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Oct 19, 2022 • 60min

Destiny: Dr. Rick Strassman, The Psychedelic Handbook

Learn everything you need to know about psychedelics with this ultimate guide packed with information on popular psychedelic drugs like psilocybin, ketamine, MDMA, DMT and LSD—plus practical tips for microdosing and how to safely "trip"—from bestselling author Dr. Rick Strassman.Entering the world of psychedelic drugs can be challenging, and many aren’t sure where to start. As research continues to expand and legalization looms on the horizon for psychedelics like psilocybin, you may need a guide to navigate what psychedelics are, how they work, and their potential benefits and risks.The Psychedelic Handbook is a complete manual that is accessible to anyone with an interest in these “mind-manifesting” substances. Packed with information on psilocybin, LSD, DMT/ayahuasca, mescaline/peyote, ketamine, MDMA, ibogaine, 5-methoxy-DMT (“the toad”), and Salvia divinorum/salvinorin A, this book is your ultimate reference for understanding the science and history of psychedelics; discovering their potential to treat depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and other disorders, as well as to increase wellness, creativity, and meditation; learning how to safely trip and explaining what we know about microdosing; and recognizing and caring for negative reactions to psychedelics.Clinical research psychiatrist, founding figure of the American psychedelic research renaissance, and best-selling author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Dr. Rick Strassman shares his experience and perspectives as neither advocate nor foe of psychedelics in order to help readers understand the effects of these remarkable drugs.A native of Los Angeles, Rick Strassman obtained his undergraduate degree in biological sciences from Stanford University and his medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. He trained in general psychiatry at the UC Davis Medical Center and took a clinical psychopharmacology research fellowship at UC San Diego. At the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, his clinical research team discovered the first known function of melatonin in humans. Between 1990–95 he performed the first new US clinical research with psychedelic drugs in a generation.From 1995–2008, Strassman practiced general psychiatry in community mental health and the private sector. He has authored or coauthored nearly 50 peer-reviewed papers, has served as guest editor and reviewer for numerous scientific journals, and consulted to various government, nonprofit, and for-profit entities. His book DMT: The Spirit Molecule (2001) has been translated into 14 languages and is the basis of a successful independent documentary of the same name. Strassman is also the author of DMT and the Soul of Prophecy, Joseph Levy Escapes Death, and coauthor of Inner Paths to Outer Space. He is currently clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the UNM School of Medicine and lives in Gallup, New Mexico.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Oct 15, 2022 • 2h 16min

Mario Buildreps: 100,000 Years of Man Unknown History

The author, with a pen-name of Mario Buildreps. I am a successful former businessperson and a graduate engineer. Engineers are specifically good at finding solutions for complex problems. Also, and that is maybe even more important, engineers are not handicapped with all sorts of limited ideas and paradigms that archaeologists and geologists are hindered with.My engineering and mathematical skills were essential for my discoveries regarding our ancient history. I discovered that the orientation of foundations of ancient structures around the world follow a pattern, an overwhelming mathematical pattern, one that has become the subject matter of this website.From my youth, I have always been very interested in ancient humans, megalithic structures, ancient temples, and pyramids. As a child I was always wondering why ancient Homo sapiens, who had the same brains and hands as we, wandered around empty plains for hundreds of thousands of years. They were effectively doing nothing with their creative brains and hands, building nothing, leaving no traces, other than split stones and some primitive tools. I discovered that this ideas of primitive humans in the ancient past, that has been imposed on us for centuries, is not true. I am supported by a dedicated and highly skilled team of alphas and betas. The alpha with the initials J.B. from Canada is our editor. J.M. from Australia was responsible for verification of the locations of the mathematical proven poles. A.S. is one of our researchers who is rigging up a massive verification project based on a self programmed GIS environment worldwide.Recently, it appears that most of the orientational grids in countries around the world are based on much older grids. These grids appear to point to the same ancient geographic poles. Two other members of the team are also skilled scientists and currently more or less sleeping members. They have supported me with tracking down reliable maps of the Nuraghes and gave ideas which topics to research in the future.Together are we a team of independent researchers that have deeply penetrated into the unbelievable truth behind Lost Civilizations. Because the research is holistic and mathematical it inevitably covers several scientific disciplines. There are no shareholders involved, nor has this anything to do with ego issues. Our team is growing with enthusiastic highly skilled and motivated researchers and editors. Our research is expanding rapidly while amazing many mainstream scientists with our simple, mathematics-based research.Our recent discoveries, done entirely outside the conventional scientific community, reveal astounding insights into the reasons for geographic polar movements and their undeniable close association with ancient cultures.Our ancient history, including a vast amount of ancient structures, goes back literally hundreds of thousands of years. That is not just an idle statement because a large amount of data and mathematical certainties support it. It appears that the dating work that was done by archaeologists, scholars, and historians over many decades has revealed next to nothing about the REAL antiquity of human history. a supporter of this podcast:
Oct 12, 2022 • 1h 24min

Destiny: Jonathan Goldman, Healing Sounds

New edition of the classic guidebook on sound healing• Presents a step-by-step process of vibrational activation using sacred and healing sounds and explains in detail how to perform vocal harmonics to transform and heal• Shares many easy-to-follow sound healing exercises, such as “Vowels as Mantras” for chakra chanting and “Overtoning,” a powerful sound healing technique• Offers more than 100 minutes of exclusive audio downloads featuring recordings of sound healing exercises, guided meditations, and sonic excerpts to help you experience and embody the power of harmonicsIn this 30th anniversary edition of the classic guidebook on sound healing, internationally recognized master teacher Jonathan Goldman presents a step-by-step process of vibrational activation using sacred and healing sounds.Sharing many easy-to-follow sound healing exercises, such as “Vowels as Mantras” and “Overtoning,” Goldman explains in detail how to perform vocal harmonics--a form of overtone chanting--and experience their transformative and healing powers. He shows how harmonics can be used as sonic yoga for meditation and deep relaxation as well as to enhance energy and resonate the chakras, the energy centers of the body. Exploring the vibrational principles that underlie the framework of the universe, including frequency and resonance, Goldman explains how harmonics represent the colors of sound and affect us on all levels, bridging body, mind, and spirit. He explores mantra and chakra chanting, sacred vowels, vocal toning, conscious listening, cymatics, sonic shamanism, magical incantations, and many other vibrational and sound healing techniques.Providing the basis for how and why sound can heal and transform, this new 30th anniversary edition of Healing Sounds also offers more than 100 minutes of exclusive audio downloads featuring recordings of sound healing exercises, guided meditations, and sonic excerpts to help you experience and embody the power of harmonics.onathan Goldman, M.A., is an award-winning musician, composer, writer, teacher, and chant master. An international authority and founding pioneer in the field of sound healing, he is the author of several books, including The Humming Effect and Chakra Frequencies. A Grammy nominee, he is the CEO of Spirit Music, Inc., and the founder and director of the Sound Healers Association. www.healingsounds.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Oct 8, 2022 • 1h 51min

Rafael Videla Eissmann: Evidence for Advance Cultures in Ancient South America

Rafael Videla Eissmann (Chile, 1979) is a historian graduated from UniversidadCatólica de Chile. He has developed numerous anthropological and ethno-historical investigations on pre-Hispanic America, focusing his studies onmythology and symbols.Rafael is a member of the Berchtesgaden-based Privatinstitut fürWelteislehre (“Private Institute of Glacial Cosmogony”), of РОИПА (“RussianSociety for the Study of Atlantis”) and of the Italian cultural association AkakorGeographical Exploring.Among his main books are Crónica de la Montaña de Melimoyu (“Chronicle ofthe Mountain of Melimoyu”, 2003), Roberto Rengifo y el Secreto de la AméricaAborigen (“Roberto Rengifo and the Secret of Aboriginal America”, 2007), LaCosmogonía Glacial de Hörbiger y la Doctrina del Hielo Universal (“Hörbiger’sGlacial Cosmogony and the Universal Ice Doctrine”, 2007), El Diluvio y losgigantes. Mitos de Chile a la luz de la Cosmogonía Glacial (“The Deluge andthe Giants. Myths of Chile in the Light of Glacial Cosmogony”, 2010), Símbolosrúnicos en América. Con un prólogo de Vicente Pistilli (“Runic Symbols inAmerica”. With a Foreword by Vicente Pistilli. 2011), El Gran Diluvio. Mitosamericanos sobre la última catástrofe planetaria. Con un prólogo de MarcoNünemann (“The Great Flood. American Myths About the Last PlanetaryCatastrophe”. With a Foreword by Marco Nünemann. 2011), Mitos del PoloAntártico. Cosmogonía y antropogonía de la civilización prediluvial (“Myths ofthe Antarctic Pole. Cosmogony and Anthropogony of the PrediluvialCivilization”, 2012), La Ciudad de los Césares y el misterio de los indiosblancos (“The City of the Caesars and the Mystery of the White Indians”, 2012),Los Dioses Extraterrestres y el regreso de B’olon Yokte’ K’uh. Con un prólogode Erich von Däniken (“The Extraterrestrial Gods and the Return of B’olonYokte’ K’uh”. With a Foreword by Erich von Däniken. 2013), Los lituches. Latradición de los hombres-dioses del sur del mundo. Con un prólogo de Erichvon Däniken (“The Lituches. The Tradition of the God-Men of the South of theWorld”. With a Foreword by Erich von Däniken. 2014), El Símbolo Sagrado delSol (“The Sacred Symbol of the Sun”, 2014), Antártida, Arquinesia y laAtlántida. Aproximaciones al poblamiento americano (“Antarctica, Arquinesiaand Atlantis. Approaches to American Peopling”, 2017), Irminsul. Simbolismoen torno al origen de la raza polar (“Irminsul. Symbolism Around the Origin ofthe Polar Race”, 2017) and La tradición sagrada de los ugha mongulala.Tatunca Nara y el misterio amazónico (“The Sacred Tradition of the UghaMongulala. Tatunca Nara and the Amazon Mystery”, 2018) –among others–.Rafael is also a contributor to the magazines Sagenhafte Zeiten from Germany,PaleoSETI from Canada and Ancient America from the United States.Contact: ravidela@uc.cl a supporter of this podcast:
Oct 5, 2022 • 1h 1min

Destiny: Durgadas Allon Duriel, Worthy As You Are

Connect with Spirit, Tend Your Inner Garden, and Plant Seeds for a Better LifeYou are worthy as you are, right now. This book proves it, taking you on a journey of compassion, authenticity, and spiritual connectedness. Durgadas Allon Duriel shares empowering tools and exercises, uniting cognitive behavioral therapy with spiritual practices to help you remove harmful self-talk and cultivate good habits. Learn how to healthfully process difficult emotions and experiences around shame, chronic illness, anxiety, self-sabotage, aging, and more.Guiding you through nine important realms of life, including body image, relationships, self-love, sexuality, and career, Durgadas leads you toward greater freedom within yourself. You'll also discover techniques for self-care and compassionate thinking, such as affirmations, meditation, and journaling, while learning how to avoid spiritual bypassing. With this book, you can shift your everyday thoughts from negative to nourishing and embrace your authentic self.Durgadas Allon Duriel (San Francisco, CA) is a licensed clinical social worker and a certified holistic health practitioner working in private practice. He is a formal practitioner of magic with more than twenty years of experience and has practiced Yoga and meditation for over fifteen years. He holds a master's degree in social welfare from UCLA.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Oct 1, 2022 • 1h 47min

Dr. Robert Schoch & Robert Bauval: The Origins of the Sphinx

New research and evidence that the Sphinx is thousands of years older than previously thoughtContrasts what Egyptologists claim about the Sphinx with historical accounts and new research including reanalysis of seismic studies and updates to Schoch’s water weathering research and Bauval’s Orion Correlation TheoryExamines how the Sphinx is contemporaneous with Göbekli Tepe, aligned with the constellation Leo, and was recarved during the Old Kingdom era of EgyptReveals that the Sphinx was built during the actual historical Golden Age of ancient Egypt, the period known in legend as Zep TepiNo other monument in the world evokes mystery like the Great Sphinx of Giza. It has survived the harsh climate of Egypt for thousands of years and will remain long after our own civilization is gone. According to orthodox Egyptology, the Sphinx was built around 2500 BCE as a memorial to the pharaoh Khafre. Yet this “fact” has scant to no supportive evidence. When was the Sphinx really built and, most importantly, why?In this provocative collaboration from two Egyptology outsiders, Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., and Robert Bauval combine their decades of research to show how the Sphinx is thousands of years older than the conventional Egyptological timeline and was built by a long forgotten pre-Pharaonic civilization. They examine the known history of the Sphinx, contrasting what Egyptologists claim with prominent historical accounts and new research, including updates to Schoch’s geological water weathering research and reanalysis of seismic studies. Building on Bauval’s Orion Correlation Theory, they investigate the archaeoastronomical alignments of the monuments of the Giza Plateau and reveal how the pyramids and Sphinx were built to align with the constellations of Orion and Leo. Analyzing the evidence for a significantly older construction phase at Giza and the restoration and recarving of the Sphinx during the Old Kingdom era, they assert that the Sphinx was first built by an advanced pre-Pharaonic civilization that existed circa 12,000 years ago on the Giza Plateau, contemporaneous with the sophisticated Göbekli Tepe complex. The authors examine how the monuments at Giza memorialize Zep Tepi, the Golden Age of legend shown here to be an actual historical time period from roughly 10,500 BCE through 9700 BCE.Moving us closer to an understanding of the true age and purpose of the Great Sphinx, Schoch and Bauval provide evidence of an early high civilization witnessed by the Great Sphinx before the end of the last ice age.Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., a tenured faculty member at Boston University, earned his doctorate in geology and geophysics at Yale University in 1983. Known for his research on ancient civilizations, he is the author of numerous books, including Origins of the Sphinx. Catherine Ulissey, a 20-year ballet and Broadway dance veteran, earned her B.A. from Emerson College in 2002. Married to Dr. Schoch in 2010, she enjoys contributing to his research while teaching her art, formerly for Harvard University’s dance program and more recently for Wellesley College.Egyptian-born Robert Bauval began studying Egyptology in 1983. His first book, The Orion Mystery, was published in 1994, becoming a number-one bestseller translated into more than 25 languages. His research has been featured in documentaries throughout the world. He lives in Torremolinos, Spain. Thomas Brophy, Ph.D., is an astrophysicist who has worked with NASA, including as a member of the Voyager II spacecraft instrument teams. The author of several books, including The Origin Map, and numerous published articles in scientific journals, he lives in Encinitas, California.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Sep 28, 2022 • 1h 25min

Bernard Beitman, M.D.: Meaningful Coincidences

A comprehensive exploration of the potential of coincidences to expand our understanding of reality and inspire psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual growth• Presents a complete catalog of coincidence patterns with numerous illustrative examples• Defines the many uses and potential pitfalls of coincidences and highlights the situations in which they are most likely to occur• Explores the range of explanations for coincidences, including the psychosphere as the medium through which many coincidences take placeEach of us has more to do with creating coincidences than we think. In this broad exploration of the potential of coincidences to expand our understanding of reality, psychiatrist Bernard Beitman, M.D., explores why and how coincidences, synchronicity, and serendipity happen and how to use these common occurrences to inspire psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual growth.Through a complete catalog of coincidence patterns with numerous illustrative examples, Dr. Beitman clarifies the relationship between synchronicity and serendipity and dissects the “anatomy of a coincidence.” He defines coincidence types through their two fundamental constituents--mental events and physical events. He analyzes the many uses of meaningful coincidences as well as their potential problems. He explains how you will see patterns guiding your life decisions and learn to expect that coincidences are more likely to occur during life stressors, as well as times of high emotion and strong need, which helps you be ready to use them when they occur.Exploring the crucial role of personal agency--individual thought and action--in synchronicities and serendipities, Dr. Beitman shows that there’s much more behind these occurrences than “fate” or “randomness.”Bernard Beitman, M.D., a graduate of Yale Medical School, did his psychiatric residency at Stanford University. The former chair of psychiatry of the University of Missouri-Columbia Medical School for 17 years, he writes a blog for Psychology Today on coincidence and is the coauthor of the award-winning book Learning Psychotherapy. The founder of The Coincidence Project, he lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Sep 24, 2022 • 1h 41min

Bibhu Dev Misra: The Mahabharata and the War for Earth

The Kurukshetra War (Sanskrit: कुरुक्षेत्र युद्ध ), also called the Mahabharata War, is a war described in the Mahabharata (Sanskrit: महाभारत ). The conflict arose from a dynastic succession struggle between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas and the Pandavas, for the throne of Hastinapura. The war laid the foundation for the Bhagavad Gita.The historicity of the war remains the subject of scholarly discussion. The Battle of the Ten Kings, mentioned in the Rigveda, may have formed the core of the Kurukshetra war's story. The war was greatly expanded and modified in the Mahabharata's account, which makes it dubious.[4] Attempts have been made to assign a historical date to the Kurukshetra war, with research suggesting c. 1000 BCE. However, popular tradition claims that the war marks the transition to the Kali Yuga, dating it to c. 3102 BCE.The war took place in Kurukshetra.[6] Despite only spanning eighteen days, the war takes more than a quarter of the Mahabharata. The narrative describes individual battles, deaths of various heroes on both sides, war diplomacy, meetings and discussions among characters, military formations, and weapons used. The chapters dealing with the war are considered among the oldest in the Mahabharata.Hello. My name is Bibhu Dev Misra. I am a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur and the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kolkata, and have been working as an Information Technology consultant for more than 15 years. I spent a number of years working in the UK and the US, for various multinational organizations, including the World Bank and the United Nations, before returning back to India.I am now settled in Kolkata with my family, and working on a start-up venture. My primary passion, however, is exploring and writing about the mysteries of the past. Over the past decade and a half, I have read the works of a number of writers - Graham Hancock, Michael Cremo, Adrian Snodgrass, Joseph Campbell, Walter Cruttenden, Subhash Kak, David Frawley, to name just a few - and have been inspired by their researches to seek answers to a large body of mysterious knowledge left behind by our ancestors in the form of sacred texts, inexplicable artifacts, awe-inspiring architecture, cryptic symbols, and fantastic myths and legends. I traveled to many ancient sites around the world in order to gain a first hand experience of these remarkable places. For the past few years I have been writing articles on various topics of interest to me and publishing them on my blog. Some of these articles have been published in different magazines and websites such as the New Dawn, Science to Sage, Nexus, Viewzone, Graham Hancock's website, Esamskriti, Waking Times, and others.I would like to thank the readers of my articles, and I hope that you will continue to support me and show interest in my work. I greatly appreciate the feedback and comments left on my blog by the readers, and I try my best to respond to everyone. I am currently researching on large number of inter-related topics, and for the foreseeable future, I shall continue writing articles, and if possible books, to share my thoughts, findings and observations. In addition to reading, travel, and writing my other interests are music, sports, and photography. I have added a new section in my blog where I share my travel photographs along with my thoughts and observations, and I hope this will appeal to the readers. a supporter of this podcast:
Sep 21, 2022 • 1h 13min

Destiny: Magic the Occult and the 3rd Reich

A critical history of the roots of Nazi occultism and its continuing influence• Explores the occult influences on various Nazi figures, including Adolf Hitler, Albert Speer, Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, and Heinrich Himmler• Examines the foundations of the movement laid in the 19th century and continuing in the early 20th century• Explains the rites and runology of National Socialism, the occult dimensions of Nazi science, and how many of the sensationalist descriptions of Nazi “Satanic” practices were initiated by Church propaganda after the warIn this comprehensive examination of Nazi occultism, Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D., offers a critical history and analysis of the occult and esoteric streams of thought active in the Third Reich and the growth of occult Nazism at work in movements today.Sharing the culmination of five decades of research into primary and secondary sources, many in the original German, Flowers looks at the symbolic, occult, scientific, and magical traditions that became the foundations from which the Nazi movement would grow. He details the influences of Theosophy, Volkism, and the work of the Brothers Grimm as well as the impact of scientific culture of the time. Looking at the early 20th century, he describes the impact of Guido von List, Lanz von Liebenfels, Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Friedrich Hielscher, and others.Examining the period after the Nazi Party was established in 1919, and more especially after it took power in 1933, Flowers explores the occult influences on key Nazi figures, including Adolf Hitler, Albert Speer, Rudolf Hess, and Heinrich Himmler. He analyzes Hitler’s usually missed references to magical techniques in Mein Kampf, revealing his adoption of occult methods for creating a large body of supporters and shaping the thoughts of the masses. Flowers also explains the rites and runology of National Socialism, the occult dimensions of Nazi science, and the blossoming of Nazi Christianity. Concluding with a look at the modern mythology of Nazi occultism, Flowers critiques postwar Nazi-related literature and unveils the presence of esoteric Nazi myths in modern occult and political circles.Stephen Edred Flowers, Ph.D., received his doctorate in Germanic languages and medieval studies from the University of Texas at Austin and studied the history of occultism and runology at the University of Göttingen, Germany. The author of more than 50 books, including Revival of the Runes, he lives near Smithville, Texas.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Sep 17, 2022 • 1h 30min

Heather L. Arnold: Aruba, Island of the Giants

Heather Arnold, a graduate of Syracuse University, had a 15-year career in the television industry in Los Angeles and Manhattan. After leaving the industry to pursue a career in pharmaceutical sales, she was given the opportunity to move from Manhattan to the Caribbean Island of Aruba to start her own tour company. Heather's quest to provide historically accurate tours for her clients led her down a path of research shrouded by mystery and intrigue. Through extensive investigations, field expeditions,explorations, and interviews, Heather determined that the true, rich history of the islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, had been systematically repressed, and vehemently denied.Looking on old maps, Heather noticed the islands' original names were not as they are today, but were instead called,The Islands of the Giants", and named after the giant race of people with elongatedskulls who inhabited them. After 8 years of exhaustive study, translation, and interpretation of manyscientific research papers, peer-reviewed journal articles, and field notes, it can be shown that theexistence of the Giants is real, and their story is just now beginning to unfold.Not only were these Giants, part of an elite, matriarchal ruling class, but they were a far more advancedpeople than those of the surrounding populations. The Giants utilized ley lines, built massive megalithicmonuments which still exist today, charted celestial events, and worshipped the female in the form ofthe Divine Feminine.In 2018, the award-winning Aruban historian, Mr. Dufi Kock included in his book, "Historia di Canashito"Heather's research on Giant remains found within an Aruban cave which was later entered into theAruban National Archives.Heather has appeared on many several television shows, podcasts, spoken at several conferences, and isthe administrator of the Facebook group, "Stones, Bones, and the Paranormal" and the Facebook page,"The Islands of the Giants."She currently lives in New York joyfully raising her amazing daughter, who is of Aruban descent.,"The Islands of the Giants: The Lost Race of Giants of Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire," will be availablenext year.Become a supporter of this podcast:

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