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Paul Saladino MD podcast

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Aug 20, 2021 • 18min

Controversial Thoughts: Why the ancient Egyptians really got fat and sick

Was it carbs? Aliens? Or something else...   I love these historical detective stories!    Looking back at what we know of the last 5 thousand years, the ancient Egyptians appear to have suffered from many of the chronic diseases we see today, yet they didn't have processed foods like donuts, cakes, cookies, or twinkies...   Most everyone agrees that processed food is at the root of our chronic disease pandemic (yes, the really important one and biggest pandemic we currently suffer), but what is it about these processed foods that makes them so bad?    Is it that they cause us to overeat? Partially, yes- stay tuned for next week's Controversial Thoughts for more on this!   Is it something they contain that appears to be bad for us?    I believe the answer to the second question is yes, and it's not carbohydrates per se.    What is it? Our old nemesis seed oils again, perhaps?    Did the ancient Egyptians eat seed oils?? Could this have been what gave them manboobs and obesity?    Find out in this week's video!   #theremembering 
Aug 17, 2021 • 1h 44min

122. How to make yourself a world-class athlete (or be free from knee pain forever!) with Knees Over Toes Guy, Ben Patrick

Ben Patrick is the founder of the “Athletic Truth Group” a gym and online training service based out of Clearwater Beach Florida.  Ben overcame debilitating knee and shin pain, as well as subsequent surgeries through a personal journey taking knee and foot strength training to their fullest potential.  Ben transformed his basketball career, going from being continually injured, unrecruited and under-achieving to having a successful junior college stint through improving his own health and performance. Ben’s sports performance training career started after this, where he now trains athletes of all levels at Athletic Truth Group gym and through his online training services.  Ben’s system has brought a great many athletes out of pain, and is getting notoriety from many world-class trainers and athletes.   Time Stamps: 0:08:35 Podcast begins 0:09:15 What does Ben look for in athletes? 0:16:50 What Google says is realty.. but that doesn't mean it is true 0:19:00 We can all have world-class athletics 0:27:15 The nordic curl: 0:37:05 The first thing Ben would recommend people starting with: 0:39:20 Working from the ground up for knee pain 0:44:05 How does Ben train the big toe? 0:45:18 0:46:25 The split squat: 0:50:35 It's more natural to walk or sprint 0:56:35 The heal-striking motor pattern for running 1:04:15 The epidemic of autoimmune conditions 1:05:50 Humans can probably regrow cartilage  1:12:35 Does Ben get a lot of pushback? 1:15:35 Food beliefs have become identity for many people 1:20:40 Ben's experience eating animal-based for the past month 1:30:55 Does Ben consume organs? 1:35:35 When you focus on food quality over quantity, you can eat much more 1:45:15 Closing thoughts with Ben   Sponsors: Heart & Soil:  - Her Package is available now! Primal Pastures: 10% off first order with code: CARNIVOREMD Eight Sleep: use code “CARNIVOREMD” to save $150 White Oak Pastures:, use code: CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Belcampo: use code: CarnivoreMD for 20% off your order  
Aug 13, 2021 • 14min

Controversial Thoughts: Is Carnivore MD an Omnivore?

The debate between plant-based and animal-based eating was over 2 million years ago with the extinction of Paranthropus robustus...   Hear this story and a bit of mine in this week's edition of Controversial Thoughts, my Friday rant/monologue podcast on Fundamental Health.   The simple takeaway here is that 75% of omnivorous species lean heavily toward either plant or animal consumption as the majority of their diet.    I would argue that humans are not omnivore generalists but specialist omnivores adapted to eat an #animalbased diet...   Meat and organs have been at the center of evolution as Hominids for over 2 million years...   Eating meat and organs made us human!    And if you ask the Hadza what their favorite food is, they will tell you "Meat" in a split second! Their entire existence revolves around hunting...   So yes, CarnivoreMD is a proud #animal-based omnivore who hails from a long lineage of humans who have lived and died by their ability to hunt and eat animal foods above all other sources of food.    #theremembering 
Aug 9, 2021 • 1h 29min

121. Hunting in some of the most remote places on the planet, with Donnie Vincent

Donnie Vincent, an explorer and conservationist, shares his adventures in remote territories, encounters with wolves, and reflections on hunting ethics. He discusses living in the wilderness, ancestral heritage, and the quality of life. The podcast covers topics like his diet, upcoming hunts, and the effects of Heart & Soil supplements.
Aug 6, 2021 • 22min

Controversial Thoughts: Is Fructose something to fear?

I ate bananas with my steak and liver after I filmed this! Lots of people love to hate on fructose, but is this molecule really harmful for humans when found in fruit and honey? You know, foods that we've been eating for millions of years and foods that the Hadza and other hunter/gatherer groups around the world LOVE and seek out? Find out in this week's episode of Controversial Thoughts! Cleansed of all controversial CX V i D related talk for the instagram droid's pleasure. Take home: There's zero evidence that fructose in honey and fruit is harmful for humans. If you feel better on a diet without them, more power to you. But if you are one of the many individuals who benefit (electrolytes, energy, sleep, libido, etc.) from including carbohydrates in your diet, I say eat them from the least toxic plant foods! Don't know what the least toxic plant foods are? You'll love what we are doing at @heartandsoilsupplements this month with our #AnimalBased30! It's free and there are a ton of resources for you! Join us at!
Aug 3, 2021 • 1h 35min

120. How women can navigate estrogen dominance, infertility, peri-menopause and Covid vaccines with Jaime Seeman, MD

Dr. Jaime Seeman takes care of women of all ages with a full range of gynecology and obstetrics in her practice. She really enjoys taking care of pregnant patients and offers care including low risk, non-intervention pregnancies and high risk as well. VBACs are welcomed in her practice under the current guidelines. She offers minimally invasive surgery including Davinci Robotic surgery and in office procedures. She has special interest in ketogenic therapy, nutrition and exercise. She is passionate about offering these services to all of her patients. She is a member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Metro Omaha Medical Society and The American Academy of Breast Feeding Medicine.   Time Stamps: 0:06:43 Start of the podcast 0:08:03 Jaime's experience working around COVID vaccinations in hospitals  0:11:43 The false sense of security going around our society right now 0:12:48 My experience working in the medical industry: there is a sense of coercion 0:14:43 Masks: the other side of the equation 0:15:58 Doctors are supposed to give the pros and cons of medical decisions, and allow their patients to make the final call 0:18:33 The eye-opening censorship revolving around social media right now 0:19:43 Question for Jaime: Why do you believe censorship is so severe right now? 0:20:53 Who gets to determine what is medical misinformation? 0:22:23 Scientists always need to question what the narrative is 0:26:13 What are the concerns (if any) Jaime has with women receiving the COVID vaccine? 0:30:13 The patients who Jaime has seen who have severe COVID are not metabolically healthy 0:34:21 Is “big pharma” after all the dice with COVID? 0:36:08 Do COVID-19 vaccines care whether you're female or male? 0:38:53 Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons 0:46:28 Amazon own the Washington Post.. isn't this conflict of interest? 0:48:28 Politics and science have become intertwined 0:49:38 Use Vears for more information 0:51:13 Jaime's input on estrogen dominance 0:54:38 Estrogen is like a performance enhancing drug, but we don't want it to hang around for too long 0:56:43 What are some of the main causes of imbalanced hormones? Is it only genetics? 1:01:03 What is going on when people have PCOS? 1:05:53 When reintroducing carbohydrates, which choices does Jaime recommend? 1:06:53 Does Jaime consider the effects of seed oils on her patients? 1:09:18 Does Jaime recommend saturated fats? 1:11:01 If you had an otherwise healthy individual's LDL cholesterol rise, would you be worried? 1:13:43 Listen to my CGM podcast: 1:14:43 Does Jaime recommend her patients consume organs? 1:16:23 Any concern of moderate amounts of liver for women’s in pregnancy? 1:19:28 What does Jaime do when she has a patient with a food aversion to meat? 1:21:13 What does Jaime do for women in menopause? 1:25:58 Androgens: any use for these? 1:28:13 The importance the amino acid glycine for stretch marks 1:30:53 TMAO is bad for us, right? 1:32:43 When you push people away from meat, it makes people gravitate towards more processed food consumption 1:34:13 Where to find Jaime Seeman   Sponsors:
Jul 30, 2021 • 11min

Controversial Thoughts: How to build your tribe in 2021

Harvard did a 75 year study of men looking at factors correlating with health. What was the greatest predictor? Community! The first ever #animalbased gathering just wrapped up here in Costa Rica, and I couldn't NOT talk about it in this week's edition of Controversial Thoughts! It would be a huge understatement to say that the gathering was a success, it was simply incredible. Having nearly 100 people here in Costa Rica from all over the world who are interested in #theremembering of where we have come from as humans... We surfed, ate meat and liver, drank coconuts, swam in the ocean, jumped off of waterfalls, sailed, saw whales, hiked, explored, danced, and watched amazing sunsets. There will be another one for sure- next year, likely in February. We are building the #animalbased tribe in a big way! If you want to be a part of it, email us at and join us for our #AnimalBased30 next month @heartandsoilsupplements. Go to to take the pledge and sign up. It's free and there are a ton of resources there for you! Welcome to #theremembering
Jul 27, 2021 • 1h 33min

119. The Comfort Crisis, With Michael Easter

Michael Easter is a leading voice on how humans can integrate modern science and evolutionary wisdom for improved health, meaning, and performance in life and at work. He travels the globe to embed himself with brilliant but often overlooked scientists, thinkers, and people living at the extremes and shares the best of his findings and experiences in books, articles, and other media. Michael is also a contributing editor at Men's Health magazine, columnist for Outside magazine, and professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His work has appeared in more than sixty countries and can also be found in Men's Journal, New York, Vice, Scientific American, Esquire, and others.   Time Stamps: 0:07:08 Podcast begins 0:08:00 The story of Ignasi 0:15:30 We experience stress all day every day 0:16:40 The rituals of Misogi 0:19:15 The power of "right of passage" 0:22:15 The experience Michael had in Alaska 0:29:15 Why is it taboo to talk about our past as humans? 0:32:00 Humans and our addiction to constant brain-stimulation with technology 0:40:55 When people learn new things, their perception of time begins to slow down 0:42:10 Would you stay in a room for 15 minutes without your phone or choose an electric shock? 0:46:30 Alone time in offices 0:47:35 Landscapes of despair and why living in dense cities results in more mental distress 0:52:10 Every time I come back to Austin I realize new "right angles" 0:55:10 The research around the TSA 1:02:15 We might not be experiencing enough despair in our modern world 1:04:35 Death: how we obsess over increasing longevity 1:10:15 We need to live more in the present 1:11:45 Michael's meditation practices 1:13:15 We have a huge disconnect with the food we are eating, especially the mortality of the animals 1:15:00 The story of Michael's successful hunt 1:20:45 We do not face the responsibility of being a part of an ecosystem in our modern day society 1:22:55 Those who are most against eating meat are typically the most disconnected from our ecosystem 1:23:55 How Michael is incorporating more nature into his daily life 1:31:30 Closing thoughts and where to find Michael Easter   Sponsors: Heart & Soil: (Whole Package is available now) Blazing Bull: $150 off of a 1500 degree grill at with code “CARNIVOREMD” at checkout White Oak Pastures:, use code: CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Belcampo: use code: CarnivoreMD for 20% off your order BluBlox:, use CarnivoreMD for 15% your order
Jul 23, 2021 • 15min

118. Will eating too much meat harm your kidneys?

This one is easy, the answer is no!    In this week's controversial thoughts video I break this down and provide multiple interventional studies that corroborate my position.   Diets up to 3.3g/kg have been studied and do not show any adverse events on kidney function. Why would they?    We know from the anthropology literature that hunter-gatherer groups like the Hadza (who I visited earlier this year) and the !kung San often eat up to 4.5 lbs of meat per day when a large game animal has been successfully hunted.    Curious about an #animalbased diet? Join us this August @heartandsoilsupplements for our next #AnimalBased30, a 30 day challenge to eat an #animalbased diet and kick lots of ass. Take the pledge at    PS this video also contains a study about the utility of vaccination in those previously infected with COVID.    #theremembering 
Jul 19, 2021 • 1h 22min

117. How mainstream media is tearing our country apart, With Saagar Enjeti from Breaking Points

Saagar Enjeti is the cohost of Breaking Points on YouTube. He was named 2019-20 Tony Blankley Fellow by Steamboat Institute. Saagar is also a Media Fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington DC where he co-hosts The Realignment podcast. Saagar previously served as White House Correspondent for The Daily Caller and Foreign Affairs Correspondent for The DC News Foundation. Time stamps: 0:08:52 Podcast begins and opening thoughts 0:10:19 Why did Saagar move his show? 0:14:39 The way humans communicate is far different in this day and age than it was for the past multiple thousand years 0:17:49 It is normal to hold contradictory opinions 0:21:54 Don't trust, verify! 0:24:49 What happened in 2007 that changed how we communicate? 0:29:44 Reporters, politicians, and podcasters are only human 0:30:29 Bezos bought the entire Washington media 0:34:39 The liberal ideology is pushing media to be more conformist 0:40:14 The ivermectin story 0:42:29 If we allow science to become politicized, then we are lost 0:43:29 The war on normal people 0:48:14 From my perspective: it seems that the media leans left 0:50:59 It's considered impolite to point out that our leaders are too old to leave 0:53:29 Should social media platforms announce when they have a conflict of interest just like research studies? 0:58:44 There is nothing illegal about owning Amazon and the second largest news company in the world 1:01:14 Fauci, COVID, and how this may have been released from a lab 1:09:34 Politicians will never take responsibility for their mistakes 1:11:44 Twitter, in my opinion, is the best at not restricting freedom of speech 1:13:59 People are hungry for information, just not the info the mainstream media is giving them 1:14:34 What does the White House basement look like? 1:16:14 What does Saagar's diet look like? 1:19:59 Where to find Saagar Sponsors: Eight Sleep: use code “CARNIVOREMD” to save $150 Primal Pastures: free farm tour with code CARNIVOREMD White Oak Pastures:, use code: CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Belcampo: use code: CarnivoreMD for 20% off your order

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