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The Long Game Podcast with Sandra Scaiano

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Feb 25, 2022 • 22min

Using QR Codes EP 96

This episode is for all of you who are curious about QR codes. When the pandemic hit restaurants used them so we could quickly see the digital menu. Then the 7-million-dollar Superbowl ad ran with nothing but a QR code bouncing around the screen.  20 million hits in a minute! Yeah. What gives?  That’s what I’m diving into today. QR codes. What are they, how to use them, and more.   What are QR codes?  QR stands for quick response. The code is an encrypted square (sometimes other shapes) that you can scan with your phone. The code holds information and scanning it gives you access.  How can you create a QR code?  You can create a code using a code-generator. There are 2 types, static and dynamic. Hear the different pros and cons of each to determine which would work best for your application.  What can you do with your QR code?  There are a lot of options. One of the easiest is asking for reviews. With a QR code you can send customers directly to your Google My Business Page to rate and review your services.  Another common use is out of home advertising. Think busses, billboards and signs in public spaces.  What can small business owners in the digital space do with QR codes? Here’s a few ideas to get you started:   Networking and connections. Have a QR code that takes someone to your contact info, or directly to your social media platform of choice so it’s easy for them to follow you.    Send people to an opt-in page to get your pdf. Use a QR code as a content upgrade to your in-person presentation. Tip: if cell phone coverage might be a concern, have a plan B as well.    Put your code into your Zoom background. Talk about making it easy!    Add them to your YouTube videos. Remember this is for those who watch on TV, tablets or a laptop so they will be able to scan the code with their phone.    Think about the experience. People will be using their phone so make sure the destination page is easy to read, and don’t make them click around to find what they are looking for.   One of the best things? This is the ultimate in quick gratification. It’s fast, easy, and immediate. Another bonus: no typing!  Here are a few more ideas:   Create a playlist. You can share his on your site, in an email, or printed materials.  Hello Audio allows for private podcast feeds. You can share this with everyone or as a bonus for your members or course attendees. How cool is that? Special content just for them!  QR code as part of invoicing! Make it easy to get paid.   Once you decide how you want to use your code, her are a few options for creating one. Think about what you need. Will you want to collect data? Then you’ll need a paid version. You can then make data informed decisions when you see what works best.  Find an easy way to get started. Once you see the options, you’ll find even more ways to make this simple to use technology work for you.  Options:  QR Code Monkey QR Code Generator  Flowcode  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 18, 2022 • 22min

Is Pre-Selling For You? EP 95

There’s a strategy that’s discussed in digital marketing and online sales – it’s so popular that it’s taught as a go-to method for filling your course.  That’s today’s topic: pre-selling. Is it for you? How can you decide if it fits your course, and the clientele you are looking to reach?  This can be a good strategy because it can alleviate inventory issues and help with up front costs. It’s worth knowing the pros and cons so you can determine if this is a good fit.  One key benefit that’s mentioned most often is that you are testing the market before spending a lot of money and time on development. You will definitely find out if your audience wants what you have to offer.  If you are new to this business model, I don’t advise pre-selling. It creates a lot of pressure to get things done in a very short time frame. Your audience might still be getting to know you and might not be ready to invest just yet.  If you have a large following of people who know you and are already familiar with your work pre-sales might work well. You will have their trust based on the relationship you’ve been nurturing with content, and other things they may have already purchased from you.  Creating your course helps you home in on what is going to work. The process is instructive for the creator. If you are new to the process, plan on needing more time than you expect.  Everything from writing and recording the content will take longer as well as understanding how your tribe can best learn what you are teaching. What do they need to know before signing up?  One of the biggest things to consider: what happens if only 2 people (or 12 or 20) buy from your pre-sale campaign? You now need to deliver, and you are committed to the investment of time and resources.  Hear the 5 questions to consider as you plan your course as well as your launch method.  Prospective clients want to know that you are going to solve their problem. I hear “tell me what to do” all the time when I’m chatting with clients.  Lastly, how do you work best? Do you like to be rushing right up to deadlines or do you like planning things out and staying two steps ahead?  Choose a path that sets you up for success.    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 11, 2022 • 45min

Public Speaking with Laurie Gilbertson EP 94

I am excited to bring this guest on to talk about one of the topics that I’ve been working on for myself and my clients.  Get practical tips and advice on how you can develop the skills to speak with comfort, ease and authenticity. Laurie Gilbertson is here to share how she helps her clients communicate effectively.  Here’s what we cover:   Why sharing your story is important.   How to bring yourself in a confident way.   Understanding how to calm your nerves when it’s time to take the stage.   We have all been on the receiving end of a great presentation. I encourage my clients to create their signature talk, and the number one question they ask is how can I do it in a way that will really connect?  Laurie has an incredible story. She was a prosecutor who learned how to speak in court rooms! She’s a great example of how we can hone our skills no matter what our background.  Public speaking isn’t about being on a BIG stage, unless that’s part of your personal goals. It’s about communicating. In all sorts of situations. Learning to communicate well pays off in all parts of your business and life.  Laurie shares 3 key strategies for getting comfortable speaking. These will help anyone become better communicators.  Connection:  One of the best ways to gain confidence is to remember it’s about your audience. It’s not about you. Think about how you can connect with them.  Communicate: How can you get your communication across effectively? Laurie shares 2 great tips to help you jump in with energy.  Conquer: Tell your story with comfort and ease and emotion. It’s the “so what” part of your presentation. Why should your audience care? What do you want them to do when you complete your presentation? Hear how you can use your story to make this easy.  Tips to help you get started.   Focus on making a good first impression.  How can you turn a weakness into a strength?   Tell a story. Laurie shares a great way to frame your story – so helpful!  The power of the pause.   Use a prop to help you make a point.  Final messages matter too.   Have some fun with it if your content allows for that. It’s a great way to show your personality and the audience picks up on the energy as well.  When is the time to invest in help to become a better presenter?  It’s never to early to learn. Laurie shares that communication isn’t always valued until it’s time for a big interview or presentation. She encourages all of us to realize the impact of being a good communicator.   Resources:  Episode 91 Tribeca Blue Consulting  Start with Why TED Talk  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 4, 2022 • 22min

Idea Organization EP 93

Organizing is critical if you want to remember your ideas long enough to share and execute on them. Today’s flash of inspiration may be forgotten if you don’t have a method for retaining and retrieving it when it’s time to act.  I’m a collector of ideas. I save them on Evernote, jot things down on paper and use the occasional post-it or napkin if that’s what it takes when an idea comes my way. Today I’m sharing how I’m wrangling all this great info into a system that works for me and my team.  Two big things are clear:   Not having an organized system meant a time-consuming search now and then. I knew I had the info somewhere and the hunt would begin until I found it.   I was the only one who could find it! Even if someone wanted to help it was impossible for that to happen.   Moving from the journal system to Evernote helped, but still it wasn’t enough. I knew there had to be a better way.  Ideas are assets. They are part of what I do and it’s important to me to treat them that way. Setting up an organization process is the answer. Here’s how I’m doing it.   Identify your silos of content categories. Big picture things.   Create a system that supports the way you think. Hear my example and see how you can do this in your own way. It’s helping me create uniformity and consistency.   Pick the right software. This can be time consuming, but ultimately worthwhile to make sure you find what works for you. Hint: use software you are familiar with.   Get help. Let others on your team be part of this. You don’t have to do it all yourself just like you don’t have to remember it all either! Once the systems are set up, others can help keep it running. Huge long game strategy.  Create what works for you. Treat your ideas like the treasures they are!   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 28, 2022 • 14min

Visibility Update #2 EP 92

Today I’m sharing my quarterly update about visibility.  I did my first update back in October. (Episode 77) That’s when I shared that increasing my visibility was a key priority for me.  It’s been a few months so I thought it would be helpful to share what I’ve done so far, what’s working and my take on how things are going.  Visibility is a process.  Showing up consistently is what moves the needle. A random email or a few posts on social media may be better than not doing anything, but it’s not going to help much either.  When you show up, people get to know you and that’s my goal. It’s the whole ballgame really. I want to nurture and develop relationships. That’s what visibility is about for me, relationships.  Lesson One A well-placed testimonial can do wonders (and it’s okay to ask!)  It’s more than just social proof. Hear what happened when one of my clients shared her success in a Facebook group, mentioning me as well as tagging me. I wasn’t aware she was going to do that and oh boy, did it make an impact.  Get a few ideas about how you can use that over and over.  Lesson Two  Honing your signature talk real life example. (Lots more details in episode 91)  The testimonial created over 30 calls with potential new clients! I did some homework before the call, so I has some context about their work. I did a lot of listening too!  When it was time for me to share my vision, and information I was able to give relevant information that was helpful to them. Hear how I was able to get really clear on how I want to talk about my business during those conversations. I’ve got my signature talk down now and I’m ready for the Today show to call!  Lesson Three You must put your offers out to the world.  We hear this all the time, but we still don’t do it enough. People follow you and engage with you for a reason. Share your offers with new people of course and don’t forget to remind those who’ve been following you for a while that you’d like to work with them as well.  Lesson Four Whatever you are doing, do it consistently.  I’ve been showing up weekly with my podcast for almost 2 years. I’ve been emailing my list weekly for months. People have emailed me with such nice responses and they have also reached out to work with me. All because I connect with them weekly.  You are also getting data when you take action consistently.  Bonus: I’m on TikTok @studiosandrasky  Check me out there and let me know what you are doing to increase your visibility. I’d love to connect.   Connect with Sandra:  Website Instagram "Most people need consistency more than they need intensity. Intensity makes a good story; consistency makes good progress." – James Clear, Author Atomic Habits  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 21, 2022 • 17min

The Long Game Is... Your Signature Talk EP 91

How do those who command the stage, (like Brené Brown and others) create such thought-producing talks? I’ve always wanted to be an orator and I’m in awe when I hear someone who does it well.  Today I’m sharing my personal journey with you around building my own signature talk. We’re coving what it is, and why you need one, even if you never plan to get up on the big stage.  A strong presentation can be fun and interesting and really motivating. How can you capture an audience?  Practice, practice practice.  One of the best ways to build your following is to be introduced to the audience of others. I learned this years ago in my PR days. You don’t have to know everyone, thought a good connection is always helpful, but you do have to pitch well.  That’s where your signature talk can help you. Hear my 3 key questions to help you identify your personal presentation.  I’m breaking down the steps involved so you can master your message. Like many things in marketing, it can feel overwhelming until you tackle it one piece at a time.  Once your talk is ready to go, it’s time to present it. Everywhere! Here are a few ideas to get you started:   Podcast guest on someone else’s show  Create a webinar and “teach” your talk  Promote on social media, incorporate it into your ads  Use part of your talk in your sales conversations  Blog posts   Videos, both short and long form   Get in front of an industry group  Pitch conferences and business events you attend   Create a one sheet about your talk. Here are 4 things to include:   How to reach you and links to the socials where you are active  A brief bio  Suggested topics – listen for a few ways to break this down for the interviewer so they can be inspired by your content   Suggested questions – this will help someone see how to direct the conversation  Bonus: Logos or other podcasts and press outlets where you’ve been profiled is great social proof  2022 is about visibility.  Check out my one sheet and share your signature talk with me. What’s one way you are making your work more visible this year?   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 14, 2022 • 38min

Content Creation with Jen Liddy EP 90

One of the things I talked about in last week’s episode was you do you.  Well, today I’m talking to Jen Liddy, a content creation specialist. She helps people create content in a way that’s easy and sustainable.  We know creating content is important. And still, many of us struggle. Jen starts by explaining the 2 camps of people who struggle with content. I promise you’ll see yourself in one of them!  Next, how do we put the content out there? Creating is one thing, but how can we share it with people who are looking for the info? Jen covers that too!  People will fall in love with you when you show up as yourself.  Jen shares how with her 5 Steps to Batch and Repurpose Content Planning System. Here are the highlights:   Identify what you have going on in your business that you want to promote. Reverse engineer what you need your content to do. Jen explains how to do this in a way that’s super simple.     Where do you want to be? What platform feels good to you? What would feel expansive to eliminate? Less really can be more!     What are you going to say? Jen explains her umbrella plan. This is a manageable way to plan your content for the month. Don’t worry, you will love how easy she makes it.     Put the time to create your content on your calendar. Co-work with a friend or find another way to find accountability if you need to. Hear her 3 tips to make this easier.    Repurpose it. Reminder, your people will not mind seeing some of the same info more than once. In fact, sharing it in more than one way will help it click for them. Jen gives great examples here to get your started.  Get Jen’s Planner Tool  The Content Creator’s Studio  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 7, 2022 • 14min

What To Do in 2022 EP 89

Happy New Year! I’m optimistic for the year ahead. Last year I really discovered things about myself. I stepped into new things and made some changes that have been good for me.Guess what my word for the year is? VISIBILITY! Yep, I’m here to keep showing up, long game style of course.Today I’m sharing my take on what’s ahead in 2022 and some ideas that you can use as you plan your goals.What’s going to be important and what are we going to commit to?Those questions are going to help you much more than a list of trends. No surprise, the 3 I’m sharing are all long game strategies!“There is a cost to keeping your old way of thinking.”Strategy 1 – Go DigitalIf you have been thinking about having a course or program online, this is the time. Hear the 3 things that digital products can do for you. It’s so powerful, and it’s not too late!“When you do you, joy enters.”Strategy 2 – You Do You Bring yourself to the party in 2022. This is SO long game. It’s the best way to run your business. Your way. Hear the 4 questions that will help you identify where you can personalize and do things in your own style.Here’s what I know for sure. You will be more successful, and you’ll be happier too! I’m giving you permission to do what you want to do, how you want to do it! “You didn’t get into this for it to suck.” Strategy 3 – Testing, testing, testing. This concept has stayed with me since my Facebook ad days. You know what? Know one knows the answer that will work every time. There is no magic pill or formula. You will always need to test for your audience to see what works.Hear 3 ways you can try new things, as part of your testing process. Tell me what’s on your agenda for 2022.What are you dedicated to doing your way?Reach out and let me know and if I can help, let’s have a chat!   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 31, 2021 • 22min

The Best of The Long Game... iPhone Photography EP 88

This episode originally aired 6/18/2021Summer is coming and the world is opening up—I’m excited! From simple dinners with friends to graduations and weddings, this seems like a good time to talk photography and taking great pictures. So let’s talk about iPhone photography today.My own training included a BFA with a definite interest in photography. I learned how to interpret images, convey your message with imagery, execution of images, darkroom techniques, and more.I also share:  My personal history with photography, from the Kodak 110 to the Kodak Disc camera What I learned from studying photography through high school and college The importance of the book Ways of Seeing by John Berger Why seeing and recognition—visual understanding—is so important to what we understand and what we share.  How I used my degree to photograph much of the hip hop and cultural scene of the 1980s I also learned why it’s important to acquire a “design eye” when sharing your brand. Now I know what works, what doesn’t work and what could work when it comes to images and how to apply these concepts to working with brands.Some of the ways digital photography has improved the ways you can share your brand:  Using photography on websites, social media and more The importance of a specific direction to keep you on task How digital cameras and phones have really enlarged the barriers to snapping unlimited photographs  There are some classical foundational concepts such as composition, background and lighting you can apply when taking photos. Here’s what I share in this area: A shortcut to easily open the camera on your phone (bet you don’t know this one!) Some concepts that professionals all use when they take photos, such as the “rule of thirds” to create a more engaging image for you (and where to find this on your iPhone) How to make the most of selfies—what to do to improve them  Tips to upgrade the backgrounds in your photos (and avoid the faux pas made by Megan Kelly at the Billboard Music Awards) The unexpected tip for best lighting when taking photos outdoors The best lighting when you’re indoors and how to get the most of it (especially important for product photography) Artificial lights: pros and cons Remember, the better quality of light, the better clarity of image, too. You really can tell the level of professionalism from the quality of the light. A few other tips about iPhone modes:   How to use the portrait mode on your camera “The blitz” and how it can help you capture that split-second image The insider trick you’ve never heard before to get full clarity and sharpness in your photos The importance of the timer function on your phone Other fun gadgets you can buy to help you take steady photos for sharper images Don’t forget that all these concepts apply to photographs of people as well as things. You may be surprised by the amazing quality you achieve with landscapes or your products. So head out this summer, snap away and share with your audience! Links: Megan Kelly with mop and broomJohn Berger, Ways of SeeingConnect with me on social media: Website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 24, 2021 • 13min

Best Of The Long Game... Inspiration EP 87

This episode originally aired 4/2/21Imagine inspiration on demand!That’s today’s topic. Sandra shares how and why ideas can come easily sometimes, and elusive at others.Remember the move 9 to 5?Sandra shares the inspiration that Jane Fonda had to get this movie created.Here’s what she covers: Be open to disruption, making changes when inspiration hits. Solitary times give your brain a moment to come up with a great idea. Ideas come up when we listen with a true desire to understand. Be open when the dots start to connect. Implement the inspiration! Inspiration doesn’t show up out of nowhere. It’s often related to something you’ve already been considering or mulling over.Find out what you need to have “thinking time” and have a method to track and note the great ideas when they show up.Two Doors Down9 to 5 Song Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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