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The Rich Roll Podcast

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Mar 26, 2020 • 1h 58min

Zach Bush, MD On A Pandemic Of Possibility

In this engaging conversation, Zach Bush, MD, a triple board-certified physician, dives into the intricate relationship between the microbiome, environmental health, and personal well-being. He emphasizes the unique opportunity the pandemic presents for self-reflection and societal change. The discussion highlights the importance of regenerative agriculture in combating climate change, reconnecting with nature, and fostering community resilience. With insights on nutrition, gut health, and the value of compassion in healthcare, this dialogue inspires a holistic approach to health and sustainability.
Mar 23, 2020 • 1h 57min

Michael Klaper, MD Is Educating The Next Generation of Doctors

Today we honor this long-standing tradition with one of my favorite medical minds.Meet Michael Klaper, MD.For the past 40 years, Dr. Klaper has distinguished himself as a gifted general practitioner, internationally recognized teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet, health, applied plant-based nutrition and integrative medicine.I became acquainted with Dr. Klaper during his eight-year term at the TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California. A nutrition-based medical clinic specializing in therapeutic fasting and health improvement through a whole-food, plant-based diet, TrueNorth is renowned for successfully navigating people to better well-being through non-intervention lifestyle protocols.In addition, Dr. Klaper served as an advisor to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) project on nutrition for long-term space colonists on the moon and Mars. He was also a member of the Nutrition Task Force of the American Medical Student Association and served as the Director of the non-profit Institute of Nutrition Education and Research.Diet is key to reversing many of the most feared degenerative diseases known to medicine. And yet, applied nutrition is not typically integral to medical school curriculums. To solve this problem, Dr. Klaper partnered with PlantPure Communities to form Moving Medicine Forward, a medical school nutrition education initiative designed to change the way future doctors treat their patients through improved nutrition and lifestyle education. The most important work of his career, Dr. Klaper lectures at medical schools nationwide, educating students on using plant-predominant nutrition and positive lifestyle changes to truly heal their patients -- and ultimately improve the health of future generations.Early in his career, Dr. Klaper realized that many of the diseases his patients brought to his office were made worse, or actually caused by the high-fat, high sugar, overly processed Standard American Diet.When he began treating his patients not with pharmaceuticals and surgical interventions but instead with diet and lifestyle protocols -- specifically a whole-food, plant-based diet and active lifestyle -- he started getting unprecedented results.Over time, he observed his patients miraculously reverse a litany of chronic ailments, including atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, hypertension, obesity, adult onset diabetes, and even some forms of arthritis, asthma, and autoimmune disease.Today Dr. Klaper shares his wisdom and experience, picking up where we left off in our first podcast conversation, published six years ago to the day (RRP #77).We discuss his mission to help empower the next generation of doctors to better heal their patients.And we explore his dream of eradicating the chronic lifestyle epidemics that unnecessarily afflict millions of people every single year.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.The most energetic and youthful 72-year old I've ever met, I aspire to this beautiful and gentle man's enthusiasm for life and commitment to service.I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange.In the meantime, stay safe everyone. We're in this together.Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 19, 2020 • 1h 14min

Taking Care In The Time of Coronavirus

A diversion from my typical format, today I sit down with my wife Julie Piatt to discuss the coronavirus pandemic.For those unfamiliar, Julie is an accomplished yogi, healer, musician, and mom to our four children. She is the author of three bestselling vegan cookbooks and hosts both the For The Life of Me podcast and Water Tiger, her online spiritual community. In addition, she is the founder and ‘Mother Arc’ of SriMu, her recently launched plant-based cheese start-up.This is a conversation about exercising care and self-care as we delicately wade through these most unprecedented waters.It's about replacing fear, anxiety and uncertainty with acceptance. Surrender. Creativity. Faith. And self-inquiry.It's about navigating calamity with grace. Finding the opportunity in crisis.It's about leaning into what is to reflect more deeply on our lives. And mindful response over reflexive reaction.And finally, it's about seizing sequestration to contemplate a better path forward for ourselves, future generations, and the planet.Without minimizing the severity of what is and what is to come, may we come together now -- in this virtual space -- to grow.Because we’re in this together. And together we are stronger.As always, subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.May you find comfort in this exchange.Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 16, 2020 • 2h 23min

Dan Peres: From Opiod Slave To Sober Salvation

Today I share one man’s journey into the depths of opioid addiction despair -- what happened, what it was like, and how he ultimately found a way out.His name is Dan Peres -- and it’s quite the story.Hardly a born media insider, Dan was an awkward, magic-obsessed adolescent. But his gift for the written word and shrewd eye for culture catapulted him to premature heights in the fast-paced world of glossy magazine publishing. At 24, he was covering catwalks in Paris as the European editor for W magazine. A few short years later he landed the coveted editor gig at Details magazine, the arbiter of all things cool and zeitgeist -- a post he held for 15 years.Along the way Dan nurtured a secret, seeking refuge in opioids to a salve profound imposter syndrome as he navigated the high-voltage netherworld of fashion designers, celebrities and media moguls.Like so many, it’s a relationship that began with a back injury and a prescription. A love affair that escalated to 60 pills a day, betrayal soon followed. A best friend that turned dark. And an addiction that took him places he never thought he would go, produced more instances of incomprehensible demoralization than he cares to remember, and eroded the moral fabric of his life.By a power greater than himself, Dan found a way out. Now 12 years sober, he recollects the vivid details of his experience in As Needed For A Pain -- a harrowing and at times humorous coming-of-age tale that offers a rare glimpse into New York media’s past (a time when print magazines mattered), dissects a life teetering on the edge of destruction, and chronicles what it took to pull back from the brink of an addiction that very nearly killed him.Today Dan shares his powerful tale from depravity to salvation.Even if the opioid epidemic hasn’t affected you directly, chances are someone in your life suffers. May this conversation open your eyes. Help you better understand the cunning, baffling and powerful nature of this disease. And provide hope to those that currently suffer -- because there is a solution.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.If you need help, seek out an A.A. meeting in your area here. Or call the Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services national helpline at 1-800-662-HELP.Thanks to my friends Amy Dresner (RRP #341) and Jeff Gordinier (RRP #453) for introducing me to Dan. And thank you to Dan for being so open and vulnerable. This conversation is a doozie. I'm better for having it. May it impact you similarly.Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 9, 2020 • 1h 48min

Dan Buettner On The Secrets For Living Long & Well

Chances are you've heard the term Blue Zones, coined in reference to five hidden slivers of the world that boast the highest per capita populations of centenarians — people who thrive to 100 and beyond.Places where people forgot to die.This is the work of Dan Buettner.A true renaissance man, Dan is a National Geographic Fellow, longevity expert and world explorer with 3 endurance cycling world records to his name. A multiple New York Times bestselling author, he's a seemingly constant presence on the TODAY show, has appeared on Oprah twice and has been profiled on every respected global media outlet, from CNN to David Letterman.Over the last decade Dan has delivered more than 500 keynotes, including speeches for Bill Clinton’s Health Matters Initiative, Google Zeitgeist, and TEDMED. His TED Talk “How to live to be 100+” has been viewed over 4 million times.The Blue Zones Kitchen is Dan's latest New York Times bestseller. Technically a cookbook with over 100 recipes inspired by decades of research studying Blue Zones cultures, Dan elevates the genre with extraordinary photography and an anthropologist's lens on the specific foods, cooking methods and lifestyle practices proven to increase longevity, wellness, and mental health.In addition, Dan is the founder of Blue Zones Project, a community well-being improvement initiative designed to help people live longer and better through community transformation programs that lower healthcare costs, improve productivity, and boost national recognition as great places to live, work, and play.Long time listeners will remember Dan's podcast debut (RRP #139), where we explored Dan's adventurous backstory, his fascination with longevity and the research behind all things Blue Zones. Our second conversation (RRP #323) focused on the nature of not only living long, but living well — a dissection of the habits and practices that produce that which we seek most — happiness.Today we synthesize all of it in a primer on how to live a long and fulfilling life.Not surprisingly, it begins with food. It extends to building better communities. It's underscored by finding purpose. And sharing what you've learned for the betterment of others.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Hero, friend and mentor, Dan is a true visionary whose life and work has positively, permanently and quite unequivocally improved the well being of millions.I love this man. I aspire to his level of impact. And it's an honor to share his powerful message with you today. May you take his wisdom to heart.Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 5, 2020 • 56min

Lessons Learned & Empathy Earned: The Story Behind The Story

Now for something a little bit different.What it was like. What happened. And what it's like now.Moments shared. Lessons learned. And the growth that remains.For those new to me, 13 years ago found me utterly disconnected from my higher self. After many years lost in the throes of alcohol, I had managed the sober road to happy destiny for nearly a decade. And yet, on the cusp of turning 40, I awoke to find myself in an existential crisis. Stuck in a career that never served me. Unhealthy. Overweight. And totally blind to the path forward.Through a grace more powerful than myself, I found a way out. It's a journey that began with nutrition. Evolved through fitness. Matured through service. And ultimately has taken me to heights I previously thought unimaginable. It could be said that I reinvented myself wholesale. And transformed others' lives in the process.Along the way, I've experienced success and failure. High highs. Low lows. And growth at the cost of more missteps than I care to admit.Today I am greatly privileged to live a life beyond my wildest imagination. And yet I am often oblivious to this fact, lost in myopia about the work that remains. The stones yet unturned. The character defects that continue to arise. And the past mistakes left uncorrected.I need to be reminded that on occasion it’s important to stop. Honor the path you have blazed. And express gratitude for those in your life that have supported you.Because nobody achieves dreams alone.When Outside Magazine reached out to me last fall to express interest in featuring me on the cover of their January issue, I was convinced I misheard. Unlike so many of my heroes who have graced the cover of this iconic publication, I’m not an Olympic champion or world-class adventurer. I’ve never won a big race. None of my books have ever made a bestseller list. And my podcast is hardly the largest.As surreal as it continues to sound, somehow I did end up on that cover. I could feign 'low key'. But the honest truth is that it was a very proud moment. An honor I receive with gratitude. A symbol for the many difficult choices I have made. And the faith I was compelled to endure with a whopping dose of humility.Alongside this honor was the opportunity to be a guest on the Outside Podcast. It's an interview conducted by Peter Vigneron (who penned my Outside cover profile) that was in turn beautifully produced, written, and edited by Michael Roberts with music by Robbie Carver.Over the years, I’ve had the honor to guest on many of the world's top podcasts. I’ve been on Joe Rogan twice (JRE #642 & #266) and other great programs like Impact Theory, Good Life Project, School of Greatness, Gary Vee, Adam Carolla, Chase Jarvis, James Altucher and many others.I’ve never repurposed any of those experiences on this feed.But this conversation distinguishes itself. A beautiful meditation that best captures how I think about the path I've blazed. And what can be gleaned from lessons learned for the benefit of others.So I’m doing what I’ve never done before, resharing that conversation with you here today.Thank you Michael, Peter and everyone at Outside for sharing my story. And special thanks to photographer Beau Grealy for his cover image and the wonderful portraits that accompanied that article and this episode. All of it means means more than you know.If you’re stuck in your version of my past and can’t see the way forward, my hope is that this conversation will help spark a shift in perspective that will inspire you to think more openly about possibility. Embolden you to embark upon your version of what I have been blessed to experience. And bring life to the more self-actualized, authentic self within.Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 2, 2020 • 1h 48min

Mel Urie On Conquering The Impossible: How To Live A 'No Excuse' Life

Over the last few months, I've had the privilege of hosting conversations with an impressive litany of powerhouse women breaking paradigms across a wide swath of disciplines.Mel Urie has more than earned her spot amongst these powerful boundary crushers. And I for one am here to celebrate her.Devoted listeners will recall Mel’s first appearance on the show (along with fellow endurance fiend Danielle Grabol) a little over a year ago (RRP 421) wherein these two badass athletes discussed becoming the first two females to ever complete EPIC5 — a race I helped pioneer that involves completing 5 Ironmans on the 5 Hawaiian Islands in just 5 days.But then Mel had to go and just completely outdo herself (and embarrass the rest of us) by becoming the first female to not only attempt but to actually complete the fatally absurd ultra-endurance fever dream known as Uberman -- a 556-mile self-supported freak fest Outside magazine dubbed “The World’s Hardest Endurance Race”.Kicking off with a brutal 21-mile swim from the island of Catalina to the Southern California mainland -- a feat most swimmers can only dream of accomplishing -- athletes then endure a 2-day, 400-mile bike ride from Los Angeles to the edge of a barren desert, climbing 20,000-feet before descending into Badwater Basin, the hottest and lowest point in North America.Ready to kick up your feet and crack a cold one? Not so fast. The celebration comes only after lacing up the running shoes and facing down the Badwater 135 course. Considered the world's most difficult footrace, it entails a quick 135-mile run across Death Valley and up a good portion of Mt. Whitney.Mel didn’t just survive this endeavor. She absolutely crushed it, completing the course in stunning fashion under 136 hours.This is a conversation about Uberman of course — why Mel wanted it, what happened and what she learned doing it.But more than anything, this is a master class on mental toughness.It’s about putting limiting beliefs in the grave.And it’s about what it means to live a 'No Excuse' life.This conversation isn’t just for women. And it’s not just for athletes or those interested in exploring the world of mind-bending endurance sports.This one is for anyone and everyone looking to break the glass ceiling on human potential.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.This stubbornly courageous woman deserves far more credit for her accomplishments than the media has delivered to date. I feel an obligation to change that.May her testimony leave you inspired to finally put your excuses in the rearview. Because the time is now to create the aspirational life you deserve.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 24, 2020 • 2h 13min

Sadie Lincoln Is Rewriting The Fitness Story -- Thoughts On Movement, Community, Risk & Vulnerability

The alarm goes off and from that moment forward, life is a harried rush. Commuting, coffee, e-mails, meetings and take out. Getting Jenny to soccer practice and Billy back from theatre. When you finally land home, you're too beat to move. So you crash on the couch and doze off with a pint. Rinse and repeat.We all do the best we can. But the pressures of daily life can leave us stressed and exhausted. Sedentary and stiff, our shoulders slump. Our spine rounds and our stance is lopsided. Without corrective action, we can't function properly. And everything we do -- including exercise -- only exacerbates the problem.Let's just say Sadie Lincoln can relate. When her career with a global fitness brand almost broke her, she knew something had to change. Sadie and her husband Chris quit their jobs and downsized their lives to pursue an idea most said was bat shit crazy.Hence was born barre3, a fitness company focused not on weight loss but rather on body positivity and personal empowerment.What started out as a workout Sadie devised to help restore personal equanimity blossomed into a daily practice embraced by millions that focuses not on weight loss but rather on body positivity and personal empowerment. Since its 2008 inception, barre3 has grown to more than 140 franchise studios powered by female entrepreneurs, plus an online-workout streaming-subscriber base in 98+ countries.Sadie is on Inc. magazine's Female Founders 100 list, has been featured on NPR's How I Built This, and speaks regularly on the topics of mindful leadership, the power of body wisdom and the movement to redefine what success in fitness means.Today she shares her story.If you enjoyed my conversation with WeWork co founder Miguel McKelvey from July 2019 (RRP #452), then you may recall Miguel's untraditional upbringing -- collectively raised by his mom and her small group of friends he called ‘aunties’.Sadie also grew up in that very same communal dynamic community. Although not genetically related, Sadie and Miguel nonetheless consider themselves brother and sister.So, we talk about that.We discuss how Sadie's love of motion, creativity and teaching informs her particular strain of entrepreneurship and activism.We talk about what it means to not just create a business -- but a movement. The importance of serendipity in the world of fitness. And why physical balance also requires spiritual balance.Finally, we explore Sadie's commitment to empowering women. To cultivating their voices. And sharing their stories.But more than anything, this is a conversation about the importance of defining your values. Staying true no matter what. And creating the change you want to see in yourself and the world -- even if it requires risking everything.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.If you enjoyed my conversation with Kelly McGonigal, you’re going to love Sadie.May you find this conversation as enlightening and transformative as I did.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 20, 2020 • 2h 34min

John Joseph & Mishka Shubaly Are My Reservoir Dogs

500 EPISODES.Over seven years ago, I sat down in a damp and echo-y warehouse on the north shore of Kauai and hit record for the very first time.There was no agenda. No commitment to even record a second episode. And certainly zero idea that what began as a fun experiment would evolve into both a passion and a vocation.And yet here we are. Without fail, beginning in late 2012, I have uploaded at least one episode every single week, amassing over 1000 hours of conversation and a global audience that downloads this show more than 3 million times a month — in total, over 70 million streams and counting.The numbers are great, but they fail to capture what is truly meaningful: the opportunity to go deep and unfiltered with some of the most amazing people currently walking planet Earth; and in turn share their incredible wisdom with all of you.Today I give thanks for taking this journey with me -- a calling and a service I consider the best job in the world. It's been a privilege -- a great honor and a profound responsibility I don’t take lightly.I believe in celebrating milestones. So today we do just that. And we do it in style with two of my most most beloved brothers from other mothers.Enter John Joseph and Mishka Shubaly.Between these two gentlemen, I count 14 total previous appearances on the show, including one vivid episode five years past (RRP #95) that involved the three of us huddled on a small bed in a cramped New York City hotel room.Today we fertilize our bromance, reprising those sweet sweet punk rock, Algonquin table vibes with another turntable spin on plants & punk. On running and writing. And on addiction & sobriety.This one is all over the place. No point in even trying to describe it other than that Mishka showed up with a bottle of Pepto Bismol. Kinda says it all.Heads Up: This conversation is packed with expletives. It might even hold the RRP f-bomb record. As many of you know, these laddies simply can’t be muzzled, nor would you want them to be. So just an alert that this episode is neither family friendly nor workplace approved. So pop on the earbuds if you got kiddos in the backseat. And If you’re easily offended, perhaps this one isn’t your cup of tea.500 episodes. It feels good. So good, I wore a coat and tie to mark the occasion, which you can of course watch on YouTube. And as always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Here's to celebrating with those you love dearly.I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 17, 2020 • 2h 24min

Cyrus Khambatta, PhD & Robby Barbaro, MPH Are Mastering Diabetes

A full blown epidemic in the developed world, diabetes currently afflicts an astonishing 30 million people in the US alone, despite the fact that 1 out of 4 don’t even know they have it.Even more bewildering, over one-third of all U.S. adults have prediabetes. That's more than 84 million people, 90% of whom are unaware of their condition.Not enough? Over the last 20 years, the number of adults diagnosed has more than doubled, with no end in sight.For purposes of clarity, 90-95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes are the Type 2 form. The good news is that Type 2 isn’t just treatable, it’s actually reversible -- often to the point of undetectability. And for those suffering from Type 1, certain diet and lifestyle changes render the illness more manageable than ever.To learn more about the nature of diabetes, how to avoid it and the many things you can do if you have it, I sat down with Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro MPH -- the team behind Mastering Diabetes, an online coaching platform for people living with all forms of diabetes that focuses on low-fat, plant-based, whole-food nutrition. Living with Type 1 diabetes since 2002, Cyrus received a degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University and a PhD in nutritional biochemistry from UC Berkeley. In addition, he has co-authored many peer-reviewed scientific publications. Robbie has a master's degree in public health from American Public University, spent six years helping build Forks Over Knives, and has been living with type 1 diabetes since 2000. Experts in the science of insulin resistance, together they have successfully helped thousands prevent, navigate and reverse diabetes not by way of medication, but rather through simple changes in diet and lifestyle -- all principles beautifully chronicled in their new book, aptly titled Mastering Diabetes -- hitting bookstores February 18.Current medical dogma urges a very low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet for anyone suffering from diabetes or prediabetes.But is this actually true?Today Cyrus & Robby put this paradigm to the test.While it is true that a low carb approach may improve short-term blood glucose control, such a diet also increases the long-term risk for an array of chronic diseases.Although it may sound counter-intuitive, perhaps even radical, the hard science is ironically quite clear: eating a high carbohydrate, low fat, plant-based whole-food diet rich in fruit (yes, fruit) and vegetables is actually the most powerful way to reverse insulin resistance in all types of diabetes -- while also simultaneously preventing a litany of chronic disorders typically linked to today's popular low-carb approach.Whether or not you have diabetes, chances are you care for someone who does. For those who fall into this category, I truly believe that this conversation is potentially life-saving.The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.I appreciate the work these two young men are doing to positively impact a disease that unnecessarily debilitates millions. It's an honor to share their message. And . I sincerely hope you take it to heart.Peace + Plants,Rich

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