Motivation? - Create a strong reason for completing your tasks. Put a date on it and create a deadline. What gets scheduled gets done!Optimize Your Environment - Optimize your surroundings to support your success. Install conditions that enable you to achieve the discipline that you seek.Assign An Accountability Partner - It is incredibly powerful to have someone there alongside you. Get them to set your goals and review your commitment on a weekly basis.Start with Bite Size Chunks - ‘Journey of a thousand miles begins with just a single step’ What is the smallest action that you can take that moves you closer towards your goal?Expect Bumps In The Road - Expect there to be obstacles, visualize them in your head. Anticipate the inevitable setbacks, but also visualize how the very best version of you would handle and overcome them.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 15, 2021 • 54min

Live a life of AFFLUENCE | Mel Abraham | The 2%

Have you ever wondered what's the secret to all round success? How can you become a master of not only your wealth but your health and relationships too? Join Mel Abraham (CPA, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Business and Success Strategist and #1 best selling author) and Eric Partaker as they share tips on how you can reach your full potential and win at life!KEY POINTSStrong Mind, Strong Body - If the body's ready, the mind is ready. If you are lazy with your body, inevitably you will be lazy with your mind. Get up and exercise, create a healthy routine to stimulate your mind!Nothing Is More Expensive Than A Missed Opportunity - Recognize opportunities when they reveal themselves to you, take them on, don't let them pass you buy. You will only regret the chances you didn't take! Life Is Precious, Cherish Every Moment! - Everybody has been given a specific number of slices of life. The question is how are you going to spend those slices? Too often, people flippantly spend them with little care about how many they have left. Give It All You’ve Got! - When you say yes to something, you are giving up a piece of your life. That means that you have to be prepared to give everything to that moment!Keep Your Eye On The Finish Line! - Too often people do not define their finish line. If you don't know where you’re going, then you will just keep going faster and harder. Define your end goal, and celebrate your wins along the way!Live The Way You Want To Be Remembered - You have the ability to shift a life. Smiling at someone, a helping hand, a handshake. The little things create a legacy. Create your legacy everyday!Things Happen For Us, Not To Us - Don't get yourself down, often the toughest times in our lives provide us with the most valuable lessons. You either win or learn.Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight -  Keep standing back up. When a boxer enters a boxing ring, the name of the game isn't to avoid getting hit, it's about when he gets hit, can he survive the punch? Whatever knocks you down, embrace it, learn from it, and keep moving forward. Your Journey Is Your Own! - Don’t measure yourself against those around you, those on social media, or those to your right and left. Instead measure yourself against who we were yesterday, and aim to improve yourself a little bit everyday!FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: Please rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 14, 2021 • 9min

PPI #149: How To Turn Awkwardness Into Confidence

How To Turn Awkwardness Into Confidence //  Want to know how to turn awkwardness into confidence and be confident in any situation. We have all experienced awkwardness at some point in our lives and it’s a very uncomfortable feeling. In this video, I’m going to teach you how to put those days behind you so you can build self confidence and self esteem, believe in yourself more and overcome insecurity. Time to learn and apply the habits of successful people to reach your full potential in life. KEY POINTSBe In This Moment! - When you’re sitting in a state of awkwardness, focused on yourself, you are not able to engage properly with others around you. Instead, be curious, get into the habit of asking simple curiosity based questions.Failing To Prepare, Is Preparing To Fail - Take time developing the skills which you struggle with. Translate the awkwardness into confidence and engage effortlessly.More Proactive - Seek out situations which make you feel awkward. Those stressful situations are the very things which will build your confidence and strength.Show Your Vulnerability - Openly talk about your vulnerability. Discuss your most awkward moments. Share some of your embarrassing stories. People respect those who are open about their vulnerability.Their Opinion Is Not Your Reality! - Let go of what others think of you. You cannot control what people say about you, but what you can control is how you react to those statements. Choose not to hear them. Think past them!Rome Wasn't Built In A Day - Be firm but not too hard on yourself. Behaviour changes take time. Focus on getting a bit better each and every day.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 11, 2021 • 8min

#148 6 Things CONFIDENT People Don’t Do

6 Things CONFIDENT People Don’t Do // What makes confident people so remarkable? The ability to be confident in any situation, believe in themselves and overcome insecurity are all important but it is also what they don’t do that sets them apart. They avoid certain behaviours to safeguard their self esteem so they can develop the confidence to reach their full potential and become successful in life. KEY POINTSFeedback Is The Breakfast Of Champions - Look at feedback as an opportunity to grow. Seek constructive feedback, a confident person wants to constantly know how to improve. Are You A People Pleaser? - Confident people recognize they cannot be all things to all people. If you are spreading yourself too thin, you won't be able to deliver your best.Be Your Own Competition - Instead of constantly seeking the approval of others, seek to improve yourself everyday. Strive to be a better version of yourself tomorrow than you are today!Do You Play The Blame Game? - Rather than taking on a victim mentality, ask yourself ‘How may I have caused or contributed to the situation that I am in?’.Challenge Accepted! - Confident people run towards challenges and discomfort. They embrace hardship. Your full potential lies outside your comfort zone! Don't Give Up Too Easily - Persist, If you shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll still stand among the stars.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 9, 2021 • 7min

PPI #147: How To Be More Confident

How To Be More Confident // Do you sometimes feel that everyone around you is confident and sure of themselves? If you are wondering what their secret is, it is pretty simple. They understand that having more self esteem and confidence comes from within and that these states are something that you can create. It is a belief in yourself to overcome self doubt and insecurity and you are capable of achieving whatever you want in life. KEY POINTSKnowledge is Power -  Learn something new everyday. Schedule it into your calendar before the day begins, whether it's taking a new course, reading, or listening to a podcast.Take Responsibility For Your Life! - Create your own destiny, design your future, decide what it is that you’re going to do and schedule it into your day. What gets scheduled gets done.Are You Praising Others? - Develop the habit of looking for an opportunity to give praise and recognition to someone else, whether it professionally or personally. It will slowly start to build your own confidence. Teach and Give Back - The best way to learn a new skill is to teach it to someone else. It embeds the knowledge in your own head. Do You Put Others Down? - Recognize if you are making comments that are negative on making those around you feel inferior. You do not need to make others feel less in order to feel more. Take Advantage of Opportunities - Leap at new opportunities and use it to acquire new skills. FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 8, 2021 • 39min


Do you feel like you’re not reaching your full potential? Do you have a burning desire to achieve all your goals? Join Joseph Valente (CEO, Winner of The Apprentice) and Eric Partaker to discover some useful tips to change your life forever and lead you on the path to achieving your goals. KEY POINTSDream, Believe, Do it, Repeat - Don't let anybody tell you, you can't do something. If you decide to go for your goal, then it's going to happen. Don't listen to naysayers who don't believe in what you're capable of. Who Is Going To Lift You Higher? - We are constantly told ‘Be realistic, don't try and do that, don't be too ambitious, don't work too hard, don't try and overachieve.’ If you surround yourself with people who don't believe in your goals, that is a road to failure. Connect The Dots -  All the resources, people, expertise, everything that you need to achieve already exists in the world. Your job is to connect your way to it.Learning Is A Gift! - Constantly be learning from other people. Listen to all different types of people, from business people, life coaches to monks. Take a piece from each of those people and create the best version of yourself.Anything Is Possible - Believe that anything is possible. Believe that you can speak anything into fruition. So many things going on in the world today seem unfathomable 50 years ago, but now they are the norm.Everything Is Impossible Until Somebody Does It! - If you are struggling to believe in yourself look around for inspiration of what has been done before then relate it to your life and go! If humans can fly a plane and make light come out of a lightbulb you can start your own business.Be Better Than You Were Yesterday - if you're  0.1% or 10% better than you were yesterday, then that is a step in the right direction. If you are always focused on being better than yesterday then that is constant improvementLook In The Mirror -That's Your Competition! - Forget about competing with those around you, compete with yourself, be better than who you were the day before. Believe In Yourself - Believe you can, or believe you can't, either way you’re right. FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: Please rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 7, 2021 • 8min

PPI #146: 5 Bad Habits that DESTROY your Confidence

5 Bad Habits that DESTROY your Confidence// Every day we do things that are fantastic for our confidence and self esteem, but we also do things that can destroy them. In this video, I will share the unhealthy habits that lower your confidence and hold you back from being able to reach your full potential in life. Choose to stop bad habits now and watch this for a confidence boost, showing how you can achieve anything you want through believing in yourself.KEY POINTSDo You Spend Too Much Time On Social Media? - Are you spending too much time comparing yourself to others on social media? The only person you should be comparing yourself to is the person you were yesterday.Optimalist > Perfectionist - The perfect moment will never arrive. You’ll never be quite ready, but it's the act of doing and trying that makes you better, that will increase your confidence. So don't be a perfectionist, be an optimalist.Do You Allow Others To Make Decisions For You? - Don't allow others to control you and make you feel like you can't do the things you want to do. Nobody can allow you to feel inferior about yourself unless you allow them to do it. Your Past Doesn't Define You! - Don’t dwell on the past. Look at where you are now, and where you want to go. Make decisions about what you need to do to move forward, and how you can get to that point. Look forward not back.Align With Your Values - What do you value. Think about your best self on the health, work and relationship front. Give that identity a name. What does your best look like in each of those domains? Allow that best self guide your behaviour each day.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 4, 2021 • 8min

PPI #145: How To Be Confident In Any Situation

How To Be Confident In Any Situation// Do you want to know how to have more confidence? Watch this video to learn how to build self confidence, boost self esteem and overcome self doubt and insecurity to reach your full potential in life. Learning how to be more confident will give you the certainty to believe in yourself, so you can achieve your biggest dreams and most ambitious goals. KEY POINTSControl Your Emotions! - Pause between a trigger and your response so that you can choose the optimal most courageous response. What’s Your Value Proposition? - You are unique, you have special strengths, gifts and abilities. Sit down and write out what those are. What makes you special?Eliminate Self Doubt - Visualize at the start of a day what are the various things that could go wrong? How might your day not go to plan? Picture yourself at your most courageous and visualize how that version of you would respond.Stress Is A Superpower - To achieve our strongest self physically, we must stress ourselves. Anticipate stress, embrace it and seek it as a way to build your strength. Practice, Practice, Practice - The best way to become more confident is by practicing. Go ahead, make mistakes and learn from them. Act As If You Are Confident - Acting as if you are in the state that you want to be will make you enter that state and work through your struggles in a confident way.Face The Wolves - Walking into discomfort allows us to grow and progress into a confident person. Do the activities that require confidence in order to build it.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 3, 2021 • 37min

Grow your MINDSET and make the UNIMAGINABLE HAPPEN | Tim Storey | The 2%

Do you want the secret to success? Learn how to train your mind to achieve your dreams and conquer your goals! Join Tim Storey (Author, Speaker and Life Coach) and Eric Partaker as they dive into the miracle mindset and share tips on how you can reach your full potential. KEY POINTSEmbrace Your Inner Childhood Dreams - Reignite your childhood dreamlike state where anything was possible. No dream was too big. Become conscious and pay attention to the world around you and let go of limiting beliefs.What's Holding You Back? - Take proper inventory of how you’re doing, the clarity of your mind, your joy in life, your imagination. Whatever is holding you back from reaching your full potential, work on it!Partner with Power - Knowledge is power! Educate yourself. Turn on a podcast, read a book, talk to someone that will ignite that fire within you to be the best version of yourself.You’re Born An Original, Don't Die A Copy! -  A dream for somebody else is not necessarily the same dream that is right for you. Follow your own path. It is ok to be yourself. Don't allow someone to make you into something you are not. Renew Your Mind Everyday - Begin everyday by building your faith and starving your doubt. Read, gain knowledge, repeat positive affirmations. Set yourself up in this way every morning ready to attack the day ahead. Life is Good! - Mentality is powerful! Cement in your mind that life is good, even when you are having a bad day. Run Like a Kenyan! - Create so much stress on your body in preparation for what is to come. That when it does come you are so prepared that it feels easy!FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:

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