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Generative Energy Podcast

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Jul 11, 2021 • 1h 46min

#62: Diabetes | CO2 | Mineral Balancing? | Coenzyme Q10 | Cognitive Capture | Parathyroid Hormone with Georgi Dinkov

Topics include effects of intense training on mitochondrial function, relationship between renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and parathyroid hormone, impact of dietary PUFA on heart health, PUFA's effect on blood glucose control in diabetes, legal battle over copyright laws in scientific works distribution, and Alexandra's influence on science accessibility.
5 snips
Jun 27, 2021 • 2h

#61: Bodybuilding and Steroids | Progesterone for Men? | Basic Bioenergetic Therapies with Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov

00:00 - Start, why are we doing a fundraiser? 01:58 - Trestolone 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT), activation of the androgen receptor, adding a methyl group to a steroid makes it risky 04:46 - What would Ray do if he had Crohn's disease? Mycobacteria, supplementing with cellulose 09:56 - Cortisol blockers for weight loss? Progesterone, thyroid 10:38 - Do you want to increase ceruloplasmin? Copper toxicity 12:55 - Does nitric oxide work like viagra? 14:36 - Lactose-free milk and is aspirin safe to take every day? 15:43 - Low sperm count, varicocele, aspirin, progesterone, thyroid, testosterone, estrogen 18:14 - Ray's thoughts on ivermectin, vitamin D, coronavirus 22:46 - Hypothyroidism in children? 24:53 - Can thyroid hormone lower the temperature? 28:20 - Why are people getting flu and cold symptoms right now? 30:03 - Is vaccination a tradeoff? 32:19 - What steroids would be useful for building big muscles? Testosterone, estrogen, DHEA, 'thyroid is the basic anabolic hormone' 36:52 - Sleep apnea, CPAP, CO2, hypothyroidism, progesterone, acetazolamide 40:26 - Diabetic pain in the feet, T4 only therapy, thyroid gland removal, armour, cynoplus, cynomel 43:02 - Progest-E by Kenogen, email Katherine at, progesterone as a basic stabilizing factor 44:58 - Ray's thoughts on ethically composing a "cosmic diet" 46:25 - Benign tumor metabolism, progesterone, fibrosis, estrogen, nitric oxide 48:38 - Gynecomastia, vitamin D, progesterone, thyroid, aspirin 49:25 - When did the U.S. transform into an empire? 52:26 - Inability to ejaculate and get an erection, getting blood tests, low heart rate, hypothyroidism 54:49 - Herbs for DHT production? 55:29 - Can T3 harm the thyroid gland if used chronically? 58:17 - Pregnenolone, adrenal suppression, progesterone, stress 01:02:29 - Increasing libido and energy in a young woman after childbirth, vitamin D, calcium, thyroid 01:03:31 - How to reverse the aging process? CO2 as a cardinal adsorbent, flavanoids, fisetin 01:11:26 - Raising levels of the ACE2 enzyme for health, anti-viral effects of progesterone 01:14:06 - Getting rid of acne scars 01:15:12 - Taking thyroid but the morning temperature isn't increasing 01:16:01 - Diabetes, swollen purple legs, and significant edema, vitamin D, calcium, progesterone, thyroid, a lower-fat diet 01:17:27 - Best things to increase mitochondrial function, CO2, angiotensin inhibitors 01:18:17 - Correcting a thyroid nodule, TSH 01:19:03 - Excess saliva 01:19:35 - 16-year old breast cancer, estrogen, progesterone, aspirin, thyroid 01:20:18 - T3 and body odor, sulfur soap 01:21:09 - Nicotine as a prometabolic substance? 01:22:49 - How to lengthen the luteal phase? 01:23:45 - A daily progesterone amount for men? 01:25:20 - Is the Herxheimer reaction real? Harry Rubin's findings about cancer treatment 01:29:15 - A bioenergetic view of THC and CBD? 01:31:10 - Ray's essential 'prepper' food items 01:34:16 - Lump in the throat from cynoplus and cynomel, how much is too much with T3? Does Ray chew the cynoplus/cynomel? 01:36:16 - Varicose veins from progesterone or pregnenolone? What's a big dose of progesterone? 01:39:16 - What does Ray think of the croissant diet? 01:40:29 - What amount of alcohol is enough for lipofuscin? 01:41:18 - How to restore the outer layer of the adrenal gland? 01:42:12 - Can the temperature and pulse be maintained by stress? How long does it take to adapt to a thyroid supplement? 01:45:19 - What is Ray working on right now? 01:46:45 - Magnetofection? 01:48:04 - How to use progesterone to post-pone menopause? 01:49:36 - Benefits of allopregnanolone? 01:49:51 - Very dry palms, hypothyroidism, sebum, sweat 01:50:31 - How to tell if sugar is converting into CO2 or lactic acid? 01:50:59 - 1000 calories for weight loss? RU486 cortisol blocker, how many calories to eat? 01:53:44 - Kids dying as the result of vaccination
Jun 21, 2021 • 1h 28min

#60: PUFA as a Mitochondrial Toxin | Vitamin D, Inflammation, and Aging | Iron, Copper, and Anemia with Georgi Dinkov

Topics discussed include mitochondrial dysfunction causing anemia, serotonin synthesis linked to breast cancer, benefits of vitamin D in addiction treatment, PUFA deficiency reversing alcohol effects on mitochondria, and hypothetical scenarios of power and water outages.
Jun 13, 2021 • 1h 38min

#59: PUFA, Aggression, and Puberty | Insomnia and Serotonin | Cortisol, Obesity, and Diabetes

00:00 - Skip Setup music, catch-up with Georgi, JBS "cyberattack," World Economic Forum, UFOs 12:11 - Georgi's Strong Sista's interview, problems with low-carb 15:35 - Maternal high-PUFA diet causes alcoholism, aggressiveness, early puberty, and hyper-estrogenism in offspring, PUFAs are estrogenic 25:13 - Stress ups cortisol/estrogen/prolactin, drops DHT, causes male infertility and prostate issues 33:07 - Idealabs update, drupanol 39:32 - Hyperserotonemia confirmed as a cause of autism and insomnia, ways to lower serotonin, aspirin, salt 58:05 - Hidut's Bulgarian Bioenergetic Burger™ Recipe 01:10:38 - Cortisol causes fatty liver (as well as obesity, diabetes, etc.), saturated fat 01:04:11 - Working too hard / long can kill you, finding meaningful work 01:13:58 - High PTH, low vitamin D implicated in bipolar disorder (BD) 01:23:18 - 'It takes 30-50 years to know the side effects of a new drug' 01:34:49 - Danny thinks this is the calm before the storm, outro
May 30, 2021 • 1h 45min

#58: Bioenergetic Nutrition Continued | Authoritarianism | Intention and Learning with Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov

00:00 - Approaching nutrition in an open anti-authoritarian way 01:30 - What is the problem with authoritarianism in nutrition? 03:09 - How do you approach the subject of nutrition? "In context" suggestions 05:20 - Ray Peat on the silliness of "The Ray Peat Diet" 06:35 - Are most people beyond dietary intervention? The human diet almost always contained thyroid 08:41 - Why don't some people feel comfortable with thyroid? 12:18 - Is the look of obesity due to the accumulation of mucopolysaccharides? 13:25 - "If your thyroid is working efficiently, your pituitary doesn't have much to do and you're not likely to get a pituitary tumor, your adrenals don't have much to do, and your ovaries don't get over stimulated. The other glands have an easy job when your thyroid is working right. If your thyroid gets interfered with, you have to rev up your adrenals and your pituitary becomes commander in chief and tells everyone what to do.” Ray Peat (2017) 15:02 - W.D. Denckla 16:13 - What does Ray think about his video interviews hitting YouTube? 17:26 - Final points on anti-authoritarian nutrition 19:44 - What if someone's orienting reflex is "broken"? 22:51 - Ray's motivation for his new newsletter 25:37 - Potential of human society hasn't been explored, Kropotkin 26:24 - Cilium as a sensing organlle 28:58 - Georgi arrives, critical aspects of Ray's new newsletter 32:26 - Combining consciousness of organisms 34:16 - Cosmic Clocks by Michel Gauquelin, vibration 41:45 - How was remote viewing research applied? 42:43 - Fake alien invasion 43:05 - 'Progesterone is useful for any health problem' 44:57 - 'Hormones are useful in our horrific environment' 46:16 - 'Real society would include our animal friends' 47:39 - 'Is there anything that thyroid does that progesterone doesn't?' 49:57 - Question: Is the source of all knowledge experience? 52:21 - Question: Are some principles worth dying for? Pituitary, death, growth hormone, hypoxia 59:32 - Question: Why was Artistotle a good scientist? 01:01:06 - Question: How does metabolic stress begin? 01:02:31 - Question: How does Ray organize his research? 01:06:53 - Question: Can Ray go over his week of eating? 01:09:23 - Question: How does our metabolism affect our thoughts and feelings? 01:13:13 - Question: Why are some people so submissive to authority? 01:13:54 - Question: Ray's thoughts on Chernobyl reactivating 01:15:29 - Question: How to reduce body hair? 01:17:35 - Question: Is there a way to remineralize teeth and heal cavities? 01:21:35 - Unz article about germ warfare, ACE2, China, Luc Montagnier, exosomes, mRNA vaccines, variants 01:35:11 - Ray's thoughts on Israel and Palestine, Netanyahu 01:39:15 - Bill Gates being thrown under the bus 01:41:47 - Danny thinks the real olive oil on the carrot or mushrooms is a revelation 01:42:46 - Orange peel wax
May 16, 2021 • 1h 51min

#57: Fasting, Depression, and Serotonin | The Obesity Paradox | Psyop Overload | Acid Reflux with Georgi Dinkov

Topics covered include fasting and serotonin levels affecting depression, the obesity paradox, acid reflux solutions, and discussions on vaccine safety, CIA hacks, and bacterial communication via serotonin. The podcast also explores controversial health topics, including vitamin toxicity, neuropathy, and fat storage enzymes.
May 10, 2021 • 1h 34min

#56: Serotonin and Servitude | Cortisol, Aldosterone, and Hair Loss | Silica, Endotoxin, and TLR4 with Georgi Dinkov

Topics include the impact of stress on hair loss, estrogen's role in obesity and PCOS, the importance of DHT for men's health, benefits of topical vitamin D for scars, vitamin D deficiency on muscle health, serotonin's influence on gullibility, silica health implications, and EMF-blocking tents
Apr 25, 2021 • 1h 35min

#55: Bioenergetic Nutrition Basics | "The Ray Peat Diet" | Appetite and Metabolism with Ray Peat

00:00 - Florida, Texas, cyberattack, "climate emergency," war with Russia, Putin, Biden 12:10 - Attempting to ground Ray's nutritional ideas, people copying Ray's work without credit 13:02 - Copying someone else before being able to become yourself, Wilhelm Reich, translation as an act of creation 17:27 - Eating as our closest interaction with the world, how Ray thinks about nutrition, body temperature 20:17 - Appetite and metabolism, voting of the intelligent population of cells 22:59 - Variety in the diet, hysteresis, memories in tissue, Rupert Sheldrake, cellular communication 30:41 - Is EMF capable of interfering with cellular communication? 38:39 - EMF causes cells to uptake calcium, vitamin D, and calcium help reduce intracellular calcium by lowering PTH 39:54 - Danny's take on basic requirements for a human living in 2021 based on what he's learned from Ray, is there an optimal amount of fat? Loss of subcutaneous fat and the look of old age, Randle cycle 47:22 - How do testosterone, progesterone, and DHT cause fat loss without increasing lipolysis and fat oxidation? Progesterone, thyroid, and magnesium reversing "addiction" and cirrhosis 52:50 - Hypothyroidism, gallbladder disease, light stools 53:54 - Ray on the importance of protein, albumin, proteolytic enzymes, easy to overdo the protein lowering thyroid function, gelatin, tryptophan 01:00:30 - Is there a base amount of carbohydrate for stress resistance in 2021? 01:02:35 - Sorbitol, prune juice, laxative, emodin, xylitol 01:05:52 - Alternatives if sweet orange juice isn't available? Tortillas, orange juice concentrate, sour orange juice contains more citric acid that can irritate a person's digestion 01:09:51 - Did they change the Mexican coke recipe? 01:14:01 - Regular consumption of liver, eggs, and oysters 01:16:37 - Why are liver and oysters difficult to digest? 01:18:59 - What brand of oysters does Ray use? How does he eat them? 01:20:25 - Salt and gelatin for sleep, the amount of salt for normal functioning? 01:23:16 - What's an optimal amount of calcium per day? PTH, uncoupling proteins, lithium 01:25:09 - Calcium vs. magnesium for suppressing PTH, magnesium absorption and retention in hypothyroidism 01:28:24 - Cytokines activating the stress systems because of the failure of energy 01:30:31 - What is Ray working on?
Mar 27, 2021 • 1h 33min

#53: What is Inflammation? | The CIA's "Finders" Operation | Using Progesterone | CO2 and Stem cells with Ray Peat, PhD

00:00 - Skip setup music, inflation, universal basic income, gold, bitcoin 08:49 - What are ways to opt-out of the system? 10:36 - Ray's new newsletter: Inflammation, adaptation, and aging 12:16 - What is inflammation? 14:11 - Does inflammation exist without PUFA? 16:16 - Is lactic acid the first "signal" for inflammation? 17:23 - Stem cell renewal, oxygen, carbon dioxide, stem cell therapy, high altitude 22:59 - Are oxidative stress and inflammation synonymous terms? Rate of living theory, Hayflick limit, continuous creation, Artistotle 30:19 - Tissue injury makes a person susceptible to bacteria, viruses, and fungi 32:22 - If a person gets a vaccine, are they harmful to be around? 36:57 - "It’s my considered view that it is entirely possible that [coronavirus vaccines] will be used for massive-scale depopulation.” — Former Pfizer VP and Chief Science Officer Mike Yeadon (2021) 42:04 - John Magufuli's mysterious death 44:33 - Ray's thoughts on men, women, and children using Progest-E, ~5-10 milligrams is an average anti-stress dose 53:37 - Thyroid consumption in traditional diets 55:07 - What would Ray suggest if a person has issues with cynoplus? 57:37 - 1/2 a traditional grain of thyroid is close to 1/4 of a cynoplus tablet 01:00:10 - Question: declining health with digital learning and lockdowns, the meaning of the mask, the purpose of the lockdowns, making organization impossible 01:09:07 - Andrew Cuomo getting metooed 01:10:58 - Ray's experience with the CIA's 'finders' operation, Blake college 01:16:49 - Question: the loss of smell and taste with coronavirus, influenza, metallothionein, zinc deficiency, carbonic anhydrase, serotonin 01:23:09 - Question: mRNA vaccines, immunology, viruses, antiinflammaatories for bacterial, fungal and viral infections, cancer
Mar 20, 2021 • 1h 38min

#52: Sugar Superior to Starch? | PUFA and Bacterial Infections | NASA | The Death of John Magufuli

00:00 - Skip setup music, the mysterious death of John Magufuli, news sources, AstraZeneca blood clots, Biden, NASA 12:34 - Blocking cortisol may treat terminal pancreatic cancer 18:20 - Replacing starch with sucrose increases metabolism, prevent obesity 23:14 - Stress (cortisol) causes pre-term birth by blocking progesterone 25:41 - Idealabs update 30:01 - Aspirin may prevent and treat COVID-19 41:45 - Question: do carbohydrates increase serotonin? 47:34 - Question: thoughts on TNF-a blockers? 51:59 - Question: thoughts on drinking water? 56:18 - PUFA metabolites may drive bacterial infections and their resistance to antibiotics 01:00:47 - Fasting ineffective for shrinking belly fat, may actually increase it 01:13:18 - Progesterone therapy may improve COVID-19 outcomes for men 01:16:26 - Androgens (T, DHT) highly protective against the flu 01:23:38 - Outro, state of humanity, Samia Suluhu, World Economic Forum, cyber attack, climate lockdowns

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