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The Whole View with Stacy Toth

Latest episodes

Jul 17, 2020 • 1h 11min

Episode 413: The Gut Health Benefits of Nuts

This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy discuss the health benefits of nuts!You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions!Today's sponsor is Georgia Grinders nut butters! Go to and enter THEWHOLEVIEW for 25% off! Sarah found these nuts at her local farmers market way back 7 years ago when they only made almond butter. Now they're launching nationwide in Krogers! Now they do all kinds of nut butters! No added oils or sugars and own and operate their own manufacturing facility We love the Pecan, Hazelnut and Cashew butters as well! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 10, 2020 • 1h 39min

Episode 412: Covid-19 FAQ, Part 3

This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy continue their Covid-19 FAQ series.Here is a quick recap of previous Covid-19 episodes: In Episode 396: this was early on, so Dr. Sarah and Stacy talked about known (at the time) epidemiology and why it was important to take the Coronavirus shut down seriously.  They also talked about autoimmune diseases and Covid-19, antibacterial soaps versus natural soaps, and the health effects of using disinfectants. They discussed the evidence efficacy (or rather lack-there-of) of silver-containing solutions. And did a bit of myth-busting surrounding elderberry for autoimmune disease.  Finally, Stacy and Sarah talked about taking Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc. In Episode 401, Stacy and Dr. Sarah explored the way out of this pandemic and how to get back to normal life as we know it.They touched a little bit on reinfection cases, which they will be taking at a more in-depth look at today. They also broke down the science behind wearing face masks.  In today's episode, Dr. Sarah reminds us that they will be focusing on: How isolation can impact immune function. The the huge importance of vitamin D Myth-busting You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 2, 2020 • 1h 8min

Episode 411: Do we still follow the Paleo diet?

This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy answer a listener question"Hey ladies, I’m a long time listener of the podcast and I hope by telling you both how awesome you are that you will answer my question. Just kidding! But I know it can’t hurt and it's true! Really, thank you both for all the work you do to keep us in the know. I have been finding the Covid shows so helpful and I feel like I get to rant with you both. On to my question, Sarah I noticed your new book has non-paleo and non-aip foods in it and I know the podcast name has changed, so... do you both even still follow a paleo diet? I would love to know what your diets look like now. Also, what do you both recommend now for all of us looking for general health guidelines, if Paleo is no longer the ‘thing’? Thanks again for all you do!  P.S. Sorry Sarah if you cover this in the book, I admittedly have just done a quick scan, and I promise to read it soon. - Holly You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions!Dr. Sarah's New eBookDr. Sarah completely forgot to tell our podcast listeners that she just launched her Gut Microbiome eBook. The book that Holly is referring to is Dr. Sarah's new Gut Health Guidebook. Dr. Sarah has been working on a Gut Microbiome book for about six years now. So the Gut Health Guidebook is now live and you can package it together with a preorder of the cookbook. Dr. Sarah is offering a special discount for anybody who wants to do that. To find the offer, see here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 26, 2020 • 60min

Episode 410: How We’re Coping with Quarantine, Part 2

This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy discuss popular topics around quarantine. Protesting vs. Covid What the Science Shows Us Number Spikes Stress Around Opening Back Up Antibody Testing Immune System Detection  You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 20, 2020 • 1h 1min

Episode 409: Let's Talk About Magnesium

This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy discuss the science of magnesium!You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions!Thanks to this week's sponsor, BiOptimizers. We reached out to them asking if they would sponsor this week's show because Stacy personally loves and feels different on their magnesium. If you haven't felt a difference when you take other magnesium supplements, Stacy recommends that you give BiOptimizers a try. You can get 10% off with the code WHOLEVIEW10. However, if you visit this link, the code will automatically be plugged into your shopping cart. There are some bundle sets at that site link as well that will save you additional money on your purchases. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 11, 2020 • 1h 10min

Episode 408: Insomnia?

Listener Question:"First, I want to let you ladies know that I really appreciated last week’s podcast. As a long time listener, I was really glad you both chose to speak out. I know times are crazy right now, (Thank you for all your timely Covid-19 shows too) and this may not be a current topic of interest, but I would love an episode all about insomnia. I know you ladies have spoken a lot about the importance of sleep on the podcast but what about those of us who actually suffer from insomnia? It’s been worse than ever this past week. Is there help for those of us who spend hours getting to sleep only to wake up a few hours later and not be able to get back to sleep? Thank you again for all the work you both do." - CarolineThis question is so timely! For those who are just listening to this week's podcast, Caroline is referring to this podcast episode from last week.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions!Thank you to this week's sponsor, BLUblox. We have a code for the Whole View listeners to receive 15% off their order using this link and the code THEWHOLEVIEW. Stacy also wants to point out that the prices you see online are Australian prices. So by the time you do the conversion if you are American using US dollars, using the code provided, it makes a significant difference in the price.Stacy feels that the science of quality sleep makes these glasses worth the investment if you are looking to biohack your sleep cycle. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 5, 2020 • 55min

Episode 407: Racial Disparities in Health and Black Lives Matter

This might sound a little unusual, but this is one of the reasons that Stacy and Dr. Sarah do weekly recordings so that they can address things that are happening in the real world.With everything that is going on right now, it didn't seem right to them record the podcast as planned. However, Stacy and Dr. Sarah wanted to instead open up a conversation with listeners.You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 29, 2020 • 1h 6min

Episode 406: Got Water?

This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy answer a listener question.Listener Question:Thanks for continuing to podcast. Crazy times in the world and you and Sarah’s voice is so utterly comforting. Anyway, podcast question! Water intake. I don’t think you guys have done a, 'how much water do we need', podcast episode. A deep dive into this would be really helpful. The standard advice seems to be either one amount for men and one amount for women, or, half your body weight in oz. Which is correct? Or is there another answer? What about just drinking when thirsty? I also have wondered, how much water did our ancestors drink? I assume the water was maybe harder to come by back then so maybe they were drinking less? This is the assumption I’ve always made and has led to me drinking intuitively, which has more than likely led to me being chronically dehydrated :) I feel like with all the conflicting info, it would be great to hear the science. By the way Stacy, as a side note, after about a year I finished catching up on the podcast. I know you are sorry, I am not ;). When searching for a water-related episode, I and came upon an episode called Thirsty Brain. I was like, for sure this has to be about how water intake affects our brain. Nope. Lol. But that was a great episode about Matt’s podcast, called Thirsty Brain :) love you guys.  Thanks again for all you do!" - Jessica You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions!Thank you to this week's sponsor, AquaTru. (4:27) Their reverse osmosis system has been sitting on Stacy's counter for a month now, but there is one person in the house who is not convinced that it is a good idea. Stacy first loved this system because of the information that Dr. Sarah shared, but second loved that it is endorsed by Erin Brockovich. Dr. Sarah has had an AquaTru for over four years, and what she loves about them is how different their technology is. It’s the only counter-top reverse osmosis system — in a category all its own. It is not bottled water, not a fridge filter pitcher like Brita or Pur, and is not an under the counter or whole house system needing installation. AquaTru is the only purifier to remove the ‘forever chemicals’ known as PFOAs and at the center of the movie Dark Waters. Most reverse osmosis (RO) systems waste four gallons of water for every one gallon they produce. AquaTru uses a patented water conservation technology that is about 12x more efficient than professionally installed under-the-sink RO systems. RO is the best way to filter water. They are giving our podcast listeners $150 off their AquaTru purchase. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 22, 2020 • 1h 27min

Episode 405: Is there real science on Pesticides and the Dirty Dozen?

This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy answer a listener question.Listener Question"Is the EWG's dirty dozen list based on strong science? My husband listened to two episodes of the Skeptoid podcast on organic vs. conventional farming. Mr. Dunning said that we are being duped into paying extra for organic produce. It is sprayed with larger amounts of pesticides than those used in conventional farming and the organic pesticides have been shown to cause disease. My husband believes Mr. Dunning because he provides references and appears to be liberal and non-biased in other podcasts.  I have been purchasing organic produce according to the Environmental Working Group's dirty dozen list. It says on the Activist Facts website that "There’s really only one thing you need to know about the Environmental Working Group when it comes to its studies of toxins: 79 percent of members of the Society of Toxicology (scientists who know a little something about toxins) who rated the group say that the Environmental Working Group overstates the health risk of chemicals. I am walking around with holes in my shirts, and I haven't gotten the air conditioning fixed in my car, so that I can afford organic food. Am I wasting my money? I feel like I cannot trust anyone but you." You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 15, 2020 • 1h 25min

Episode 404: Is grain-free dog food a problem?

This week Dr. Sarah and Stacy answer a listener question.Listener's Question"Hi Sarah and Stacy! I started listening to the podcast several years ago while I was living in New York City. Every evening after work I would get on the train, put in my headphones, and listen to an episode. I guess I am one of the listeners you are always apologizing to for the early episodes. I have to say I have truly enjoyed them all and have learned so much valuable information. Thank you for all your hard work to both educate and entertain your listeners, I feel like we are friends at this point and I still look forward to a new episode every week. The Paleo View is my favorite podcast hands down! As a person eating a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet myself, I am wondering how to feed my dog in the same way. My husband and I recently added a Bernedoodle puppy to our family and he is the most adorable and mischievous little guy. There is so much conflicting information out there about what diet is best for dogs - they need grains, they don’t need grains, raw is best, raw is dangerous. Most dog food is so highly processed and contains ingredients that to me seem highly inflammatory and nutrient-poor. The organic and grain-free foods look good on paper, but then I read about concerns with grain-free diets and heart problems in dogs. I like the idea of a raw diet, but that also requires a lot more work on my part to source and prepare his food which just isn’t practical for my life right now. I would love to know the science on this topic so I can feel confident in what we are feeding our dog so that he can continue to be a healthy and happy pup! Please help!"You can find the full show notes with links to the products and articles discussed on this episode here.Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Dr. Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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