In the 100th Quick Chat episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss their new podcast "The Jack & 'Chill Podcast!"Check out their new podcast here:'re listening to the A-Z English podcast.00:00:12JackWelcome to the A to.00:00:13JackZ English podcast my name.00:00:14JackIs Jack and I'm here with my co-host social and today is the 100th Quick Chat episode and for our 100th Quick Chat social.00:00:24JackI thought we could just talk about.00:00:27JackThe new podcast The Jack and Chill Podcast and UM uh. The first question I have for you is when did you come up with the name? Did it just hit you like a?00:00:37JackLightning Bolt or something?00:00:39XochitlYeah, I think it hit me because I've been thinking about this doing this a podcast like this for a while and I wanted. I thought the premise would be really interesting because.00:00:53XochitlFar apart in eight, we're about like 20 years apart, I guess and.00:00:57JackYeah. Yes.00:01:00XochitlIt's kind of almost, yeah, there's, like, a generation in between us.00:01:04JackWell, it's an odd friendship that you.00:01:06JackKnow they that.00:01:07JackWe forged because. Yeah, it's. It's like when, when would a 26 year old and a 46 or 47 year old, you know, have a conversation about anything really.00:01:20JackYou know.00:01:21XochitlRight. And I think it.00:01:22XochitlIt was just really cool because we had such a natural flow to things and we had so much to talk about and our perspectives on things are like different and our experiences are really different because we grew up in two completely different time frames and we're at 2 completely different life points. You know, I'm not married.00:01:40XochitlI live alone. I'm just like kind of starting my career. Are you already solidly new career married with a kid. And so I just thought, you know, it. It was just such a cool premise. And I was.00:01:52XochitlThinking, OK what?00:01:52XochitlWould we call this, you know, the?00:01:55XochitlWhat would we?00:01:56XochitlCall this and I kind of thought at first like, you know, Uncle Jack in social podcast or something.00:02:03JackAnd culture conservation.00:02:04XochitlI want her name.00:02:05XochitlTo be there and I was like, I don't know what's gonna.00:02:07XochitlBe with me and I'm like Oh yeah.00:02:09XochitlJack and chill perfect.00:02:10XochitlBecause it's like a play on on words and.00:02:14JackJack and Jill, Jack and Phil.00:02:14XochitlYeah, it just was a fun.00:02:17XochitlOn podcast to.00:02:18XochitlMe and our listeners got it right away our.00:02:20XochitlOur AZ listeners, when we put it in the chat, they immediately like ohh Jack and Jill, Jack and Jill. So I thought that was just really fun, yeah.00:02:29JackYeah, I think you're right about the the premise too, because you're kind of an old soul and I'm immature. It's almost like I you could you could take, take me down 10 years and probably move you up, you know, emotionally 10 years.00:02:50JackI mean, I think our, like you said, our experiences and probably some of our our worldview or you know points of view.00:02:58JackAre different, but I would say you know like we're.00:03:02JackWe we pretty much.00:03:03JackCome to the same conclusions a lot of times when it comes to, like politics and social issues and things like that, I think we usually agree on most of that stuff.00:03:13XochitlYeah, despite the.00:03:15XochitlDifferences in like our upbringings and our age gap and and like where we are in our life. I think fundamentally we agree on so many things and yeah.00:03:26JackOur personalities are, you know, we just kind of see in a kind of similar.00:03:30JackOK. And so I think that's what makes for good conversations in the in the podcast. That's why we can chat for one hour and it doesn't. We never lose steam. You know, we don't run out of things to say. We can just keep talking and talking and talking. Yeah.00:03:40XochitlRight.00:03:48XochitlIt's like we might have.00:03:49XochitlTo cut ourselves short because there's no.00:03:51XochitlOne there to.00:03:51XochitlDo it and we could keep going and we could go.00:03:54XochitlFrom one subject to the other, one to the.00:03:56XochitlOther one and.00:03:56XochitlJust keep going and going, it's like.00:03:58XochitlYou know it's it's crazy. So yeah, so.00:04:03XochitlI think that it works really well because.00:04:05XochitlWe have a lot.00:04:05XochitlTo say and a.00:04:06XochitlLot that we.00:04:06XochitlAgree on, and ultimately I think what we.00:04:09XochitlHave to say.00:04:10XochitlTo each other kind of enriches the.00:04:12XochitlSubject That we're talking about.00:04:14XochitlFrom each other's perspective.00:04:14JackYes, from my perspective too, because I, you know, I don't have access to, you know necessarily.00:04:25JackYour viewpoint, because your your experience is, is different because you're growing up. You're in your 20s right now in the 2000 twenties I grew, I went, I turned 20. I was in my 20s in the 90s, you know, so it's like.00:04:39XochitlThat's crazy because I was.00:04:40XochitlLike born in the 90s. So it's like, yeah.00:04:42JackYeah, I know. Isn't that just wild? I'm like, I turned 21 in, like 1998, you know, 199798. And you know, so for me it was like, you know, I'm very much a 90s kid. You know, I'm a 90s kid, but you're you.00:04:49발표자Right.00:04:57JackYou probably would consider yourself like a.00:04:59Jack2010 S.00:05:02JackKid, right. Like something like that.00:05:03JackOr 2000, yeah.00:05:03XochitlI guess he.00:05:06XochitlWas funny cause my generation kind of calls themselves 90s kids cause we were born in the 90s, but my childhood was was born in the mid to late 90s and so my childhood was mostly in the 2000s to 2000s tens and I was thinking that myself.00:05:25XochitlWe're not really.00:05:26Xochitl90s kids because 90s kids are people who.00:05:30XochitlWere kids in the 90s?00:05:31XochitlAnd we were like.00:05:32XochitlBabies in the 90s, we.00:05:33XochitlWeren't like, really.00:05:34XochitlChilling. So it's like.00:05:34JackYou know well, that's.00:05:36JackTrue, I'm a 70s kid. Really. I mean, but I I was born in the 70s, but I don't remember the 70s. But I do remember the 80s. Like, that's when I was a kid. Like when I think of Halloween, this is all stuff that happened in the 80s when ET was like a new.00:05:46발표자Right.00:05:48발표자Right.00:05:52JackMovie, you know, like, like these are these classic films that you that are, like, 30-40 years old, that you're, you know, that you probably watched because your dad made you watch it or something were in the theater. You know, when I was alive, when I was a kid. So yeah, it's, you know, Indiana Jones is like a.00:05:55XochitlRight.00:06:06XochitlYeah, yeah.00:06:13JackYou know, that was like.00:06:15JackA new movie for me.00:06:17XochitlRight. And to me it's like I.00:06:18XochitlDon't even watch it cause it's so.00:06:20XochitlLike stupid to me.00:06:21XochitlBecause I I don't.00:06:22XochitlMean to offend you, just like it. The premise is so sexist and and everything that.00:06:27XochitlWe know now basically you know so like.00:06:30XochitlRidiculous and problematic to people my age, you know? So if if if things think cause.00:06:32JackRight.00:06:36JackYeah, though it does have a lot of problems. The Indiana Jones, if you watch it now, today it it has a lot of problems. I we're now we're talking about movies. So this is definitely.00:06:49XochitlAnother proof.00:06:51JackEvidence. Yeah. Yeah. Like the format of the podcast. Like how, what?00:06:56발표자How did you?00:06:56JackPlan out the like 3 segments like yeah.00:06:59XochitlI kind of just go with the general topic and.00:07:04XochitlIt just comes to me, I don't really plan it. I mean, this is the most freaking jacked social thing ever is like, we don't plan anything. It's just weird. We we can get last minute pretty much every time, but it just kind of comes like a theme. Yeah. Like it's October. And so I wanted, you know, for the first episode I kind of wanted to talk about.00:07:15JackYou love the way you.00:07:25XochitlSome things I've been thinking.00:07:26XochitlAbout for a while that.00:07:28XochitlCultural things about the US that I thought would appeal to a wide range of listeners and that I thought we would have interesting perspectives on because Jack and I grew up in different time periods again and we.00:07:40XochitlSo and in different cultural households, you know, I grew up in a Mexican American household and Jack grew up in a house, all American or what we call all American Caucasian household. Yeah. And so I that was for our first episode. We talked a lot about the culture and how it's evolving because there are changes that I've noticed even in my relatively short lifetime.00:07:50JackRight.00:08:01XochitlAnd I wanted Jack's take on that. I thought that would be really interesting. And I think he delivered it. You know, you guys should listen because I think it's really cool to see how our experiences have differed over a lot of times and what we think about how things are currently, the current cultural climate in.00:08:17XochitlThe United States.00:08:18JackRight on. Yeah. So, uh, listeners out there, check out the the Jack and Chill podcast because this is, you know, social's idea and but I'm 100% in I think it's awesome. It's such a it's such a good.00:08:34JackIdea and yeah, I'm I'm excited to start the.00:08:38JackThe new pod.00:08:40XochitlThanks Jack and uh, I hope to see you guys there and I hope you guys enjoy it. If there's anything you guys would like to talk about, don't hesitate to leave it in the chat and yeah, follow our socials and we'll see you guys next time.00:08:53JackAlright, bye bye.00:08:55XochitlBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:Facebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: