In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss whether they make most of their decisions by using their heads or their hearts.Transcript:00:00:00JackYou're listening to the A-Z English podcast.00:00:14JackWelcome to the.00:00:14JackA-Z English podcast My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social and today we're going to do another quick talk episode and we have a very simple question, but maybe it's not so easy to answer. The question is, do you think more with your head or your heart?00:00:36XochitlAnd at the at the basis of this, if you think more with your head, you're more of a logic based thinker. And if you think more with your heart, you're more of an emotions based thinker.00:00:46JackRight.00:00:46XochitlI think I don't know if this is a fair answer, but I think I'm a happy medium I try.00:00:55XochitlTo handle my impulses and just sit on them. And I also try to think of things logically, but.00:01:01XochitlUltimately I do.00:01:04XochitlThink I'm a little more of an emotions based thinker. I have a hard time.00:01:09XochitlSticking to long term goals or responding logically in a situation, I tend to go with what I feel in the moment. Umm and and I.00:01:20XochitlThink that that.00:01:22XochitlMakes me more.00:01:23XochitlOf an A.00:01:25XochitlI think more with my heart than with my head.00:01:29XochitlYeah. How about you, Jack?00:01:32JackNo, I've actually words on the same page these days because I am also I think more with my heart than my head. If I thought more with my head, I would you.00:01:47JackKnow I would definitely.00:01:49JackPlan things out or gain things out better.00:01:52JackYou know, if I like a chess player, you know, I play chess about.00:01:57JackOne move ahead, you know, and when I play with people who are are good at playing chess, they're, you know, they're planning.00:02:06Jack10 moves ahead.00:02:07JackRight. They're like if I do this, Jack will do this. Then I'll do this. Jack will do this, you know? And they're already predicting I'm. I'm just not built that way. I I my I follow my heart.00:02:21JackAnd usually it leads me to a pretty good result. I yeah, a good outcome then? Yes, exactly. I'm.00:02:32JackI'm trying to think.00:02:33JackOf some examples, but it's just like.00:02:37JackYou know, some things. Look, some things look.00:02:40JackBad on paper. Do you know what I mean? It's like, you know, like, for example, let's start a podcast, a Language learning podcast.00:02:49JackOK, there's only a million of.00:02:50XochitlRight.00:02:52JackThem you know what are the?00:02:53XochitlRight.00:02:53JackOdds that we're going to be successful, like if.00:02:56JackI followed my.00:02:57JackHead. I'd be doing a, you know, podcast about, you know.00:03:05JackI don't know.00:03:05XochitlSome really niche.00:03:06XochitlThing that no one else.00:03:09JackRare South American.00:03:09XochitlIs sada.00:03:11JackTree frogs or something you know like.00:03:13XochitlRight, yeah.00:03:13JackI I don't know.00:03:15JackBut but but I followed my heart because because I this is what I wanted to do. You know, it's like this is what I'm I'm passionate about teaching English. I'm passionate about language. I know you're passionate about language. You're translator. You're you know you.00:03:34JackYou you understand 2 languages fluent, you know, as a balanced bilingual. So it's like our appreciation for language and things. It's like, OK, it may look bad, it may be bad logic to choose this path.00:03:49JackForward. But if we follow our hearts, we could probably find success. You know that way. And so if I only followed my head, listen to my head or think with my head, I'll never really take a risk or do something, you know, kind of, you know, look crazy. But if I if I think with my heart.00:04:10JackAnd I follow my heart. Then I know that my passion can carry me through, even though maybe my plan.00:04:18JackIs not perfect.00:04:19JackI don't know if that makes sense.00:04:21XochitlNo, I think it does make sense.00:04:24XochitlAnd UM.00:04:26XochitlI get it.00:04:26XochitlYeah, I think it makes sense and I think.00:04:30XochitlI agree with you. I think we we both.00:04:34XochitlOur guided by.00:04:35XochitlOur hearts, I think ultimately it's LED some good outcomes, more than trying to plan it out in a.00:04:43XochitlA logic based way. I think our our one of our old team members Kevin, I think he was maybe more logic based than either.00:04:50XochitlOf us, yeah.00:04:51JackYeah, I think so, maybe.00:04:53JackYeah. Well, what, what do?00:04:54JackYou think? What? What would you, how would you?00:04:56JackBecause you you need both, right? I mean you.00:04:58JackCan't be people that act with all.00:05:00JackArt are, you know, and only follow their emotions are going to get themselves into trouble sometimes eventually. I mean, it's going to happen. So I would say I'm more of like a 7030 person.00:05:09XochitlRight, right.00:05:16JackIs that where put yourself?00:05:16XochitlWhen you need your just to hold you back, I think, yeah, I think I'm probably 6.00:05:22XochitlWell, yeah, I'm probably 703070 heart and 30 logic.00:05:25발표자OK.00:05:28Jack70 hard, 30 logic right? I've got enough logic to kind of you know, so I can still feed myself, you know? But I, you know, I can still get to work like I know that I can follow directions. You know what I mean? I'm not just going like it feels like work. Is this direction. You know? I don't. I'm not like, you know, 100% on my heart.00:05:30발표자OK. Yeah.00:05:45발표자Right, right.00:05:48JackYou know, we need some, we need logic, right? We need reason. But I think you know, if I did a calculation, I'm probably somewhere around. Yeah, 30706040, something like.00:06:01XochitlYeah, alright, listeners. Well, if you're more logic based or more emotions based or EG you think with your head or your heart, let us know in the comments and we'll see you guys next time.00:06:16XochitlOh, make sure to check out our website at Shoot us an e-mail at A-Z English podcast at Gmail.00:06:23XochitlDot com and leave a comment down below and we will see this next.00:06:26XochitlTime. 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