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WEB8: Weaving Our Reality

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Jan 17, 2020 • 51min

85: Dr. ANDREW WEIL – Expanded Consciousness, Breathwork & Being An Open Conduit

Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit After sharing a cup of ceremonial cacao with Dr. Weil and his team at his Tucson home, we got to sit down to discuss all things wellness, consciousness and entrepreneurship. By the end of the interview, you’re going to crave a cup of matcha. Order the best ceremonial matcha on matcha.com and while you wait for it to arrive, catch Dr. Weil making me a bowl of matcha on YouTube. In this episode we discuss:  Why Dr. Weil loves matcha green tea Dr. Weil’s morning routine (it starts at 4.30am!) Dr. Weil’s thoughts on coffee  The most effective anti-anxiety, anti-stress practice Dr. Weil recommends The simple breathing and meditation techniques Dr. Weil practices    The 6 simple principles of wellness The importance of spending time in nature  How Dr. Weil practices boundaries with technology  Why Dr. Weil doesn’t often check his social media accounts  Dr. Weil’s thoughts on virtual reality  What does drinking ceremonial cacao have in common with picking up your phone to check social media?  How going to South America in 1965 to collect plants resulted in spending time with Amazonian tribes and developing love for coca  Why coca is his favorite plant for energy, improved digestion and connection with nature  The massive difference between coca plant and cocaine Why he considers plant medicine safer than lab-produced drugs Adaptogens and mushrooms (and adaptogenic mushrooms)  How Dr. Weil’s became a successful entrepreneur (it wasn’t always that way)  How he went from being a home cook to a successful restaurateur Why he created a mushroom-based skincare line with Origins The role that intuition plays in Dr. Weil’s life and business Why breathwork is the most essential component to transforming consciousness  How Dr. Weil gives back What success means to Dr. Weil The role that dogs play in his life and wellbeing  Dr. Weil’s recommendations for feeling focused if you have ADD  What expanded consciousness means to Dr. Weil  Resources: Dr. Weil’s Matcha brand True Food Kitchen Dr. Weil: All about mushrooms Dr. Weil’s books The anti-inflammatory diet  True Food: Seasonal, Sustainable, Simple, Pure Cookbook by Andrew Weil and Sam Fox What is kuzu + my favorite kuzu recipe on Breakfast Criminals The Weil Foundation  Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine  Connect with Dr. Weil:  Drweil.com @drweil facebook.com/DrWeil twitter.com/DrWeil pinterest.com/drweil youtube.com/user/DrWeil Connect with Ksenia: kseniabrief.com Instagram @ksenia.brief YouTube Ksenia Brief TikTok @ksenia.brief Subscribe, rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts Follow the podcast on Spotify
Jan 11, 2020 • 1h 3min

84: Ascension, New Earth Consciousness & The Energetics of Social Media Growth – ANNA BROWN

May 2021 update: Anna Brown no longer stands by the message shared in this podcast episode. Please note that when connecting with Anna or booking a session with her. To connect with Anna Brown's latest work, visit her website wonderfullynothing.com. She is no longer active on Instagram. We discuss:  What is ascension How to live from heart-centered consciousness How to reprogram your body and mind to be radically aware and present How you can hack your internal operating system to be coherent with the vibration of your Higher self What is New Earth state of being How to open your Stargate that is your heart center What is a Starseed? Having paranormal experiences as a child Anna shares an awakening experience she had in college How she found the courage to stand in her light and share her work on Instagram How non linear presence can help heal past life trauma How to share on Instagram from your Higher self Moving from poverty to being an alchemist of your life  The alternative approach to social media that allowed her to grow her account to 30K followers A morning practice to help you stay in alignment Anna’s content creation process Does sharing light encoded messages on social media work?  Being on social media can affect your auric field: how to set healthy boundaries with social media  Resources: The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth by Dolores Cannon Abraham-Hicks Conscious Social Media Program Connect with Ksenia:  kseniabrief.com Instagram @ksenia.brief YouTube Ksenia Brief TikTok @ksenia.brief Subscribe, rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts Follow the podcast on Spotify
10 snips
Jan 2, 2020 • 1h 12min

83: Systems, Spiritual Surrender, Membership Sites & Social Media Rebellion – JENNY BLAKE | Top 3 Lessons for Heart-Based Business with Former Google Career Coach

Founder of Pivot Method Jenny Blake is a Google Career coach who became an entrepreneur that helps forward-thinking individuals and organizations like CHANEL and Microsoft map what’s next.  Jenny has had a profound impact on my life and entrepreneurial journey after we met at a women’s retreat in New Jersey a few years ago. Jenny has a unique ability to combine spiritual surrender with being the queen of systems and optimized revenue streams. I have learned a ton in this interview and know you will enjoy it, too! See all show notes on wokeandwired.com. Topics we cover:  How to find harmony between systems and spiritual surrender in business How to simplify and systematize your revenue streams The positive side of people unsubscribing from your email list (similar to “Reverse scale” mentioned by Shawn Askinosie)  Why it’s important to measure opportunities by revenue AND what feels easeful and joyful to deliver How Jenny uses time blocking to create mental space How she transitioned from using her name for her business to “The Pivot Method” to help scale her offering Creating a membership site as an alternative to course launch model How she runs her membership community, “Momentum”  Can you run a successful business and not be active on social media? (Hint: yes! Jenny shares her alternative approach) What role abundance mindset plays on her entrepreneurial path Tips for running a business if you’re an introverted, highly sensitive person How to create content with built-in listening  How to create one piece of content and repurpose it for multiple platforms  Jenny’s top 3 pieces of advice for entrepreneurs: Drop the attachment to having answers Have built-in listening in your content Commit to entrepreneurship and know you can overcome any problems  Resources: Outrageous Openness Letting the Divine Take the Lead by Tosha Silver  The Heart Bowl Free-up Founder Time: Free mini-course to create ease and flow, and heart-based business-building Kajabi online course and membership site platform  Be a Free Range Human—Busting Business Myths with Marianne Cantwell on Pivot Podcast with Jenny Blake Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear Connect with Jenny Blake: pivotmethod.com Connect with Woke & Wired:  If you enjoyed the podcast, share it with a friend and on your Instagram stories (tag @wokeandwired so I can see it). Subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes. Your rating and review help more people discover it. Join the private Woke & Wired Facebook group.
Dec 19, 2019 • 33min

82: Top Lessons I Learned This Year + A Visioning Exercise for the New Year

End of year reflection and visioning for the new year is one of my favorite rituals. I invite you to create the sacred space to reflect, celebrate and get clear on what’s important for you in the coming year. Whether you’re doing this at the same time as me (December 2019) or any other time of the year – it’s never too late to create a vision for your business and lifestyle. In this episode, I give you a glimpse into the questions that I find the most powerful, and share some personal and business reflections from 2019 as well as some of my business goals for 2020. Jump to the exercises: 10:00 Reflection on previous year 21:30 Visioning for the new year Connect with Ksenia: kseniabrief.com Ksenia's email list Instagram @ksenia.brief YouTube Ksenia Brief TikTok @ksenia.brief Subscribe, rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts Follow the podcast on Spotify
Dec 12, 2019 • 27min

81: Have A Love-Hate Relationship with Social Media? 5 Ways To Shift Into Alignment

Do you have a love/hate relationship with social media? You’re not alone. Here’s the thing: your relationship with social media has more to do with you than it does with social media.  That’s right. Which means that you have the full power to re-organize your feed in a way that feels empowering. You can transform how you create and interact with social media content – and as a result, it will transform how you feel every day, and the impact you create as a human and as an entrepreneur.  In this episode, I share 5 Ways To Shift Into Alignment with social media. I also share an excerpt from my conversation with Klara Mudge (aka @bothsidesbuttered from episode 79) as an example of unpacking a complicated relationship with social media (which we all have). If you’re ready to unpack your relationship with social media like never before and start using it as a place to show up, expand, connect and create impact (and feel ease and clarity while you do so), then consider joining the January 2020 8-week Conscious Social Media Program. Enrollment is limited!  See all show notes and previous episodes on wokeandwired.com. Connect with Woke & Wired: If you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with a friend and on your Instagram stories (and tag @wokeandwired so I can see it). Subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes. Your rating and review help more people discover it. Join the private Woke & Wired Facebook group.
Dec 5, 2019 • 34min

80: 5 SEO Tips To Expand Your Reach, Impact & Revenue (And Create Pathways For Synchronicity)

SEO is a massively powerful growth hack that’s often overlooked in the age of Instagram. Last week, I brought up SEO on @ksenia.avdulova IG stories and more people said they want to hear more than ever before. In this solo podcast episode, I share the most effective things I know about SEO. Here’s the problem: SEO seems to be an area of expertise reserved for men and/or humans who know how to code. In reality, SEO doesn’t have to be complicated.  Making simple SEO-related changes to the way you produce and share your content can make a HUGE difference. I taught everything myself and know you can, too (if you want to).  No shame if you want to outsource it. Even if you decide to hire someone to do it for you, it’s extremely valuable to understand how it works and approach it creatively.  In this week’s Woke & Wired episode, I share 5 SEO Tips To Expand Your Reach, Impact, and Revenue. Bonus: mastering your SEO is a way to create new pathways for synchronicity and magic to come into your life. Tune into the episode to hear the incredible synchronicity that happened in my life as a result of optimizing this Cacao Ceremony blog post. These SEO tips and tricks apply to business owners, influencers, bloggers, artists, consultants – anyone who has a website and is ready for your work to be seen by more people in a conscious way. Go to my SEO Tips to get all the action items from the podcast episode in one place. Curious about the 8-week Conscious Social Media Program? I just opened enrollment for January 2020 – for the first time ever, it includes one-on-one coaching (this option won’t be offered again), and the spots are very limited. Save yours here. See all show notes on wokeandwired.com. Connect with Woke & Wired: If you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with a friend and on your Instagram stories (and tag @wokeandwired so I can see it). Subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes. Your rating and review help more people discover it. Join the private Woke & Wired Facebook group.
Nov 29, 2019 • 59min

79: Redefine Normal and Learn To Trust Yourself – Nutritional Therapist KLARA MUDGE

In this episode, I want you to meet someone who’s had a huge impact on me.  I met Klara Mudge during a Strala Yoga training, and through the years she was my health coach, part of the Breakfast Criminals team, and a personal confidante on many things heart and business. Klara, aka @bothsidesbuttered, is a nutritional therapist based in Namibia. She brings functional medicine, neuro-linguistics (aka NLP) mindfulness meditation and Strala yoga to her refreshing and inclusive approach to mind-body healing. Being a conscious entrepreneur starts with being a conscious human, and being a conscious human starts with being present in your body. This episode will give you pathways to find more presence, intuition and trust in your daily life. Enjoy! In this conversation, we discuss:  What is wellness, anyway? Redefining normal  Why allowing yourself to feel more makes you a more confident human How she turned her obsession with food into her career Rethinking diets and cheat days Radically accepting yourself What she’s learned from living on 3 continents  The role that Strala Yoga played in her journey to being friends with her body Mindfulness practices you can implement right away to feel better Playfulness as a path to wellbeing See all show notes on wokeandwired.com Connect with Klara:  @bothsidesbuttered Bothsidesbuttered.com Connect with Woke & Wired: If you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with a friend and on your Instagram stories (and tag @wokeandwired so I can see it). Subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes. Your rating and review help more people discover it. Join the private Woke & Wired Facebook group.
Nov 21, 2019 • 1h 2min

78: Building A Business Around Altered States of Consciousness – NIRAJ NAIK, Creator of SOMA Breath

The intention of all interviews on Woke & Wired podcast is to show you different pathways to creating a life of fulfillment, impact and success in this age of digital possibility. Instead of offering one “right” way to be a conscious entrepreneur, I am on a mission to expose you to many possible routes. In the end, it has to feel aligned for you. Tune into what resonates, take action, test, repeat. And keep me posted on your takeaways from the show by tagging @wokeandwired on Instagram! In this conversation with Niraj Naik, pharmacist turned holistic health and breathwork expert, we discuss: How Niraj lost his sense of purpose as a pharmacist, and found meaning in holistic healing How he cured himself from an autoimmune condition (Ulcerative Colitis) holistically Optimizing health vs curing an ailment How Niraj created with his breathwork methodology, SOMA Breath How his online business generates revenue Why email lists are still the key to marketing How to create a business you’re aligned with  Finding what works for your VS jumping into a variety of projects at once Great product as the foundation of a successful business The role that high ticket funnels play in his business What he learned from creating a membership website early on in his business  How YouTube helped Niraj launch his business The massive role being on podcasts has played in selling his products The importance of building a team and outsourcing as a multi-talented entrepreneur 3 tips for conscious entrepreneurs  Lessons Niraj has learned from his journey as an entrepreneur What is altered state of consciousness? Why breath is the access to your spirit How to reprogram your subconscious beliefs with breath The similarities between breathwork and psilocybin See all show notes and resources on wokeandwired.com. Connect with Woke & Wired: If you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with a friend and on your Instagram stories (and tag @wokeandwired so I can see it). Subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes. Your rating and review help more people discover it. Join the private Woke & Wired Facebook group.
Nov 14, 2019 • 57min

77: Encounters With The Divine Through Business – SHAWN ASKINOSIE

If I never produced a single episode after this one, my mission would still be complete. This conversation with Shawn Askinosie is the epitome of the Woke & Wired philosophy of living a heart-centered life driven by presence, generosity, curiosity and adventure, with the internet and business being the tools we use to experience connection. Founder of Askinosie Chocolate Shawn Askinosie is a criminal defense lawyer turned conscious chocolate entrepreneur recognized by Oprah as "One of 15 Guys Who Are Saving the World." Making a difference on a business level starts with making a difference on a personal level, interaction by interaction. This conversation with Shawn had a profound impact on me and gave me a glimpse into what’s possible when I get present to the connection between my personal vocation and how I make money. I know this interview will move you, too. Get prepared to encounter the Divine. In this episode, we discuss: How a divine encounter led Shawn from journey from a successful career as a criminal defense lawyer to making chocolate How can we be present for divine encounters? The power of following your sorrow and heartbreak How to find your purpose through service Moments of joy of service as a path to expanded consciousness The intersection of personal and business vocation How Shawn honors his ancestors through his business Why fair trade business doesn’t mean the farmers get paid more money Why Askinosie Chocolate chose direct trade and profit sharing over fair trade How they are able to pay farmers on average 55% more  Why the growth of the Askinosie chocolate business is directly related to faith How to practice presence in everyday moments The role that technology and social media play in creating community and a sense of unity See all show notes on wokeandwired.com Connect with Woke & Wired: If you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with a friend and on your Instagram stories (and tag @wokeandwired so I can see it). Subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes. Your rating and review help more people discover it. Join the private Woke & Wired Facebook group.    
Nov 7, 2019 • 28min

76: Intuitive, Inspired Social Media Strategy – Q&A with Ksenia Avdulova | Don’t Look For Your Worth on Instagram

Your worth doesn’t come from the number of likes on Instagram. I often get calls from clients panicking about tanking engagement on their posts.   Since when does a number under a photo define who you are, your level of success and the value you bring into the world? As you listen to this episode, you will step into your worth and allow in pathways for creating a way to show up online and create a digital footprint in a way that feels aligned, inspired and intuitive. The social media Q&A covers:  What is your favorite way to convert SM engagement into connection with a client? What’s the best source for creating / curating my digital footprint? How do you manage so many Instagram accounts?  And how do you feel inspired to create? See all show notes and the next episodes I recommend listening to on wokeandwired.com. Connect with Woke & Wired: If you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with a friend and on your Instagram stories (and tag @wokeandwired so I can see it). Subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes. Your rating and review help more people discover it. Join the private Woke & Wired Facebook group.

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