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Earth Ancients

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Jul 2, 2022 • 1h 40min

Dr. Heather Lynn: Xenoarchaeology and the Interplanetary Search for Lost Civilizations

WHO IS DR. HEATHER LYNN?Dr. Heather Lynn is an author, historian, and renegade archaeologist on a quest to discover what's behind the doors of perception. She is a professor teaching undergraduate courses in humanities, society, and other special topics. Her academic work concentrates on cognitive archaeology, consciousness, philosophy of mind, symbology, and the exploration of myth and art through a Jungian conceptual framework.Heather also writes books and articles on fringe topics including hidden history, ancient mysteries, mythology, the occult, and paleocontact theory. She is a regular guest on podcasts and radio programs like Coast to Coast AM and has been a historical consultant for television programs, including History’s Ancient Aliens. a supporter of this podcast:
Jun 29, 2022 • 1h 15min

Destiny: John Michael Greer: The Twilight of Pluto: Astrology & the Rise & Fall of Planetary Influences

An examination of the waxing and waning influence of demoted planets• Explains in detail how the demotion or proved nonexistence of a planet marks the beginning of a roughly 30-year period in which that planet’s influence wanes• Explores Pluto’s arc of influence on individual and collective life in depth, from its discovery in 1930 to the end of its influence in 2036• Offers examples from other demoted planets, such as Ceres, whose fifty-year reign as a planet corresponds very closely to the Romantic Era of historyRecent research in astrology has shown that the discovery of a new planet correlates with the emergence of a new set of influences in individual and collective life. As John Michael Greer reveals, the opposite is also true: the demotion of a planet correlates with the decline of a set of influences into the background.Exploring the waxing and waning of planetary influences in astrology, Greer explains in detail how the demotion or proved nonexistence of a planet marks the beginning of a roughly 30-year period in which that planet’s influence fades out. He examines several examples of planet demotion, including Ceres, whose influence began to take shape some 30 years before its discovery in 1801 and gradually faded over the three decades following its demotion in the 1850s.Examining Pluto’s astrological influence in depth, from the beginning of the search for “Planet X” in 1900 to the end of its influence in 2036, the author shows how during the Plutonian era the concept of cosmos--from the ancient Greek meaning “that which is beautifully ordered”--was in eclipse. Pluto’s influence led to the rejection of unity, beauty, and order, exemplified through the splitting of the atom by physicists, the splitting of the individual into conscious and subconscious halves by psychoanalysts, and the splitting of the world into warring camps by politicians.Offering an essential guide not only to the astrology of the future but also to the twilight of the Plutonian era, Greer shows how as Pluto’s influence fades out in the years ahead, a great many disruptive phenomena of the recent past will fade with it.ohn Michael Greer is a writer, blogger, and independent scholar who has written more than 70 books, including The King in Orange, Circles of Power, and the award-winning New Encyclopedia of the Occult. A longtime student of astrology, he began working as a political astrologer in 2017. He lives in Rhode Island.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jun 25, 2022 • 1h 46min

Rafael Eissmann: Forgotten Civilizations of South America

Rafael Videla Eissmann (Chile, 1979) is a historian graduated from UniversidadCatólica de Chile. He has developed numerous anthropological and ethno-historical investigations on pre-Hispanic America, focusing his studies onmythology and symbols.Rafael is a member of the Berchtesgaden-based Privatinstitut fürWelteislehre (“Private Institute of Glacial Cosmogony”), of РОИПА (“RussianSociety for the Study of Atlantis”) and of the Italian cultural association AkakorGeographical Exploring.Among his main books are Crónica de la Montaña de Melimoyu (“Chronicle ofthe Mountain of Melimoyu”, 2003), Roberto Rengifo y el Secreto de la AméricaAborigen (“Roberto Rengifo and the Secret of Aboriginal America”, 2007), LaCosmogonía Glacial de Hörbiger y la Doctrina del Hielo Universal (“Hörbiger’sGlacial Cosmogony and the Universal Ice Doctrine”, 2007), El Diluvio y losgigantes. Mitos de Chile a la luz de la Cosmogonía Glacial (“The Deluge andthe Giants. Myths of Chile in the Light of Glacial Cosmogony”, 2010), Símbolosrúnicos en América. Con un prólogo de Vicente Pistilli (“Runic Symbols inAmerica”. With a Foreword by Vicente Pistilli. 2011), El Gran Diluvio. Mitosamericanos sobre la última catástrofe planetaria. Con un prólogo de MarcoNünemann (“The Great Flood. American Myths About the Last PlanetaryCatastrophe”. With a Foreword by Marco Nünemann. 2011), Mitos del PoloAntártico. Cosmogonía y antropogonía de la civilización prediluvial (“Myths ofthe Antarctic Pole. Cosmogony and Anthropogony of the PrediluvialCivilization”, 2012), La Ciudad de los Césares y el misterio de los indiosblancos (“The City of the Caesars and the Mystery of the White Indians”, 2012),Los Dioses Extraterrestres y el regreso de B’olon Yokte’ K’uh. Con un prólogode Erich von Däniken (“The Extraterrestrial Gods and the Return of B’olonYokte’ K’uh”. With a Foreword by Erich von Däniken. 2013), Los lituches. Latradición de los hombres-dioses del sur del mundo. Con un prólogo de Erichvon Däniken (“The Lituches. The Tradition of the God-Men of the South of theWorld”. With a Foreword by Erich von Däniken. 2014), El Símbolo Sagrado delSol (“The Sacred Symbol of the Sun”, 2014), Antártida, Arquinesia y laAtlántida. Aproximaciones al poblamiento americano (“Antarctica, Arquinesiaand Atlantis. Approaches to American Peopling”, 2017), Irminsul. Simbolismoen torno al origen de la raza polar (“Irminsul. Symbolism Around the Origin ofthe Polar Race”, 2017) and La tradición sagrada de los ugha mongulala.Tatunca Nara y el misterio amazónico (“The Sacred Tradition of the UghaMongulala. Tatunca Nara and the Amazon Mystery”, 2018) –among others–.Rafael is also a contributor to the magazines Sagenhafte Zeiten from Germany,PaleoSETI from Canada and Ancient America from the United States.Contact: ravidela@uc.cl a supporter of this podcast:
Jun 22, 2022 • 1h 27min

Destiny: Dr. Matthew McKay, Love and Heaven on Earth

About the book:• Shows how the certainty of change and loss can support rather than diminish love• Shares practices and meditations to help love endure in the face of loss, disappointment, change, or any of the ways relationships and circumstances are altered by time• Explores how to cultivate gratitude for every expression of love we encounter, strengthen compassion for others, and recognize the power of love after lifeCollaborating with his late son, Jordan, psychologist Matthew McKay offers five ways to keep love alive in a world of impermanence. He explores how to see and know what we love, how to actively care for what we love, how to have compassion for the suffering of others, how to set the daily intention to act with love, and how to turn toward rather than away from the pain of impermanence. McKay shares practices and meditations to help love endure in the face of loss, disappointment, change, or any of the ways relationships and circumstances are altered by time. He examines what love is and is not, including how not to mistake yearning and neediness for love, sex for love, and attraction to beauty for love. He shows how to cultivate gratitude for every expression of love we encounter, learn to care for things we don’t like, and recognize the power of love after life--a love that reaches beyond death. He also provides concrete exercises for communicating with and channeling messages from loved ones who have crossed over.Ultimately, McKay shows that, by running from pain, we run from love. By avoiding pain, we lose the pathway to connection. Yet, by recognizing love in the heart of pain and loss, by knowing that change and impermanence are inevitable, we can navigate life with a compass pointing to love as true north, learning to love more deeply and making what we love more cherished.Matthew McKay, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, professor of psychology at the Wright Institute, founder of the Berkeley CBT Clinic, and cofounder of the Bay Area Trauma Recovery Clinic, which serves low-income clients. He has authored and coauthored more than 40 books, including The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, Seeking Jordan, and The Luminous Landscape of the Afterlife. The publisher of New Harbinger Publications, he lives in Berkeley, California.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jun 18, 2022 • 1h 11min

Stephen W. Hurrell: The Hidden History of Earth Expansion

For more than half a century a small group of science innovators struggled to convince us that continents were once joined together on the ancient Earth. Then virtually all opposition collapsed when the radical theory of continental drift was widely acknowledged as a major revolution in scientific thinking.But some science innovators continued to argue that there was an even more astonishing possibility. They saw evidence that continental drift was caused by the Earth expanding in size.This is their hidden history.'I took great pleasure in reading this collection, and in agreeing, or sometimes disagreeing, with ideas and conclusions of the contributors. It is the sort of work that can help open minds that are unduly closed'Chris Cunningham - author of Climate Change and the Cargo Cult'All in all, this latest book is a timely addition to Expanding Earth theory, and it is pretty obvious our understanding of tectonics, whether global or local, remain incomplete. The book is highly recommended'Louis Hissink - NCGT Journal editor'Stephen Hurrell has done a great service to the science community: he has captured the history of expansion tectonics before it is lost. This truly would be a shame given it will eventually become the dominant geological theory. The book is a who's who in expansion tectonics with a treasure trove of historical information, photos and documents'David de Hilster - JCNPS President'The book - Hidden History of Earth expansion - exceeded my expectations. I learned about several authors I had not noticed before. It is in the context of history and individual stories that the findings presented sound much more convincing and engaging'Dominik Katona - Amazon ReviewerStephen W. Hurrell was a Design Engineer working at the UK's Electricity Research Centre when he first became interested in the structural strength of dinosaurs. This developed into the concept of a Reduced Gravity Earth and a life long interest in developing various methods to calculate palaeogravity. He has interacted with many Earth expansionists to argue that palaeogravity must be related to Earth expansion and this implies it was caused by the mass increase of the Earth. Details of his latest work are available on his web site a supporter of this podcast:
Jun 15, 2022 • 1h 22min

Destiny: Marianne Bentzen, Neuroaffective Meditation

Reveals how meditation can be used for emotional growth, releasing trauma, and accessing inner wisdom• Shares 16 guided meditations for neuroaffective brain development and emotional maturation, along with links to online recordings• Explores the stages of emotional development, from childhood to old age, and their potentials for developing new ways of functioning• Reveals the biopsychological effects of meditation on the human brain, including how it affects us at the autonomic, limbic, and prefrontal levelsDrawing on her 25 years of research into brain development as well as decades of meditation practice, psychotherapist Marianne Bentzen shows how neuroaffective meditation--the holistic integration of meditation, neuroscience, and psychology--can be used for personal growth and conscious maturation. She also explores how the practice can help address embedded traumas and allow access to the best perspectives of growing older while keeping the best psychological attitudes of being young--a hallmark of wisdom. She explains that there is a sequence to emotional maturation, just as there is for the development of cognitive or athletic skills, and details the central developmental processes of childhood and adolescence and the adult stages of psychological development. She then explores the biopsychological effects of meditation on the human brain, including how it affects us at the autonomic, limbic, and prefrontal levels.The author shares 16 guided meditations for neuroaffective brain development (along with links to online recordings), each designed to gently interact with the deep, unconscious layers of the brain and help you reconnect to yourself, your relationships, and the world around. Each meditation explores a different theme, from breathing in “being in your body” to feeling love, compassion, and gratitude in “the songs of the heart” to balancing positive and negative experiences in “mandala.” The author also shares a 5-part meditation centered on breathing exercises designed to balance your energy.Presenting an authentic, stepwise approach to spiritual growth, emotional maturation, and brain development, this guide explains the science behind neuroaffective meditation and offers detailed practices for a truly personal and ever-evolving experience of inner wisdom and growth.Marianne Bentzen is a psychotherapist and trainer in neuroaffective development psychology. The author and coauthor of many professional articles and books, including The Neuroaffective Picture Book, she has taught in 17 countries and presented at more than 35 international and national conferences. She lives in Denmark.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jun 11, 2022 • 1h 59min

Greg Little: Origins of the Gods, Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences

Explores how our ancestors used shamanic rituals at sacred sites to create portals for communication with nonhuman intelligences Shares supporting evidence from the spiritual and shamanic beliefs of more than 100 Native American tribes Shows how the earliest forms of shamanism began at sites like Qesem Cave in Israel more than 400,000 years ago From Göbekli Tepe in Turkey to the Egyptian pyramids, from the stone circles of Europe to the mound complexes of the Americas, Andrew Collins and Gregory L. Little show how, again and again, our ancestors built permanent sites of ceremonial activity where geomagnetic and gravitational anomalies have been recorded. They investigate how the earliest forms of animism and shamanism began at sites like the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia and Qesem Cave in Israel more than 400,000 years ago. They explain how shamanic rituals and altered states of consciousness combine with the natural forces of the Earth to create portals for contact with otherworldly realms—in other words, the gods of our ancestors were the result of an interaction between human consciousness and transdimensional intelligence. The authors show how the spiritual and shamanic beliefs of more than 100 Native American tribes align with their theory, and they reveal how some of these shamanic transdimensional portals are still active, sharing vivid examples from Skinwalker Ranch in Utah and Bempton in Northern England. Ultimately, Collins and Little show how our modern disconnection from nature and lack of a fully visible night sky makes the manifestations from these ultraterrestrial intelligences seem random. If we can restore our spiritual connections, perhaps we can once again communicate with the higher dimensional beings who triggered the advancements of our earliest ancestors.Gregory L. Little, Ed. D., is the author of over 30 books, including Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Native American Indian Mounds and Earthworks. His research has been featured on the National Geographic Channel, MSNBC, Discovery, and the History Channel. He lives in Collierville, Tennessee.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jun 8, 2022 • 1h 15min

Destiny: Ann Gadd, Better Parenting with the Enneagram

A guide to using the Enneagram for harmonious parent-child relationships• Examines each of the 9 Enneagram types as parents, including how to utilize your type’s inherent skills to be a better parent• Explores each of the 9 types as children and teens, including their positive and more challenging traits, their triggers and fears, and how you can help your child find emotional health and achieve their full potential• Looks at each of the 81 parent-child type combinations and shows how each combination works at its best as well as what happens under pressureUNDERSTANDING HOW WE PARENT and why helps us to become better parents. Seeing life through the filters of our Enneagram type lets us connect with our children in a healthy and more conscious way.Certified Enneagram practitioner and experienced parent Ann Gadd explores the 9 Enneagram parenting types and the 9 Enneagram child types, revealing each type’s strengths and challenges as well as exploring all 81 parent-child type combinations. A fun quiz helps you discover your parenting style, whilst highlighting gifts as well as areas for improvement. Getting to grips with the emotional inner core of your kids, you gain insight into positive and more challenging traits of each Enneagram type child and how to encourage the best from them. Better Parenting with the Enneagram is like having your own personal manual--for yourself and your child. You’ll learn what drives them, what they fear most, what inspires them, and most importantly, how you can best relate to them, whether they are young kids, pre-teens, or teenagers.The systematic approach of the Enneagram offers an opportunity for learning to better understand your child, react more appropriately in stressful situations, and improve your overall relationship. You’ll learn to recognize and navigate not only your child’s triggers but also your own. Tumultuous emotional storms might be averted by becoming aware of what kind of response your child needs in certain situations. Feeling more understood will create a deeper parent-child bond, because being present with our children is the best gift we can give them.Ann Gadd is a fully accredited Enneagram practitioner (iEQ9 certified), presenter and professional member of the International Enneagram Association (IEA), holistic therapist, artist, workshop facilitator, and journalist. She is the author of 35 books, including Sex and the Enneagram and an Enneagram kid’s series of books. Ann lives in Cape Town, South Africa.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Jun 4, 2022 • 1h 26min

Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Angkor Wat, The Khmer and Uncovering the Zenith Passage

Dr. Edwin Barnhart discusses the Solar Zenith Passage, the design of temples in Angkor Wat to capture sunlight, the significance of Zenith passages in Maya culture, the alignment of pyramids and celestial bodies, enhanced lingam images, the myth of Lanka, and the introduction of a new podcast called Archeo Ed.
Jun 1, 2022 • 1h 50min

Destiny: Cliff Dunning, Cannabis and Sexual Ecstasy for Men

A step-by-step guide to using cannabis and prostate massage for multiple male orgasms• Details how to awaken the prostate using internal massage techniques, intention, and microdosing with cannabis• Examines the importance of the prostate as a sex organ and why maintaining its good health is vital for overall wellness and longevity• Explores the ability of particular strains of cannabis to increase sexual pleasure, sensitize the genitals, and trigger potent orgasmsThe secret to multiple male orgasms has been discovered. At the root of this multi- orgasmic pleasure is the prostate gland (the male G-spot) as well as cannabinoids, a group of chemical compounds found in cannabis that relax the mind and body, sensitize the genitals, and arouse the prostate gland.In this step-by-step guide, Cliff Dunning details how to awaken the prostate, or P-spot, using internal massage, intention, and microdosing with cannabis in order to experience powerful multiple orgasms. He examines the importance of the prostate as a sex organ, why maintaining its good health is vital for overall wellness and longevity, and the role the prostate plays in sexual satisfaction as well as why men need regular orgasms.Examining how cannabis can act as an aphrodisiac, the author explores its ability to increase sexual pleasure, lower inhibitions, enhance blood flow, open neural pathways, sensitize the genitals, and trigger potent orgasms through the endocannabinoid system of the human body. He investigates the cannabis strains developed to induce high states of arousal and explains how to use this plant medicine as a sexual sacrament to activate pleasure centers and open the door to multiple orgasms. He details techniques for successfully stimulating the prostate to nonejaculatory orgasm with internal massage, including specific recommendations for prostate massagers. He also discusses the many health benefits of multiple orgasms, including not only reproductive health but also psychological balance, personal development, and new levels of consciousness.Offering a road map to multiple male orgasms and sexual wellness, this guide reveals the prostate and cannabis as the keys to a lifetime of sexual pleasure.Cliff Dunning is the former program director for the San Francisco Cannabis Summit and is host of the award-winning podcast Earth Ancients and the recently launched Destiny. He writes for several magazines and is a regular guest on a variety of television, podcast, and radio programs. He lives in El Sobrante, California.Become a supporter of this podcast:

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