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Mar 7, 2023 • 53min

Uncovering the Psychology Behind Writing Copy with Erin Ollila

Erin Ollila is an experienced writer and copywriter with an MFA in creative writing and a background in mental health. She is passionate about understanding human nature and using her expertise to help people make informed decisions about their businesses, especially in the words they choose and use to convey who they are, what they do, and the clients they are best suited to work with.  In other words, copywriting.  Erin knows that the key to engaging copy is to speak to the reader and create an inviting journey. She believes that everyone has the capacity to write their own copy, but needs to keep an eye out for the pitfalls of poor advice that can make them think they are successful when they really aren’t. In this episode, you will learn the following:ow did Erin Ollila realize she wanted to become a writer?How can we use customer journeys to communicate effectively?How can we ensure that our marketing assets, such as websites and emails, are speaking to our readers and prompting them to take the desired action?In Her Words:  "I'm ingrained in my communication style to relate through stories, to tell stories, and that's how I connect with people."   Erin Ollila Want to connect with Erin?:Website: Copy to Me Podcast: In: Intensive: episodes you'll enjoy:Ep # 146 Unpacking Marketing Strategy - # 98 The Client Journey in 6 Steps - # 56  Elevating Women’s Voices Through Story - with me: LinkedIn: you go, can you do something for me?  If you love and look forward to each episode of The Driven Woman Entrepreneur Podcast,  let me know by leaving a review! I’m not a mind reader and podcast reviews really do motivate me to keep creating this show & bringing you awesome guests and no-BS solo episodes. Apple: know that just listening to a podcast, no matter how awesome it is, will never move the needle in your business. If you are ready for your Boss Up Breakthrough in your business, I have two more spots for my 12-week 1:1 coaching program., and the first step is to schedule a free 30-minute consultation right here: Summaries:[00:00:01]Writing is something I always thought I would do as a child. My first bio referenced myself as an emotional archeologist. I love studying what makes people tick. It's this love of storytelling that makes me good as a marketer.[00:03:00]My most abiding topic of interest is human nature. From a marketing perspective, it's just taught so incorrectly to online business owners. He says we don't all have one ideal client. A used car lot has multiple client personas.[00:07:31]There are many people who can write well, but that does not mean they have the skills to write marketing copy. No one's really taught to write to a reader in any different type of writing. It's very difficult to get someone to take you seriously as an expert when you are showing up with an insecure vibe.[00:12:54]Are you a fan of the notion of a customer journey? Because I have heard that you can literally create a journey for every email, for every social media caption, and obviously for every sales page. Think about how can I present information and then move someone through that information.[00:14:45]I am both an SEO copywriter, which is search engine optimization, and a conversion copywriter. What I believe is if we can use SEO to attract people to our website, we then have to give them instructions on what we want them to see. Marketing and copywriting are very easily overlooked.[00:19:38]A lot of people are just following the popular wisdom, if you will, online. What I think is so sad and super frustrating and I have absolutely been a victim of this, is just focusing on the amount, but not the quality. Do you think that most people can be successful DIY-ing?[00:22:28]I am very passionate that people can manage their own copywriting and marketing for a good period of time. When it comes to marketing, the answer is almost it depends on everything and everyone. Where is the best time investment? Where do we have more room to test?[00:31:49]Three years ago, my standard mantra was “I'm not tech-savvy.” Now I realize that everything I want to do requires technology and that I am getting better at it every day. [00:34:18]The difference between being a conversion copywriter and an SEO copywriter. Where I get true heart eyes in my own business is SEO. Not every business can make a quick sale. Seo is coming back into being extremely important in people's businesses.[00:42:19]So think of content. Instead of trying to spray everywhere, you're going to come up with one thing and allow that to kind of rain on all of your different touchpoints. And remember, we are talking about strategy, not tactics.
Feb 28, 2023 • 36min

Maximizing Entrepreneurial Success: Harnessing ADHD with Effective Systems and Support

If you have heard that ADHD is the “entrepreneur’s superpower” you might be more than a little confused.  Let’s face it, ADHD is a diagnosable neurobiological disorder that can create countless struggles in life.  So, which is it: superpower or disability?In this episode, I will unpack some of the myths, misconceptions, and stereotypes regarding ADHD and entrepreneurship, share the three subtypes of ADHD and which one I see more often in successful female entrepreneurs, the need for support in business and life for those with ADHD, the importance of taking risks, developing resilience and leveraging hyperfocus and your zone of genius.  I will also clarify the difference between having ADHD traits and having an ADHD diagnosis. "If you suspect that you have ADHD, you have experienced failure. And at the very least, you've had tons of experience with adapting to your circumstances, circumstances that were not designed for you." In this episode, you will learn the following:What is the connection between entrepreneurship and ADHD?What does it take to be successful as an entrepreneur with ADHD?How do entrepreneurs with ADHD leverage their strengths and neutralize their struggles? Mentioned in this episode:Johan Wiklund, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Syracuse University: Delivered From Distraction by Ned Hallowell, MD: Finder Assessment - Significance theme: male entrepreneurs with ADHDSir Richard Branson: CEOs of Kinkos & Jet Blue: Some of my interviews on this topic on other podcasts: ADHD & Business Ownership, an Entrepreneurial Case Study: ADHD Traits Affect the Small Business Owner: Prevalence of ADHD in High-Achieving Women: Connect with me: Website: this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: Chapter Summaries:[00:00:00]Not all entrepreneurs have ADHD, period. And not all people with ADHD become entrepreneurs. There are three different types of ADHD. Knowing what you're good at? Knowing what is in your zone of genius and what comes naturally to you is probably the best way to become successful as an entrepreneur with ADHD.[00:11:05]If you suspect that you have ADHD, you have experienced failure. That experience is one of the most important things that we need to learn how to do better as entrepreneurs. It develops resiliency. It does not mean you are not destined to succeed and succeed big time as an entrepreneur.[00:15:38]Another trait I see very often in entrepreneurs with ADHD is a very strong need to make a difference and to have an impact. Not everybody who has ADHD is ready to have a business, especially if they're just learning about their ADHD. To be diagnosed with ADHD, you have to have enough of the traits.[00:27:05]When it comes to the ADHD brain, there's a hierarchy of drivers. The top tier is interest. When we put our minds to something that is fascinating, we are able to tap into the power of hyper-focus. The third is novelty. The fourth is urgency.  When all else fails, and we are up against a deadline, urgency gets the job done, but it’s not our best work. 
Feb 21, 2023 • 1h 1min

Unpacking Marketing Strategy with Claudia Schalkx: Standing Out With Your Secret Sauce

"You need to create an impact with your uniqueness. You create an impact by the way you stand out. There are some elements in there like your personality, what you like to do, what you don't like to do, what you're comfortable with, and what you're not comfortable with. But if you boil it down to pure marketing, I would say that you stand out through your marketing message, which is the answer to what do you do in a way that the conversation will keep going."Today’s guest is Claudia Schalkx, my consultant, friend, and trusted advisor for all things marketing.  Claudia is a marketing strategist known for un-complicating marketing so your life gets much easier and you get better results from strategies created around YOU & YOUR business.She firmly believes in customized things, whether it is clothing, coffee, chocolate, or, for that matter, marketing solutions, and developed a proprietary method that creates a customized marketing roadmap for her clients - in a way that’s both methodical and personalized!  I have been working with Claudia for over a year and can say firsthand that her approach is truly transformational.  Claudia Schalkx learned that standing out and marketing one's business is an individual process. To make an impact, one must own their unique traits, find their ideal client, and create a signature system that reveals their true uniqueness. Schalkx advises focusing on understanding one's clients better than they know themselves and leveraging one's natural strengths when marketing. Boundaries are also essential in order to remain consistent and avoid spoiling clients. Values, goals, and tactics should be kept in mind in order to measure success. Knowing one's ideal client is key to creating content that resonates and stands out.In this episode, you will learn the following:How to stand out with your marketing message and signature systemUnderstanding your ideal client to create content that resonates with themHow to identify and leverage your natural strengths for consistencyMentioned in this episode:Marie Forleo: Porterfield: quote:  Want to connect with Claudia?:Website: Quiz Marketing Session Get Unstuck in 20 minutes episodes you'll enjoy:Episode #122 Leading With Your Values with Laura Eigel, Ph.D. - #115 What is Your Unfair Advantage? - #98 The Client Journey in 6 Steps - with me: LinkedIn: this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: you are ready for your Boss Up Breakthrough in your business, I have two more spots for my 12-week 1:1 coaching program., and the first step is to schedule a free 30-minute consultation right here:*************************************************************************Chapter Summaries:[00:00:01]Claudia is joining us today from the Netherlands, and we are going to talk about standing out with your marketing. There are actually three levels of strategy when it comes to your marketing: from the marketing perspective, from the business owner perspective, and from the client perspective.[00:01:20]Marketing revolves around your client. The thing that really gets you standing out on asteroids is having a signature system. When you translate what you do into a signature system, your uniqueness really comes out. It can be a sales tool and also as guidance to manage your coaching sessions with your clients.[00:04:31]I hear from so many women that they don't know how to stand out. You have to find a way of standing out that really resonates with you. Leverage your strengths when you're marketing your business. Being consistent is key to success.[00:07:29]Marketing fundamentals are everybody needs marketing. You need to market your business in a way that leverages your strengths and actually works with your personality. And you need to speak to the specific people that you want to attract.[00:10:52]Can we talk for a minute about boundaries in marketing? What I would suggest is to ask yourself if your business was a person, how would you treat your business? A boundary is, okay, what is that I want to do with my business, and how I am going to respect that?[00:13:33]Overdelivering has an underground that you're trying to compensate for something. If you start to over-deliver without your client doing anything to deserve it, then you run the risk of spoiling it. This constant over-delivering, I think leads us to burnout.[00:19:21]The importance of having a business that is based on your values. When you set up the branding of your business, values come into place. Values function as the compass of your business. That would mean positioning, in messaging, in your marketing.[00:28:24]It's your ideal client. Because there are so many ideal client avatars how to find out? I thought I was doing it well initially, but I realize it's different and it's more nuanced.[00:29:12]The way I see marketing is your customer is at the center and around it are the different marketing activities you do. You need to understand how to talk to your client about what they want to improve in their lives. Your client defines everything in your marketing.[00:35:15]Most small business owners don't really understand how to have a strategic approach to their marketing. What works for you doesn't necessarily work for me. Entrepreneurs should invest in coaches or consultants that help them to adapt the tools to their specific situations.[00:36:50]Marketing has lots of moving parts. You need to change one thing at a time. You should have one ideal client, one product or service, and one message. Start with one and when that is working and delivering new results, then you can expand.[00:40:54]There are two types of competition that you need to assess in your marketing. One is the other people doing similar to you. The other is who is your client using now to solve the problem. Knowing who they are using will help you to prepare the proposal.[00:46:38]There's a quote that you shared with me that you read in Forbes. Lying to customers is like shooting yourself in the foot. It also ties very nicely with not over-delivering. It's honesty, integrity, and standing by your word are something that makes you, Claudia, stand out.[00:48:48]Having a signature system helps define your discovery calls or free consultations. It also really organizes everything you do in your business around a common goal. Is it something that someone who's just starting a business wants to do? Or is it better positioned after you've been more established?[00:55:58]The process is numbing, but it has a place in the conversation with a client. You first need to talk about what you can do for your client and how you can change. If the conversation dies if it's not placed at the right moment, then the process makes sense.[00:58:16]If you are self-employed, you're in marketing. So you might as well get good at it. If you work with the right coach or consultant, it can even be fun. The better your marketing, the more time you will have to do what you love.
Feb 14, 2023 • 29min

Navigating The Crisis of Confidence for Female Business Owners in 2023

In this podcast episode, I'm sharing my honest experiences of what I’m calling the current "Crisis of Confidence" among female business owners, grappling with the conflicting marketing messages, false promises, and broken systems that have left them feeling paralyzed and uncertain who they can trust to help them move forward.This crisis is a result of the mass confusion and hysteria caused by the false promises of success in business ownership, the lack of funding and business loans, the exhaustion of keeping up with marketing messages, the difficulty of consistently creating quality content, and the distrust of female business coaches, consultants, and course creators. A no-BS approach and trusting in one's own inner wisdom is important in order to have a successful, sustainable business."If you have been duped, taken advantage of, lied to, really screwed over by a female coach or consultant or course creator, I am deeply sorry that you experienced that. And I want you to make a commitment to yourself that you are not going to maintain that as your frame of reference for getting help in the future."In this episode, you will learn the following:1. What is causing the Crisis of Confidence among Female Business Owners? 2. How is the Pandemic Affecting the Business Landscape? 3. What Strategies can Help Women Business Owners Rebuild Their Confidence and Regain Their Ability to Trust Themselves?If you’re sick of the struggle and are ready to move forward with expert guidance support & accountability, here’s how you book a free consultation with me for 1:1 coaching: episodes you'll enjoy:Owning Who You're Not & Fully Embracing Yourself: Unpacking Nicole Kalil's Confidence Journey - Anti-Hustle Approach to Business Growth with Jadah Sellner - to Expect During a Free Consultation - resources:  The Real Cost of Hustle Culture: with me: Instagram: this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: Summaries:[00:00:01]Last week we featured an amazing guest interview with Nicole Kalil. Do yourself a favor and listen to that episode right after you listen to this one. I decided to record this episode after relistening to that interview.[00:00:46]The crisis of confidence among female business owners. If it feels like 2022 was actually a harder year for you as a business owner than 2020 or 2021, that's a reality. Business ownership is hard. There are a lot of moving parts. In her book, She Builds, Jadah Sellner talks about her idea of a female-centric model for business ownership.[00:10:12]As women business owners, we are not feeling confident about our ability to have successful sustainable businesses. Many of us are not confident in knowing how to get whatever help we need. We can't with confidence even turn to each other for help. That's a broken system, my friends.[00:19:00]If you have been duped, taken advantage of, lied to, or really screwed over by a female coach or consultant, you will recover. One of the things I really want to encourage you to work on recovering quickest is your ability to trust yourself.
Feb 6, 2023 • 52min

Owning Who You're Not & Fully Embracing Yourself: Unpacking Nicole Kalil's Confidence Journey

Nicole Kalil shares her story of birthing her book, exposing the ironies of achieving success through a masculine lens and the personal journey of overcoming false confidence to ultimately become more trusting of herself."I can't tell you how much of the confidence builders were required and necessary to write this book and to put it out there, and how much of the confidence derailers came up on a very regular basis. When we were editing, perfectionism was all over the place.  Pure head trash, like "will people even like this book." Nicole Kalil is an author, speaker, and leadership coach who has dedicated her work to helping women build their confidence and reach their full potential. She is the author of the book "Validation is for Parking" which explores the journey of self-discovery and embraces the unique gifts and talents of each individual.We talked about how Nicole had a dream of writing a book for years but allowed fear to hold her back. Eventually, she realized her reasons were just excuses and took the leap. She eventually learned to trust herself, overcome the false messages of society and recognize her unique abilities while understanding that her worth lies beyond her physical appearance and pursuing success through the masculine lens. In this episode, you will learn the following:1. What is the difference between confidence in men and women?2. What is the 'confidence con' and how does it hinder women?3. How can we raise confident humans in a world full of mixed messaging?Resources mentioned in this conversation:Elyse Archer’s Podcast “She Sells”: Savage’s books on perfectionism: to connect with Nicole?:Get Nicole's Book "Validation is for Parking": to her podcast: out her website: episodes you'll enjoy:Episode #80 The Not-so-Secret Secret of Confidence with Nicole Kalil - #126 Creating Confidence Through Personal Styling with Scarlett de Bease - #114 Becoming Confident on Video with Helen Polise - with me: LinkedIn: this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: to become more confident and learn to trust yourself, and move past the hurdles holding you back in your business?I have two more spots for my 12-week 1:1 coaching program., and the first step is to schedule a free 30-minute consultation right here: Summaries:[00:00:01]There are so many fabulous women out there that I am dying to interview and have as guests on this show. So it is my pleasure to reintroduce you to Nicole Kalil . The latest is that she's published a book with the genius title, "Validation is for Parking."[00:00:39]The process of writing a book has been on my bucket list since ever. Part of the reason I wanted so much to do this is that we are learning so much about what it is to be professional, successful, and confident from the masculine lens. I wanted to provide a balance to that.[00:02:52]The book was messy and in some cases really ugly and draining and exhausting and fulfilling and joyful and scary. In hindsight, there were so many conflicting and contradictory emotions that at one point in time, she went numb. I'm proud of the book itself, but the experience and full transparency is not something I would look to repeat.[00:04:54]Would you say that writing the book and getting it out into the world has been a confidence builder? Without a shadow of a doubt, yes. And I'm so grateful for that part of it because it made me connect.[00:07:12]When it comes to confidence, it is absolutely a choice. It is a process over time that continues to evolve. We need to stop telling women how to look confident and start talking about how to become it.[00:10:05]The author felt like a fraud after getting a big promotion. What women don't understand about confidence is what makes us susceptible to the con. The external source of approval turns us all into people, pleasers on the outside and self-loathing doubters on the inside. Her favorite chapter in the book is chapter five, own Who You're Not and Embrace Yourself.[00:13:59]My working definition of confidence is when you know who you are, own who you're not, and choose to embrace all of it. We're watering down our unique abilities and talents by trying to spread ourselves so wide as opposed to narrowing. Recognizing that gives me the opportunity to be more of myself.[00:17:45]The more you spread yourself around, the less you can actually show up in any of those places. By 60, women are actually more confident than men. Do you think that it's possible for women considerably younger than us to reach the same level of confidence as a woman who's closer to 50?[00:29:51]Nicole: I don't believe there is such a thing as being too confident. When you think about the "too much" being arrogance or ego or even narcissism, none of those things are confidence. Those things are just a mask for a whole host of insecurities.[00:31:46]confidence is when you trust yourself. Is it different for a woman in a male-dominated job industry company versus one where there's a lot more women? There are differences between the more male-dominated industries and the more female-dominated ones.[00:37:39]Swimmers have a totally different relationship with risk and failure than those who did not have experience in competitive sports. My daughter is nine and she's just starting to get involved in things. I want to create an environment of curiosity and discovery. I cannot think of lessons that are more important for all children to learn.[00:41:02]But you have now hit another milestone in your career. There's so much of an ethos right now in our culture about every woman needs to be an entrepreneur. But sometimes you need to savor. Sometimes you just need to stop for a minute and recalibrate.[00:42:20]The author says she is entering the year in a recharge, relax, and restore place. Her journey is always looking within, trusting herself. It'll be really interesting to see where self-trust takes you.
Jan 31, 2023 • 17min

What to Expect During a Free Consultation

One of the practices in the coaching industry that I really dislike is the Discovery Call.  It sounds harmless, but most coaches have been trained to use manipulative tactics to "close leads" on these calls because what they don't tell you is that the purpose of the discovery call is for you to discover that you are in trouble and that coach is your solution.  Period. A free consultation is a way for potential clients to discover if the coach is the right fit for them and for the coach to determine if the client is adequately prepared to have a successful coaching outcome. It is different from a discovery call because it focuses on the client's needs, rather than the coach's agenda. I use a free consultation very intentionally.  I first started doing so as a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in my former career and incorporated it into my practices as a coach. I will not pressure the consultee to become a client, and I will not promise anything that I cannot deliver. I will provide guidance and advice, even if we are not a fit, and I will provide referrals to someone else if need be. I am taking on two more one-on-one clients, so if you are interested, don't wait and book your free consultation now.  The link to do so is right here in the show notes, below. "Applied knowledge is power."In this episode, you will learn the following:1. What are the hard-hitting tactics used by coaches to convert leads into sales?2. What is the difference between a discovery call and a free consultation?3. How can applied knowledge, rather than just knowledge, be used to move the needle in your business or life?Book a free consultation with me: this Episode?  Here are a few others you'll enjoy:Episode #141: Stop Getting Ready & Take Action Now - #139: How to Know if You're Coachable - #129: There is No Magic Pill - with me: LinkedIn: this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: Summaries:[00:00:01]The purpose of a discovery call is to help potential clients discover that they need help in reaching their goals. Most coaches who sell high-ticket programs are not successful at ensuring that you, the potential client, get value for what you've invested. Many business owners are choosing to struggle rather than risk hiring another coach that doesn't actually help them move forward in their business.[00:04:21]Business owners are choosing to struggle and suffer on their own rather than risk hiring help. What is the difference between a discovery call and a free consultation? Applied knowledge is power. Learning without action is never going to move the needle in your business or life.[00:11:18]If you decide to schedule a free consultation with me, here's what to expect. I will not invite you to become a client if I do not believe you are ready to work with me. Because I'm working exclusively one on one at this time, it gives me a lot of freedom to customize the way I work, focusing on your specific goals, in a way that suits your needs and preferences.
Jan 24, 2023 • 44min

Transforming Your Identity by Writing a Best Selling Book with Kim O'Hara

Today's guest, Kim O'Hara was a Hollywood movie producer and screenwriter before transitioning to book coaching over 8 years ago.  Kim believes that everyone can write a book and that they often discover more about themselves through writing. Writing a book is much different than other forms of communication as it requires a transformation of identity and letting go of preconceived notions about ourselves and the book we are meant to write. Kim works with experts and thought leaders to help them write their books and believes that the process can lead to a great sense of both discovery and visibility.In this episode, you will learn the following:1. The transformation Kim went through from movie producing and screenwriting to book coaching 2. What is the divide between people who say they want to write a book and those who actually do?3. How does writing a book require a transformation of identity?Mic Drop Moment: "Letting go of what you thought your book should be about is one of the greatest gifts you can give a reader." - Kim O'HaraWant to connect with our amazing guest, book coach Kim O'Hara?Website: coaching services: in this episode:Episode #129  There is No Magic Pill - Kim’s client, divorce coach Kristen Noel episodes you will enjoy:Episode #115  What is Your Unfair Advantage? - #71 The Confidence Habit - this the year you commit to eliminating the obstacles in your business that are holding you back?   I have a few spots open NOW to work with me 1:1 through the 12-week Boss Up Breakthrough framework.  The first step is scheduling a free, 30-minute goodness-of-fit call by clicking here: Connect with me: LinkedIn: Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: Chapter Summaries:[00:00:01]Kim O'Hara is a book coach to bestsellers who help high achievers write excellent books. I'm steeped in creativity all day long. This isn't your first rodeo, as they say.[00:00:46]When she moved into book coaching, the biggest transition was from fiction to nonfiction. She had gone from filmmaking through a divorce to single parenting two small children. You're exposing yourself in a way that is different than anything else you've ever done. Letting go is one of the greatest gifts you can give a reader.[00:14:18]A book gives you visibility, it gives you credibility. She disagrees with the idea that everyone should write a book. [00:18:34]I have no way of knowing if a book is going to be successful. All I know is the energy of that client. I see a successful model in them. [00:19:40]There are people out there that literally will never think about writing a book. Just like I probably will never really play golf. Though I tried, it does not look fun at all to me.  According to Kim, I should. Direct quote: "You 100% should."[00:20:50]Does your book need to mirror your business?  If you're dealing with a coach or a consultant, which direction would you encourage them to go?[00:27:20]A lot of people are going towards self-publishing. Would there be times when it would be more advantageous for them to self-publish than try to get a deal with a traditional publisher when they have no platform?
Jan 17, 2023 • 36min

Stop Getting Ready & Start Taking Action

This episode is all about a lesson I learned the hard way in my own business and want to help you learn it quicker: Taking Action vs. Getting Ready.  What I learned is that getting ready doesn't move the needle and that there is no participation trophy in business. I learned to trust my instincts and to have specific benchmarks to know when enough preparation and planning are enough.  We also need to be leaders to our clients and team by taking action, not just focusing on our mindset. Furthermore, we need to stop overdelivering and undercharging and be mindful of not getting lost in researching and overcomplicating our ideas. "There is no participation trophy or attendance award in business. It just doesn't matter.  Women business owners are first and foremost women. And because we're women, we have all been culturally conditioned to think that we're not enough. This belief can make you stuck in an endless cycle of getting ready instead of pulling the trigger. "In this episode, you will learn the following:1. How can women stop getting ready and start taking action in their businesses?2. What are the signs to look out for that you are spending too much time getting ready instead of taking action?3. What techniques can be used to overcome the cultural conditioning of not feeling enough and start trusting yourself and leading?Other episodes on this topic: Episode #121 - The Cure for Imposter Syndrome #123 - Does Your Business Need You to Boss Up? #103 - How to Deal with Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt this the year you commit to eliminating the obstacles in your business that are holding you back?  I have a few spots open NOW to work with me 1:1 through the 12-week Boss Up Breakthrough framework.  The first step is scheduling a free, 30-minute goodness-of-fit call by clicking here: Connect with me: LinkedIn: Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: Summaries:[00:00:02]Stop Getting Ready and Start Taking Action is a hard-hitting, no-BSing solo episode. Most of the people that I work with as a consultant, coach, and business strategist are not beginners. You might be surprised how many people with years, even decades of experience can still get caught up in this trap.[00:01:34]Women business owners are first and foremost women. There is no participation trophy or attendance award in business. You need just enough planning to get you into action.[00:09:07]Early-stage solopreneurs get caught up in spending an inordinate amount of time choosing their logo, fonts, and brand colors, and creating their brand board. If you're consuming too much information and not taking action with it, that's a sign in general, being a follower instead of a leader.[00:16:26]As women, we are culturally conditioned to think we're not enough. We tend to over-deliver in our business and under charge. Your clients need to be impressed with themselves and what they can accomplish with your support. You do not need another course, or another certification if you haven't taken action.[00:25:46]If you are prone to overthinking, set a time limit. How much time does this idea need to be fleshed out to a minimum viable size and then take action? Remember, your first step doesn't have to be a big one.[00:27:30]The mindset is committed to creating the minimum viable product. What is the smallest thing that I can create and then offer to the minimum viable audience?Do that and then you can test and tweak. That's how we avoid spending an enormous amount of time and energy creating something that doesn't sell.[00:29:47]Getting into the right rooms, both physical rooms and online rooms is really important. Most new business owners tend to only hang around with other business owners. Consider joining some mixed-gender groups. You may be able to make all of these changes on your own. But if you need more support, consider partnering with me.
Jan 10, 2023 • 55min

Uncovering the Bottleneck in Your Business with Amber de la Garza

The story of how Amber de la Garza came to be a guest on this podcast is not the typical one.  It started over 3 years ago at Podcast Movement 2019.  I was a listener to her popular productivity podcast, Productivity Straight Talk, and recognized her at the conference.  Even though I did not have a podcast at the time, I approached her, introduced myself, and pitched her on the spot.   Amber has branded herself 'The Productivity Specialist", so you know she is intentional with her time.  She graciously accepted my pitch, on this condition: "Launch your podcast, get to 100 episodes, and then, I will be your guest."   Well, I've never been one to shy away from a challenge from someone I respect, so this interview, in episode #140, is the fulfillment of Amber's promise.  It's also a great lesson for those who need challenge and accountability to kick their motivation into gear. Amber De La Garza is a sought-after speaker, trainer, writer, coach, and creator of The Leverage Lab, who helps entrepreneurs and small business owners learn to manage their time and build effective business systems.  She is the host of the Productivity Straight Talk podcast, wife, mom, dog mom, and calls Las Vegas home. "The skill set of learning to invest your most precious resource, which is time, was incredibly valuable. The idea and identity of The Productivity Specialist was born." In this episode, Amber shares how her past career and life-changing events led her to focus on helping small business owners with their productivity, which leads to the concept of being the bottleneck in one's business, why it can be difficult to recognize, and why it tends to be a recurring pattern.  You will learn the following:1. What is the skill set of learning to invest your most precious resource, time?2. What would happen if a business owner becomes the bottleneck in their business?3. What life lessons can be gleaned from making difficult decisions about how to manage time and invest in team members? How to connect with Amber:Website: In: time management mini-training: Other episodes on productivity & getting out of your own way in your business: Episode #137 The Hidden Reasons You Aren't Reaching Your Goals - Episode # 99 How to Create a Distraction-Free Business - # 85 Setting Boundaries Like a Boss - Is this the year you commit to eliminating the obstacles in your business that are holding you back?  I have a few spots open NOW to work with me 1:1 through the 12-week Boss Up Breakthrough framework.  The first step is scheduling a free, 30-minute goodness-of-fit call by clicking here: Connect with me: LinkedIn: Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: Chapter Summaries:[00:00:01]Today's guest is Amber de la Garza, the productivity specialist. The two accidentally bumped into each other in 2019 at Podcast Movement. She's been a guest on her podcast, and now she is now a guest on mine. I have so many questions for you.[00:01:32]In her past life, she did business coaching for real estate agents. After having her son, she started consulting. What she specialized in was productivity, efficiency, and teaching team members how to communicate effectively. There was born the productivity specialist.[00:04:49]This is such a great answer because I realized that moment of fascination for you. True productivity is not about getting more done, it's about getting the right things done. I also think that calling yourself the productivity specialist, I hope makes people curious.[00:06:21]Our topic today is about being the bottleneck in your business. Most people who are the bottleneck have no idea they are. A lot of the personality traits that most entrepreneurs have tend to make them more likely to be a bottleneck. If you can acknowledge that you're the bottleneck, you can make difficult decisions.[00:10:38]Lake: What happens when the business owner is the bottleneck? Why don't they recognize it? And why does it tend to become a recurring pattern? Lake: Are you letting those thoughts dictate the decisions you're making in your business?[00:19:38]The feeling of needing someone and depending on someone and what we make that mean, I see that as a huge bottleneck. For a lot of people, they are the face of the business. How do you handle your role and how do you still serve your clients?[00:25:21]Amber: If you stop listening to what it is you want, you won't build a business that supports that. For me, the last four years I have taken anywhere between eight and twelve weeks off a year. I have different goals now, and so I've tweaked my business to support that.[00:30:28]Sometimes the bottlenecking is happening because we actually mistrust ourselves. Is it true that you can learn to delegate? Absolutely. You don't need to have all your systems in place to hire. That little gut is telling you what might be the next priority to solve.[00:38:15]There's a sense of loss of identity when we let go of things. What would my new role look like? Write that job description. Two places you should be letting go of something, things that you are not good at. We are our most productive selves when we show up our best selves.[00:41:28]Most people spend most of their lives in their zone of excellence. Where I find people have the hardest time letting go is usually a lot of sunk cost. First, see for yourself what role you want and what you want to be doing. Ask for help on who has done that transition before.[00:47:17]Amber: Give yourself permission to evolve. You acknowledge that loss may be uncomfortable, but you allow it in service to your continued growth. Entrepreneurship is the biggest personal development journey we can go through. Tell people how you would like to be found by them.
Jan 3, 2023 • 39min

How to Know If You're Coachable

The beginning of a new year tends to be a time when business owners think about hiring a coach to help them move their business forward. At such times, most people focus on the credentials and credibility of the coach they are thinking about hiring, but in this episode, I share something even more important than that, determining whether you are even coachable.  This episode is about coachability: how to determine if you are ready for a coach and if hiring a coach would be beneficial for you.  In my own entrepreneurial journey, I learned that being coachable is not a set-and-forget situation, but changes over time and can depend on the circumstances.  We will dive into the three categories of coachability using my system -red light, yellow light, and green light - so you can make a truly informed decision on whether to hire a coach. Want to unlock the key to a successful coaching outcome?  Find out if you are coachable now and learn how to become more coachable if you’re not. "Don't fall for the magical thinking that you're going to get great results simply because you hired a coach with a hefty price tag. You get the results based on coachability, the goodness of fit, and taking action. "In this episode, you will learn the following:1. What is coachability and how do you know if you are coachable?2. What are red light, yellow light, and green light indicators to determine if someone is coachable?3. What are the steps to becoming more coachable?Other episodes you'll enjoy:Episode #135 -  “Business Coach, Consultant or Strategist: Who Do You Need?” # 113 -  “Using an Application Process to Find Your Ideal Clients” Guest Interview on The Small Business Podcast: “Don’t Hire a Coach Until You Do This”: Resources mentioned in this episode: Mindset by Carol Dweck: Connect with me: LinkedIn: Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: Apple: You already know you can only learn so much from a podcast, no matter how generously the host shares their wisdom.  Just imagine how different your business could look in 2023 can look if you get started right away.  I work with a limited number of clients at a time, so if you’re ready, don’t delay. If you are ready for a hybrid strategist + coach, like my approach, and think we might be a fit,  there’s a link in the show notes to book your free consultation. If this was helpful, share it with someone who needs it.  Be sure to subscribe or follow The Driven Woman Entrepreneur on your favorite podcast player so you will be notified automatically next week when I share the mic with Amber de la Garza, The Productivity Specialist, top-ranked coach, speaker, and host of the Productivity Straight Talk podcast. In the meantime, stay driven, woman entrepreneur! *************************************************************************Chapter Summaries:[00:00:00]This is the very first episode of 2023. The episode is called how to know if you are coachable. Each of us varies on how coachable we are, depending on the situation. We need to have good guidelines for ourselves for who we choose to work with.[00:02:19]The most important thing to consider is whether you're even coachable. Don't fall for the magical thinking that you're going to get great results simply because you hired a coach with a hefty price tag. For this episode, we are going to focus on you, not your coach.[00:09:36]Someone who can't make decisions or makes decisions impulsively or second guesses all of their decisions endlessly. Next up, a deficiency in critical thinking and strategic thinking when it comes to business. Working with a coach, a consultant, or a strategist in your business requires some faith in the process and a willingness to be vulnerable.[00:12:55]A coaching relationship is a focused relationship with specific rules, roles, and responsibilities. If you can't communicate with the person you've hired, you're wasting your money and time. People whose answer to every question is, I don't know, don't hire a coach. The person who wants a guarantee is also a red light situation.[00:18:30]If you identified with any of these scenarios, you're not a bad person and you are not hopelessly beyond coaching. Now let's talk about yellow light scenarios. And remember, this means I need more information.[00:21:34]A lot of people, sadly, think they need to hire a coach because everybody else seems to be doing it. To me it comes down to permission and consent. If I'm scratching my head about whether you're coachable or not, it's probably going to be a red light.[00:25:41]Living in a mindful way comes down to being open, curious, and non-judgmental. Being open includes being open to examining what's working and what isn't working in your business. Curiosity makes you coachable because it means you're willing to try things.[00:32:06]Next up, somebody who wants to be intentional in their business and life. You don't have to be an action hero to be coachable. A willingness to see what is and isn't working. What we resist tends to persist in our business.[00:36:15]Diann wants you to make two lists about your coachability. You can do this on your own or with an accountability partner. You will be able to assess if you're ready to hire a coach. There are fabulous coaches out there waiting to serve you when you're coachable

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