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The Jordan Harbinger Show

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Feb 20, 2020 • 54min

315: Admiral William H. McRaven | That's So McRaven

Admiral William H. McRaven (@billmcraven) masterminded and executed the mission that brought down Osama bin Laden and is the author of Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World. What We Discuss with William H. McRaven: What are the benefits to taking every day, as a Navy SEAL might say, "one evolution at a time?" What are the potential downfalls of having a 20-year plan? Why is taking advantage of opportunities more important than charting a course — and how can we spot them? What are you proving when you're willing to take professional risks — even when you don't succeed? What is the most important thing to understand about leadership? And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Feb 18, 2020 • 1h 21min

314: Michael Yon | China's Big Trouble in Little Hong Kong

Michael Yon (@Michael_Yon) is an author, columnist, and award-winning independent war correspondent who gives us a frontline view of the current civil unrest between Hong Kong protestors and the government of mainland China. What We Discuss with Michael Yon: What Michael means by his oft-truncated and misunderstood quote: "If a writer wants to make money, he should avoid truth and tell people what they want to hear. Yet to win the war, tell the truth." The difference between riots, protests, general civil unrest, and insurgency -- and what's really going on in Hong Kong right now in contrast with the official story. Why Michael considers himself a war correspondent and not a journalist -- and how the two differ. Why the long-simmering relationship between China and Hong Kong is only now coming to a boil, and what the rest of the world should take away from this. How the current movement in Hong Kong compares to Poland's Solidarity Movement of the '80s -- and why this especially worries the Chinese Communist Party. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Feb 14, 2020 • 48min

313: My Boyfriend’s Flirty Friend | Feedback Friday

Your boyfriend's close friend flirts with him directly in front of you. He doesn't reciprocate, but it does bother you because you know -- from conversation you've had with her in the past before you became his significant other -- that she actually does fancy him. Should you communicate your displeasure to either party or just keep your cool? And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Jason DeFillippo (@jpdef) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! Full show notes and resources can be found here: On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: Confused by The Adam Carolla Show clips at the end of a few of our episodes? If you're not skipping commercials, you should have gotten the memo! ;) Like our new show art? Much thanks to Santi Fox for making it so! Many thanks to all the unknowns out there who keep sending us gifts but don't provide a return address! Should you call out your boyfriend's close female friend for flirting with him directly in front of you, or should you keep your cool? Friends give you the silent treatment when they're upset with you. Should you give them time to cool off, or is life just too short to deal with this kind of drama? Your mom has ADHD and gets so distracted by her phone and surroundings that it always causes a scene. How can you travel together and remain sane? You're either too social and your grad school work takes a hit, or you're too involved in school and your social life takes a hit. How can you strike a successful balance? Your friend/employer insists on paying you by check, but you usually have to text him reminders and personally pick it up. Aren't there easier ways to get paid these days? What are some tips for someone without a college degree going into interviews for entry-level corporate jobs? Life Pro Tip: For parents: Instead of always telling your child what to do, give them two options with the same outcome to prevent the headache of having them refuse the task. (For example, instead of telling them to put on their pajamas for bed, ask them which pajamas they want to wear to bed tonight. This works well because kids love having control over what they are doing.) For travelers: Bring a power strip with you to use at airports, and you'll never have to wait for an outlet to be available again. Recommendation of the Week: The Weekly, Hulu A quick shout out to Gareth Emery! Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at
Feb 13, 2020 • 1h 25min

312: John Tierney | Harnessing the Power of Bad

John Tierney (@johntierneynyc) is an award-winning science columnist for The New York Times, and he's the co-author of The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It. [Featured photo by Jamie Meggas] What We Discuss with John Tierney: What is negativity bias, and why does even a small dose of it have the power to overwhelm even our greatest reserves of positivity? How can we psychologically overcome this innate negativity bias? How we can watch the news (especially during an election year) without succumbing to deep despair at the state of the world by consuming what John calls a low-bad diet. Why the worst person at your workplace has the power to passively drag the whole team down beyond the abilities of the best person to bring it up. The negative golden rule -- it's what you do not do unto others that really matters. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Feb 11, 2020 • 1h 32min

311: Susan David | How to Improve Your Emotional Agility

Susan David (@susandavid_phd) is a Harvard psychologist, co-founder and co-director of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, and author of Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life. What We Discuss with Susan David: What is emotional agility? What’s wrong with trying to force ourselves to be happy all the time? Is our society misguided by a tyranny of positivity today? Unpleasant and negative emotions actually serve a purpose — but what is that purpose and how can we use it to our advantage? How do our thoughts, emotions, and stories hook us into responding ineffectively to life’s challenges, and how can we break these patterns? Practical ways to develop our responses to adversity that leave us stronger and more capable. And much more… Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Feb 7, 2020 • 51min

310: Should I Fudge My Age in Dating Apps? | Feedback Friday

As an active 45-year-old woman who is usually mistaken for someone 10 years younger, you're throwing your hat back in the dating game after six years. You realize that if you put your actual age on your dating app profile, you'll probably get filtered out by the age range of men you're looking for. Friends have encouraged you to put down 37 or 38 as your dating profile age so you'll still fall within the desired search results, but you're uncomfortable about the deception. In a situation like this, should you fudge your age in dating apps? We'll break down this and much more on the latest Feedback Friday right here! And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Jason DeFillippo (@jpdef) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! Full show notes and resources can be found here: On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: When you're active and appear 10 years younger than you are, is fudging your age in dating apps acceptable if you're only trying to fool the search algorithm and not potential matches? You never really bonded with your mother and you'd like to change that now, but she considers you "selfish." How much responsibility do both parties have to create familial closeness? There's a family rift between your father and uncle thanks to inheritance drama. You'd like to invite your aunt to your wedding, but don't want to appear disloyal to your father. What's the right thing to do? You've noticed that people who are very successful seem to have mastered the skill of remembering people's names, but you're terrible at it. How can you get better at remembering the names of people you meet? You have an amazing new job opportunity, but you've been planning a gap year to travel abroad and the timing couldn't be worse. Should you trust your gut and travel even though this opportunity might never come your way again? What are your options? How do you strike a balance between being an entrepreneur and a family man without neglecting your spouse and new baby -- or the needs of the nascent company you've worked hard to build? Life Pro Tip: Google your kid's prospective name before they're born. This way, when their name is googled, people won’t see news of some a-hole criminal with the same name. Recommendation of the Week: Pandemic A quick shout out to Eric Hulbert! Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at! Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at
Feb 6, 2020 • 1h 1min

309: Laila Ali | Finding Strength, Spirit, and Personal Power

What We Discuss with Laila Ali: What made Laila become the only boxer out of Muhammad Ali’s nine children? Why do fighters trash talk (and does Laila regret any trash talking she did during her fighting career)? How did Laila make the choice to pivot from an aspiring nail salon tycoon to a world-class boxer? What was it like growing up around fame, and how does Laila’s father’s legacy still affect her? How did Laila’s father react when she got serious about boxing? And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Feb 4, 2020 • 58min

308: Kris Buckner | Who Does Counterfeiting Really Hurt?

Kris Buckner is the president of Investigative Consultants, with over 22 years of experience in investigations related to trademark counterfeiting, piracy, and other intellectual property matters. What We Discuss with Kris Buckner: Why the trillion-dollar counterfeiting industry should concern you -- even if you don't care that the "Gucci" bag you got for $12 can't be spotted as a knockoff by the snootiest in your circle of friends. What gets counterfeited? You name it: designer clothes, automobile parts, cancer medication, alcohol, makeup, vaping products, perfume, computer parts, and kids' cough syrup are just the tip of the iceberg. How buying or selling counterfeit goods -- knowingly or otherwise -- potentially benefits corrupt regimes, terrorists, and organized crime networks around the world. The real harm counterfeit goods pose to the end consumer, from health risks associated with contaminated products to loose parts that can become choking hazards for small children. The real harm counterfeit goods pose to the legitimate economy, from fewer jobs to less tax revenue that funds law enforcement and education. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Jan 31, 2020 • 46min

307: Help! I'm Too Physically Attractive! | Feedback Friday

Being unattractive to potential partners is obviously not ideal, but what happens when you're too physically attractive to land meaningful attention from someone who might complete you? We'll tackle this and more on the latest Feedback Friday! And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Jason DeFillippo (@jpdef) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! Full show notes and resources can be found here: On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss: Our prison trip is officially full! If you want to get on the waiting list in case we have last-minute cancellations, please drop Jordan a line at! Should a tip be optional unless service is above and beyond what's expected from your server -- instead of obligatory because the restaurant or business won't pay their staff enough? You've been at your job for a long time and you want to do something different. How do you let your employer know that you want to transition out of your current role while still keeping a positive relationship? You're the only child, and you've got an overly sensitive and selfish parent you need to take care of. What can you do to make sure they don't stress you out when you're expected to drop everything to attend to their needs? You're in a long-term relationship that seems to be on track for marriage. What do we suggest you talk about to make sure you're both on the same page before you make the biggest commitment of your life? You want to settle down in one place after moving to six different states and countries over the past 12 years, but your spouse can't seem to decide where to settle. What can you do to come to an agreeable compromise? You're a successful, moderately attractive person who seems to get attention from all the wrong people. Potential friends either want to date you or worry their partners want to date you. On top of all this, you're demisexual. How can you find someone compatible? Life Pro Tip: Instead of spending a day shopping, spend a day cleaning out your closet. You will find clothes you didn't realize you had and re-discover old favorites you thought you had lost. Plus, it's free! Recommendation of the Week: Wrong Man A quick shout out to Amanda Milligan! Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at! Connect with Jordan...
Jan 30, 2020 • 1h 14min

306: BJ Fogg | Tiny Habits That Change Everything

BJ Fogg (@bjfogg) is the founder and director of the Stanford Behavior Design Lab, and author of Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything. [Featured photo by Nathaniel Gerdes] What We Discuss with BJ Fogg: The main reasons we fail at behavior change -- even when we rationally know the long-term benefits heavily outweigh any short-term discomforts. The B=MAP Fogg Behavior Model that can be applied universally to understanding (and correcting) every type of behavior there is. How starter steps and tiny habits work as effective ways to "trick" our change-resistant human brains into radical behavior change. Why BJ prefers the term "untangling" rather than "breaking" in reference to habits we want to discontinue.  Why repetition is often repeated as being the catalyst for creating habits, why this tidbit of popular misinformation is so wrong, and what really works as a better catalyst. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

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