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Earth Ancients

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Aug 6, 2022 • 2h 15min

Mohamed Ibrahim: Sacred Science, Geomagnetic Energy and Egypt's Great Obelisk's

Mohamed Ibrahim and Saba ToursGuide of Egypt Tours are presenting a completely different concept about Ancient Egypt, in this type of tour we present the alternative theories, the scientific opinions and the connections between Ancient Egypt and the Ancient world. You will know more about Kemet, Kemet is the official name for Egypt in the Ancient times. You will have access to many closed sites and explore many hidden corners in each site like the White chapel, the Red chapel, Sekhmet chapel in Luxor and the hospital at Sakkara. A private visit to the Great Pyramid is included and maybe some other place like the Osiris shaft in Giza, the Sphinx and the Osirion temple in Abydos.Mohamed Ibrahim the leading expert tour guide will be the main speaker in these tours, in lecture rooms Mohamed will lecture you about the Ancient Egyptian lost technologies and about the Ancient Egyptian advanced knowledge.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Aug 3, 2022 • 1h 49min

Destiny: Cannabis panel, The Future Use of Plant Medicines

Cannabis and Spirituality, by Stephen GrayA guide to the benefits and challenges of the use of cannabis in spiritual practice. Includes chapters by 18 authoritative and influential voices of the modern cannabis movement, including Kathleen Harrison, Joan Bello, Hamilton Souther, Steven Hager, Chris Bennett, Dee Dussault, Jeremy Wolff, and Roger Christie Explores the use of marijuana in a wide range of spiritual practices, including meditation, yoga, chanting, visualization, shamanism, group ceremonies, work with other entheogens, and as a creative aid Truly a medicine for body and soul, one of cannabis’ greatest gifts is its remarkable potential for spiritual healing and awakening. In this authoritative guide, editor Stephen Gray and 17 other influential voices of the modern cannabis movement explore the spiritual benefits of cannabis and offer guidance on how to interact with the intelligence of this plant ally, a companion and supporter of humanity for millennia. Exploring cannabis spirituality in practice, Gray’s chapters examine dosage, strains, and methods of intake; the use of cannabis to open the creative channels; how to conduct group ceremonies with cannabis; and cautions and counterindications for cannabis use. We hear from Chris Bennett on the religious and ritual use of cannabis from pre-biblical times to the present, Joan Bello on marijuana and the body-mind connection, Dee Dussault on ganja yoga, Kathleen Harrison on humanity’s coevolution with cannabis, and cannabis shaman Hamilton Souther on working with the spirit of cannabis. The contributors explore the spiritual future of this plant ally as well as the ritual use of cannabis by the Rastafarians of Jamaica and the Sadhus of India. The chapters from Brazilian ayahuasca shaman Mariano da Silva and ayahuasca apprentice Francisco present wisdom on comingling the sacramental medicines of cannabis and ayahuasca. Revealing the potential of “the people’s plant” to enhance a wide range of spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga, chanting, visualization, shamanism, spirit work, and explorations with other entheogens, this guide shows how cannabis is an effective ally on the awakening journey, unlocking the receptive energy in us all, and helping us to feel connected to nature, to each other, and to ourselves.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jul 30, 2022 • 1h 30min

Mary A. Joyce: Spy in the Sky, Secrets and Cover-ups on Earth and Beyond

“SPY IN THE SKY – Secrets and cover-ups on Earth and beyond” is packed with visual evidence of secrets and cover-ups discovered ● on Mars ● on our Moon ● in Antarctica ● on ocean floors ● on NASA space missions ● and around our Sun. Extraordinarily detailed photos of humongous UFOs flying near the Sun are included that have never been published before.These discoveries were made when the author was doing research for the Sky Ships Over Cashiers website ( which focuses on a wide variety of cutting-edge topics. It soon became clear she was discovering SECRETS and COVER-UPS that the United States government doesn’t want the public to know. Why? Because as soon as some of those discoveries were posted on the website, they were blurred, distorted or completely wiped off satellite images on Google Earth.The book’s high-quality paper, printing, high-gloss cover and large format make it an eye-catcher for any coffee table. BUT those and other special production expenses were done for two other reasons: (1) so everyone clearly can see the visual evidence that BIG SECRETS are being hidden from the public, (2) so any interference in the book’s production could be avoided.Mary A. Joyce has worked for two major metropolitan area newspapers as a feature editor, Sunday magazine editor, columnist and artist. She even worked undercover during a Detroit mob investigation. Today, she writes books, magazine articles and is editor and main researcher for the SKY SHIPS OVER CASHIERS website ( which features a wide variety of cutting-edge subjects. It was through her research for that website that she discovered SECRETS and COVER-UPS the United States government wants to keep hidden from the public.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jul 27, 2022 • 1h 29min

Destiny: Gail Lynn, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing

The Harmonic EggAncient Energy Medicine Delivered with Cutting-Edge TechnologyThe Harmonic Egg® is a resonant chamber that delivers a bio energy therapy that restores the body’s balance and promotes healing. It utilizes the energy found within the body to allow cells to reset and re-balance and encourage natural healing. This innovative technology gives wellness practitioners a tool to provide energy therapy for their clients to repair, de-stress and relax the body.The egg-shaped resonant chamber was created to focus the energy of sound, light and color as a restorative bio healing therapy. This environment provides a consistent, repeatable experience promoting a sense of internal balance and well-being.About the InventorGail Lynn was inspired to create the Harmonic Egg® after her own experience of healing using another resonant energy technology. With a background in engineering, she knew that she was uniquely gifted to craft a chamber with better energy resonance than the one she had experienced.Features of the EggThe Harmonic Egg’s design combines ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology. Built to incorporate both sacred geometry into its dodecahedron outer shape and acoustic science into its smooth inner shell, the Harmonic Egg is a peaceful and often euphoric experience. Some clients find relief after just a few sessions, while others find its healing properties valuable enough to opt for continued regular visits.An important aspect of the energy therapy provided by the Harmonic Egg® is the proprietary music specially selected to provide optimal resonance. Acoustic sounds of piano, drums, flute and other instruments combine to create inner balance.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jul 23, 2022 • 1h 38min

Edgar Llamozas: Egypt's Unknown Migration to the Americas

Edgar Luis Llamozas Gamero Author HUANCARQUI, the little EGYPTCountry: Peru.1.-WHAT IS THE NAME OF YOUR AMERICAN TRIBE?They are two names: The Maxes and The Taharqites. The first tribe came from the AmazonForest before The Incas; and the second one, The Taharqites, was a remain of the ancientEgyptians who arrived in in South America in the V century B.C.2.-WHERE IS IT LOCATED IN PERU?They both are located in the district of Huancarqui, Majes valley, Arequipa region on the Southof Peru. The Maxes settled on the West and The Taharqites, on the East along the riverside ofMajes River.3.-IS THERE A STORY OF YOUR ANCESTORS COMING FROM EGYPT?Yes, of course. There is an ancient story of my ancestors spreaded out since some centuriesago about a small group that came from Egypt, transmitted orally and kept by the local traditions,legends and myths.So, my modern ancestors who are a tribe mixed of Maxes, Taharqites and Spaniards told me abouttof the book <<he coming of seven Egyptians, via The Red Sea, during the kingdom of Pharaoh Taharqa of theXXV dynasty that coincides with the political situations full of invasions and social chaos whichcaused a massive exodus; so,me, my family and my neighbours heard this story from the mouth ofmy grandfather called Nestor in 1962.I heard it myself many times and I testify that it’s true and real and many remains of this ancientcivilization are left exposed as an open museum, right here in Huancarqui town.4.-HOW LONG AGO WAS THIS MIGRATION (VISIT)?This migration was carried out during the last years of the government of Pharaoh Taharqa, theNubian king, this is, in the years of 664-656 B.C. So, many Egyptians, especially the members ofthe royal class, left Egypt and a group of seven people: Aha, Taharqa and Sisara, Layla, Noor andthe two giants Saqqaras migrate to South America landing in the beaches of the South of Peru,more than 2,500 years ago.5.-ARE THERE RUINS IN PERU OF BUILDINGS?Yeah, there are some ruins, most of them semi buried, however it’s possibleBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Jul 20, 2022 • 1h 21min

Destiny: Dr. Clare Johnson, The Art of Transforming Nightmares

Transform Nightmares into Healing, Creative, Spiritual GiftsThe Art of Transforming Nightmares is a friendly, hands-on guide to help you tap into the immensely rich gifts that bad dreams offer up when we work with them in healing ways. Dr. Clare Johnson, world-leading expert on lucid dreaming, shares her best practical tips for overcoming nightmares and a unique quiz that identifies your personal sleeper-dreamer type so you can fast-track to the transformative techniques that work best for you.With forty-five practices and fifteen tailor-made nightmare solution programs, this guidebook helps you set up your own unique program for transforming your dream life. It shares practical tools to reduce nightmare frequency, manage sleep paralysis, resolve distressing dreams, and release fear. You'll tap into the deep wisdom of your unconscious mind and discover how to transform your night of sleep into a beautiful, healing refuge so that you wake up energized and ready to lead a life of happiness and wonder.Clare R. Johnson, PhD (England) was the first person in the world to write a PhD on lucid dreaming as a creative tool. Past president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and a lucid dreamer since the age of three, she is an internationally renowned speaker and teacher. Clare creates lucid dreaming video courses and runs online groups and ocean retreats. She is the author of seven books, including The Art of Lucid Dreaming and The Art of Transforming Nightmares. Visit Clare at a supporter of this podcast:
Jul 16, 2022 • 1h 29min

Rob Neyland: The Great Sphinx Revelation

Rob Neyland: University of Colorado, Journalism, Advertising, Anthropology. Child of a military family, he travelled the world growing up, fueling a lifelong interest in the ancient world. He resides in the ski town of Breckenridge, Colorado, and is an avid skier, sailor, mountain biker and sculptor. He has been a real estate broker and sculptor there for the last 42 years. As a sculptor in snow, he has performed in international competition all over the world and has won the gold medal on three continents. Curiously, it was this expertise in reductive monumental sculpture that inspired his passion about the carving of the Great Sphinx and other monuments of ancient Egypt. After years of reading about it, he travelled to Egypt with Robert Schoch and Manu Seyfzadeh in 2019 and subsequently wrote a paper about the possible re-carving of the Sphinx from a sculptor’s viewpoint. He returned to Egypt in 2022 to further his research on this subject.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jul 13, 2022 • 1h 43min

Destiny: Sheila Seppi, Walk-ins, The Cosmology of the Soul

Have you ever felt like you don’t belong? That you are different? Have you forgotten major events and people in your life? Have your habits and behaviors suddenly changed? Do you feel like you woke up a different person, have different motivations, and all of a sudden feel like you have a “mission”? Do you know things without knowing how you know them? A walk-in is a soul that has agreed to exchange places with a soul that is currently inhabiting a body. This is called a soul exchange. There are different types of walk-ins, and, in this book, we meet 15 people who have experienced various aspects of this phenomenon, from soul infusions to braids to overlays to jumpers to soul layering. They come from all different parts of our galaxy and beyond. If reading these words resonates with you, and you answered yes to these questions, you may be a walk-in. This book will offer guidance to all those wishing to learn more about the fascinating and transformational phenomenon.Sheila Seppi became a soul exchange walk-in on September 23, 1999 at her home in Virginia. Immediately, her body was healed from documented illnesses and she took on a new personality. Three months later she left her husband and took the children with her. Within six month, she accepted a new job, relocated to a different state and began her integration process as a walk-in with the guidance of her spiritual teacher. Eventually she and her family ending up in Colorado.She attained a Bachelor of Metaphysics and then a Master of Metaphysical Sciences from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and was ordained as a minister. Sheila quickly realized her mission was to be a way-shower for others and to guide them with their spiritual evolution.Knowing that people cannot drop into the essence of their souls when in pain, she founded SpiritWay Ministries in 2007 to help balance body, mind and soul. In addition to being a holistic health practitioner, Sheila is a shamanic practitioner, spiritual teacher, workshop facilitator and speaker, wellness mentor, spiritual advisor, teacher and author. She uses neurophysiology, kinesiology, traditional indigenous medicine practices and body/mind integrative healing techniques to empower her clients and restore natural balance and joy to their lives while on their earth journey.Sheila states, “The realization that we are souls in a body having a human experience is the most profound of experiences.”Email: Sheila@Walk-Ins.orgWeb: Walk-Ins.orgBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Jul 9, 2022 • 1h 21min

Rev. Jim Willis The Extraterrestrial Question

Rev. Jim WillisAfter graduating from the Eastman School of Music, Jim Willis was a high school band and orchestra teacher during the day, a symphony trombonist on the weekends, a jazz musician at night, and a choral conductor on Sunday mornings, before earning his Master's Degree in religion and entering the Protestant ministry for forty years. The author of twelve books on religion and spirituality, he served as an adjunct college professor in the fields of world religions and instrumental music while working part time as a carpenter, the host of his own drive-time radio show, an arts council director, and guest lecturer, speaking about topics ranging from historical studies to contemporary spirituality. His teaching career produced both the comprehensive one-volume encyclopedia of religion, The Religion Book and Armageddon Now, written with his wife, Barbara. Concern for spiritual growth in contemporary society prompted his book Faith, Trust & Belief, while his love for long-distance bicycling led him to make several cross-country bike trips and inspired his biking trilogy, Journey Home, Snapshots and Visions, and Savannah: A Bicycle Journey Through Time and Space.Upon retirement he was determined to confront the essential spirituality that has inspired humankind since the very beginnings of time. The result of this quest is chronicled in his books, The Dragon Awakes: Rediscovering Earth Energy, Ancient Gods and Supernatural Gods.His recent books include Lost Civilizations, from Visible Ink Press, The Quantum Akashic Field, from Findhorn/Inner Traditions, and Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization, also from Visible Ink Press.​A frequent contributor to podcasts and radio shows both internationally and nationally, including George Noory with Coast to Coast AM, Cliff Dunning with Earth Ancients Radio, Rex Bear with The Leak Project, The Paranormal Podcast with Jim Harold, Exploring the Bizarre with Tim Beckley & Tim Swartz, as well as Cosmic Questions with Cheryl Costa, Energy Stew with Peter Roth, Rafa Martinelli, Dark Sun Rising and others. Recent interviews are listed on Jim's YouTube channel, as well as on our Features page. Please use the contact form to schedule an interview.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jul 6, 2022 • 1h 14min

Destiny: Mara Branscombe: Ritual as Remedy

A step-by-step guide to potent self-care and soul-care rituals that awaken freedom, joy, intuition, self-love, and your inner mystic• Explains how ritual can serve as a way to ground yourself, invite in the new, let go of what needs to be shed, and tap into your own inner powers• Shares ancient and modern rituals, ceremonies, and practices to connect with the seasons, the lunar cycles, and the five elements, as well as open your heart, dance with your shadow self, grow your intuition, and connect with your body• Offers detailed instructions for each ritual, ceremony, and transformative healing practiceHEALING BALM for psyche and soul, ritual invokes a unique magic that allows us to step beyond the mundane and touch base with the sacred turning points in our life and the truth of our soul’s calling.In this evocative guide, Mara Branscombe offers potent soul-care rituals and ceremonies to purify and strengthen minds, hearts, and bodies, so as to enable us to activate our inner power. Connecting with the pagan wheel of the year, the five elements, and the lunar cycle, soulstirring rituals and step-by-step healing protocols show a path towards a deeper, heart-centered living. Transformative practices such as guided meditations and visualizations, breathwork, altar creation, and discovery of our personal empowerment mantras facilitate our healing journey. Ancient and modern ceremonies and specific spiritual formulas help us embody a loving existence, dance with our shadow self, engage with grief, grow our intuition, dismantle limiting beliefs, and heal toxic patterns to find inner strength and peace.Ritual as Remedy is an invitation to shape-shift, heal, transform, and reclaim one’s true soul purpose through powerful self-care protocols that awaken freedom, joy, and a wild, untamed self-love.Mara Branscombe is a yoga and meditation teacher, writer, mother, artist, ceremonialist, and spirit coach, who finds great joy in leading others along the path of self-transformation. She is passionate about weaving the art of mindfulness, selfcare, mind-body practices, and earth-based rituals into her offerings. Mara lives in Vancouver, Canada. www.ritualasremedy.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:

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