Check out The Jack & 'Chill Podcast here! are a manager at your workplace, and you have two employees, Alice and Bob, who work on the same team. Alice is a very dedicated and hardworking employee, and she consistently goes above and beyond to meet deadlines and deliver exceptional results. Bob, on the other hand, has been struggling with his performance and frequently misses deadlines.One day, Bob comes to you and asks for a raise, citing his financial difficulties and the need to support his family. He feels that he deserves a raise because he's been with the company for a long time, even though his performance hasn't been up to par.You know that Alice has been doing an excellent job and deserves a raise as well. You only have the budget to give one raise at this time. You decide to give the raise to Alice because of her exceptional performance, but you don't inform Bob about her performance being the primary reason for your decision.Bob finds out about Alice's raise and feels very upset and unfairly treated. He confronts you and accuses you of being unfair and playing favorites. He argues that he's been loyal to the company for years, and Alice has only been with the company for a short time.So, the question is: Are you the jerk in this situation for giving the raise to Alice and not fully explaining your decision to Bob?00:00:00JackYou're listening to the A-Z English podcast.00:00:13JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I am here with three of my good friends, agnieska, Leila and Salimah.00:00:23JackAnd today we are going to do an MI, the jerk episode, and these are my favorites. I love doing these and let me read the situation to you guys 1st and then one by one I'll ask what your opinion is about the situation.00:00:39JackSo you are a manager at your workplace and you have two employees, Alice and Bob, who work on the same team.00:00:48JackAlice is a very dedicated and hardworking employee, and she consistently goes above and beyond to meet deadlines and deliver exceptional results. Bob's, on the other hand, has been struggling with his performance and frequently misses deadlines.00:01:08JackOne day, Bob comes to you and asks for a raise, citing his financial difficulties and the need to support his family. He feels that he deserves a raise because he's been with the company for a long time, even though his performance hasn't been.00:01:28JackUp to par.00:01:30JackYou know Alice has been doing an excellent job and deserves a raise as well. You only have the budget to give one raise at this time. You decide to give the raise to Alice because of her exceptional performance, but you don't inform Bob about her performance.00:01:51JackBeing the primary reason for your decision.00:01:55JackBob finds out about Alice's raise and feels very upset and unfairly treated. He confronts you and accuses.00:02:04JackYou of being.00:02:04JackUnfair and playing favorites, he argues that he's been loyal to the company for years, and Alice has only been with the company.00:02:15JackFor a short time. So the question is, are you the jerk in this situation for giving the raise to Alice and not fully explaining your decision to Bob?00:02:27JackAnd we'll start with Agnieszka first, what do you think is the manager the jerk?00:02:34AgnieszkaUh, for me? Yes, because he's creating, you know, this tension between cowork workers. I know he he did. He did the right thing because I think Alice is the one that deserve this.00:02:54AgnieszkaBut I think the best it was talk with Bob and tell him the the truth that he decided to.00:03:03AgnieszkaFor these reasons, and This is why he didn't get the raise. So it's better because when you have this environment in work, it's very difficult. Everybody's have a competition, have this feeling that they want to be the best and they really hate each other. So when they don't.00:03:23AgnieszkaWhen they they have these.00:03:25AgnieszkaThis competition, they they really, you know, feel that they deserve.00:03:29AgnieszkaThe thing so.00:03:30AgnieszkaIt's better to be clear and and have a.00:03:34AgnieszkaA good environment.00:03:35AgnieszkaBecause it's OK, let's get raised. But it's better if we if we tell him that. What is the reasons? So for me?00:03:43발표자OK.00:03:46JackSo he wasn't clear, he wasn't transparent.00:03:46발표자For me.00:03:49JackHe didn't explain it and so he created a situation of, like, tension between the workers. And so he is the jerk. OK, interesting this.00:04:00JackIs very interesting.00:04:01JackI I have my opinion, but I'm gonna wait till the end and and share it with you guys. But you're I'm on the same track as you.00:04:08SalimehOK.00:04:10JackUh, what do you think?00:04:12JackAbout this situation.00:04:15LaylaCould you just please remind me of the question because I couldn't hear Agnieszka, while she answered the question and as well as you, Jack, just remind me of the question please.00:04:26JackOh, no problem. So yeah, so the question is, is the manager the jerk for giving a raise to Alice?00:04:34JackAnd not explaining the situation to Bob because Bob didn't get the raise, and Agnieszka said yes, he's the manager. He's a jerk because the manager didn't explain the situation to Bob, but just gave it to Alice kind of secretly behind the.00:04:54JackThe curtain.00:04:55JackSo what do you think about the situation with who do you think is the jerk?00:04:58LaylaYes, honestly, I would like to say because there is a a manager right in the for for the company who raised the the how to say.00:05:17JackThe salary or the wages? Yeah.00:05:17LaylaThat will come for Alice, right?00:05:23LaylaOhh yeah, the the wages. So I think the manager is a little bit jerk because he or maybe she should explain that for Bob before raising the Alice.00:05:42JackOK.00:05:42LaylaBecause to give to give him the clear idea about what's happen.00:05:49LaylaAnd and why he or maybe she raised Alice instead of Bob in.00:05:57LaylaThis certain moment.00:05:59JackRight.00:06:00LaylaSo I.00:06:02JackYou agree with Agnieszka, then? Basically, yeah.00:06:02LaylaWhen when the manager didn't explain that.00:06:06LaylaTo to to.00:06:08LaylaYeah, yeah.00:06:09JackOK, OK. So.00:06:09LaylaAlthough I didn't hear her answer, but this is my answer so.00:06:10JackI think you.00:06:14JackYeah, yeah. You guys have the same answer, but I think you know, great minds think alike. So in this case you guys both came to the same conclusion that the manager should have.00:06:15LaylaWe are.00:06:25JackBlamed clearly to Bob why he gave the.00:06:29JackRace to Alice.00:06:30JackAnd not to Bob.00:06:33JackAnd so yeah, I think that's you guys have the similar conclusion. You came to the similar conclusion. But Celine, I'm kind of curious what do you think about the situation, do you agree with Leila and Agnieszka or do you have your?00:06:45JackOwn opinion about it.00:06:47SalimehNot really. I think the manager is not jerk because Alice is the one who is hard working person in that company in that office and she deserves that that.00:06:58SalimehRace, you know.00:06:59SalimehAnd the managers, you know, I know this situations, the manager is just human, you know.00:07:05SalimehSometimes they can't, you know.00:07:07SalimehWhere they can make a mistake like this situation. I know the manager should talk with Bob about the reason and she should be he.00:07:15SalimehOr she the manager.00:07:16SalimehShould be clear with employees, but the decision but the important things in this story is making the right decision. So I guess the manager is definitely not richer, but as Bob is the loyal because loyalty is one of the factors in the offices in the companies. So.00:07:37SalimehWell, if he's working for a long time for that company.00:07:40LaylaI I I think.00:07:41SalimehThe manager could give a loan. I don't know. Maybe from the salary in salary or not, but he should. You know, he he could give a loan to that person, Bob. And after that, you know, reduce the loan from his salary, you know, every month. You know, I I I would like to help you know.00:08:03SalimehTo Bob because he has difficulties with his life, so he could manage, you know, both. But yeah, this is my opinion.00:08:14JackInteresting. OK. Yeah. Or or maybe?00:08:17JackGive like half of a raise to.00:08:19JackWell, that's not really the the point of the am I the jerk is. You can't make these kinds of, you know, different arrangements. But maybe like half to Bob and half to Alice would be like the perfect solution.00:08:32SalimehNo, but I I guess you.00:08:34SalimehKnow you don't encourage your employees. If you do the half to the the employee that she can't, you know, work properly, he.00:08:42SalimehWork well, so I just the manager, you know, did the right thing, you know, because the managers should be the when they are making decisions, they have to be one or zero. I mean true or false. And this is the, you know, this is a great thing that the manager did.00:08:54JackRight.00:08:59JackRight. They have to make a decision, you know? That's right. You can't always be. You can't make everybody happy all the time.00:09:06JackThat's a good point.00:09:08JackOK, my I'm I'm I'm going.00:09:10JackIn like kind of different direction here I'm thinking.00:09:13JackBob is is, it's.00:09:15JackWorking in a company is like a marathon. When you first start, it's easy to be a hard worker. You know that first year, the second year, you're like, really.00:09:25JackYou know what can I do? What?00:09:26JackCan I do but after like?00:09:28JackFive years or 10.00:09:29JackYears. It's like that the last miles of a marathon. And that's what Bob is like in a different stage of the marathon. He's, like trying to finish the marathon, and Alice is just starting the marathon. And she looks so fresh and so, so bright. And so the manager is like.00:09:46JackLook at the shiny.00:09:47JackNew, you know, object look at this.00:09:49JackYou know, this is so nice and new and it's like, but Bob is like he's been there for a long time, just chugging away like a, you know, the hard worker. So I'm.00:10:01JackI kind of feel.00:10:02JackLike because Bob has been there longer, he deserves the raise. Even though Alice is a hard worker. If Alice is still a hard worker after like 5 or 10 years, then definitely she deserves a raise later. But I feel like Bob deserves the raise, so I'm I'm gonna say yes, the manager.00:10:23JackIs the jerk.00:10:25JackHe made the wrong decision. He went for the new shiny worker and he should have stuck with the loyal, you know, the loyal teammate, even though he's a little slow and a little.00:10:36JackEasy. I don't know what.00:10:37JackAm I wrong sling me? What do you think?00:10:39AgnieszkaIf I if Alice.00:10:41SalimehFound out that you already gave the raise to Bob, then maybe she lost the, you know, interest for working, for being the hard worker. So you know if you. So OK. I'm like, I'm Allison. I'm not gonna work for hard for this company because they don't deserve it.00:10:58SalimehYou don't, you know, give me the rates so.00:11:01JackThis is true, this is.00:11:02LaylaI I don't. Yeah, yeah.00:11:04JackOK, I can ask, what do you think? Is my argument good or is it? Is there a problem?00:11:09JackDo I have weaknesses?00:11:10AgnieszkaI I think you make a good argument also you.00:11:14AgnieszkaWant to lose if?00:11:16AgnieszkaThey do like that they want to lose, that he's a loyal maybe Alice. In two years that she decided to go and and Bob was the loyal worker. So.00:11:30AgnieszkaYeah, I I understand that. But also as a manager, I think one of the best thing for me when I see a manager is.00:11:39AgnieszkaHave create a good environment so he maybe he could have a he could take a decision, but a better decision like selling said maybe not everyone's happy, but maybe they what they deserve. So yeah, you'll understand.00:11:58JackI don't know. Yeah.00:11:59JackI feel like maybe Alice will become Bob. She just hasn't been there long enough.00:12:05JackEverybody becomes Bob eventually. If you work for a company, but maybe I'm wrong, maybe just Jack becomes Bob, like that's me. Like I just identify with Bob and I feel sorry for Bob because I've, you know, I'm like the same situation where you know, you've been at the same company for a long, long, long time.00:12:25JackAnd you just, you know, you. But it's like an old hard drive. You have a lot of information, you know, I know a lot about how it works. I know this the company, I know the situation. So I don't know. I'm just torn. I I feel like.00:12:41JackYeah, I don't know.00:12:42AgnieszkaThey should create a legal a loyal rate like like give a vote, but for being loyal.00:12:50JackYeah. The Bob.00:12:51JackGive him, like a yeah loyalty button.00:12:54JackSlime, please go.00:12:55JackAhead. What were you going to say?00:12:57SalimehNo, but the company should, you know, make money. So how they could, you know, make money?00:13:01발표자Right.00:13:04SalimehWith hard workers.00:13:04SalimehOK. Bob is loyal. Bob, have a lot of.00:13:06SalimehKnowledge and experience, and I know I respect for those experience, but if you cannot use those experience though, it's it's going to.00:13:15SalimehBe useless, you know.00:13:16SalimehBecause bug is just, you know.00:13:20SalimehI I guess in the story Bob is the one who know everything is loyal, but it's kind of tired of this job. So maybe we can't. We can't have. But in that position maybe maybe we have to think about, you know just changing the position.00:13:38SalimehI don't know.00:13:39JackI think you're right. I mean you're you're exactly right. That's all the companies really care about is making money. And if Bob's not making as much money as Alice Bob's out Alice is in. I mean, that's really how it how it comes, what it comes down to. So I think that's a a fair argument.00:13:55JackAnd and. All right. Well, thank you guys. You gave me a lot to think about. This is a really difficult one actually, because I don't know. I still feel sorry for Bob. So I'm kind of, I'm pro Bob right now.00:14:08SalimehOne more thing, Jack. It's about not making decision logically and emotionally, so I guess I'm not making decision just logically because I just.00:14:17SalimehYou know, pay attention for.00:14:18SalimehThe you know, care about the money, but I know about this, but yeah, so yeah, it's very difficult decisions to make.00:14:26JackYeah. And and.00:14:27JackI guess that's the the difficult part of a manager's job is like.00:14:31JackHow do you balance the emotional aspect of knowing Bob for longer and knowing that Bob has a family but Alice is making you more money because she's, you know, harder worker. She she, you know, she's just a better employee at this point in time. So yeah, it's it's.00:14:52JackI think the the cold, you know, the hard logical decision is the one that most companies want you to make and that's why I could never be a manager in a company like that because I don't have a stomach for it. I'm too emotional. I'm way too emotional. I.00:15:09JackCould do it and yeah, so I'm glad I don't have that job, but.00:15:15JackListeners out there let us know what you think. Send us a comment on this. Am I the jerk episode at AZ Send me your emails either pro Bob or pro Alice. Which side are you on? AZ jump into our WhatsApp group, the Ados English podcast group, and you can have our argument right there in the WhatsApp chat group. And with that said, we will see you next time. Thanks everybody. Bye, bye.00:15:49LaylaBy that.Podcast Website: Media:Facebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: