The Calm Mom - Burnout, Anxiety, Nervous System, Mindset, Self-Care, Parenting, Work-Life Balance cover image

The Calm Mom - Burnout, Anxiety, Nervous System, Mindset, Self-Care, Parenting, Work-Life Balance

Latest episodes

Aug 18, 2023 • 34min

169 - Am I Scarring My Kids if I Let Them See Me Cry (Or Get Angry)? 3 Important Things to Remember When Letting Our Kids Witness Our Emotions

When was the last time you cried in front of your kiddos?  For the longest time, I thought I was protecting my children by hiding my tears from them and pretending I was “fine.”   But the more I learn about the nervous system and emotional regulation, the more I realize that as long as I do so in an appropriate way, being vulnerable with my kids and allowing them to witness all my emotions is such a gift to them.    So, how can we allow our children to see us crying or angry, without it being too much for them?   In today’s episode, you’ll learn 3 important things to remember when we allow our children to see us in our feelings, scripts for how we can talk with them about it, and ways to use these parenting opportunities to model healthy self-expression.     TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ! ASK MICHELLE A QUESTION! BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE     FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM:   “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 16, 2023 • 43min

168 – Powerful Rituals and Routines for the Mom Who Works with Jenna Worthen

As moms, we’re all looking to uplevel our systems and routines, and today’s guest helps us do just that!   Jenna Worthen is the author of Mom Who Works and founder and chief curator for an online, global organization of the same name. Exhausted by the label “working mom” and all the things that come with it—unnecessary bias, mom guilt, lesser pay and career mobility, and more— Jenna sought a new identifier for women who work. Thus, the phrase “mom who works” was born.   Three things you’ll learn in this episode: Setting the rhythms & routines that work best for you.  The big difference between mom who works vs. working mom & why it matters. Follow your intuition and discover what’s right for YOU.    To connect with Jenna, head to: Instagram: @momwhoworks Website: Book: Mom Who Works   “That's part of our problem with receiving, right? It's like, I have to do all of this and I have to do it right. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. But what I know is that you have to define what “all” is just for you. Because your “all” is different from my “all”.  If I'm only looking at your “all” and trying to match your “all”, I literally am never gonna be able to be that. But if I can get really clear about what my “all” is, then I'm going to open this space to receive. I'm going to open a path to abundance. I'm going to get really clear about the things that I'm going to take up and the things that I'm going to let go.” - Jenna Worthen TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!    BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE   FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!>>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 14, 2023 • 36min

167 – Don't Cry! 3 Unexpected Consequences of Encouraging Our Kids Not to Cry

Whether it’s the tears at dropoff or a teenage meltdown, it can be tempting to tell our kids they shouldn’t cry because “there’s nothing to be scared of” or “it’s not a big deal.”   I’ve been there - crying isn’t fun for anyone.  But from a nervous system perspective, what are we actually teaching our kids when we encourage them not to cry, i.e., reward them for suppressing their emotions?   In today’s episode, you’ll learn 3 unexpected long-term and developmental consequences of encouraging your kids not to cry.  I’ll also coach you on what to do instead so you can encourage the healthy expression of emotion and help your kiddos co-regulate.    TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!    BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE   FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM:   “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 11, 2023 • 34min

166 – Is Suppressing Your Emotions Making You Sick? Surprising Ways Your Emotional Health Impacts Your Physical Health

What happens when we suppress our emotions?  The hard science is supporting what we’ve known for years - chronically suppressed emotions often lead to physical illness.   Gut issues, IBS, aches & pains, frequent illness, insomnia, autoimmune conditions, severe PMS/hormonal imbalances, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome - these are all among the most common physical symptoms of suppressed emotions and nervous system dysregulation.   Here’s the thing - emotions are a form of communication. So are you listening to the message, or trying to kill the messenger?   In today’s episode, you’ll learn  surprising ways that your emotional hygiene habits are having an impact on your physical health and how to better process your emotions so you can start to feel better.    TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!    BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE     FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM:   “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 9, 2023 • 34min

165 – Don’t Underestimate the Power of Play!  How to Overcome Perfectionism, Fear of Judgment, and Self-Doubt with Play & Mindset Coach, Kara Latta

Wait, isn’t play for kids, not adults? Heck no! Play is one of the most effective ways to regulate your nervous system.     Play is any experience where you’re connected with your authentic self & your inner child in the present moment and spontaneity and curiosity take over.    It’s when you see the world through a lens of child-like wonder and your actions stem from a deep place of joy rather than a place of seeking approval.   So, when was the last time you had a dance party by yourself? Or let yourself create? Maybe even color outside the lines?    Enter Play & Mindset Coach, Kara Latta.  Kara is the Founder and Chief Fun Officer of The Playful Warrior, a brand that reconnects humans back to their inherent nature and playfulness.  Listen in as Kara guides us on a journey of reconnecting with our authentic, playful selves!   Three things you’ll learn in this episode: How to invite more confidence, fun and play into your life  How play can help you overcome perfectionism, fear of judgment How to get out of that way-too-serious state and in touch with your authentic, playful spirit   To connect with Kara, head to: Instagram: @theplayfulwarrior Website: Free EFT tapping for less perfectionism and more play   “With play, we start welcoming our own unique self-expression, allowing ourselves to express. That’s how you build self-trust. We’re starting to trust our own intuition, our own nudges of what feels good as opposed to what someone else has been telling us. We're learning to validate ourselves and our inner child as opposed to needing validation from other people. So, every time we are playing, we are building self-trust.” - Kara Latta      TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!    BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM:   “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 7, 2023 • 35min

164 – 3 Neuroscience-Based Approaches to Respond Instead of React When You’re Triggered

Your brain is plastic (not elastic) which means you have the ability to mold it into new patterns of being.    How we react when we’re triggered is typically an automatic response that we’ve practiced for decades, but it can be changed!   So being reactive isn’t “just how you are.”  It’s simply a learned, conditioned behavior that has been repeatedly enforced.     You just need to be taught how to rewire your brain when you’re triggered, and then consistently put what you’ve learned into practice as you form new neural pathways for responding when you feel triggered.     In today’s episode, you’ll learn 3 neuroscience-backed approaches to help you stop reacting when you’re triggered so you can capitalize on that pause between stimulus and response and consciously choose how you want to show up.     TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!    BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE   FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM:   “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show!  This helps us support more women, just like you, on their motherhood journey.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”  Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!  >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 4, 2023 • 50min

163 - Stillness, Joy, & Temper Tantrums: A Sneak Peek into the Summer of Self-Love Challenge

The Summer of (Self) Love Challenge has been AMAZING!  Women are experiencing breakthroughs, finding joy, leaning into stillness, creating space, and so much more!   So, you know I had to find a way to share all this goodness with you!   Today’s episode is a sneak peek into the Summer Challenge.  Listen in to this Q&A as I coach about stillness practices (and what to do if stillness is uncomfortable), how to re-wire your brain for joy, growing in somatic awareness, and what to do when we’re triggered.   TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!   BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE   FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective   JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM:   “I love The Calm Mom Podcast!” ← if that sounds like you, please consider ratin>>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Aug 2, 2023 • 37min

162 – A Self-Love Guide to Emotional Empowerment and Energetic Alignment with author Tara Swann

You are enough, you always have been - and today’s guest is teaching us all how to unbecome the woman we’ve been told we “should” be, and step into our “Her”, the woman we’ve always wished we could be.   Tara Swann is an Emotional Empowerment Coach and a mum of two boys. Years ago, she got serious about her holistic health, mindset & mindfulness practices, and emotional empowerment work, and is now on a mission to help others do what she did - transform anxiety, low confidence, and self-doubt, into lasting unconditional happiness and self-love.   Join us in today’s episode where we discuss the process of becoming emotionally empowered and releasing your fears & insecurities to truly step into your personal power!   Three things you’ll learn in this episode: How to release the life experiences we’ve been holding onto that are keeping you stuck Why anxiety is something you experience, not something you “have” How to discover the most empowered version of yourself    To connect with Tara, head to: Instagram: @itstaraswann Website: >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Jul 31, 2023 • 27min

161 – Help! I Yelled at My Kids – Now What Should I Do?!

It happens to the best of us, friend. The pressure builds, we’re pushed to the brink, and before we know it, we’ve lost our ever-loving mind on our kids.   No one want to be a ragey mom! We don’t like screaming at our kids. It sucks.  But it happens sometimes.  And I’m here to tell you it’s not the end of the world.  So, when we do lose our cool, what should we do?   In today’s episode, I coach through some of the internal and external factors that lead to dysregulation in the nervous system that can cause us to lash out on those we love. Then I take you through a 4-step process to repair and strengthen your relationship with your kids after you’ve snapped   TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!   BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE   FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective   JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<
Jul 28, 2023 • 23min

160 – Trouble Sleeping? Stop Doing These 4 Things if Stress is Keeping You Up at Night

Our Summer of (Self) Love Challenge starts Monday!  Join the FREE 5-day challenge (July 31 – Aug 4) to grow in self-compassion and support your nervous system.  Sign up at the link below! __ Are you having a hard time falling asleep (or staying asleep)? In order for our body to get its best rest, our nervous system needs to be in a parasympathetic state – feeling safe and calm.    We all have habits that impact the state of our nervous system, and thus the quality of our sleep.    In today’s episode, I coach on 4 things you need to STOP doing if stress, anxiety, or racing thoughts are keeping you up at night (and what to do instead).   SIGN UP FOR THE SUMMER OF (SELF) LOVE CHALLENGE!!   TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ!    BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE    FB COMMUNITY: >>> ROCKSTAR MOM VIRTUAL SUMMIT (free) - REGISTER HERE! <<< >>> 💌 DOWNLOAD THE NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET GUIDE <<<

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