In this episode of Therapy Thoughts, we chat with Christy Harrison. This is a solid FAQ educational episode about Health At Every Size, Diet Culture, and Wellness Culture. Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CDN is a registered dietitian nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor based in Brooklyn, NY. She offers online courses and private intuitive eating coaching to help people all over the world make peace with food and their bodies. Since 2013 Christy has hosted Food Psych, a podcast exploring people's relationships with food and paths to body acceptance. It is now one of iTunes’ top 100 health podcasts, reaching tens of thousands of listeners worldwide each week.
Christy began her career in 2003 as a journalist covering food, nutrition, and health, and she's written for and edited major publications including Gourmet, The Food Network, Refinery29, Slate, BuzzFeed, Modernist Cuisine, Epicurious, and many more. As an expert on intuitive eating, Health at Every Size, and people's relationships with food, she's been quoted in top media outlets including The Washington Post, Self, Health, Refinery29, Men's Fitness, Bon Appetit, The Observer, and more. Her forthcoming book, Anti-Diet: Why Obsessing Over What You Eat Is Bad for Your Health, will be published by Little, Brown Spark in late 2019. Learn more about Christy and her work at