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Alloy Personal Training Business

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Nov 9, 2022 • 50min

The Ideal Framework For Your Exercise Program

When it comes to choosing an exercise program, there are lots of varying options and opinions out there. And most people who put out ideas on what’s “right” usually have something to gain financially.That explains the number of people who don’t stick around in the gym that long. Either they’re troubled with specific injuries after doing some gym routines, or they aren’t that motivated at all.Fortunately, real hard data and the latest science are coming in to back up our claim that strength training is THE most important thing. It trumps all the other popular exercise programs you’ve ever known (HIIT is definitely NOT ideal!).Tune in to this episode as Rick and Matt discuss what real strength training looks like and what it does to your body.Learn more at: Takeaways- Why is strength training very important? (04:51)- The ideal amount of sets and reps per week (07:08)- On doing strength training to aid weight loss (10:11)- What is strength training? (12:09)- People need to move (17:35)- Pushing your heart rate really high (20:29)- The correlation between anaerobic threshold and lifespan (22:45)- How to get new clients to stick with strength training? (23:59)- What’s the best thing for mobility? (26:40)- Why are most fitness concepts NOT based on strength training? (36:43)Additional Resources:- Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Nov 2, 2022 • 45min

Identifying Different Market Segments with Jay Croft

The fitness industry is youth obsessed. Just look at most of the ads and marketing content you see from gyms, and you notice that very few fitness facilities are speaking to the older demographic, those that are over-50This demographic is underserved in the fitness industry, yet they have more money to spend than the younger people who are still finding their footing in life.In this episode, Rick speaks with Jay Croft of Prime Fit Content to discuss the subcategories of the 50+ demographic. Jay is an expert in marketing to the over-50 avatar and explains the difference in customers in this market.Broadly speaking, Jay puts these subcategories into 4 buckets:50-70 in good shapeOver 70 in good shape but with unique challenges50-70 deconditionedOver 70 deconditioned and with unique challengesTune in to this episode for tips to market and service these 4 subcategories of people and the opportunity that exists within them.Learn more at: Takeaways- The Alloy avatar client (01:57)- The fitness industry is youth obsessed (04:43)- The subcategories in the over-50 demographic (11:51)- Which over-50 market gives you the most opportunity? (17:08)- How to position yourself and market to older folks (25:40)- Life span, health span, play span (29:26)- The money is with the over 50s (39:47)Additional Resources:- Connect with Jay Croft here------- Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts! 
Oct 26, 2022 • 43min

Disrupt Your Business

One of the superpowers of successful entrepreneurs is the ability to stay focused. You’ve probably heard Rick and Matt talk about it in this podcast.But the key to staying longer in business is to constantly disrupt your own business. If you don’t, your competition will do it for you and put you out of business.However, disruption is not squirreled brain addition of things. It’s not pilling things on that don’t move the needle significantly.Disruption is moving from one thing to another in a meaningful way and ensuring it’s threaded within the culture and the core competency of your team.Disrupting your own business is hard for everybody involved, but there is a strategy to this process that is critical to follow. Check it out!Learn more at: Takeaways- Staying focused and being disruptive (03:45)- Get ahead of the changes before your competitors (04:01)- Examples of disruptions we’ve made in our business (06:09)- Shifting our entire business model (13:13)- How we started doing boot camps (18:39)- Evolving with the technology (28:14)- How we have disrupted our programming (30:28)- Licensing and franchising (38:56)Additional Resources:- Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Oct 19, 2022 • 14min

Rivers And Ponds - How To Combat Trainer Turnover (REPLAY)

A major challenge facing gym owners is finding and keeping a team of top-notch personal trainers on board. In this episode, we discuss the concepts and strategies for dealing with trainer turnover.To illustrate the point of turnover, we will use the River & Ponds analogy, which says that some people will come into your business, and it will be a river for their career. Meaning they will be here today, then the current (the market) will take them somewhere else in a short period of time. The opposite is the pond, where employees stick around for a long period of time.Surprisingly to some, they both come with their own challenges.How to go about making it a win-win for everybody in two different situations is the topic of today’s conversation, so stay tuned.Learn more at: Points of Discussion:- Rivers and ponds concept: Short-term and long-term employees (1:15) - Old is not always gold (3:32) - Mentorship: A test drive for both the employer and the employee (3:42) - Starting with the easy part, that often is your training protocols (6:57) - It’s not a bad idea to ask them how long they plan to stick with you (9:17) - Helping people grow (11:30)Additional Resources:- Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Oct 12, 2022 • 28min

How to Solve Entrepreneurial Problems

An entrepreneur is ultimately a problem solver at heart because to start and run a business, you have to first identify a problem in society and come up with a solution that you can then take to the market.So we can safely assume that problem-solving is inherent to all entrepreneurs.The paradox arises when our entrepreneurial instincts lead us to believe we can solve all problems in our businesses. This is an unrealistic expectation that can lead to lots of frustrations. Some problems can only be managed, not solved.If you are a perfectionist or someone that enters entrepreneurship with unrealistic expectations, you need to prepare yourself for the fact that there are certain problems that you will always be managing.In this episode, Rick and Matt share some examples of problems that can only be managed and how to approach them. Tune inKey Takeaways.- An entrepreneur is a problem solver at heart (06:40)- The paradox of problem-solving (07:24)- Most problems won't be solved, just managed (08:20)- Managing your expectations (09:40)- Major solves in Rick's career (17:03)- There's nothing that fixes all things (19:32)- Be very realistic about problems (22:11)- Don't sweat the small stuff (26:12)Additional Resources:- Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts! 
Oct 5, 2022 • 31min

The Alloy Personal Training Concept and Franchise Opportunity

Coming out of the Covid pandemic, fitness has never been more important. More and more people appreciate the need to lead a more active and healthier lifestyle.Helping people in their health and fitness journeys while securing your financial future is noble. The Alloy Personal Training franchise offers franchisees an opportunity to help people in their community while running a proven business concept.The Alloy business model serves a demographic that is underserved and untapped in the industry, and this drives our success and great retention rates.Having been in the personal training space for 30 years, we have all the necessary skills, expertise, and tools to support our franchisees.Tune in to this episode as Rick is interviewed by Tom Scarda of The Franchise Academy on the Alloy Personal Training Fitness Franchise opportunity.Key Takeaways- Importance of fitness post-Covid (02:01)- The brand promise of Alloy Personal Training (04:16)- Training the rich and famous back in the day (07:13)- Leveraging technology in personal training (14:42)- Franchising vs. consulting (14:58)- Accountability in fitness (17:07)- How Alloy supports franchisees (22:42)- The right mindset for a fitness franchisee (28:15)Additional Resources:- Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Sep 28, 2022 • 27min

New Alloy Core Values

Core values in a business are not just one of those nice things to have. They are very important as they define who you are, your culture and tells the world what sets you apart as a business.The core values communicate what's important to your business, influence behavior and desired action within your team. Ultimately, they bring people on a team together on a mission to succeed.In our case, our franchising business is growing with new franchises coming up, and we are also scaling our corporate team. In light of this, we had a recent iteration of our core values to update and simplify them.In this episode, Rick and Matt discuss the new core values and added character traits for teammates and franchise partners.You'll learn why we updated and simplified our core values and why having additional character traits are critical for your business.Key Takeaways- Why we iterated our core values (02:18)- Do your job (04:25)- Humor with a touch of crazy (09:08)- Keep it simple (11:00)- How to keep your culture intact as you scale (15:12)- 3 Alloy character traits (16:07)Additional Resources:- Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts! 
Sep 21, 2022 • 1h 1min

Amazing Presales with Rami Odeh- Part 2

Last week in part 1 of this conversation, Rick and Rami began the conversation on what makes a successful presale. The first component was defining your why, which feeds into everything else you do.In this episode, we explore the other 2 components, which are organization and effort. Rami also shares his amazing stats from his presale that goes to show the level of organization he had in place and the amount of effort he put in.The thing with a presale in the Alloy model is that you put in the effort for a short period of time, unlike other models where you are always selling.But you have to be prepared to push and put in the effort. You have to get the reps in by booking those calls, talking to those leads, and closing them.Remember, even if your main motivation is to help people, you have to get them to the gym first. You’ve got to be relentless in calling/texting them. Selling is the most valuable skill for any entrepreneur.Tune in to part 2 of this conversation and learn more about the presale process.Key Takeaways- You have to get them to the gym to help them (02:53)- You are not bugging people by texting/calling them (05:24)- Rami’s presale stats (08:46)- Lessons from a successful presale (19:00)- How to organize your time during a presale (23:07)- The average duration of a presale call (28:05)- Asking for an extra referral during the call/starting point session (35:18)- Science of sending mass texts (44:51)Additional Resources:- Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
Sep 14, 2022 • 43min

Presale Magic with Rami Odeh- Part 1

You’ve probably heard Rick talk about Rami in the last few episodes. Today, he is on the show to talk about the components of a successful presale.Rami broke all the records amongst our franchisees for a presale and has lots of information to share on how he approaches it to get those numbers.The first component is understanding your why. Why are you doing the presale, and what do you want to get out of it. Just like we do with our clients in the starting point session, we want to peel the onion and get to the real why. This applies to franchisees as well; the why is very important.Understanding your why will feed into other components of a successful presale, like being super convicted on what you’re selling.Leads and clients can easily tell if you are just selling something that you don’t believe in or are just going through the paces.Once they notice your conviction, enthusiasm, and genuine belief that your service can help them with their problems, it gets easier for them to commit.Tune in to part 1 of this fun conversation as Rick and Rami discuss the components of a successful presale.Key Takeaways- Breaking all presale records (05:27)- How Rami got involved in Alloy (07:49)- What’s your ‘why’ of preselling (13:24)- Track your numbers (21:45)- Go out and get a No or a Yes (24:37)- Why you should super convicted of your product (28:46)- You need to talk less when selling (30:37)- Experience the service you sell (34:38)Additional Resources:- Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts! 
Sep 7, 2022 • 54min

Path to Freedom with Wes Barefoot

In this episode, Rick speaks with FranChoice franchise consultant Wes Barefoot. Wes describes the attributes of a good franchise candidate, his process for matching the candidate with the right franchise, and the right mindset for success as an entrepreneur.With the many franchise opportunities available today, a franchise consultant guides candidates to the one that is a perfect fit.Wes's process to match the right candidate with the right brand is similar to what we do here at Alloy at a starting point session.It’s all about peeling the onion to get to the real motivation behind the desire to own a franchise. He does so in a methodical process that he articulately outlines in this episode.He also clears some common misconceptions about franchising, and expectations around business ownership, among many other fascinating things we talk about.If you’ve ever thought about owning a franchise, this episode will give you a sneak peek at what a franchise consultant does and all that goes on behind the scenes.Tune In!Key Takeaways- Who is a franchise consultant (00:48)- Where consultant finds franchise candidates (09:15)- One surprising fact about franchising (15:57)- The ideal franchise candidate (19:07)- Peeling the onion (21:38)- Entrepreneurial resilience success (33:00)- Realistic expectations around business ownership (36:28)- Can someone be too entrepreneurial to own a franchise? (45:29)- Fear regret more than you fear failure (49:02)Additional Resources:Connect with Wes Barefoot:-Path to Freedom- LinkedIn- Podcast - Alloy Personal Training- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity---------You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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