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Science and Spirituality

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Nov 16, 2021 • 1h 10min

111 | An Introduction to Astrology and Birth Charts with Stephanie Powers

Most of us have heard of the term Astrology. We may even associate it with a daily horoscope based on what sign we are according to our birthday. What if we told you there is so much more to it than that? On today’s episode we have the pleasure of having Stephanie Powers with us to have a conversation on Astrology. We dive deep today on all things Astrology and Stephanie does a powerful reading on Chris’ birth chart. It’s a great example of what her work entails and just how exciting it is! Listen along so you can learn: How to use Astrology as a tool? What is a synastry reading? Why does the placement of the planets matter? What is a first saturn return? What is a midheaven? Stephanie has such an easy and fun way of breaking down Astrology. She helps us to understand that our birth charts are like a map we can use to help us navigate life if we choose to follow it. It was fun and really interesting to have her do a live reading during this episode. If you would like to learn more about Stephanie, you can find her on the following platforms: Website: Podcast: Happy listening :) Stephanie’s Bio Stephanie Powers is the creator of Lightworkers Lounge -- a community of people sharing their journey of having a human experience, in a spiritual world, and using new age healing modalities to make the journey a bit lighter. A Certified Astrologer, Holistic Health Coach, Author, and three time entrepreneur, Stephanie teaches that a close connection to your spirituality is the key to success in any aspect of your life.
Nov 9, 2021 • 47min

110 | My Spiritual Awakening & Manifestation Story

Today I have the privilege of sharing my personal development and spiritual journey over the last 8 years with you! I truly hope that this inspires you and ignites a fire within you to tap into your connection with the Infinite to create results you would LOVE in your life. Sometimes it can feel lonely on "the path" and stories can help us know we're not alone. So enjoy listening and let me know how this helps!  And if you're ready for a deeper understanding of the Laws of the Universe, then take advantage of the complimentary Strategy Session here: With love and light,  Kevin  P.S. Soul Builder LIVE is right around the corner! If you'd love to join me for this 2 day training in person in Denver, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠get your ticket here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and use code PODCAST to get 50% off your ticket for being a listener here.
Nov 2, 2021 • 50min

109 | How To Sharpen Your Psychic Abilities with Sheila V.

Today we have with us the amazing Sheila V, a professional psychic medium and the author of Brave: Courageously Live Your Truth. Shelia dives in on how to sharpen your psychic abilities as she shares her incredible story of awakening and what it was like leaving corporate America after 20 years. Going through a spiritual awakening is a very confusing time and it's important for us to have support. Listen along so you can learn: What is a spiritual awakening  How to know you are having a spiritual awakening Why it's so important to have a mentor or coach  How to develop courage  How to know your voice of intuition  When you find yourself going through a spiritual awakening and knowing you have a purpose or calling in life you just need to take baby steps on where you want to go. Psychic abilities is something everyone has, it's up to us to if we want to practice these skills just like a singer practices daily to become better at what they do.  If you would like to learn more about Shelia V. you can find her on the following platforms: Website: Instagram: Shelia_V__ FaceBook: Shelia Vijeyarasa Happy listening :) Shelia's Bio Sheila Vijeyarasa (aka Sheila V.) is a professional psychic medium and the author of Brave: Courageously Live Your Truth. A successful finance director before a spiritual awakening changed the course of her life, Sheila knows what it is like to be an outlier in the corporate world. She is passionate about enabling others to open themselves to spiritual wisdom so that they can step into their purpose and live powerful, authentic lives.
Oct 26, 2021 • 28min

108 | Developing Your Ability To Respond To Stress Instead Of Reacting To It

Stress is something we all face and it is a part of the human experience. In today's episode, we dive into our body's stress response. We talk about the body's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual response to stress and how to walk with it verse eliminate it. When stress affects our body and mind it the affects our spirituality because our body is a vehicle for our spirit. There are many things we can do to help that stress response in our body. Listen along so you can learn: How to evolve yourself to respond  How becoming aware of stress inputs helps us  Why it's important to practice ways to relieve stress The goal is not to get rid of stress but rathe how to live with it. If we tried to get rid of all stress in a way that is resistance and what we resist persists. It comes back to retraining yourself so you can respond instead of react. References Electromagnetic spectrum  Dr. Stephen Porges Finally, Soul Builder LIVE is right around the corner! If you'd love to join Kevin for this 2 day training in person in Denver, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠get your ticket here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and use code PODCAST to get 50% off your ticket for being a listener here.
Oct 19, 2021 • 54min

107 | Advanced Meditation & How To Experience It with William Martino, Meditation Master

In today's episode we have the special honor of having William Martino, meditation master, with us to talk about advanced meditation and how to experience it. William has quite an extraordinary story of how he came to be a meditation master and author of 12 books. He has such a beautiful and grounded way of breaking down information to help you integrate it.  Listen along so you can learn: What is a measurable meditation  Why surrender is necessary How to practice meditation  How to get no thought during meditation  Why having a teacher is important  How to live in the world & go within How to find a teacher  The master of any art is going to pause before they deliver. Meditation happens in cycles and we want to focus more on the process instead of the outcome. The simple tools and information that William gives, he explains with such simplicity as well as a great place to start having advanced meditations.  If you would like to learn more about William you can find him on his website: Website: Happy listening :) William's Bio William Martino, meditation master and author of 12 books. William is featured in an international documentary about the worlds top living masters of meditation and Taoist inner alchemy Qigong. Insightful, humorous and practical. William brings to light the process of how each individual can experience advanced meditation.   Get his most recent book: 
Oct 12, 2021 • 53min

106 | The Ancient Wisdom of Tai Chi Gung with Master Lama Rasaji

We have the honor of having some truly amazing guests on this podcast and we love every minute with them. We learn so much from them and it is such a beautiful experience to share the space and the energy with others. In today’s episode we are especially honored to have a mesmerizing guest, Master Lama Rasaji with us. Master Lama Rasaji has an amazing story from his childhood into his early 20’s that led him down the path of such deep spirituality and ultimately becoming one of 12 Master Lamas in the world. His experience as a child is simply astounding. It was mesmerizing listening to him speak and tell his story. The experiences he shared with us left us almost speechless and in awe. We are delighted to bring this episode to you. Listen along so you can learn: Who is Master Lama Rasaji How he came to be one of 12 Master Lamas What is Tai Chi Gung Why Tai Chi Gung so powerful It was very powerful to listen to Master Lama Rasaji’s story and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. If you would like to learn more about Master Lama Rasaji or connect with him, you can find him on the following platforms: Website: YouTube: Facebook: Happy listening :) Master Lama Rasaji’s Bio Master Lama Rasaji is one of only 12 Master Lamas in the world. He lived and trained at the original Tai Chi Gung Lamasery in Tibet. Master Rasaji has been trained in Lao Tzu's regenerative health system for more than 50 years and has been teaching for over 40 years. This is a health system for longevity that has been passed down from teacher to student in an unbroken lineage for more than 3,000 years. He is the founder of Circle of Life and is helping his students overcome challenges and teaching them how to know and live abundantly in all aspects of life: health, finances, relationships, and service to the world.
Oct 5, 2021 • 23min

105 | Overcoming Emotional Addiction By Calibrating Your Energy With "New Thought"

Hey! Kevin here and I have the privilege of sharing a solo episode with you today. I felt inspired to dive into what's called "emotional addiction", which is where we get stuck in cycles of feeling the same emotion again and again. It can feel like there's no way out because the "withdrawal" seems so real, but that's where energy calibration comes in! Listen along as I share with you: What emotional addiction is and what's happening in our body The #1 key to calibrating your energy to overcome emotional addiction The power of refreshing + renewing your mind Simple practices to re-pattern your emotions to experience higher vibrations! And lastly, if you'd love support in calibrating your energy and you're interested in potentially coaching with me, then the Strategy Session gift is for you! Book your call here: With love and light, Kevin @kevinfcarton on Instagram Book referenced: - Evolve Your Brain by Dr. Joe Dispenza Finally, Soul Builder LIVE is right around the corner! If you'd love to join me for this 2 day training in person in Denver, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠get your ticket here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and use code PODCAST to get 50% off your ticket for being a listener here.
Sep 28, 2021 • 1h 6min

104 | Healing Through Somatic Work with Gloria Hester

We have been diving more and more into the holistic approaches that are commonly used, highly powerful and also rather unknown. There is so much to dive into when it comes to this topic and what avenues there are to explore. In today’s episode we have a special guest, Gloria Hester, with us to talk about her work as a somatic educator and yoga therapist for both humans and animals. Gloria has such a beautiful way of unpacking so much knowledge when it comes to the somatic field and such a warm spirit. She breaks down so much wonderful information and she walks us through some simple somatic exercises to give you a place to start practicing now in your life. Listen along so you can learn: What is somatic work Why soma is so powerful What affects our soma and nervous system How to start your soma journey How our patterns and habituations get stored in the brain The different styles of somatic work Why holistic practices aren’t always accepted In the somatic field you're working with the sensory system as well as the motor system. This requires a lot of re-educating the sensory system and the nervous system. Somatic education gives your brain and body the ability to communicate freely. If you would like to learn more about Gloria you can find her on the following platforms: Website: Linkedin Profile: Youtube channel: Happy listening :) Gloria’s Bio: Gloria Hester is the founder of Yogic Wisdom for Horse & Human, and SEVA (Somatic Education for Vertebrate Animals). She is a Somatic Educator, Consultant, and Yoga Therapist for both humans and other vertebrate animals, primarily horses and dogs. She works with solid, neuroscience based principles to help both two legged and four legged clients live into their full potential everyday.  Whether it is to overcome movement limitations, chronic pain, or limiting beliefs, all animals deserve to thrive. According to Gloria, well-being is a birthright.  And every being deserves to have an easeful body, a peaceful mind, and a useful life. Gloria has lectured and given demonstrations in Portugal, Norway, Costa Rica, and all over the U.S., to veterinarians, surgeons, chiropractors, physical therapists, Osteopaths, Rescue Center Founders, and forward thinking Yogis. At heart, she’s a country girl who loves to kitchen dance and share with her fellow humans how she sees the world so that all animals benefit. Sign up at the top of her homepage, and receive her deep, restorative Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation.
Sep 21, 2021 • 51min

103 | How To Be Resilient with special guest Mike Carton, our Dad!

Today we have the honor of being joined by a very special guest, our dad, Mike Carton! Our dad has a way of giving really great advice while providing a wonderful sense of humor. He has gone through many difficult experiences in his life and he has shown us what it truly means to be resilient. We are happy to share his wisdom with you. He gives a great perspective on what it’s like to be a parent, going through hardships, having your children choose a different path from the one that was planned and so much more. Listen along so you can learn: How to understand our perception through our childhood programming How difficult experiences can build character What the word resilient means Why having support & community is so important It is truly wonderful to share this experience with our dad and you. He gives wonderful insight from a parent's perspective and how we have been able to evolve as a family. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we have. Finally, Soul Builder LIVE is right around the corner! If you'd love to join Kevin for this 2 day training in person in Denver, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠get your ticket here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and use code PODCAST to get 50% off your ticket for being a listener here.
Sep 14, 2021 • 59min

102 | The Health and Spiritual Implications of Medicinal Mushrooms and the Fungi Kingdom w/ Danny Parrott

We live in a world where we have access to so much information on nearly everything. Many people are beginning to look for more holistic approaches to living but there is a lot to learn yet in the holistic world, especially when it comes to herbs. In today’s episode, we welcome back Danny Parrott, the people’s herbalist, to talk about the health and spiritual benefits of medicinal mushrooms and the fungi kingdom. Danny has such a passion for mushrooms and his knowledge of them is simply amazing. We unpack so much information today about mushrooms and just how much there truly is to learn about them and the fungi kingdom in general. Listen along so you can learn: How mushrooms bring you closer to God and spirituality What makes mushrooms so resilient How closely we are related to mushrooms What herbs can help you with Why mushrooms aren’t used more to help people What are the top 3 medicinal mushrooms to focus on What the safety behind these herbs are The difference between molds versus fungi Generating interest in holistic practices like medicinal mushrooms really goes a long way. It was exciting for us to learn and dive in with Danny today! If you would like to follow Danny or learn more about him, you can find him on the following platforms: IG: @thepeoplesherbalist_ @parrottbeverages @moverselixirs @maxxphilanthropies Happy listening :) If you want to listen to the first episode we did with Danny: 11 | Herbs and Holistic Medicine for Optimal Health Documentary referenced: Fantastic Fungi Danny’s Bio: Danny is the CEO of  Parrott Food & Beverage corporation & MOVERs Elixirs LLC. specializing in adaptogen herbs and developing practical ways to consume them. To date, he has worked with hundreds of individuals across the United States as a holistic wellness consultant, researcher, and herbal beverage innovator. President of Maxx Philanthropies, named after his son, & on is the Board of Directors for Health Freedom for Humanity. Herbal certification is from the Herbal Academy International School of Herbal Science.

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