The Calm Mom - Burnout, Anxiety, Nervous System, Mindset, Self-Care, Parenting, Work-Life Balance cover image

The Calm Mom - Burnout, Anxiety, Nervous System, Mindset, Self-Care, Parenting, Work-Life Balance

Latest episodes

Sep 15, 2023 • 41min

179 -  Overwhelmed & Overcommitted?  How to Optimize Your Capacity with Melanie Sodka

We all want to increase our capacity, right? But hear me - expanding our capacity isn’t just about growing our ability to do more!    Melanie Sodka, expert in all things capacity management, joins the podcast today to help us shift out of living in a state of overwhelm and reclaim our well-being.    Join the thousands of people Melanie’s guided to avoid burnout and embrace what they love.     Three things you’ll learn in this episode:   How and why the rise of hustle culture has put immense pressure on us to constantly work harder and longer, often at the expense of our well-being. Why capacity building is more effective than time management. How to start optimizing our capacity.    To connect with Melanie, head to: Instagram: @melaniesodka Free Capacity Assessment      “Capacity is made up of three resources. It's made up of our energy. So what does this emotional, mental, physical energy look like? The second piece is about purpose. Purpose is about what fulfills us. What are our goals, our desires - what are we doing in this world that lights us up? The other piece is connection. Connection is a big one for me because we're humans and we're built and wired to connect with people.So how are we nurturing our relationships? How are we staying connected to people and really thriving in this ecosystem to support each other?” - Melanie Sodka   TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!   ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION!   BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE   FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM:   “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Sep 12, 2023 • 32min

178 – 7 Body-Based Tools to Discharge Stress

It often feels like stress and motherhood go hand-in-hand.  We have high demands on our time, energy, and bandwidth, and are often overstimulated, under-resourced (and underslept!).   But here’s the thing - just telling ourselves to “chill out” isn’t an effective strategy for dealing with stress.  Our nervous system doesn't speak a verbal language. We have to show our body that it’s safe to calm down.   Listen to today’s episode for 7 powerful body-based tools to discharge stress. These are practical, efficient, and quick resources that you can use anytime you’re feeling stressed to help bring regulation to your body and return to a sense of calm and presence.   TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!   ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION! REGULATION RESOURCES BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE     FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Sep 8, 2023 • 37min

177 – Making Mom Friends Can Be Hard! Here’s How to Make it Easier with Emily Siegel of The Connected Mom Life

We know it takes a village, but making new friends as a busy mom can be hard, y’all!     In today’s episode, Emily Siegel, a friendship coach and the leader of The Connected Mom Life Community, teaches us how to create the circle of friends we crave.    We weren’t made to mom alone, and she’s on a mission to see that we stop trying.   Three things you’ll learn in this episode: ​​How to carve out social time and prioritize friendship as a busy mom The 4 key connections of friendship The evolving friendship norms in motherhood    To connect with Emily, head to: Instagram: @theconnectedmomlife Website:     “Part of the overwhelm is this feeling that you have to have a really deep soulmate connection with someone in order to have a meaningful friendship that adds value to your life. I wonder how important that actually is.” - Emily Siegel   TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!   ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION! BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM:   “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Sep 5, 2023 • 33min

176 – 5 Signs of Mom Burnout and How to Start Healing

Being a mom is hard. Can we just say that without being chastised for complaining? Raising kids, managing a household, pursuing work-life balance – it’s a lot.  So if it feels like a lot - it’s not that you’re not cut out for this - it’s just a lot.   We juggle busy schedules, often neglect our needs, and don’t have the tools to regulate our nervous system.  So it’s no wonder that more moms are experiencing burnout than ever.    In today’s episode, you’ll learn 5 signs of mom burnout and a simple approach to start the healing journey.  You don’t have to overhaul your life all at once, but there are effective changes you can make today that'll make a difference in how you feel.      TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ! ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION! REGULATION RESOURCES BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE     FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Sep 1, 2023 • 31min

175 – The 7 Types of Rest (and How to Get Them as a Busy Mom)

We know rest is essential to our overall health and nervous system fitness, but let's be real - it can be hard to come by as a busy mom.   When we think of rest, we often think of sleep.  But did you know that there are actually 7 different types of rest for our mind, body, and soul? Incorporating more rest into your life doesn’t have to be overwhelming.  Rest isn’t just another thing to add to your to-do list.  In today’s episode, you’ll learn more about each type of rest and I’ll coach you on ways to know what type of rest you need, and ideas to include each type of rest into your daily routine. TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ! ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION! REGULATION RESOURCES BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE     FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 30, 2023 • 41min

174 – Start Asking for What You Want with Andrea Owen, author of Make Some Noise: Speak Your Mind and Own Your Strength

When’s the last time you gave yourself full permission to speak your mind?  Not being disrespectful or rude - but simply allowing yourself to be honest and authentic?   Today’s guest is the queen of how to speak your mind and own your strength.  Andrea Owen is an author, global speaker, and professional certified life coach who helps high-achieving women maximize unshakeable confidence, and master resilience.    Andrea has taught hundreds of thousands of women tools and strategies to be able to empower themselves to live their most fulfilling life through keynote speaking, her books, coaching, and her wildly popular podcast, Make Some Noise, which has over 3 million downloads.   Three things you’ll learn in this episode:  How to rewire our brains for more compassionate self talk How to tune into our intuition and be okay with getting it wrong sometimes  Tools to help build resilience   To connect with Andrea, head to: Instagram: @heyandreaowen Podcast: Make Some Noice ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION!   REGULATION RESOURCES    TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ! BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE     FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!>>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 28, 2023 • 36min

173 – 4 Things to Avoid if You’re Struggling with Nervous System Dysregulation

When you’re experiencing nervous system dysregulation - anxiety, exhaustion, overwhelm, irritability, muscle tension, etc. - there are habits in your day-to-day routine that might be making you feel worse.   In today’s episode, you’ll learn  4 common habits (you likely do most, if not all of these every day) that can exacerbate nervous system dysregulation.     When you’re well resourced and have a wide window of tolerance, you can probably do these 4 things without adverse impact.  However, when you’re dysregulated and your window of tolerance is quite narrow, these are things you’ll want to avoid.    At the end of this episode, I also coach you through 5 questions to help you take an inventory of the things that bring you a sense of calm and help you heal & regulate.    ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION!   REGULATION RESOURCES    TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ! BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE     FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 25, 2023 • 33min

172 – 10 Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety & What to Do About It

Type A?  Perfectionist? Always busy but feel like you’re always behind? These could be signs of high-functioning anxiety.     It’s not a clinical diagnosis, and it’s probably not debilitating - but it does come at a cost (and it’s freaking exhausting).     In today’s episode, we discuss 10 signs of high-functioning anxiety and take a look at some of the root causes.    You’ll walk away from this episode with practical tips for shifting out of anxiety, regulating your nervous system, and changing the habits and thought patterns that may be contributing to your anxiety.    ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION!   REGULATION RESOURCES    TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ! BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE     FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 23, 2023 • 37min

171 - Over Hustle Culture?  Merging Mindfulness and Business with Melissa Giller

Hustle culture is overrated, am I right?  It’s not sustainable.  It compromises boundaries.  It leads straight to chronic stress and burnout.  And I’m not here for it - who’s with me?! 🙋🏼‍♀️   In today’s episode, I speak with Melissa Giller, a life coach, business consultant, podcaster, and mentor to millennial women. As a fellow mom, we talk about all things motherhood, business, and mental health and how we can be intentional to protect our bandwidth, while still reaching big goals.    Three things you’ll learn in this episode: Tips to create a business around you life, family and unique personality How to align small action steps with your big goals and dreams  Opting out of the hustle - why building a life of intention is important    To connect with Melissa, head to: Instagram: @melissa_giller Website: A Mindset for Miracles Audio & Workbook Leadership at a high level is self-leadership. If you wanna increase your effectiveness as a leader or a role model or a mentor or a boss or whatever, you really do need to work on yourself first and foremost. - Melissa Giller   TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!   ASK ME A QUESTION!     BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH ME   FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective   JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM:     “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!>>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 21, 2023 • 31min

170 – Anxious or Burned Out? Understanding the 3 Neural Circuits Will Help You Regulate

What if you could have a map of the different states of your nervous system to help you understand where you're at and how to get to where you want to be?     The autonomic nervous system is made up of 3 distinct neural circuits. How you feel, think, and act can vary greatly depending on the neural circuit in which you’re operating.   Growing in awareness of the state of your nervous system helps you better understand your reactions, deepen your somatic awareness, and heal, regulate & grow.   In today’s episode, I’ll help you map out each of the 3 nervous system states – how they impact your emotions, responses, and physical well-being, and then I’ll give you practical strategies to regulate so you can feel more at ease and empowered.      ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION!     REGULATION RESOURCES      TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ! BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE     FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<

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