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The 2% with Eric Partaker

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Jul 6, 2021 • 14min

The COMMON PATH to UNCOMMON SUCCESS | John Lee Dumas | The 2%

Are you on the path to success or failure? Are your BIG IDEAS actually the reason you're not reaching your goals? Join John Lee Dumas (Founder & Host of Entrepreneurs On Fire, and Author of ‘The Common Path To Uncommon Success) and Eric Partaker, as they discuss tips on how you can achieve your dreams and reach your full potential. KEY POINTSHard Work = Success - It takes hard work and perseverance to achieve your dreams, to get financial freedom and fulfillment. There are no shortcuts. Get your head down and work hard!Who’s In Your Inner Circle? - Surround yourself with the right people. People who believe in your dreams and push you to be the best version of yourself. You have That BIG IDEA Inside Of You! - You just may not know it yet! Work out what you are enthusiastic and passionate about. What skills, value and expertise do you have that can help make the world a better place?Identify A Niche! - Find a void in the marketplace, an underserved market that you can provide not only a solution to the problem but the number one solution to that problem.Start Small! - Successful companies start small and earn the right to grow and expand. Jeff Bezos started Amazon just selling books. Over time, as you achieve success and notoriety, there will be opportunities to broaden out, to expand and move forward.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: Please rate and review my podcast here:
Jul 5, 2021 • 7min

PPI #158: The 12 Surprising Signs of Mentally Strong People

The 12 Surprising Signs of Mentally Strong People // Are you mentally strong? Well then, check out the signs and habits of mentally strong people brought to you by peak performance expert and coach Eric Partaker. In this inspirational video, you will see how you can reach your full potential and become the best version of yourself by developing a strong mind and building resilience. KEY POINTSDo You Let People Walk All Over You? - Where in your life are you allowing someone to take advantage of you? How would the best version of yourself advise you in this situation?Say NO And Be True To Yourself - Being of service to the world and helping others creates incredible benefits to both you and others, but don't lose yourself in the process. Ensure you can devote enough time and energy to what matters most to you.Are You A People Pleaser? - Don’t try and please everybody. Ensure you are also prioritizing your happiness and dreams.Fix Your Own Problem! - Take the lead, take ownership of your situations and find solutions to problems yourself. Don’t wait for others to come in and solve them for you. You’re Wrong! Admit it! - Acknowledge when you make mistakes. Mistakes are secretly learning opportunities there to help you grow and progress. Be Patient! - Play the long game. The pain of discipline that you experience today is much cheaper than the pain of regret.Their Opinions Are Irrelevant - You are resilient! If people say negative things to you, it will only make you stronger!We Rise By Lifting Others - Do it out of kindness, not obligation. Mentally strong people still have enough energy and drive within them to give to others, purely out of kindness. The World Doesn't Owe You Anything! - You are not entitled. The success you crave in life requires dedication, hard work and effort. How Adaptable Are You? - Experiencing stress in situations makes you stronger. Look forward to uncomfortable situations. Embrace them!Exercise Empathy - Think and feel another person's point of view even if it's not your own. Be able to extend your hand to someone else to comfort and console them to help them through tough times.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jul 2, 2021 • 9min

PPI #157: How to Build Mental Toughness – David Goggins

How to Build Mental Toughness – David Goggins // If you want to learn how to build mental toughness and get mental strength, check out these lessons from the toughest man alive David Goggins. Goggins has created many inspiration and motivational works, including his best selling book cant hurt me. Today peak performance expert Eric Partaker will help you develop a strong mind and divide into the habits of mentally strong people. You will learn about resilience from the best in the business, here are the behaviours of the one and only David Goggins. KEY POINTSKeep It Real! - Stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself on a daily basis “Am I showing up at my best today?” You’ll find that you cannot lie to yourself. Hold yourself accountable each day for reaching your goals.What Makes You Uncomfortable? - Write it down. Review that list regularly, and embrace your discomforts. Growth and development is not within your comfort zone!Big Goals = Small Steps - Break big goals into smaller steps, It builds confidence and enables you to experience achievement sooner rather than later.Visualize, Believe, Achieve! - Take five minutes everyday. Visualize what your life will look like when you achieve the goals that you have set for yourself.Take Souls! - Create the mentality that anything is possible. You will win in the end, because you will persevere and do whatever it takes to achieve your goals and push forwards.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 30, 2021 • 10min

PPI #156: 10 Daily Practices to Increase Mental Toughness

10 Daily Practices to Increase Mental Toughness // If you want to learn how to develop a strong mind then check out this motivational video from peak performance expert Eric Partaker. Here are 10 signs and habits of mentally strong people which help provide inspiration for you to build incredible resilience and mental toughness. KEY POINTSDo You Take Cold Showers? - Build up your ability over time to take cold showers daily. It provides multiple health benefits, as well as the ability, and mental toughness to handle stress.Eliminate Digital Distractions - Limit the times when you're using apps. Remove them from your phone, turn notifications off or schedule set times of the day to use them. Constantly engrossing yourself in apps,  comparing yourself to others, and being constantly distracted, weakens the mind.Dare To Move! - Bodies are built for movement. Mobility is absolutely key to maintaining a positive hormone balance. If you're not moving throughout the day it will have a negative impact on your mind.Exercise Your Mind, Read! - Reading helps you develop your focus. You will be much better prepared to survive challenge, and to get through obstacles when you have the ability to get into focus zone.Schedule A Meeting With Yourself! - Gather your thoughts, think through, what are the things that are going well today. What's not going so well? How might I change the direction in which things are headed, or the way in which I want to experience the rest of this day?Be The Boss Of Food! - When you’re hungry, don't eat right away! This is an effective tool in practicing your ability to tolerate challenge. Use it as a way to develop your mental toughness. Self-Talk Is Your Power - When challenging moments appear, practice the phrase ‘Bring It On!’ Step into the direction of stress. Embrace stress. Look forward to it!Gratitude Is The Best Attitude - Make sure that you just take a moment to be grateful for the things that you do have. This awareness will help sustain you during the times when you feel like you have nothing to be grateful for.Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility! -  Take full responsibility and ownership for your life. Whether or not you achieve your goals,  your reactions to situations, and whether you showed up at your best. If you fall down, just stand right back up and go at it again.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 25, 2021 • 11min

PPI #155: Mentally Fragile to Mentally STRONG! You have to listen to this!

Mentally Fragile to Mentally Strong! You have to listen to this! // If you want to learn how to be mentally strong, develop mental toughness and develop a strong mind then this motivational video is for you. Listen to peak performance expert Eric Partaker show you how to get mental strength by highlighting the habits of mentally strong people so you can reach your full potential.KEY POINTSWhy Do You Want This? - What is your deep fulfilling reason for striving to achieve your goals? In tough times, if you  have a superficial reason for achieving your goals, you will struggle to overcome your obstacles. Let It Go! - You cannot control everything, but what you can control is how you react. Success is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to those things. Your reactions are everything. Instead of adopting a ‘poor me’ mentality, say ‘Bring it on, I accept the challenge!’Who’s On Your Team? - No person has achieved greatness on their own. Support around you facilitates mental strength. Nobody who is at the top of their game mentally has gotten there without the help of someone else. Ask yourself whether you have the right support system around you to get through difficult times.It’s Not Stress That Kills Us, It's Our Reaction To It! -  Stress is good! It builds strength in the body. Having the ability to maintain your emotions under stress is paramount to transitioning from mentally fragile to mentally strong.Never Give Up! - Adopt unwavering positivity and tenacity. Always look to persevere. There's always a way through every single obstacle that comes into your path. Embrace your obstacles. They are the weights asking to be lifted so that you can become stronger as a result.Are You Compromising Your Standards? - When times get rough, maintain your standards. By not compromising your standards during hard times you will transition you from mentally fragile to mentally strong. Every single challenge that you experience will strengthen you.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 25, 2021 • 8min

PPI #154: Overcome Self Defeating Behaviors

Overcome Self Defeating Behaviors // Do you often find yourself running in circles? You make a commitment to stop smoking, binge eating or procrastinating and yet when something goes wrong you find yourself reverting to the same self defeating behaviors. In this video you will learn how to defeat the beast of self destruction and how to build discipline, master self control and have more willpower. If you are saying, “Its time to sort myself out,” then employ these success secrets to help you face your fears, overcome self doubt and achieve anything you want in life. KEY POINTSIdentify Your Self Sabotaging Behaviours - What habits shouldn't you be doing that are getting in the way of you becoming your best self? Reach out to those closest to you, and ask, “Where do I sabotage my own success?"Know What Your Triggers Are - What leads you to engage in self-defeating behavior? Don't try to change the trigger, but change how you react to it. Change and swap in a new behavior, a behavior, which is better than that self-defeating behavior.Practice Mindfulness - Develop the ability to quiet your mind, especially in moments when you feel anxious, resentful or frustrated. Also in those moments you’re likely then to engage in a self-defeating behavior.Take Small Steps And Set Realistic Goals -  Set small goals. Chunk your big goal down into the small  steps. Ensure that it's nearly impossible for you to not be able to achieve it.Practice Self-Compassion - Be kind to yourself. Sometimes you will achieve what you set out to achieve, sometimes you won't. That reality will give you room to breathe. It allows you to feel kind towards yourself and far less likely to engage in self-defeating behaviors.Seek Help - If you're really struggling with self-defeating behaviors, seek help from your support group. Seek help from a professional.Be Persistent - If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again. Don't let your first attempt, and perhaps failure, rule your life.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 23, 2021 • 7min

PPI #153: Build Unbreakable Self Discipline With These 5 Rules

Build Unbreakable Self Discipline With These 5 Rules // So you want to become more disciplined but don’t know where to start? You have come to the right place, as this video will teach you how to build discipline, have more willpower and how you can implement self control in your life.KEY POINTS Get Organized! - Organize your life, use a daily planner, get into the habit of planning out your weeks and planning out your days. You will feel more disciplined knowing what you need to do and when you need to do it!Plan Your Next Week - Plan out the top three things that you want to achieve in the week ahead and when you will be doing them.Plan Your Next Day - Plan the top three things you will do within the day ahead and when you will be doing them. Schedule them into your day. What gets scheduled gets done!Account For Decision Fatigue - When is your decision muscle strongest? At the start of the day! Make sure you are doing my most important tasks at the very start of each day.Invest In Yourself! -  Use rewards to give you something to look forward to, and to provide rest and recovery. During the course of the day, don't work nonstop, make sure that you take breaks, and reward yourself with some time off.Nourish Yourself to Flourish! - Keep the body and the energy operating at a high level. Stay hydrated throughout the course of the day. Stay away from garbage. Garbage in, equals garbage out. It will hurt your ability to maintain your discipline. Choose To Start - Rather than trying to finish every task, continually focus on starting throughout the day, the finishing eventually will take care of itself. FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 22, 2021 • 48min

How To REACH Your FULL POTENTIAL Doing What You LOVE | Jennifer Cohen | The 2%

Are you afraid of rejection and failure? Do you wish you had the tools to overcome your fears and lead your best possible life EVERYDAY? Join Jennifer Cohen (Fitness Personality, Author and body image consultant) and Eric Partaker as they discuss tips on how you can reach your full potential and win at life!KEY POINTSGet Fit, Don’t Quit! - Exercise gives you energy, and increases your productivity. Exercise first thing every morning, Make it a habit! Beginning your day with exercise increases your ability to stay on track for the remainder of the day.Happiness Consists Of Getting Enough Sleep! - A lack of sleep causes reduced cognitive abilities and poor focus. Get enough sleep. This will elevate your hormones and improve your mood. Rejection And Failure Are The First Steps To Success - Are you afraid of rejection and failure? Block out other people’s opinions and perceptions and focus on you. Don’t give up! Every rejection or failure is a lesson learned on your journey to success. Do It Anyway! - If you are bad at something, or it makes you uncomfortable, embrace it. The only way to overcome fears and progress is to do it over and over again until it becomes benign and comfortable.Self Awareness Is Power - Be very aware of yourself. Take time to work out exactly what interests you and what you excel at. If you focus your work and life around that success will be the by-product!Lead By Example - The most effective way to teach others is by showing them the fruit of your labor. Hold Yourself Accountable - Keep track of your goals and hold yourself accountable for your mistakes. It is an important tool for building habits and progressing. If you have no data, progression becomes difficult.Practice = Progress - To improve you must practice. Consistency and practice will take you from novice to expert. FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: Please rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 21, 2021 • 5min

PPI #152: Winners Need Discipline Not Motivation

Winners Need Discipline Not Motivation // Which is more important discipline or motivation? This video shows why discipline is one of the key habits of successful people and why mastering self control will help you achieve your goals in life. Stop laziness, stop relying on motivation and learn how to be more disciplined and have more willpower you will become unstoppable because discipline is freedom and a core success secret.KEY POINTSDiscipline Helps You GET THINGS DONE -  By just showing up and doing what needs to be completed for the task at hand, eventually everything gets done. Set yourself small daily windows to work on your tasks and be disciplined enough to stick to it.Discipline helps you MASTER NEW SKILLS -  Practicing the discipline to continually engage in whatever activities you are striving to achieve, will allow you to progress and achieve. Self-discipline becomes your ally on your route to mastery.Self-discipline builds your SELF-CONTROL - Self discipline allows you to become more in control of your behaviors, your actions, and your feelings.Discipline = FREEDOM - By being more disciplined, you're able to get tasks done in the right amount of time, in the right place, in the right situation, and that frees you up to focus on other activities.Discipline Remains STRONG, Even When MOTIVATION WEAKENS - There'll be plenty of times when you do not feel like doing your tasks when you don't feel motivated. But if you've built your self-discipline muscle, you'll stay the course and you'll be able to carry on doing those activities.FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:
Jun 18, 2021 • 7min

PPI #151: Why You Can’t Stay Disciplined

Why You Can’t Stay Disciplined // Ever wonder why you cant stay disciplined? And how the best at what they do are able to master self control, have unstoppable willpower and seem to achieve anything they want in life. Now is your time to join them by incorporating a key habit of successful people and build discipline. In this video, I will highlight why your obstacles to discipline may be holding you back and how you can overcome them to achieve your goals in life. KEY POINTSAre You Sabotaging Your Ability To Stay Disciplined? - What bad habits do you have which are holding you back from staying disciplined? Being aware of your habits is the first step to becoming more disciplined.Are You Afraid To Do What Makes You Uncomfortable? - Growth lies outside your comfort zone. The best way to stay disciplined is to make sure you’re discarding your safety net and pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.Progress Beats Perfection - The name of the game is progress not perfection. Perfection is impossible to achieve, just get better little by little, everyday, that's your goal.Respect Your Need For Balance - Your willpower, your discipline, it's like a muscle. You can stress that muscle, but it needs time to rest and recover. Stay balanced by prioritizing sleep, nutrition and exercise, as well as your mental clarity. Get Some Sleep! - Ensure you are getting eight hours of sleep, or else you are unlikely to be able to stay disciplined. If you're tired and run down you're likely to give into temptation.Eat The Best, Leave The Rest! - Studies have shown that when you eat sugary, processed food that does not occur naturally within nature it leads us to reduced discipline.Nothing Will Workout Unless You Do! - Exercise is a fantastic way to stay balanced. If you exercise in the morning it gives you a 12 hour mood boost. When you're in a good mood, you're more likely to be able to maintain discipline. FREE EBOOKFree Digital Copy of my best selling book The 3 Alarms: rate and review my podcast here:

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