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That's Helpful with Ed Stott

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Jun 27, 2024 • 43min

How to Build a Science-Backed Skincare Routine with Lab Muffin Beauty Science

A good skincare routine can be a truly fantastic thing, but with SO many products on the market making wild claims, it is incredibly hard to know where you should be focussing your time, not to mention your money. Fear not though, Dr Michelle Wong is here to help - you might know here as Lab Muffin Beauty Science on social media where she’s been debunking the beauty industry since 2011. She’s a cosmetic chemist & her latest book is called the Science of Beauty - we’re going to work through some of the beauty myths & get you what you really need to know about the products you use everyday and what actually works. Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Michelle on Instagram & via ⁠her website. BOOKS The Science of Beauty TIMESTAMPS00:00:00 Intro 00:01:20 How Michelle started researching the chemistry of beauty 00:03:55 Does more expensive mean more effective? 00:05:45 Can we trust the research that brands quote about products? 00:07:30 How can we tell if a product is working? 00:10:30 How to choose a good cleanser 00:13:00 Should you use a cloth or tool with the cleanser? 00:14:20 How to choose a moisturizer 00:17:52 What to look for in a sunscreen & how often to apply 00:22:45 How to use spray sunscreen 00:23:30 If your makeup has sunscreen included, do you need to apply sunscreen? 00:24:37 Other things to do to protect your skin from the sun  00:27:00 How important is sleep to our skin? 00:28:30 Do skin supplements work? 00:31:10 How to fade a scar 00:32:30 Dealing with stretch marks 00:33:55 Michelle’s top 3 products 00:35:50 Sleeping to avoid wrinkles 00:38:15 Michelle’s top 3 active ingredients 00:40:00 Michelle’s top 3 tips  
Jun 20, 2024 • 38min

The First 2 Hours: How to Maximise your Most Valuable Time

The saying goes - win the morning, win the day. But, if you’re anything like me - your morning will be determined by your inbox, who calls first or what’s been dropped in your lap that day. Productivity expert Donna McGeorge says this way of working is a big mistake and could see the quality of your work suffer, not to mention the extra hours spent at your desk later in the day. So how can we take back control, maximise our time & spend less of it working?  Donna is my guest today & she’s the author of The First 2 Hours: Make Better Use of Your Most Valuable Time. Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Donna on Instagram⁠ & via ⁠her website. BOOKS The First 2 Hours: Make Better Use of Your Most Valuable Time PODCASTSHow To Supercharge Your Day with ChatGPT Productivity Hacks The Happiness Lab: Ask for help...spread happiness TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:10 - Why the first 2 hours are so important 00:03:06 - How to best structure your day for max productivity 00:05:30 - Tools for structuring your day & protecting your mornings 00:09:30 - How to write a to-do list that’s actually helpful 00:13:30 - How to tailor your day to your circadian rhythm 00:21:00 - Don’t give 100%, 100% of the time 00:26:40 - Bad habits that are costing your productivity 00:29:30 - Being mindful of the time you’ve gained back 00:34:00 - How to avoid social media stealing your saved time 00:36:00 - Being kind to your future self  
Jun 13, 2024 • 47min

How to Make Life Changing, Deep Connections with Kasley Killam

If I were to ask you how healthy you are right now, what would you say? Would you tell me about your social life? How many friends have you connected with in the last week? Or how connected you feel with your local community? Probably not, but Kasley Killam says that social health is vital to our physical health & by ignoring it, we’re missing out on some huge benefits. She’s the Author of The Art and Science of Connection: Why Social Health Is the Missing Key to Living Longer, Healthier, and Happier. Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Kasley on Instagram⁠ & via ⁠her website. BOOKS The Art and Science of Connection: Why Social Health Is the Missing Key to Living Longer, Healthier, and Happier. TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:20 - Kasley’s definition of social health 00:03:29 - The importance of social health 00:05:35 - How social connection changes us physically 00:09:50 - Quality over quantity 00:11:15 - Signs of a good social connection 00:13:14 - How to do a social audit 00:17:34 - How to deepen connections 00:20:30 - The 4 social styles 00:26:00 - The ebb & flow of relationships throughout our lives? 00:29:00 - How to find your people 00:32:33 - The common barriers to making genuine connections 00:37:00 - When it’s time to let a friendship go  
Jun 6, 2024 • 46min

Banish Your Imposter Syndrome with Dr Jessamy Hibberd

If you’ve ever shared that you’re feeling it, the most common reaction is ‘oh my gosh me too’. I’m talking about Imposter Syndrome - it’s brutal, unhelpful and feels horrible. So why do we experience it and how can we tackle it? That’s exactly what we’re going to take down today - by the way this episode was requested by Jess on Instagram - if there’s something you’re struggling with follow me @thatshelpfulpod and send me a DM, because if you’re going through it likely many of us out here are too! My guest today is the wonderful Dr Jessamy Hibberd, she‘s a Clinical Psychologist & the Author The Imposter Cure: How to stop feeling like a fraud and escape the mind-trap of imposter syndrome. Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Jessamy on Instagram⁠ & via ⁠her website. BOOKS The Imposter Cure: How to stop feeling like a fraud and escape the mind-trap of imposter syndrome OTHER MENTIONS Forget the Dream Job, You Need a Good Enough Job- TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:22 - What is imposter syndrome? 00:02:28 - How is imposter syndrome different from normal self doubt? 00:04:20 - How many people suffer with imposter syndrome? 00:05:45 - Imposter syndrome isn’t just a problem in the workplace 00:06:45 - Can you have imposter syndrome & not know? 00:08:05 - The link between imposter syndrome and perfectionism 00:10:55 - How perfected life is now 00:13:23 - The common types of imposter syndrome 00:20:00 - How can we start to overcome it? 00:25:00 - Keeping a running document of achievements 00:27:48 - Thoughts aren’t facts 00:30:45 - The balance between humility & imposter syndrome 00:35:00 - Sharing these feelings 00:37:50 - The stories you share help you understand yourself 00:40:00 - Jessamy’s experience of imposter syndrome 00:42:33 - The importance of remembering you’re human  
May 30, 2024 • 40min

The Happiness Curve: Why Life Gets Better Later with Jonathon Rauch

So many of us expect to become less happy as we age, BUT science says you couldn’t be more wrong - you’ll likely become happier as you get into old age, you’ll be more content and more able to live in the present moment. This phenomenon is called the happiness curve and it’s a concept that award winning journalist Jonathon Rauch is incredibly passionate about. Jonathan is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington and the author of The Happiness Curve, Why Life Gets Better After 50. So what does the research say, how can we avoid the midlife crisis we hear so much about & how might the happiness curve help us to reframe the way we approach aging? CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Jonathon on Twitter⁠ & via his website. BOOKS The Happiness Curve, Why Life Gets Better After 50 Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:16 - How did Jonathon discover the happiness curve? 00:04:45 - How does the happiness curve play out in different countries? 00:07:24 - The forecasting error 00:13:13 - Why so many of us feel ashamed of the midlife slump 00:17:37 - Step don’t leap 00:23:35 - How to overcome the time trap of the happiness curve 00:26:26 - The happiness curve is fuelled by false assumptions around age 00:31:21 - It isn’t just teenagers who go through transitional times of life 00:33:31 - The power in giving yourself time to reset 00:35:51 - The things that truly bring life satisfaction 00:38:12 - The one thing to remember  
May 23, 2024 • 40min

Simple Gratitude Hacks to Transform Your Health

Gratitude is one of those words that’s everywhere - particularly if you’re interested in self-improvement & your health. BUT what does the science actually say about introducing a little more gratitude into our lives & the best ways to do it? Well, Professor Fuschia Sirois is a psychologist from the University of Durham who’s been studying gratitude for much of her career. Today we’re going to get answers to those questions and take a look at how gratitude can bring us closer to our future selves. CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Fuschia on Twitter⁠ & via ⁠her website. BOOKS Procrastination: What It Is, Why It's A Problem & What You Can Do About It Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - TIMESTAMPS  00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:05 - What is gratitude? 00:03:29 - Why do some people have more gratitude than others? 00:06:27 - When did we start to study gratitude? 00:08:47 - Gratitude’s influence on health 00:10:46 - Impact on gratitude for people with fibromyalgia  00:12:46 - Gratitude & future orientation 00:16:33 - The benefits of being future oriented 00:19:50 - Simple ways to incorporate more gratitude 00:25:06 - How to practice group gratitude 00:29:10 - How gratitude helps us find meaning 00:29:47 - What to focus your gratitude on 00:32:15 - Gratitude pitfalls 00:33:37 - Acknowledging joy in other ways 00:34:51 - Gratitude & society 00:37:45 - The one thing to remember  
May 16, 2024 • 38min

The Science of Cold Water Therapy & How to Start

We know how fabulous getting out in the water can be for our mental health & overall well-being but there’s a growing body of research showing that cold water can be absolutely transformative, whether it's from your shower, pool or  the ocean. So what is it ACTUALLY doing to our bodies & how can we start to reap the benefits in our own lives? Dr Mark Harper is a consultant anesthetist at Sussex University hospitals in the UK and a leading expert in the prevention of hypothermia in surgical patients and in the therapeutic uses of cold-water adaptation and cold water swimming. Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Mark on Instagram & via his website. BOOKS Chill, The Cold Water Swim Cure OTHER THINGS MENTIONED 100 Days of Vitamin SeaThat’s Helpful - Drawn To Water? Blue Mind is Why TIMESTAMPS  00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:26 - When is cold good for us & when is it bad? 00:02:14 - When did Mark become interested in this? 00:05:05 - Why are we only just discovering the benefits? 00:06:52 - The benefits of cold water exposure 00:10:00 - What’s happening in our bodies when we’re exposed? 00:11:38 - Cold water exposure keeps you in the moment 00:13:07 - The optimum conditions 00:15:00 - Why is 3 mins the ideal time? 00:19:06 - Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable 00:19:53 - How to utilise cold showers for health benefits 00:21:47 - Things to avoid 00:24:13 - The side-effects of cold water exposure 00:26:10 - Should you combine a sauna with cold water exposure? 00:28:47 - The main take-aways 00:30:00 - Cold water exposure for migraines 00:34:27 - Cold water exposure as prep for surgery
May 9, 2024 • 44min

How to Change Your Mindset Towards Aging

How many times have you referred to yourself as ‘too old’ or ‘too young’ for something? Have you blamed your forgetfulness on a ‘senior moment’ or your sore neck on ‘being over 30’? I’ll be honest, before I found out about Ashton Applewhite’s work, they were comments I made ALL the time. But, remarks like these as well as a whole host of other behaviors are acts of ageism - something Ashton calls the ‘last socially sanctioned prejudice’ & it’s damaging to everyone because guess what? We’re all aging! So how can we push back against this discrimination and age positively in a society that’s obsessed with youth? That’s what we’re going to tackle today. Ashton, is a journalist, pro aging radical and the author of This Chair Rocks - A Manifesto Against Anti-Aging. CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Ashton on ⁠Instagram⁠ & via ⁠her website. BOOKS This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism OTHER MENTIONS Old School: Anti-Ageism Clearing House Ed’s programme for ABC RN including Holdsworth Homeshare Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - TIMESTAMPS  00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:20 - Ashton’s evolving relationship with aging 00:02:42 - The truth about aging 00:06:30 - The damage of generalisations 00:09:30 - Where does our fear of aging come from? 00:11:30 - The impact of social media on ageism  00:13:30 - The hidden harms of ageism  00:17:00 - How to push back against ageism  00:24:00 - Striving for a world where age is less important 00:26:30 - The importance of having friends of all ages  00:28:27 - Ageism is not a given 00:31:05 - True diversity 00:34:20 - Ageism is a part of many more conversations now 00:39:15 - The one thing to remember 
May 2, 2024 • 55min

Honest Revelations & Life Lessons From My Pregnancy

If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a little while now, you'll know I am pregnant at the moment - in fact, very pregnant! So in this episode, I’ve invited my friend and fellow podcaster Kylie Lately to talk about all things pregnancy: navigating the transition into motherhood & learning about the term matrescence the tools I’ve learnt to mentally prepare for birth (spoiler alert: they're really helpful)  the podcasts and books I’ve loved my own honest experience of pregnancy It’s a very relaxed conversation but I’m hoping you’ll find it helpful and perhaps make you feel a little less alone if you’re also expecting. If you're not, please share it with the pregnant people in your life. Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Kylie on Instagram⁠ & via ⁠her website. PODCASTS I Am with Kylie LatelyChild BOOKSHypnobirthing: Positive Ways To Make Your Birth Better The Positive Birth Book The Birth MapIna May’s Guide To Childbirth  
Apr 25, 2024 • 33min

How to Ease Climate Anxiety & Turn it into Something Useful

This week Earth Day asks us to focus on climate change & the things we can do to make a difference, but it can often feel like an overwhelming problem with minimal solutions & maximum anxiety. So how can we take these paralysing emotions that leave us wanting to bury our head in the sand & turn them into something positive that’s actually helpful?  Associate Professor Leslie Davenport is a Climate Psychology Consultant. Want to become a podcast sponsor, got some feedback for me or just fancy a chat? Email me - CONNECT WITH US Connect with ⁠That's Helpful on Instagram. Find Leslie on Facebook & via ⁠her website. BOOKS All The Feelings Under The Sun: How to Deal With Climate ChangeEmotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:52 - Why is this Leslie’s focus? 00:02:00 - Why is it important that we talk about climate change? 00:04:24 - Why is uncertainty so hard for us to deal with as humans? 00:07:33 - Anxiety Vs. climate anxiety 00:10:50 - The window of tolerance 00:13:17 - Breath practices 00:15:55 - Noticing mental habits & internal stories 00:16:46 - Figuring out how you can help 00:21:15 - Noticing if you’re outside of your window of tolerance 00:23:15 - Helping children work through their anxiety 00:27:05 - How to take the negative emotions & make them useful 00:27:51 - Will taking action ease our guilt?

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