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WANTcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

Latest episodes

Jun 20, 2023 • 14min

159: Doing Hard Things

When we do things that are hard...what are we REALLY doing? And how are we doing them? In this episode, we're diving head-first into the topic of DOING HARD THINGS, and how to keep yourself in check and focused on growth (versus unintentionally keeping yourself stuck and small). Katie shares a conversation she and Jeremy had recently about being courageous in their own lives, and how you can refresh your approach to hard things in your life too. ______________   SHOW NOTES PREORDER YOUR COPY OF WANT YOUR SELF HERE (don't forget to grab your bonus gifts aka party favors!) Email Katie at katie@womenagainstnegativetalk.com or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn over the next few months! Follow Katie on social Leave a review of the WANTcast on iTunes (and SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW if you haven't already!) Subscribe to WANT on Substack, and get our bimonthly email newsletter filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk Visit womenagainstnegativetalk.com
Jun 6, 2023 • 13min

158: Being Unafraid To Celebrate (Big News!)

Why is it that we have such a hard time celebrating ourselves out loud — even in the big moments that are worth celebrating? In this episode, we're saying BYE to that! You'll hear about: A huge, incredibly exciting moment Katie has been waiting for what seems like forever to share with you Why we hold ourselves back from going big with our big moments ALL (we mean ALL!) about...well, you'll have to listen ;) And how you can get involved in this big moment in time, both by helping out in a small but HUGE way, and informing how we move forward on the pod and beyond _____________ SHOW NOTES PREORDER YOUR COPY OF WANT YOUR SELF HERE (don't forget to grab your bonus gifts aka party favors!) Email Katie at katie@womenagainstnegativetalk.com or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn over the next few months!
May 16, 2023 • 17min

157: Do You ACTUALLY Love It, Or Do You Just Love Being GOOD At It?

If you only derive joy and purpose from the things you do well — a job, an activity, a relationship — can you really say the joy and purpose is coming from those things? In this episode, we're talking all about how to determine what you love and why you love it — and why that's so important to get clear on NOW: How to make decisions now to avoid bitterness and resentment later down the line "Strengthening your weaknesses" vs. "making your weaknesses your strengths" Why Katie is opting into doing things right now without the intention of "excellence"  The difference between loving something, loving having done something, and loving having done something WELL Why we actually stick with the things we're good at, even if they don't bring us a sense of fulfillment and more!   SHOW NOTES: Follow Katie on Instagram Leave a review of the WANTcast on iTunes (and SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW if you haven't already!) Subscribe to WANT on Substack, and get our bimonthly email newsletter filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk Visit womenagainstnegativetalk.com Amanda Katz strength vs. weakness post on Instagram
May 3, 2023 • 1h 5min

156: Decoding DISINFORMATION + Rethinking WELLNESS with Christy Harrison

"Wellness" is 4.4-trillion-dollar global industry — but in many cases, it's not actually making us more well. In a society that's become increasingly distrustful of conventional medicine, how can we decipher what's fact vs. fiction, steer clear of The Wellness Trap, and reimagine what well-being CAN be? Today's guest is the phenomenal Christy Harrison, a journalist, registered dietitian, and certified intuitive eating counselor. She’s the author of the brand new book The Wellness Trap: Break Free from Diet Culture, Disinformation, and Dubious Diagnoses and Find Your True Well-Being  and the amazing book Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating. She’s also the producer and host of two podcasts, Rethinking Wellness and Food Psych, which have helped tens of thousands of listeners around the world think critically about diet and wellness culture and develop more peaceful relationships with food.  Something really important to know: if you’re thinking this is going to be an episode totally bashing wellness — that is NOT what this is. Christy is encouraging us to expand our critical thinking skills and hold multiple truths at once. This is 100% a WANTcast episode for people who are wellness devotees, for people who can't stand (or at least are super skeptical of) what’s become of the wellness world, and for all the people in the middle. If you listen to one pod this week, make it this one. IN THIS EPISODE WE TALK ABOUT: The difference between misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation How social media's algorithms can lead you down more extreme, risky paths without even intending to Why the wellness industry is so enticing and, at times, can seem way more "trustworthy" to us (even if that's not always the case)  How to intentionally and mindfully make space for wellness practices and alternatives you love and find useful How to determine what's helpful, what's harmful, and what deserves a second look What to say to a friend who might have fallen down a dangerous rabbit hole How you can reinvision what "living well" actually means and SO MUCH MORE. ABOUT THE WELLNESS TRAP: The Wellness Trap delves into the persistent, systemic problems with that industry, offering insight into its troubling pattern of cultural appropriation and its destructive views on mental health, and shedding light on how a growing distrust of conventional medicine has led ordinary people to turn their backs on science. Weaving together history, memoir, reporting, and practical advice, Harrison illuminates the harms of wellness culture while re-imagining our society’s relationship with well-being.   SHOW NOTES: Buy The Wellness Trap: Break Free from Diet Culture, Disinformation, and Dubious Diagnoses and Find Your True Well-Being   Buy Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating Rethinking Wellness Food Psych Christy's website Christy's newsletter Christy on IG Follow Katie on Instagram Leave a review on iTunes (and subscribe to the WANTcast if you haven't already!) Subscribe to The (Good) Word, our monthly email digest filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk Visit womenagainstnegativetalk.com
Apr 18, 2023 • 55min

155: Going Beyond BODY POSITIVITY + Toward BODY LIBERATION with Chrissy King

When you’re feeling down about your body, that feeling can take over — and turning it around can be a lot more complicated than just saying positive affirmations about the skin you're in. How do we move beyond our ideas of what positive body image (and even "body positivity") should look like, and work toward something greater and long-lasting? Today's guest is Chrissy King, author of THE BODY LIBERATION PROJECT: How Understanding Racism and Diet Culture Helps Cultivate Joy and Build Collective Freedom. In this episode, we talk about: What the difference is between body image, body neutrality, body positivity, and body liberation Why "loving your body" is so freaking hard to do — from both an emotional and societal standpoint What body liberation actually FEELS like (and how you can take steps to get there) How to recocile conflicting thoughts/feelings about your body and the way it should or shouldn't be Why Chrissy says you might experience a grief or mourning of your body while working toward body liberation How to deal with other people's triggering comments ...and more! ABOUT CHRISSY: Chrissy King is a writer, speaker, strength coach, and educator with a passion for creating a diverse and inclusive wellness industry. She empowers individuals to stop shrinking, start taking up space, and use their energy to create their specific magic in the world. She has been featured in SELF, SHAPE, Health, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, Muscle and Fitness, and Livestrong, among others. With degrees in Social Justice and Sociology from Marquette University, Chrissy merges her passion for Social Justice and her passion for fitness to empower individuals within the fitness and wellness industry to create spaces that allow individuals from all backgrounds to feel seen, welcome, respected, and celebrated.   SHOW NOTES: Buy The Body Liberation Project Chrissy's website Instagram Twitter TikTok Fat Talk by Virgina Sole-Smith Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison The Body Is Not An Apology by Sonya Renee-Taylor Follow Katie on Instagram Leave a review on iTunes (and subscribe to the WANTcast if you haven't already!) Subscribe to The (Good) Word, our monthly email digest filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk Visit womenagainstnegativetalk.com
Apr 4, 2023 • 54min

154: The Hidden Power Of Being A HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON with Jenn Granneman

Everyone has a sensitive side, but nearly one in three people have the genes to be more sensitive than others, both physically and emotionally. They tend to be big hearted, creative, and wired to go deep. Yet society tells them to hide the very sensitivity that makes them this way. Today's guest is Jenn Granneman, author of the new book SENSITIVE: The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World. In this episode, we will talk about: What it actually means to be a sensitive person and a highly sensitive person How to navigate the world on whatever level of the sensitivity spectrum you fall on The (genius!!) word Jenn suggests to describe "sensitive," especially when explaining your sensitivity to others How to avoid feeling bitter about others' lack of sensitivity How to pre-manage events you know will be harder on your sensitivity (ie parties or a day at the office) Why certain self-care practices might work the opposite way you intend them to work for sensitive people, and why some might actually work way better and more efficiently and so much more!! Take notes, pass this along to another highly sensitive (or as I call it, spongy) person in your life, or maybe even give it to a loved one to help them understand your own sensitivity. ABOUT JENN: Jenn Granneman is the founder of the world's largest online community for introverts, Introvert Dear, and the cofounder of Highly Sensitive Refuge. An educator, journalist, and the author of The Secret Lives of Introverts, she has been featured in HuffPost, the Washington Post, the BBC, Oprah Daily, Buzzfeed, Glamour, and more.   SHOW NOTES: Introvert, Dear Introvert, Dear on Instagram Highly Sensitive Refuge HSR on Instagram Buy SENSITIVE Jenn on IG One Line A Day journal Follow Katie on Instagram Leave a review on iTunes (and subscribe to the WANTcast if you haven't already!) Subscribe to The (Good) Word, our monthly email digest filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk Visit womenagainstnegativetalk.com
Mar 21, 2023 • 12min

153: The Case For TRYING EASIER

We usually equate the phrase “trying hard” to trying, PERIOD. If you didn’t “try hard,” did you even really try at all? In this episode we talk about: Is it possible to try easier, without trying LESS? The habits we work ourselves into around "trying," especially during times when we do need to give our all How to, logistically, shift your relationship with how you"try" ...and more! SHOW NOTES:  Follow Katie on Instagram Leave a review on iTunes (and subscribe to the WANTcast if you haven't already!) Subscribe to The (Good) Word, our monthly email digest filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk Visit womenagainstnegativetalk.com
Feb 28, 2023 • 1h 18min

152: The (18!) Modern Love Languages with Anne Hodder-Shipp

Maybe you've heard about the Five Love Languages, but maybe they've at times felt...kind of limiting? Confusing? Problematic, even?  There's a reason for that, and you're not alone. That's why Anne Hodder-Shipp decided to reimagine some things:  What "The Modern Love Languages" are and how they're different than what we might already be familiar with (it's not just that there are 18 of them!) How you can apply The Modern Love Languages in your life way beyond your romantic relationships Whether or not it's important to find people whose love languages "match" your own The origins of the "original" Five Love Languages and why they might be more harmful than helpful Taking sex and relationship education onto social media in the 2020s ...and more! ABOUT ANNE: Anne Hodder-Shipp, CSE, ACS, (she/they) is an award-winning certified sex and relationship educator dedicated to providing accurate, expansive, and compassionate care. They are the founder and lead educator at Everyone Deserves Sex Ed, a sex ed and professional development organization, and they work with people and couples of almost any age to help build skills, knowledge, and confidence around identity, pleasure, relationships, and communication. Most recently, Anne wrote the groundbreaking expansive love language ebook, Speaking from the Heart: 18 Languages for Modern Love, and its accompanying guide, The Speaking from the Heart Workbook: A Practical Guide to the Modern Love Languages. SHOW NOTES: themodernlovelanguages.com The Modern Love Languages workbook EDSE's sex educator certification @theannehodder on Instagram @theannehodder on TikTok   Follow Katie on Instagram Leave a review on iTunes (and subscribe to the WANTcast if you haven't already!) Subscribe to The (Good) Word, our monthly email digest filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk Visit womenagainstnegativetalk.com
Feb 14, 2023 • 51min

151: LOVE IS A VERB with Dr. Carrie Kholi-Murchison and Holley M. Kholi-Murchison (*Best Of The WANTcast rebroadcast)

True love, real love, "the one"... the way people describe love is pretty and aspirational, but ultimately super vague. What does love actually feel like? How do you know it's love and not just old habits or displaced desires? Is love even a noun at all, or is it an action? In this episode, I talk to partners in life, love, and business, Dr. Carrie Kholi-Murchison and Holley Kholi-Murchison) about: How to truly be in relationship and partnership with someone else....and also honor yourself and your own desires. Re-evaluating and reflecting about the way you relate to love HOW THE HECK do you separate your own self-love from the love you experience from someone else — especially if that person fills many roles in your life? and more! (this episode is a Best Of The WANTcast rebroadcast — so if you loved it the first time around, listen again to gather even more gems you might have missed!) ~ ABOUT HOLLEY Holley M. Kholi-Murchison is an artist and cultural geographer began her career more than 15 years ago. She is not just a writer, a strategy consultant, an entrepreneur, a speaker—she is an explorer and a trailblazer, forging her own path and teaching others to do the same. ABOUT KHOLI Dr. Carrie Kholi-Murchison, also known as Kholi, is a writer, editor, critical thinker, entrepreneur, and growth strategist. She’s been helping individuals and organizations realize their visions for more than a decade. ~ SHOW NOTES: Holley's website Kholi's website Holley on IG Kholi on IG Skillshare course: Build The Next Chapter Of Your Career From Holley, With Love multimedia newsletter Kholi on Patreon Celie & Squeak HOLI. Brands Tell Me About Yourself book The Liar by Amiri Baraka   Follow Katie on Instagram Leave a review on iTunes (and subscribe to the WANTcast if you haven't already!) Subscribe to The (Good) Word, our monthly email digest filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk Visit womenagainstnegativetalk.com
Jan 31, 2023 • 15min

150: How Do You Cultivate INNER STRENGTH, For Real?

We've all heard "it's what's on the inside that counts" — but what the heck does INNER STRENGTH actually mean, and how do you cultivate it beyond just knowing it's important? What this stage in the process of writing a book has been bringing up for Katie in the background The call with a friend that served as a metaphor for Katie's experience with STRENGTH Why some of the tangible qualities we choose to go after in our lives are important, but not enough How to turn your focus onto what you CAN'T see vs. what's visible and measurable and more! SHOW NOTES: Carrie Kholi-Murchison on the WANTcast SUBSCRIBE to The Good Word, WANT's monthly emails from Katie, on Substack! Love the WANTcast? Share it with a friend, subscribe, and leave a review on Apple Podcasts telling people why you love it. Find us at womenagainstnegativetalk.com Follow Katie on Instagram at @katiehorwitch, or visit katiehorwitch.com

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