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Profit by Design

Latest episodes

Jul 9, 2020 • 45min

96: Done in Five Years: Securing Your Financial Future with Linda Stapf

On today’s show, Dr. Sabrina sits down with Linda Stapf, CPA  and Financial Advisor with Stapf Financial Services. Linda is a Breakthroughs on the Bayou Retreat alumna. She has been to several of the Breakthroughs on the Bayou 4 Week Vacation™Retreats. She was very inspired by the activity that the participants did with Sir Steven Wilkinson for their VIP day. As they played “Gator Tank”, Linda observed different business owners getting very excited all of a sudden over the possibility of selling their businesses. Right now, Linda Stapf has set aside tax returns to get curious about business owners who are putting off retirement. She is surveying business owners to get some answers and sharing the story of the extra million dollars. Listen in to this conversation and get ready for some powerful thought-provoking information. You’ll very likely come away with some much bigger ideas for yourself concerning your future. Show Highlights: Linda has been studying her top clients, who are small business owners. What she has noticed is many of them want to sell their businesses within five years. Linda has also noticed that every year, the five-year target resets. Dr. Sabrina provides context about the 2020 Breakthroughs on the Bayou 4 Week Vacation™ Retreat, where Linda saw some business owners getting excited as they were thinking about what they would do with their time after their business sold.  Linda shares her observations regarding the game participants, and how it has had a profound effect on what she brings to her own clients. Take one day out of your month, look at your results, and figure out if you would buy your business the way it stood right now. If not, what would you fix about it? Over the course of 10 years and working with 3 clients, she was able to help them save $600,000. They’ve been able to push money into retirement accounts, and there’s an extra million dollars that each one of those business owners now has. The importance of utilizing Profit First principles. Dr. Sabrina discusses the Survival Trap Image and how we can align our actions on an ongoing basis to be a direct path towards our vision. When thinking of your retirement, if you can’t see yourself going to work every day, what do you do with your time? A 4 Week Vacation™ gives you space to explore this. Linda was surprised to find that less than 20 percent of the client base that she has been serving since 1996 was business owners. Answer Linda’s Done in Five Years survey and she’ll send you her story about business survival and the extra million dollars! Linda hopes to understand what is holding business owners back from investing and setting themselves up for a financially secure future. There’s a danger to those who think that their business is their retirement. Take the time to think about who will run your business for you if you don’t have the right systems put in place. When you have your systems in place, you will be able to leave for a 4 Week Vacation™ or for family emergencies with peace of mind. Links and Resources: Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Get the Book!! How to Hire the Best - Contractors How to Hire the Best Toolkit Get Your 2020 Action Planner Now! The Pumpkin Plan Action Planner 2020 Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW! Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: Calm App Survival Trap Image Are You Leading with Love or Know Another Entrepreneur Who Is Being a Gift from Their Gifts During This Time? Please use hashtags #leadwithlove #beagift and we will be re-posting these social media posts! Register for the Upcoming FREE Pumpkin Planning Webinar! Register for the Upcoming FREE Leading Your Organizations from Strengths Webinar! Book Mentioned: Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz Connect with Linda! Linda’s Facebook Linda’s LinkedIn Stapf Financial’s Facebook Answer Linda’s Done in Five Years Survey and She’ll Send You Her Story About Business Survival and the Extra Million Dollars! Suggested Episode: 90: Intentional Leadership with Pumpkin Plan Strategies with Steve BousquetMentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to
Jul 2, 2020 • 45min

95: The Right Clients Bring Peace and Personal Growth with Andrew Tvardzik

On today’s episode, Dr. Sabrina, The Business Psychologist™, introduces us to Andrew Tvardzik. Andrew and his family have been a part of the Better Business, Better Life™ program for the last two years. During this conversation, you will hear about the transformation that has been taking place in their business, and Andrew shares the challenges that they’ve experienced and how they are overcoming those challenges. You may be surprised at how rapidly it’s possible to experience a higher quality of life and a business that is much more profitable and sustainable. Listen in to gain insights that you’ll be able to use in your own business as you work towards designing your own sustainably profitable business that supports the lifestyle you desire. Andrew Tvardzik was first introduced to running a business at 10 years of age. He started mowing lawns and built an impressive clientele for a 10-year-old. At 14, he got a job working for a restaurant facilities maintenance company. Andrew worked there for 11 years doing everything from sweeping the warehouse to running crews as a lead man to operations managers. In 2015, he went into business with his father doing remodeling and real estate investing. In 2018, they added Andrew’s brother, Samuel, to the team and started Cedar Ridge Log Homes. Their goal is to become the premier cedar log home builders in Deep Creek, Maryland. Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group. Show Highlights: Andrew shares an overview of his family’s business and how, when they realized that things weren’t going the way they planned, they found the Tap the Potential team. Two of their main issues included a need to reduce work hours and to find clients that were a better fit. The right clients are out there looking for you, and when they find you, it will give you the confidence to realize you don’t have to take all the jobs/opportunities that present themselves.  Andrew relates the peace he feels now that he’s been able to identify his ideal clients through focusing on who he was serving and why he was serving them. Andrew describes the way his personal life has changed over the last couple of years. Immutable laws are protective of you. There’s so much personal growth that happens in identifying our business sweet-spot because we have to claim our strengths. Andrew shares his reaction to a distraught client when asked about the future of his business and his ability to complete her house during this pandemic. His answer will amaze you! Moments happen when you’re tempted to give up, just short of success. Believing in the process and persevering is what took Andrew through those tough moments. Dr. Sabrina explains the psychology behind our struggle with change and how to overcome the self-defeating thoughts that often accompany change. Links and Resources: Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Free Pumpkin Planning Webinar Get the Book!! How to Hire the Best - Contractors How to Hire the Best Toolkit Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW! Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: Calm App Survival Trap Are You Leading with Love or Know Another Entrepreneur Who Is Being a Gift from Their Gifts During This Time? Please use hashtags #leadwithlove #beagift and we will be re-posting these social media posts! Connect with Andrew! Andrew’s Instagram Andrew’s Facebook Book Mentioned: Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike MichalowiczMentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to
Jun 25, 2020 • 45min

94: Stealth Health: Take Back Your Power and Unravel the Mystery of You with Dr. Nancy Trimboli

In Episode 7 of this special series on self-care and strategy for entrepreneurs, Dr. Sabrina, The Business Psychologist™, sits down for a conversation with Dr. Nancy Trimboli, a significant person in the Tap the Potential community who has long advocated for entrepreneurial health. It’s imperative that we take care of ourselves during this coronavirus event in order to stay mentally and physically healthy during isolation. This better enables us to make the good decisions now that will help drive our business and move us toward our vision going forward.  You’ll also hear tips on how to ease yourself and your team members back into a routine as more and more businesses are starting to open. Dr. Nancy Trimboli drew upon the lessons learned from her Episcopalian priest father and her training to become a black belt in Tae Kwon Do to build her bustling Chiropractic practice. Over the last 25 years, she grew her practice to be a multi-location, multi-doctor, multimillion-dollar business with nearly 40 employees. Recently, she has reduced her office locations and staffing to commit time to create online course work and to write her first adult book. She has a large local patient following, and an ever-expanding online audience who are eager to see what she has in store with new online content due to come out this year. Her most recent book, Stealth Health: Take Back Your Power and Unravel the Mystery of You, takes a fresh look at understanding your own health challenges by asking better questions and recruiting your own health arsenal of trusted sources. Little Squirrel Girl, her first children’s book is a true story about a baby squirrel Dr. Nancy adjusted back to health. Dr. Nancy’s gift is to take complex health topics and reduce them to usable, actionable bites.  Making simple life changes will have a profound effect on your strength and resilience, your craft and creativity, your relationships, your work, and your future. Observing social isolation herself, Dr. Nancy created the Stealth Health Isolation Survival Pack: a twelve unit mini-course of practical changes to make now while we have this gift of time in isolation. These small incremental changes added one at a time, will allow her audience to reflect back to this time as one of personal transition and growth.  Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group. Show Highlights: While in isolation, Dr. Nancy developed a FREE course for simple, 5-minute fixes to change old habits so people can look back on this time as a time they emerged from their depression, where they started to lose weight, or where their relationships deepened. We’re meant to be social, and social isolation with entrepreneurial burnout is especially not healthy. The lungs are one of the few autonomic organs that we can consciously control, and when we take control of our breathing, we can take ourselves out of an anxious state. If we stay in a state of fight-or-flight anxiety, it can lead to memory loss, dementia, inability to properly digest your food, heart disease, and many other maladies. D. Sabrina’s Veggies First (#veggiesfirst) philosophy and Profit First have a few things in common! In Dr. Nancy’s Stealth Health Isolation Survival Pack, she has a unit called “Add a Big Bowl”. Enjoy a large green salad each day for a nutritional punch. Add some beautiful fruits to your day. Dr. Nancy explains how being mindful when we chew can have a positive impact on our digestion. We must take responsibility for our own health and our own health choices. Ways that we can do this are detailed in Dr. Nancy’s new book, Stealth Health: Take Back Your Power & Unravel the Mystery of YOU. Dr. Nancy shares the difference between a vitalistic viewpoint and a mechanistic viewpoint, and why it matters. “What can I do to help?” and “What can I do to support you?” are great questions to ask when tensions get high, both when isolated at home and among our team members. Dr. Sabrina reviews all of the resources that Tap the Potential offers to its entrepreneurial community. Links and Resources: Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Get Dr. Sabrina’s Book!  How to Hire the Best - Contractors Edition  How to Hire the Best Toolkit Get Your 2020 Action Planner Now! The Pumpkin Plan Action Planner 2020 Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW! Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: Create a Coaching Culture in Your Small Business! Coach Approach Breakthroughs on the Bayou Mastermind Retreat Calm App Survival Trap Image Are You Leading with Love or Know Another Entrepreneur Who Is Being a Gift from Their Gifts During This Time? Please use hashtags #leadwithlove #beagift and we will be re-posting these social media posts! Register for the Upcoming FREE Pumpkin Planning Webinar! Books Mentioned: Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz Stealth Health: Take Back Your Power & Unravel the Mystery of YOU Dr. Nancy Trimboli  Connect with Dr. Nancy Trimboli! DrNancy.Health - Freebie download of Five Minute Fixes to De-Stress! Stealth Health Isolation Survival Pack - 12 unit course $57 Enjoy These Other Profit by Design Podcast Episodes: Episode 85: Seizing Opportunities in Anticipation of an Economic Turn-Around with Erin Longmoon Episode 42: Take Back Your Life and Health with Dr. Nancy Trimboli  Mentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to
Jun 18, 2020 • 42min

93: Be Fulfilled with Tony Grebmeier

In Episode 4 of this special series on self-care and strategy for entrepreneurs, Dr. Sabrina, The Business Psychologist™, chats with Tony Grebmeier, Founder of the Be Fulfilled community. Tony shares ways to move us toward our dreams, despite all of the different hardships that we’re experiencing in our personal lives and in our businesses during this coronavirus event. Together, Dr. Sabrina and Tony explore how to determine our need for self-care, ways we can serve others, and new ideas for gratitude. Tony is a husband, father, friend, and serial entrepreneur. His current ventures include ShipOffers, a five year Inc 5000 fastest growing company. His mission to bring fulfillment to the world extends from traditional fulfillment services to personal fulfillment. He's also on a quest to redefine how we all view and define success. Listen in on the BeFulfilled Podcast, which features entrepreneurs coming together to redefine success. It's the perfect show for entrepreneurs who know they can achieve their dreams despite their hardships. Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group. Show Highlights: Tony shares why connection and building community are so important to him. Ask yourself, “How can I serve?”, then get out a piece of paper and write down all the things that make you feel good when people do things for you, and start from there.  You can serve in both small ways and in large ways. Offer grace to yourself and to others during this time. As Dr. Sabrina explains that many entrepreneurs were already experiencing burnout when the coronavirus event started. This burnout is a setup for depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Being more cynical about the world and isolating are some of the burnout red flags. Remember that you are not alone in your struggle, and ask for help if you need it. Tony details an aspect of his teaching called, “Fantasy / Possibility / Reality”. Be coachable and willing to unlock the greatness that makes you, ‘you’, and remember that one day you will need to reach out and help pull somebody else up. Lose the ‘I have to do this’ mindset in favor of the ‘I get to do this’ mindset. If you keep planting seeds daily, for yourself and for others, you’re going to have a bountiful harvest and a beautiful garden to walk through. You may not see it today but trust the process. Dr. Sabrina is always amazed at what has grown over the course of the year when Tap the Potential does the milestones celebrations with her clients. The BeFulfilled journal provides structure and support for entrepreneurs in making daily choices that move them towards their vision. No matter where you’re at, there are people willing to help you get to places you’ve never gone. Be willing to practice making mistakes. Links and Resources: Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Get the Book!! How to Hire the Best - Contractors How to Hire the Best Toolkit Get Your 2020 Action Planner Now! The Pumpkin Plan Action Planner 2020 Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW! Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: Calm App Are You Leading with Love or Know Another Entrepreneur Who Is Being a Gift from Their Gifts During This Time? Please use hashtags #leadwithlove #beagift and we will be re-posting these social media posts! Connect with Tony! BeFulfilled Journal - Use Dr. Sabrina’s Name at Checkout to Save 50%!! Tony’s Website Tony’s BeFulfilled PodcastMentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to
Jun 11, 2020 • 34min

92: Fix This Next with Mike Michalowicz

One of our favorite guests, Mike Michalowicz, joins Dr. Sabrina in today’s episode to talk about his latest book Fix This Next.  Mike was the very first guest on the Profit By Design Podcast, and today marks his third occasion of being on the show. Listen in to find out what inspired Mike to write his latest book, learn about the Business Hierarchy of Needs as a basis of applying our business fixes, and why we need to be asking our clients what they need from us. Mike Michalowicz (pronounced mi-‘kal-o-wits) is the author of Profit First, Clockwork, Surge, The Pumpkin Plan, and his newest release Fix This Next. By his 35th birthday, Mike had founded and sold two companies - one to private equity and another to a Fortune 500. Today he is running his third multi-million dollar venture, Profit First Professionals. Mike is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and the former business makeover specialist on MSNBC. Over the years, Mike has traveled the globe speaking with thousands of entrepreneurs and is here today to share the best of what he has learned. Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group. Show Highlights: The biggest challenge business owners have is knowing what their biggest challenge is. The Business Hierarchy of Needs is based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and Mike explains how the five levels of need apply in business: Sales Profit Order Impact Legacy Where you need to apply your fix is always in this hierarchy. Start at the foundation, work your way up, and pinpoint where you’re compromised, where that thing is not adequately satisfied, then fix that and go through the cycle again to find the next fix. Many small businesses try to skip levels. Being profitable is the only way you can be of service to your clients. Dr. Sabrina shares a quote from Mike in his interview in Episode 1 that made a significant impression on her: “Our clients and customers crave for us to be profitable.” Fear and lack of confidence have affected a lot of business owners, especially since the beginning of the coronavirus event. Mike has online training, The Confidence Course, that will help develop what you already have. We should be asking our customers what they need now. Valuable elements from Mike’s prior books, Profit First and Pumpkin Plan are discussed. Understanding the needs of our top 20% clients that are responsible for 80% of our revenue historically in the business is a powerful way to move forward. If we increase revenue from our top 20% by 25% we can replace the revenue from the 80% that we may have lost or we just might not want to do business with because they were not our ideal clients. “Sell the Tell”: The new process to cater to that top 20%. Go to your existing client base and ask what they want, and bring imagination to it. Mike details this project. Fix This Next pulls together Mike’s work. It helps us to understand where we need to focus. His previous books support different levels of the business hierarchy needs. Tap The Potential has 50 copies of Fix This Next to give out! The first 50 to take the entrepreneurial burnout assessment and have a debriefing with the Success Team Lead will receive a FREE copy! Links and Resources: Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Tap The Potential Strategy Session for Entrepreneurs Impacted by COVID-19 Get the Book!! How to Hire the Best - Contractors How to Hire the Best Toolkit Get Your 2020 Action Planner Now! The Pumpkin Plan Action Planner 2020 Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW! Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: The Q-Storming protocol is a useful tool that bypasses crisis-oriented tunnel vision. Current and past clients can request a FREE laser-coaching session. If you’ve never been a client, check out a 45-minute Q-Storming strategy session here: It is a $250 investment. Calm App Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Are You Leading with Love or Know Another Entrepreneur Who Is Being a Gift from Their Gifts During This Time? Please use hashtags #leadwithlove #beagift and we will be re-posting these social media posts! Connect with Mike! Mike’s Website - Mike’s Books Recession Response - FREE Tools and Resources! Fix This Next - FREE Evaluation, FREE Resources, Buy the Book! The Confidence Course Enjoy These Other Podcast Episodes Featuring Mike Michalowicz: Episode 50: The Surprising Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs  Episode 1: What Every Business Owner Need to Know to Avoid Entrepreneurial PovertyMentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to
Jun 4, 2020 • 35min

91: When Adversity Meets Resiliency with Kieran Lynch

On today’s episode, Dr. Sabrina, The Business Psychologist™, welcomes her guest, Kieran Lynch, back to the podcast. About a year ago in Episode 33, they discussed the power of culture and how that was helping him recruit as an electrical contractor in an industry where he was facing a lot of challenges around recruiting. How different his circumstances are now! Kieran and his business faced an especially difficult challenge that he came through only to be impacted immediately after by the coronavirus. Kieran's strategic thinking and his resiliency are powerfully evident in this encouraging and inspiring conversation that you don’t want to miss. Kieran has over 15 years of experience in the electrical industry and joined the Lynch Power family business part-time in 2004. First helping his father as an apprentice electrician on nights and weekends to becoming an integral part of the company’s growth and success as Principal of the company. Along the way, Kieran has held positions of electrical journeyman, foreman, and project manager. Kieran leads the finance, marketing & strategic planning departments of Lynch Power providing new-age guidance on significant decisions for the company. His broad experience, proven leadership, and hands-on approach ensures client satisfaction. Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group. Show Highlights: As Kieran relates, his business experienced their best year ever, then overnight it became their worst year ever because his largest client, with whom he was doing 80% of his business, went bankrupt. Although there were rumors of trouble, he was being assured that everything was fine. Looking back, these are the five steps he wish he had taken: Relax. Analyze and ask around. Create multiple plans. Forget the past. Learn from it and move forward. Understand and recognize that this made you stronger. It’s really a blessing in disguise. Dr. Sabrina shares the 80/20 principle, which is where 20% of clients are responsible for 80% of your revenue.  Kieran replays the date he broke the bad news to his employees and their reactions.  Kieran describes the strategies he implemented at this time to pull his team together. He took ownership that it was partially his fault for not seeing it sooner. His business had just recovered from the financial hardship when the coronavirus hit. He did have to make employee cuts but assured them that his intention was to eventually bring them back in. Kieran predicts that in 12 months, his business will be stronger than it has ever been. He shares some of his ideas on leveraging existing clients and partners. Looking at his financials, he found a lot of “fluff” that he could cut. Keep in mind that now is a great time to be on the lookout for A-players for when you’re able to start hiring again. Gratitude is huge. Links and Resources: Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Tap The Potential Strategy Session for Entrepreneurs Impacted by COVID-19 Get the Book!! How to Hire the Best - Contractors How to Hire the Best Toolkit Get Your 2020 Action Planner Now! The Pumpkin Plan Action Planner 2020 Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW! Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: The Q-Storming protocol is a useful tool that bypasses crisis-oriented tunnel vision. Current and past clients can request a FREE laser-coaching session. If you’ve never been a client, check out a 45-minute Q-Storming strategy session here: It is a $250 investment. Calm App Are You Leading with Love or Know Another Entrepreneur Who Is Being a Gift from Their Gifts During This Time? Please use hashtags #leadwithlove #beagift and we will be re-posting these social media posts! Suggested Episode 33 with Kieran Lynch: Creating Company Culture to Attract and Retain A-Players with Kieran Lynch Connect with Kieran! Kieran’s Website Kierans’ LinkedIn Mentioned Book: Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko WillinkMentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to
May 28, 2020 • 47min

90: Intentional Leadership with Pumpkin Plan Strategies with Steve Bousquet

In Episode 9 of this special series on self-care and strategy for entrepreneurs, Dr. Sabrina, The Business Psychologist™, welcomes Steve Bousquet, a Tap the Potential client and owner of American Landscape and Lawn Science. Steve and his team have been at the forefront of dealing with COVID-19 and supporting other entrepreneurs as they deal with the pandemic’s effect on the business. Listen in as Steve shares what he learned and has put into place prior to the COVID-19 event that has helped him and his team to be stable and sustainable throughout this uncertain time, applying Pumpkin Plan principles throughout the process. You’ll also hear how Steve and his team have led through this and dealt with morale issues. This is a great opportunity to put some of these ideas into place in your own business so that your work supports life and your business sustains life for all the team members involved. Steve describes himself as a blue-collar executive. He founded S&B Lawn and Garden Care in 1983, while still in high school. After graduating from college with a BA in Economics, he changed the name of his landscaping company to American Landscape Service. In 1991, Steven added Lawn Science to the company to form American Landscape and Lawn Science LLC. Today his company services 3,000 clients with 25 amazing team members. Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group. Show Highlights: The three things that Steve attributes to his business’s sustainability: In 2015, he began Pumpkin Planning. This helped him to identify his ideal clients, his company’s immutable laws, and his ideal team members. In 2016, he started to incorporate Profit First. This provided him with an understanding of the financial tools he would need to succeed. In 2018, he got serious about building his team by finding their strengths, learning how they communicate, having one-on-one meetings, and having regular team meetings. (Check out Tap the Potential’s Better Business, Better Life™ Program) Steve shares what his experience was like as an entrepreneur prior to 2015, and how his numbers have changed over the last five years. Dr. Sabrina explains the philosophy of Profit First. What “Leading with Love” means for Steve’s leadership. Steve relates the benefits of asking powerful questions, the wisdom of reminding his team members of their strengths, and the importance of protecting your own strengths. Links and Resources: Register for the Upcoming FREE Pumpkin Planning Webinar! Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Tap The Potential Strategy Session for Entrepreneurs Impacted by COVID-19 Get the Book!! How to Hire the Best - Contractors How to Hire the Best Toolkit Get Your 2020 Action Planner Now! The Pumpkin Plan Action Planner 2020 Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: The Q-Storming protocol is a useful tool that bypasses crisis-oriented tunnel vision. Current and past clients can request a FREE laser-coaching session. If you’ve never been a client, check out a 45-minute Q-Storming strategy session here: It is a $250 investment. Calm App Are You Leading with Love or Know Another Entrepreneur Who Is Being a Gift from Their Gifts During This Time? Please use hashtags #leadwithlove #beagift and we will be re-posting these social media posts! Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Books Mentioned: The Pumpkin Plan: A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business in Any Field by Mike Michalowicz Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits! by Greg Crabtree Fix This Next: Make the Vital Change That Will Level Up Your Business by Mike MichalowiczMentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to
May 21, 2020 • 42min

89: Pumpkin Plan Your Biz: A New and Stronger Normal with Donna Leyens

Dr. Sabrina welcomes Donna Leyens to the show to discuss reimagining what’s possible for our businesses as we come through the coronavirus pandemic and transition from surviving to thriving, creating a new and stronger normal.  Listen in to this conversation and prepare to be inspired as Dr. Sabrina and Donna take on several powerful questions themselves.  Donna is the President and co-founder of Pumpkin Plan Your Biz. She is on a mission to save small businesses from extinction by providing business tools, strategy, training, and support to business professionals who want to make a big impact as small business growth strategists. Most business coaches and consultants find themselves reinventing the wheel with each client, producing inconsistent results for their clients, and mental burnout for the coach. That’s why Donna, who experienced these issues herself in her early years as a business coach, partnered with Mike Michalowicz in 2012 to create a repeatable business growth program based on the strategies in Mike’s book, The Pumpkin Plan. Today, she spearheads the training, certification, and continued development of their proven business growth program, so that their certified Pumpkin Plan Strategists can easily and consistently deliver high value to more clients. Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group. Show Highlights: Donna shares a compelling story she heard recently about a restaurant owner who mortgaged her house to buy the business, and due to the current events, she may lose both. Many businesses who were doing relatively well a few months ago now are just hanging in there by a thread. However, business owners who have been doing Profit First in addition to The Pumpkin Plan seem to be the businesses that are doing relatively well and are making it through this coronavirus pandemic. Questions to consider while reimagining: What would your business look like if you were starting your business today? What is the opportunity that you have today? How can you create a business that lights you up again? Business owners have a lot on their minds in addition to making money again. They’re thinking of ways they can help their employees and communities, as well. The Pumpkin Plan is about that intersection of top clients, our strengths, how we’re going to innovate, and then how we’re going to systemize that. Identifying our top clients and talking to them about what they want is one of our best opportunities, as Dr. Sabrina explains. Donna emphasizes the importance of strategy. If you’ve never taken the time to create an underlying, foundational strategy for your business, now is the time to do it. Strategies can be re-evaluated and tweaked as needed. Clarify your vision for how you want to experience life over the next few years. Dr. Sabrina shares additional questions that will help you to clarify your vision. Some of Donna’s clients don’t understand the relationship between life vision and work vision until she poses the following: How does your life intersect with your business? How does your business support your lifestyle and your vision for your lifestyle? Strategy programs are life-changing, not only in your business life but in your personal life, as well. Tap the Potential will be hosting a FREE webinar on The Pumpkin Plan for those curious about the NEW Introduction to Pumpkin Planning Course. Check it out here: and note the special COVID19 pricing and bring your business to the next level! The Better Business, Better Life™ strategists run a series that helps entrepreneurs to understand their vision, mission, and purpose.  Donna shares from a Pumpkin Plan perspective the ingredients of a top client and customer. Dr. Sabrina relates the value of immutable laws and how, when they’re followed, bring joy to work and life. If you are ready to reimagine your business and think in terms of designing your business in a way that’s going to support your life, register for the FREE Pumpkin Planning Webinar HERE! Links and Resources: Register for the Upcoming FREE Pumpkin Planning Webinar!  Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Tap The Potential Strategy Session for Entrepreneurs Impacted by COVID-19 Get the Book!! How to Hire the Best - Contractors How to Hire the Best Toolkit Get Your 2020 Action Planner Now! The Pumpkin Plan Action Planner 2020 Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW! Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: The Q-Storming protocol is a useful tool that bypasses crisis-oriented tunnel vision. Current and past clients can request a FREE laser-coaching session. If you’ve never been a client, check out a 45-minute Q-Storming strategy session here: It is a $250 investment. Calm App Are You Leading with Love or Know Another Entrepreneur Who Is Being a Gift from Their Gifts During This Time? Please use hashtags #leadwithlove #beagift and we will be re-posting these social media posts! Books Mentioned: Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz The Pumpkin Plan: A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business in Any Field by Mike Michalowicz Connect with Donna! Donna’s Pumpkin Plan Your Biz Website Donna’s Pumpkin Planners Rock Facebook GroupMentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to
May 14, 2020 • 58min

88: Your Tele-Presence is Your Leadership Presence

In Episode 3 of this special series on self-care and strategy for entrepreneurs, Dr. Sabrina, The Business Psychologist™, addresses what we are going through as business leaders and entrepreneurs and reminds us of why self-care is so important during this time. Today’s guest, John Bates, joins her to discuss leadership in a virtual age. We’ve all been thrown into virtual leadership recently due to the COVID-19 event, and this presents its own unique challenges, such as how we are going to connect emotionally with the people whom we are trying to lead. John’s “why” is to unleash what is great in all of us so that it can live in the world. John lives that “why”, and he has a lot to share. Stay tuned for this insightful conversation! John Bates has spoken, hosted, and coached for over 35 different worldwide TED and TEDx events. He’s been privileged to get to know some of the top leaders in the world, the NASA astronauts, the leaders at Johnson & Johnson, JLABS, Accenture, Boston Scientific, Coca-Cola, and many others, including many Tap the Potential clients. He works with people on a very deep, personal level. The amount of vulnerability, openness, self-reflection, and honesty that a well-done TED-format talk requires is second to none. The insights into leadership, success, and fulfillment in life that John has gained from his years of experience with this allow him to share some of the biggest, most powerful secrets of truly successful leadership that exists.  Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group. Show Highlights: John shares his successful, earlier days of entrepreneurship and his deadly struggle with an autoimmune disease, which seemed to be triggered by stress and a lack of sleep. To get out of the hole he found himself in, he had to really learn how to take care of himself. There is no greater time than the present to be paying more attention to self-care so that we are able to share ourselves with others. Assess your entrepreneurial burnout for FREE HERE. You will get feedback that shows your current risk for burnout and if you have more than 3 symptoms, you are at high risk and will need to look at self-care measures to put in place. Dr. Sabrina details her self-care strategies: Sleep - at least 8 hours per night Only check social media and major news sources once per day, preferably mid-day Exercise Meditation (Dr. Sabrina enjoys the Calm App!) Journaling John expounds on Dr. Sabrina’s self-care strategies and offers his own tips: Self-care is for men, too! It’s necessary to stay in the fight. Box breathing  John also loves the Calm App! Others to consider are the Headspace App and the Waking Up App. Dr. Sabrina shares another level beyond worry and fear that we need to be talking about and that is grief and loss, and how these are affecting our children. This is an opportunity to look for new ways of working, new ways to be productive, and new ways to engage family and life. We can take this time as an opportunity to think about what we have to be grateful for and the good things that are coming out of this time. John addresses how important your tele-presence is to your leadership. Psychologically, the more senses we can engage, the better. John and Dr. Sabrina offer tips for successful video meetings. Ways to encourage and motivate your team to further your team goals. John teaches a course to help build your skills as a virtual leader.  The Q-Storming protocol is a useful tool that bypasses crisis-oriented tunnel vision. Current and past clients can request a FREE laser-coaching session. If you’ve never been a client, check out a 45-minute Q-Storming strategy session here: It is a $250 investment. An encouraging rally-cry: “Lead with love. Shine bright. Be a gift.” Links and Resources: Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Tap The Potential Strategy Session for Entrepreneurs Impacted by COVID-19 Get the Book!! How to Hire the Best - Contractors How to Hire the Best Toolkit Get Your 2020 Action Planner Now! The Pumpkin Plan Action Planner 2020 Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW! Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: The Q-Storming protocol is a useful tool that bypasses crisis-oriented tunnel vision. Current and past clients can request a FREE laser-coaching session. If you’ve never been a client, check out a 45-minute Q-Storming strategy session here: It is a $250 investment. Calm App Headspace App Waking Up App Are You Leading with Love or Know Another Entrepreneur Who Is Being a Gift from Their Gifts During This Time? Please use hashtags #leadwithlove #beagift and we will be re-posting these social media posts! Connect with John! John’s Website John’s Twitter John’s Facebook Speak Like a Leader BootcampMentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to
May 7, 2020 • 58min

87: Protecting Your Greatest Assets: Your Mindset and Your Business with Sir Steven Wilkinson

In Episode 2 of this special series on self-care and strategy for entrepreneurs, Dr. Sabrina, The Business Psychologist™, addresses being very protective of your headspace. Her guest, Sir Steven Wilkinson, joins her to discuss protecting another very important asset: our businesses. We all have a lot of extra stress in our lives today, and Dr. Sabrina’s intention is to take care of the international entrepreneurial community during this crisis by sharing ideas to help us cope. Self-care for us all is extremely important during this time, so please share this information with your team members, who may also be feeling unsafe during this coronavirus event. Sir Steven Wilkinson is the Founder of Good & Prosper. He was also the VIP Speaker of the Tap the Potential 2020 Breakthroughs on the Bayou retreat.  Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group. Show Highlights: Look two years into your future and picture what you want your life and your business to look like. Avoid the “Survival Trap ”, which is a short-term decision that gets us through today, next week, or the next two months; but can take us far off course. Are there options that can move you CLOSER to your vision? If we keep in mind how we want to be and how we want our business to come out of this, we will make better short-term decisions that better serve our future goals. Sir Steven weighs in on current events and on how we should be minimizing fallout, as governments are recognizing that small business owners are the true backbone of this entire economy. Dr. Sabrina’s personal philosophy when it comes to government programs is that it’s great if it’s available, but she wants to build her life and business in such a way that she does not need to rely on it. One of the positive things that have come out of this crisis is the return to community, and community is everything in these times. Dr. Sabrina’s tip of the week on self-care is to implement a daily huddle with your team for the sake of morale. This can be via zoom or phone, if necessary. Focus on providing updates, wins and successes, and gratitude. Allow team members to express their fears and encourage team members to respond in a supportive way. Ask your team members what support they need and look for ways that other team members can show up and support and be a gift during that time. A team topic for discussion: What random acts of kindness have you given, experienced, or witnessed lately? Dr. Sabrina shares some more self-care tips: Protect your mindset by being very careful about the information you take in. Sleep is critical in a number of ways. Daily exercise is important.  Think strategically and surrounding yourself with like-minded, supportive entrepreneurs. Listen to the Profit By Design Podcast. Episodes are made up of positive conversation and sound strategies to help keep your business sustainable. Assess your entrepreneurial burnout through our free assessment HERE. This will help you look at self-care measures that you need to put in place so that entrepreneurial burnout does not get out of hand. Sir Steven discusses the creation of a FREE eBook titled "Leadership in the Time of COVID-19” that you can download on his Website. There’s a humorous title for it when you download it! He designed the e-book with two action items in mind: The urgent need for restructuring; and How do I turn this to my advantage? Since we don’t know when this crisis will end, Sir Steven offers tips and ideas that we can be working on every day. This is a great time to step back and determine how you should be caring for yourself in order to be the leader you need to be. The Q-Storming process is a useful tool that bypasses tunnel vision. Current and past clients can request a FREE laser-coaching session. If you’ve never been a client, check out a 45-minute Q-Storming strategy session here: It is a $250 investment. An encouraging rally-cry: “Lead with love. Shine bright. Be a gift.”   Links and Resources: Taking care of yourself is important now more than ever. Are you ready to take your life back from your business?  The FIRST STEP is taking our Assessment at: NEXT, meet with our Success Team Lead to debrief your results. THEN, join our Better Business, Better Life™ program! Tap The Potential Strategy Session for Entrepreneurs Impacted by COVID-19 Get the Book!! How to Hire the Best - Contractors How to Hire the Best Toolkit Get Your 2020 Action Planner Now! The Pumpkin Plan Action Planner 2020 Dr. Sabrina’s WEBSITE Dr. Sabrina’s PODCAST - PLEASE RATE & REVIEW! Profit by Design, a Tap the Potential production in collaboration with Small Business Consulting Group For Resources & Tools from Sponsors - Subscribe & Share Podcasts! - Facebook Group: Connect with Sir Steven! Website - FREE eBook: "Leadership in the Time of COVID-19" Sir Steven’s Twitter Sir Steven’s Email Books Mentioned: The Snowball System: How to Win More Business and Turn Clients into Raving Fans by Mo Bunnell  The Pumpkin Plan: A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business in Any Field by Mike Michalowicz Mentioned in this you like to have your own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities, the things that you know with confidence? If I focus on this area, it's going to improve the ease of doing business and the profitability of our business. Not only that, it will improve your quality of life. You can take our Better Business, Better Life assessment at, and you will have the opportunity to receive your very own personalized list of $ 10,000-an-hour activities. Plus, we will also send you a signed copy of my book The 4 Week Vacation™. Head on over to

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