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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Latest episodes

Jun 10, 2021 • 26min

#380: 4 Strategies To Create A High Converting Sales Page

Are you ready to boost your sales and crack the code on customer conversions? Ask any copywriter about sales pages and they’ll tell you: it takes a lot of tinkering to crack the sales conversion code.That said, after our last Digital Course Academy launch -- I think we might have actually done it and I’m spilling all the beans about it.In this podcast episode, you’ll learn exactly what widgets we used and strategies we implemented to keep eyes on the DCA sales page for over 5 minutes.That’s a lifetime when it comes to viewer stats.It also means that the sales page is working wonders when it comes to keeping leads engaged.As an online business owner, I want you to have knowledge about the little things that made a big difference in our latest launch conversions (so you can use them too!) -- things like: A customizable widget that helps potential students, customers, and clients get all of their burning questions answered face to face The one section every sales page needs to help customers feel confident about their purchase (one of my favs!) How video can keep your customers engaged right from the very top of the page and what to include so they can’t help but keep watching, reading, and clicking those buy buttons I also tell you the #1 simple to implement and most engaging part of the page that you don’t want to miss. Stick around until the end of the episode for that one!Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:09] We used VideoAsk which is a widget which allows you to have face-to-face video conversations with your customers and ended up with a 33% conversion rate. [08:34] Testimonials was another enticing section. We had three or four on the page and then offered the option of looking through an entire database of customer testimonials broken up by category. [11:39] There was also a sizzle reel at the top of the sales page. This is a short video mashup of audio, video and images that promote your offer, and something you can make on your own! [14:08] Our chat feature was hot on our sales page. This is the little chat bubble that pops up and offers a live chat, which will guarantee higher engagement.  20:28] Track your metrics. It's the only way to know if all of your sales page efforts are working. Google analytics allows me to see trends. We know if we are growing, improving, and how to pivot.  [22:13] Action steps: Decide which of the above mentioned methods you are going to use and start planning things out. Decide during this week and start scheduling each one. Create a plan for one or two of these strategies and start chipping away at it. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Jun 3, 2021 • 17min

#379: Cure Writer’s Block: The Content Structure My Team Swears By

Get ready to tackle the creativity time crunch and discover the little known framework that I use in my business to produce content.  Let’s be honest: social media, podcasts, newsletters, sales pages and everything else you need to run your business can take a ton of time out of an already busy day.  Just when you think you’re caught up, your content calendar sends a reminder and you’re back at it again.  Sometimes it may feel like you’re always “behind” in your business. You’re in good company -- many entrepreneurs just like you are in the same boat. That’s why in this podcast episode, I tackle the content time crunch so you can start speeding up the production process and start standing out online. Not only will you get some behind-the-scenes sneak peeks on how we write podcast episodes, social media and more but you’ll also get the inside scoop on: How this framework can be used for anything you’re creating so it’s compelling and creates flow and clarity Ways you might be missing out on consistency and a simple fix to help across all channels Getting past the dreaded writer’s block so you produce assets more quickly (and so it doesn’t take all day) Get ready to move past that day long content creation process and get into a flow state instead -- this episode is waiting for you.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:07] Start with the what. This is an overview of the main point or outcome you want your students to achieve.  [06:17] Next, is the why. Explain why this content is important and why it matters to your audience. Build your case for the importance of what you're sharing.  [07:44] Move on to the how. This is a step-by-step on how your audience can apply what you're teaching to their own lives. You're providing them with a road map that leads with a clear intentional flow from start to finish. [10:46] After that, focus on the proof. Show how you apply the how in your own business. These are real time examples or success stories from your customers. [15:32] Action steps: Write out this framework and look at your content and see where you're using the steps. Then start with one piece of content and apply this framework! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
May 27, 2021 • 47min

#378: Could A 4-Day Work Week Fit Your Business?

If you’ve ever thought about how it might look to work less days in your business, check out the experiment my team and I are in the middle of testing. When I first pitched the shorter work week idea to my leadership team, well… I was met with crickets. The idea of the work week happening only Monday through Thursday felt a bit unattainable. And while I was really excited about the idea myself, I know the team’s concerns were valid and so we agreed to try it for 90 days as an experiment.  Right now we’re 60 days in, and have uncovered some really interesting stuff that I wanted to share with you.  Since I’m a big believer in going first and showing what’s possible for you, it’s my hope that this episode helps show you what you need to know about the 4-day work week process -- especially if you’ve been thinking about ways to add more time back into your week.  You’ll also learn more about: WHY a shorter week was something I wanted to implement and how our team why might spark some ideas for you Processes to set into place when it comes to your team, communication, and what the new work week looks like The different categories to create plans for as you look at your day-to-day systems and expectations The 3 MUST ASK questions you need to answer before making the leap and how they’ll help you determine if this is for you If reading those highlights pulls at your imagination strings and gets you thinking about your own work schedule -- grab your notebook and pen -- because this is definitely a note taking episode. Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:21] Learn some of the reasons why my team and I have decided to test out doing a 4-day work week.  [06:36] Read the book Shorter: Work Better, Smarter, and Less Here's How. [11:38] Get clear with your team, if you have one, how you want to organize and go about preparing for the 4day work week. What are concerns that come up and how can you troubleshoot them?   [15:05] Sit down and discuss any issues that may come up, and create a guideline document to help guide your team.  [19:44] Find out the tools we use to make our 4-day work week efficient and possible.  [22:33] Set a date and time to meet with your team to see how the experiment is working and how you can improve or pivot. [36:59] Action Steps: How will this professionally benefit you? How will this personally benefit you? What will it mean if you don't move to a four-day work week? Get clear on these answers, start with step one, and read the book Shorter. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
May 20, 2021 • 26min

#377: How To Re-engage Your Email List

It’s never too late to hit send and connect with your subscribers again. If your email list has been on your mind (maybe a little more time has passed than you’d like to admit since you’ve last landed in their inbox) and you know it’s time to hit ‘send’ but you’re afraid that you’ll be met with crickets and unsubscribes -- today’s episode is just what you need to gain back your confidence. Here’s the thing, when it comes to engaging with your email list after a long absence, there are a few simple things you can put into place to make a seamless re-entry. But first, I have to tell you: you’re not alone. Life happens and sometimes we have to hit pause on our regular systems and processes. I get soooo many questions about this topic -- so, it’s time we talk about it.  In today’s episode, I’m going to walk you through how to organize and put together a re-engagement campaign, including how many emails to send, how far apart, and what to include in each email. You’ll also learn everything you need to know to successfully hit send with confidence and: Know exactly what to say so your audience feels supported and seen Have a plan on how many emails you need to send and help them remember why they signed up in the first place Create a free gift that they need so badly they’ll be thanking you a million times over in their replies Craft a plan to write emails they look forward to opening week in and week out It’s time to make a plan because your subscribers are waiting for you. If you’re ready to get back on track and into the hearts and inboxes of your audience, click below to get started. Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:31] It's easier to reignite an old list than it is to start from scratch. In fact, getting a new customer can cost five times more than re-engaging with an old customer. [06:10] If you’ve taken some time away from your email list, it’s time to create a re-engagement campaign.  [07:40] Email #1: Reintroduce yourself, but then make it all about how you are serving your audience.  [12:07] Email #2: Continue to nurture your list and show them how you're going to help them achieve their goal and desire, and why you're the person to do so.  [14:37] Email #3: Ask what they need and ask them to reply directly to your email. This shows you care and are committed to serving them.  [16:01] Rules: Make sure your subject lines stand out. Commit to showing up consistently. Set time aside and batch your email content. [21:02] Give it at least 60 days before you begin to sell. This is all part of the know, like, and trust equation. [21:53] Action steps: Within the next week sit down and write out your re-engagement campaign. Then give yourself at least a week to write out the emails, and finally send them. Enjoy the process! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
May 13, 2021 • 28min

#376: Your Beginner Guide To Going Evergreen: Here’s Where To Start

Learn the roadmap for scaling your digital course and the benefits of going evergreen. Discover the core values, platforms, and must-have content for a successful evergreen funnel. Understand the importance of live launching and making mistakes to become a better marketer. Get insights on tools like ConvertKit, Demio, and Deadline Funnel for setting up an evergreen funnel. Learn about replay emails, LinkedIn ads, Shopify, and advanced email strategies to optimize your marketing. Hear success stories and action steps for transitioning to evergreen marketing.
May 6, 2021 • 36min

#375: How To Get Noticed Online (& What Jumping Out Of A Plane Has To Do With Entrepreneurship)

Content creation, visibility in your business, and how life will steer you in the right direction (whether you’re ready for it or not!) New York Times Best-selling author, award-winning blogger, and “professional troublemaker,” Luvvie Ajayi Jones is here and she’s ready to help you take action on your big dreams, move through the fear that’s holding you back, and use your voice to support your audience. I loved my interview with Luvvie, and I know you will too. We chat about... How her skydiving experience helped her become comfortable with being uncomfortable Why content creation and getting noticed online looks different than you think  The reason getting a “D” in college was the sign she needed to say goodbye to her dream of becoming a doctor and start a blog instead There are so many "a-ha", "WOW", and jaw-dropping moments in this episode, I wish I could name them all... you’ll just have to join us over on the podcast to find out what they are. Sometimes a conversation just takes on a life of its own and reveals a lot of wisdom. I know when Luvvie says, “When you serve people, you will be seen by the people you need to serve,” you’ll want to stop multi-tasking and make sure you’re listening to the conversation that follows. You’re in for a real treat, friend! Listen in to get inspired, excited, and driven to take action with Luvvie’s step-by-step guidance. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Apr 29, 2021 • 20min

#374: Take Your Hands Off The Wheel: Automation For The Smart Business Owner

Creating automation in your business can help you streamline your tasks and save time every single day. Whether you’re a business owner just starting out or a seasoned entrepreneur, building automation systems in your business is key to helping you delegate and create processes that will help you succeed.  The bonus? When you create automation in your business you’ll also have the flexibility in your schedule you’ve always dreamed of.  I know, I know, you might be thinking, “But Amy -- this sounds too good to be true!” And while it may seem like a miracle for your business, I can assure you that with just a little patience and follow through with the step-by-step process I give you, automation will be yours!  In this episode you’re about to learn my favorite tips and tools to create: Auto-responders in your emails for all the FAQs that land in your inbox Seamless scheduling systems (no more headaches!)  Social media content creation so you can batch and post with ease Standard operating procedures -- every job now has a “how to do this” list A process for hiring a Virtual Assistant to provide ongoing help   Plus, just to make things interesting, I have a fun accountability challenge at the end and I want to make sure I’m cheering you on as you implement your automation so you can spend more time on all the things you love! Here’s a preview of the episode:  [04:18] Automation saves you time, money, and precious energy. It eliminates human error and allows you, and your team to focus on the big picture.  [05:41] Email automation. Only check your email once a day and set up an autoresponder for the other times.  [07:31] Create guided responses for common email questions that you get. You can still add a personal touch. You can use Boomerang to mark your email to go away and come back on another day. [09:33] Scheduling automation. Schedulicity is an online calendar that you can integrate with your calendar and create a personalized link with your availability. [10:59] Automating social media and weekly content. A social media automating tool will allow you to plan out your social media all at once.  [13:20] Managing emails from your community. ConvertKit is a good solution if you're just getting started.  [15:24] Standard operating procedures or SOPs. These documents will save you a lot of headaches down the road when you hire and scale your team.  [17:27] Compile tasks that can be passed off to a professional VA, even if it's just for a few hours a week. This will allow you to stay in your zone of genius. [18:35] Action steps: Decide on one automation step that you can set up within the next 7 days. Send me a DM and tell me about it!  
Apr 22, 2021 • 46min

#373: Quiz Creation 101: Everything You Need to Know About Using the Most Effective Lead Magnet

Are you ready to scale your business lightyears ahead with an online quiz? You’ll be so glad when you do.  This week, I have quiz building expert, Chanti Zak, on the show.  Chanti’s the perfect person to show you what to do next when it comes to creating your online quiz -- she’s SO good she’s even written quizzes for me! If you’re excited about this, get ready to dive in, my friend, because I believe a million percent that this episode is just what you need to get started. During our time together, Chanti walks us through everything you need to know about: How to select the PERFECT topic so your audience can’t wait to see their results How to layout your results so they are fun and informative  And how to get your quiz up and converting so you can start building your email list right away Chanti pulls out all the stops in this episode to help you fast track to hitting publish and turning your fans into email subscribers.  Psst… if you’re not sure what’s next once your audience gets their results, well, we talk about that, too. It’s my very last question for Chanti and I know you’ll love it.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Apr 15, 2021 • 41min

#372: How Much Does It Actually Cost To Start & Successfully Grow A Biz with Jamie Trull

In this episode, she and I help you get clear on finances and the secrets to saving money, so you can run a successful (and lucrative) business.  If you’re anything like me you may have fallen for shiny object syndrome a time or two while running your business.  Raise your hand if you’ve found yourself buying courses or subscriptions that weren’t what you really needed to get your business off the ground... Yep. I’ve been there, too. Here’s the thing, knowing what financial investments to make when you’re running an online business can be confusing. And it can be easy to invest in a product, service, or tool you think you need but isn’t actually what you need at all. If you’re just starting out as a business owner or you’ve been at this for a while, figuring out your finances is an essential part of your journey.  This is why I have my peer, student, and financial expert, Jamie Trull on the show today.  During the episode, we dive into what it looks like to actually start a business from a financial standpoint.  Jamie’s a genius when it comes to helping business owners, like you, feel confident about their financials. I love having her on the show because she shows that you can absolutely handle the numbers side of your business and have some fun, too. In this episode you’ll get information to help you really understand: What financials should look like when you’re starting a business Where to invest in your business so the financial decisions you make align with your big goals Ways to save so you can grow quickly and strategically as you build your business  Plus we walk you through the tips you need to start paying yourself, prepare for taxes, and invest back into your business. Yes - you can absolutely do this --  and we are here to help.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Apr 8, 2021 • 24min

#371: The 30,000 Foot View: Crafting Your 4-Part Customer Journey

An online buyer’s experience that’s effectively mapped out from start to finish can help you create the entrepreneurial family of your dreams -- one where everyone feels seen, heard, and understood. Being intentional about crafting a clear journey for your business is key to cultivating a community and showing your audience that they matter and aren’t just another number or subscriber. In today’s podcast episode, I’ll teach you the four phases you need to consider when thinking about the journey of each of your loyal fans. Phases that include: Phase 1: Attraction Phase 2: Nurture Phase 3: Promotion Phase 4: Onboarding (don’t miss the one element in phase four you can’t skip but many entrepreneurs do!)  I’ll also show you how to put together your business pathway (or revitalize the pathway you already have) in order to keep your loyal fans on track through the entire time they’re with you on your business journey. Get ready to knock the socks off your customers and create a journey they can remember with today’s episode! 

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