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The Official Isagenix Podcast

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Nov 9, 2020 • 55min

A Powerful Approach to Living in an Inclusive World | Martyn Sibley | David T.S. Wood

22% of the UK population is living with a disability. 1.3 billion people globally have a disability. Those 1.3 billion people spend over $8 trillion a year in the market. Yet only 0.06% of advertisements feature disabled people. Martyn Sibley runs a marketing agency that is a vehicle for his life mission: the inclusion of disabled people.   Martyn is trying to wake businesses up to a world of marketing that they’ve been ignoring. In this episode of My Extra Mile, David T.S. Wood talks with Martyn about his disability, his mission and vision for the future, his love for travel, and how he’s changing the world. Don’t miss this educational and inspirational episode. You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   Martyn’s vision for a more inclusive world Becoming disabled versus being born disabled Thriving versus surviving: The ability to adapt What life was like for Martyn growing up How Martyn met his soulmate Martyn’s passion for traveling the world Martyn’s philosophy of life Moving outside of your comfort zone Disabled people get to dream, too   Martyn was born with a genetic condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. He was 3 when he was given his first power chair. It gave him freedom and independence. Living to adulthood wasn’t a guarantee for him. But his parents found support groups and answers to the barriers they were facing. They learned that those barriers are more cognitive than anything else.   Martyn points out that life will be different, but you should still dream for the biggest mountains for your children. It may take longer to get there. You may have to take different paths. But ultimately, you can still live out the dreams you have for your family. Martyn emphasizes that every life is valuable and there are beautiful experiences to be had regardless of your circumstances. Overcoming the barriers society has placed on the disabled   The biggest barrier Martyn faces is the fear of having disabled people in marketing and advertising. Why? Martyn points out that people are afraid to get it wrong. They’re afraid to have conversations altogether because they don't want to end up with their foot in their mouth. But Martyn would rather someone uses words or phrases that aren’t politically correct if they’re speaking from their heart and with good intent. He shares that “Language has a point and a place, but it’s more about connecting as people.”   The world has not been designed to include disabled people. Martyn notes that “The more disabled people are a part of designing the environment and attitudes and policies, the more the barriers they face are pulled down.” The ultimate goal is that he’ll just be a person—not a disabled person—with no more barriers out there. He notes that “It’s about changing the stereotypes of what someone can or cannot do based on a perception.”   20% of disabled people are born with a condition. 80% acquire a disability. As you get older, the incidence is higher. Martyn notes that another reason society is uncomfortable with disabilities is because it’s a glimpse into the reality that anyone might have to face that circumstance. Martyn’s message is one of inclusion   Consumers are looking for particular products and services that speak to their vision of sustainability. People want to buy from brands that are inclusive and care more about people than profit. Brands are taking notice and realizing that it’s time for a change. They are looking to employ more disabled people and to be more open and accessible. They are shifting towards inclusive marketing—but it’s a slow change. Ultimately, a world needs to be created to be inclusive for all people. And you have to have all of the different voices in the room in order to guide change.   Martyn’s journey is one of joy, passion, and inclusion. Listen to the whole episode to learn more about his life, his passion for travel, inclusive marketing, and how to build a world inclusive of all people. Connect with Martyn Sibley Martyn’s Website Purple Goat Agency Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1
Nov 4, 2020 • 33min

Your Ability to Adapt is Your Ultimate Superpower | David T.S. Wood

How do you respond in the midst of negative circumstances? Do you allow yourself to give in to emotions of anger, rage, or frustration? Or do you accept whatever happened and move forward? How do you respond when things don’t go the way you planned, and you get pushed off track? In this episode of My Extra Mile, David T.S. Wood shares some stories about the power of adaptability. Changing your outlook on your circumstances can change the trajectory of your life. You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in... How David almost lost his home to a fire Learn to adapt with the little things to adapt to the big How David’s son’s car accident changed his life How to adapt in the most difficult of circumstances David’s superpower in practice   Years ago, David was at a concert when a storm rolled in. Lightning was striking left and right and people were running for cover. David and Asta wandered into a local bar instead. A friend called him and said, “Dave, your house is on fire!”   David is standing in a bar having just learned that his house is presumably on fire. But he realized there was nothing he could do. So, he called the bartender over and asked for two shots of tequila. So, they sat and sipped their tequila before driving home.   When they drove back to his house, they spent 4-5 hours fighting the fire side by side with his neighbors and the fire brigade. At 3 am, when things had died down, he served everyone drinks in his garden by the pool.   His reaction was his superpower: he adapted. He had to make some choices: If the house isn’t there, what am I going to do? How am I going to feel? Am I so attached that my life will change or end if it’s gone?   If the house had completely burned down, he would’ve started a new chapter. He could rebuild or take the money and move somewhere else—it didn’t matter. If it was gone, it was gone. David knew he could handle it.   Can you look back on the worst thing that’s ever happened to you and realize it was actually the best thing that ever happened?   The world is constantly adapting—and so must you   The world has changed. But the world is always changing. It is completely transformed. Adapting to the world that is, is not about holding on to what was. It comes down to your ability to adapt to what is really happening versus what you wish is happening. You have to accept the reality of what is.   Adaptability has to be practiced with the small things. In the moment where you’re wishing something is different, you are living in regret, anger, and emotions that don’t serve you. But what if you can develop supreme adaptability? What if you live in a world where you can accept everything that’s happening as it’s happening? Where you can shrug something off and say, “If it happens, it happens.” Negative events can change everything for the better   David’s son was in a horrible accident where he veered off a road and eventually smashed his car into a large tree. The tree was on the edge of a steep cliff. His son was in shock. His beloved car was wrapped around a tree. The accident was the accident. The response to the accident—and the story they created—is what they could control. The car was a complete write-off, but he had to move on. If he had the car, he may have stayed in their small town. But he ended up moving to Vancouver and eventually Montreal. This one awful moment in time changed the course of his entire life. Cultivate the superpower: learn to adapt   David shares a call-to-action: Cultivate the ability to accept things as they happen. You can mourn, you can be upset, but you can choose when it ends and when you move on. Accept what is happening, choose your mourning period, adapt quickly, then move on. You’ll see a whole other world open up in front of you.   The people that can’t adapt get stuck. They live there for years. They carry it around like a great big weight on their back. You have the power to choose how long you’ll be stuck in that moment and how quickly you’ll move out of it. You can’t go back in time and wish it was different. What’s done is done. But you can handle and endure anything if you learn to adapt.   Listen to the whole episode for more impactful stories and encouragement from David. Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1
Nov 2, 2020 • 58min

How One Woman Thrived Alone, In Norway’s Frigid Winter | Heather Atkinson |David T.S. Wood

Have you learned to master fear and discomfort to push yourself to places you thought were unreachable? Heather Atkinson thrived for 5 weeks alone in Norway’s bitterly cold winter. How did she do it? How does she find comfort and joy in being alone? Heather shares her fascinating journey in this episode of My Extra Mile with David T.S. Wood.  You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   Heather’s frigid journey in Norway’s winter Understanding the influence of fear Heather’s experience with the Wim Hof method Creating a sanctuary in the space that you live The challenges that Heather has navigated How Heather got into network marketing How YOU can live with a joyful heart   Heather’s journey into Norway’s bitterly cold winter   Heather wanted to see how far she could push herself, so she went to Norway in the middle of winter—alone. She wanted to answer the questions: How much would you push yourself when you’re completely alone in a remote place? What will your mind and body allow with no outside influence? How can you control your fear? So she took 5 weeks to see what she was capable of. She told no one where she was or what she was doing. She didn’t need anyone to push her—or congratulate her.   Her biggest fear was not being able to completely commit and realizing that she could fail. So she had to push herself every day. She constantly thought: “What will you feel like at the end of the day if you haven’t done it?” She didn’t want to feel disappointed or mediocre. If she could make it through one day, she could make it through the next.  When people set their minds to something, they don’t necessarily have an agenda. They just reach their goal with whatever means necessary. Heather did what she set out to do.   Embracing the Wim Hof Philosophy   Not only did Heather spend 5 weeks alone but every day she spent time buried in the snow—in her bathing suit. How? By training under Wim Hof and following his methods. His courses help people understand their own thresholds. His whole philosophy is to help you understand that you can do anything. You can train your brain to do as it’s told and not let fear kick in. The breathing techniques can help your pain receptors turn off. You lower your heart rate and don’t feel the cold as intensely. It’s built around controlling the breath.   Her trip to Norway was her way of taking his courses and putting them into practice. When you’re buried in the snow and 100% immersed in the cold, there’s a point where you reach a euphoric stage in your brain. Your whole-body tingles, your ears ring, and you feel as if you’re going to pass out. You don’t feel any pain. She learned to harness that feeling of elation the entire day and then she learned to carry that through her everyday life. The joy she found far outweighed the fear she faced. Live in a state of joy: Find what makes your heart sing   Heather grew up in a tough home. At a young age, she vowed that she would never live like that again. She wasn’t going to let the little things in life bother her. At 17 she left home and she lived for 10 years in a van. She always told herself she was the luckiest person on the planet—and truly believed it. You can resolve to choose joy. Being able to see the joy in everything is her greatest gift to herself.   When Heather is feeling anxious, afraid, or in a negative state of mind she does something physical—she trains hard. She emphasizes that everyone can do something that makes their heart sing. For her, it’s something physical. You NEED to take time to find something you find joy in. Find something that makes your heart sing and do it every day. To hear Heather’s powerful and adventurous life story, listen to the whole conversation! Resources & People Mentioned   Wim Hof Method History Channel’s “Alone” Connect with David T. S. Wood   Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1
Oct 28, 2020 • 45min

David Shares His Foolproof System to Resolve Conflict | David T.S. Wood

Do you struggle navigating conflict to a successful resolution? Does engaging in conflict leave you running in the other direction? Are you ready for a strategy to master the art of conflict resolution? Conflict is naturally present in our lives, but most people are unaware that conflict can be resolved elegantly. How? David T. S. Wood shares his foolproof conflict resolution strategy in this episode of My Extra Mile.   You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   The three primary responses to conflict The house of a thousand mirrors Leadership and Self-Deception: Get out of the box The importance of the right mindset LEADERS: David’s foolproof conflict resolution strategy A second acronym for everyday conflict The three primary responses to conflict   “The larger conflicts that we see consuming the world today are simply reflections of the smaller conflicts that consume us each day.” — David   David views conflict as something that naturally occurs when you live or spend time with other people. It’s when our wishes, desires, or needs don’t get met or matched with the person that we’re with we spiral into conflict. There are three primary ways that people respond to conflict:   Avoidance: Most people avoid conflict and say, “I’m fine.” Aggression: People who are in conflict give in to emotional responses such as anger. Resolution: When people seek forgiveness, say “I’m sorry”, etc.   David LOVES conflict. Why? Because after it’s resolved, a deeper relationship develops. Our experience with the world is determined by moment-to-moment feelings and interpretations. Humans are story-making machines. We experience the world as we are, and the world treats us in accordance with that—however we show up. Get out of your box   We all have a box that we carry everywhere. When we are closed in our box, we see everyone else as the problem. We treat people as objects (i.e. road rage). We are dehumanizing the person in that situation. Instead, if you’re angry, make an attempt to humanize the other person. How does that help you react differently?   When we are in our box, we push other people into their box. They become guarded, closed, and defensive—in a millisecond. We can’t get out of our box by trying to change or cope with others. Running away won’t help. Implementing new skills or changing your behavior won’t help when you’re self-focused. Instead, you have to focus your attention on others.   When we’re outside of our box we take personal responsibility. We want to help. We are open, connected, fascinated, and curious. We project a different energy and we feel differently. Connect starts with intention. Are you projecting connection and intention when resolving conflict? LEADERS: David’s foolproof conflict resolution strategy   David termed the acronym LEADERS:   Lead with intention: Conflicts typically occur from a misunderstanding or projection of other anger. So you must lead with intention towards the outcome that you want. If you’re still angry you’re not ready for conflict resolution. Explore timing: Is this a good time? If they say “no”, you must respect that. Set a time where you can reconnect. The right thing said at the wrong time is still the wrong thing. Ask them to go first: Active listening is powerful. When you actively listen, your opinion CAN be changed by the other person. Don’t interrupt: Even if it takes 45 minutes to hear someone’s side of the story, let them say everything that needs to be said. Explain your side of the story: Don’t expect anything to change or the person to agree with your side of the story. Understand you may not get an apology. But the intention should be to resolve the conflict for yourself—despite the outcome for the other party. Resist the urge to gossip: If you’re whispering to other people intentionally, you’re not resolving the conflict—you’re perpetuating it. Stay true to your intentions and stay on high ground. You can ask for help and guidance if you’re doing it to reach a solution without using names and the exact scenario. Always talk about people as if they’re standing next to you.   To hear David’s full explanation of his strategy and the stories he shares to drive the point home, listen to the whole episode! Resources & People Mentioned   Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box   Connect with David T. S. Wood   Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1
Oct 26, 2020 • 50min

My Extra Mile |David T.S. Wood Interviews with Jessica Reigner

Formerly in corporate America, Jessica worked closely with network marketing companies on the delivery of their compensation plans, including Isagenix. When she learned about the nutrition in Isagenix products, she decided to give them a chance. After focusing her passion and efforts into Isagenix, Jessica’s business took off and she received the 2014 and 2015 Rising Star award. At the 2018 Global Top Achievers Summit, Jessica was recognized as having the 3rd fastest growing team in the company. Thanks to their success with their Isagenix business, Jessica and her husband Doug had the chance to give back and become foster parents. Their lives are enriched daily through spending quality time with their biological 14-year-old daughter Avery, their 12-year-old boy and girl twins Gavin and Quinn, and their recently adopted 3 year old daughter Trinity.
Oct 21, 2020 • 35min

The 5 Minute Challenge: Declutter Your Life + Mind |David T.S. Wood

You NEED to declutter your life to declutter your mind. If you are overwhelmed with clutter, you’re allowing it to create negative energy in your life. In this episode of My Extra Mile, David T.S. Wood talks about the theory of broken windows and shares a simple 5-minute exercise to help you declutter your home, your relationships, and your mind. It will help you gain clarity and set positive intentions for your future. Don’t miss it! You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   Changing the results, you see in your life Nailing down the broken window you must overcome David’s garage renovation and re-organization How to master your master closet Conflict resolution: Clean up your conversations The 5 minute-exercise to declutter your life Leave a legacy that is simple + straightforward The theory of broken windows   A social experiment was done by a scientist where he parked two different cars, opened the hood, and left them sitting for one week. One car was placed in a high-crime neighborhood in the Bronx and the other in a California neighborhood. Within one week, the car in the high-crime area was completely gutted. But the car in California sat for an entire week completely untouched.   So, the scientist broke the windshield. Within 24 hours that car, too, was completely gutted. The reigning theory is that a broken car window is the temptation needed to attract thieves. Similarly, graffiti on a building attracts more graffiti. If you allow something negative to remain untouched and unfixed, it attracts more negativity.   What is your broken window? What things in your life are attracting negative energy? What things, places, or people aren't serving you? David notes that holding on to negative energy is like drinking poison—but expecting the other person to die. Fixing your broken window can free up space in your lives to attract beauty, adventure, and opportunities. The different areas you can declutter your mind + life   What areas can you begin the process to declutter? David shares some examples from personal experience:   Your garage: David began renovating his garage by dedicating an entire morning to sort through large cupboards full of clutter. The items either went into storage, were donated, or put back in the cupboard. His garage is now his man cave with a ping pong and pool table, foosball table, dartboard, pinball machines, and his cars/bikes. Your closet: David went through everything in his closet. If it didn’t fit or he hadn’t worn it, it got donated. The first time he did this it took hours and was admittedly exhausting. But the feeling afterward was indescribable. Your bedroom: David worked with a couple where the wife desired more intimacy in their marriage. So, David asked what their bedroom was like. It was a landing place for unfolded laundry and the bed was never made. He challenged them to make the bedroom a sanctuary so that it was inviting of intimacy. He challenged them to buy beautiful sheets + candles, get rid of the television, and create a space conducive of the energy they wanted to attract. It radically changed things for them. Your conversations: When he has a conversation that needs to be cleaned up, he leads with his intention: “I want to be closer, I want a deeper relationship, etc. but there’s something we need to talk about…” David’s 5-minute challenge to declutter your life   David’s challenge is simple, but the results speak for themselves:   Set a timer for 5 minutes and address ONE thing in your home that needs to be cleaned, organized, fixed, etc. Junk drawer? Unorganized closet? Messy pantry? Loose toilet seat?  Choose one area, set your timer, and spend 5-minutes cleaning it up.   Why is this so important? A cluttered and disorganized life full of unfinished projects attracts negativity. It clutters your mind and removes your focus. If you constantly feel overwhelmed and can’t seem to finish anything you set your mind to, start small. Declutter your surroundings and you’ll be amazed by how things change.   If you notice something, address it immediately and clean up that energy. It frees up space to allow you to recommit to something and complete goals that have been lost in the clutter of your mind. David knows from experience that the results are freeing and worth the effort. Listen to the whole episode for the full discussion. Resources & People Mentioned   Hugh Culver: Broken Windows Connect with David T. S. Wood   Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1
Oct 15, 2020 • 23min

Food with Purpose: Processed Foods vs Isagenix Products | Alex Mohr, MS, Research & Development Scientist

When the goal is clean eating, the first step for many is to cut out ultra-processed products and turn to whole foods. Research & Development Scientist Alex Mohr discusses the problems with processed foods, how to tell the “good” options from the “bad” and why not all packaged goods are created equally. Alex discusses the nutritionally designed Isagenix difference, and why these foods not only belong in a healthy diet, but can make healthy eating easier! From “low-fat” to long ingredient lists, Alex covers it all, sharing science-based insight to help you make better decisions at the grocery store.
Oct 8, 2020 • 20min

All About e+ | Eric Gumpricht, Ph.D., Director of Research and Science

e+™ is a unique and effective Isagenix product that supports long-lasting energy and mental and physical performance. Director of Research and Science Eric Gumpricht, Ph.D., is on the call to talk all about what makes this product so special and why the combination of adaptogens and caffeine is so effective. He also dives into the details of Isagenix’s most recent study on e+, focusing on the study design and the results that show e+ is one of a kind.
Oct 1, 2020 • 20min

Pregnancy and Postpartum Nutrition With Andrea Henkart | Andrea Henkart, M.A., Certified Nutritional Counselor

Isagenix resident family expert Andrea Henkart is on the call to talk all about her recent journey to becoming a grandmother and sharing in the beauty of new life. Andrea uses this new experience to discuss all things pregnancy, postpartum nutrition, and motherhood. She shares her tips for a healthy mindset after birth to help women nourish their own bodies and minds as well as their new babies.
Sep 24, 2020 • 28min

Creating Healthy Habits for the Whole Family | Dr. Lindsay Hoffbuhr

Now more than ever, creating healthy habits is essential to leading a balanced life. Dr. Lindsay Hoffbuhr discusses the importance of making wellness a family affair through setting a good example and involving spouses and children in daily activity, cooking, and self-care. She shares her tips for creating this balance in her own family, how she is working to create a “normal” routine for her kids through very unusual times, and why she loves fun recipes using her favorite products to make food fun for the whole family.

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